EUGENE J. SCOTT, one of the leading farmers and stockmen of Schuyler county, Illinois, was born at Georgetown, Scott county, Kentucky, June 3, 1845. He passed a quiet, uneventful youth, remaining under the parental roof until his marriage. He was first united to Miss Ida V. Watson, March 15, 1877. She was born in Collinsville, Illinois, February 7, 1847, and died in Schuyler county, Illinois, January 1, 1881; her father was a physician, who died when she was yet a child. By this marriage one child was born, Eugene W., the date of his birth being February 6, 1879, and the place Rushville township. Mr. Scott was married a second time, April 10, 1888, when he was united to Miss Nora L. Finch, who was born in Greenfield, Greene county, Illinois, July 6, 1855, a daughter of Thomas and Eliza Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Scott are the parents of one child, Thomas F., born May 28, 1889.Mr. Scott lived on a farm four years after his marriage, and then rented the land and removed to Rushville; here he owns a pleasant residence, and is very comfortably situated. He makes a specialty of the breeding of fine horses and cattle, his favorite stock being Hambletonian horses and red-polled cattle; he has some of the finest animals in the State, in which he takes a just pride.
In politics he is allied with the Democratic party. He is a member of the school board, and in this capacity has done his utmost to further educational advancement. In all the walks of life his actions have been characterized by the highest integrity, and he is well worthy of the confidence reposed in him by his fellow men.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, page 167.
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