Henry C. Keil
HENRY C. KEIL, a large and very successful dealer in all kinds of hardware, stoves and tinware, was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, November 7, 1848. He grew up, attained his education and learned his trade of tinner in his native country. His father, Johanas Keil, is yet living in Germany at his old home, and is seventy years of age. He has been all his life a farmer. He had married a Miss Elizabeth Moell, a native of his own province. She died at the age of sixty years. She and her husband had belonged all their lives to the German Lutheran Church.Henry Keil is the eldest of four children. After coming to this country and locating in Beardstown in 1867, he went back by way of Hamburg, Germany, in 1873; he returned to Beardstown in the spring of 1874, and has since lived here. He followed the tinner's trade for some time. He began business for himself in 1876, and has from that time on been increasing his stock and his trade. He carries a full line of first-class goods in a fine brick store of his own building, which he erected on Main street in 1890. He is a live man, full of business, and one who works for the best interest of his city and county. He has been a stockholder in the First National bank since it was started, first as a private bank in 1877, and later a national bank in 1887.
He was married in Beardstown, to Sophia Weis. She was born at Hamilton Station, Cass county, and was there raised and educated. She is the daughter of John and Catherine Weis, who both died on their old farm in Cass county. They were pioneers in Cass county, having come about 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Keil are members of the Lutheran Church, as were their parents. They have three smart children: Alma, Arthur and Edwin, all still at home.
Mr. Keil is a Republican in politics, has been Alderman of the city for several terms, and is a fine man in every way.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 241.
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