GEORGE W. TRONE, one of the most practical and progressive farmers of Schuyler county, has resided here since
he was a youth of fifteen years. He was born in Carroll county, Maryland, April 4, 1849, a son of Adam Trone, a native of York county, Pennsylvania. The father was a miller by trade, and followed that vocation in Pennsylvania and Maryland; he settled in Carroll county before his marriage, and resided there until 1858, when he removed to Illinois and settled at Astoria, Fulton county; there he operated a mill until 1863, when he invested in land in Rushville township; the remainder of his life was devoted to agriculture. He was united in marriage to Rebecca Erb, a native of Carroll county, and a daughter of John Erb. The paternal ancestors of our subject were of German extraction, while those on the mother's side were of Irish origin. Mrs. Trone still resides on the farm in Rushville township. George W. received his education in the common schools of his native county, and at Astoria and in Rushville township. When but a boy he began to assist his father in the mill, but he preferred farming, and did not follow the trade any length of time. After the family removed to Rushville township he was occupied on the farm until be attained his majority.In 1871 he bought a tract of land in Bainbridge township, one-half of which he sold afterward. In 1880 he purchased the farm be now occupies; it consists of 150 acres of land in Rushville township, and the most of it is in a high state of cultivation. In 1883 he sold fifty-three acres. Mr. Trone devotes his entire time to farming and stock-raising; be breeds high-class registered stock, and frequently exhibits at the county and State fairs, and as frequently carries off the prizes.
He was married in 1874 to Sarah R. Boise, a native of Rushville township and a daughter of Matthew Boise; they have three children: Libbie E., George Carl and Earl R. The mother is a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Politically, Mr. Trone affiliates with the Democratic Party.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, page 149.
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