CHARLES F. JOHNSON, practical farmer and truck-raiser of Beardstown, was born in Salem county, New Jersey, April 7, 1863. He lived in his native State until thirteen, when his parents came to Cass county, setting in Beardstown. The father, Chalkley Johnson, followed his trade as a carpenter until February, 1884, when he and all their children, but one, Charles, went to Sedgwick county, Kansas, and settled on a farm, where the father and mother both live. The latter's maiden name was Luwesia Lippencott. Both were natives of Salem county, New Jersey, where they were reared, married and all their children were born. They had four, of whom our subject is the youngest, and of whom three are yet living,--Charles and two sisters, Mrs. Mary McKennel, of Sedgwick county, Kansas, and Mrs. Ellis Crater, now living in Beardstown.Mr. Johnson has a fine farm of 238 acres, most of it located in township 18, range 11. He has owned it for four years, having managed it on his own account for two years previously. Since he bought it he has made considerable improvement in the buildings. When he was twenty-one years of age he began to raise truck, making a specialty of sweet potatoes. He has been a hard worker and is very successful in everything he undertakes. He has made his large property by his own efforts.
He was married in this county, to Amelia Shuman, born in Hagener Station, Cass county, in 1866. She was reared and educated here, and is a good woman. She is the daughter of John Shuman, who was a native of Germany, coming to America when a young man and settling in Cass county, where he spent his last days as a farmer, dying in 1888, aged sixty-eight. He was a good man and a member of the German Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a Democrat in politics. His wife died in 1867, after the birth of five children, of whom Mrs. Johnson is the youngest. All the other children are now married. Mrs. Shuman was born in Germany, and her maiden name was Kate Loeb. She was a good wife and mother, and a member of the German Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mr. Johnson and wife have three children,--Viola, Gurtre and Nettie. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Johnson is a Republican in politics. They are worthy, good people.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 294-295.
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