COLUMBUS T. WALKER, of Virginia precinct, is a native of Fauquier county, Virginia, born May 12, 1838. His parents were Solomon and Emma (Wilkins) Walker. Both were natives of Virginia, father born in 1804, and the mother four years later. They removed to Cass county, Illinois, in 1855, and located on a farm near Virginia; here they both died, the mother in 1881, and the father in 1890. They had nine children: William W., Darius N., Peter L., Columbus T., Mary F., Churchill A., David T., Jennie E. and James T.Columbus T. was nineteen years old when he came to this county, and has resided here ever since. He attended the schools in this precinct after arriving in the county. He first learned the tanner trade, and also learned to be a leather dresser, but did not follow the business after leaving Virginia. He has been a farmer all his life. He has a farm of 100 acres, on which he has excellent improvements. He is a Republican in politics, although all his brothers are Democrats. He has held all the township offices, and has been School Director for fifteen years, also Road Commissioner and Judge of Election, etc. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is a Deacon, having held that office for twenty years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and has been since 1859, and now is a Past Grand of Saxon Lodge, No. 68.
He was married in Cass county, February 8, 1866, to Emma J. Angier, a native of Cass county, born October 10, 1846. Her parents were Addison G. and Annie e. (Wilson) Angier of Ohio. They were among the earliest settlers in Cass county; mother is still living in the county, but father died April 7, 1890.
Mrs. Walker died March 16, 1889, leaving seven children. She was aged forty-two at her death. The children are: Ella G., born December, 1865, married Edward Tink, and died in 1892, leaving two children; Edward A., born in December, 1868, married and resides in Kansas City; Hattie M., born May, 1871, married Charles Etchison, and resides in Virginia precinct; Louie F., born August, 1875; Charles H., born April 1878; George R., born April, 1881, and Dollie, born March, 1884. He married for his second wife, Mrs. Leona Walker. She was a native of Cass county, and the daughter of George and Permelia (Freeman) Arenat. Mrs. Walker is a member of the Christian Church.
Mr. Walker is a man of representative type,--a distinction among his fellows attained by his honest, straightforward business methods and fine social qualities. His successes in life justly merit for him the approbation of business associates and competitors, and from the same source he receives warm sympathy for the late reverses which in a degree have temporarily checked his usual flourishing condition.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, page 300-301.
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