AMAZIAH C. EDGAR was born at Virginia, Cass county, Illinois, May 12, 1845. His father, George Edgar, was a native of Franklin county, Kentucky, and was there reared and married; he emigrated to Illinois at an early day, and was one of the honored pioneers of Schuyler county. After a few years he removed to Cass county, Illinois, and located at Virginia, engaging in farming near that place. In 1849, when the gold fever swept the country, he joined the train of emigrants journeying to the Pacific coast. He remained in the Golden State sixteen years, and then returned to Illinois and resumed agricultural pursuits in Cass county; his death occurred soon after his return. He was united in marriage to Elizabeth Nall, a native of Kentucky and a daughter of Gabriel and Fanny (Tuttl) Nall. To them were born four children: Martha, Robert, Amaziah C., the subject of this biography, and Henrietta.Mr. Edgar received his education at Virginia, and in early life was thrown upon his own responsibility; he also assisted. in the support of the family, and by industry and economy managed to save his earnings until .he could get a start in the world. He resided at Virginia until after his marriage, and then removed to Macon county, Illinois, and purchased a farm near Niantic; here he was engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1882, when he sold this land and came to Rushville, where he lives a retired life.
He has been twice married: In 1868 he was united to Julia (Carr) Cook, a native of Cass county, Illinois, and a daughter of David Carr; her first husband was John Cook, and her death occurred in 1875. Mr. Edgar's second marriage was in 1878, to Eliza E. Ford, a native of Arkansas and a daughter of Elias E. Ford; her father was a Kentuckian by birth and one of the pioneers of Macon county, Illinois; he removed thence to Arkansas in search of health, but soon returned and now lives a retired life at Niantic; he married Sarah McDonald, a native of Ohio. Mrs. Edgar died at Las Vegas, New Mexico, April 23, 1892, on the thirty-fourth anniversary of her birth; she had gone there in quest of health, but the hand of death was laid upon her, and she was called from this life to the reality of the future. She was the mother of two children: Effie May and Ballinger. Mr. Edgar had one child by his first marriage, named Nevada. Politically he has always been a Democrat, and a stanch supporter of the principles of the party. He represented Niantic on the County Board of Supervisors for six years, and as a member of the County Central Committee. He was president of the Macon County Fair Association four years. He is a member of Rushville Lodge, No. 9, A. F. and A. M. In all the walks of life his action has been characterized by that integrity and honor which insures the respect and confidence of the entire community.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 137-138.
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