John W. Snyder
JOHN W. SNYDER, a well known and highly respected citizen of section 20, Buena Vista township, became a resident of Schuyler county in 1834. He is a native of Virginia, having been born in Frederick county of that State, June 4, 1823. His father, Jacob Snyder, was a farmer. He married Margaret Hughes, and in 1834 emigrated to Illinois, locating in Buena Vista township, where he at first rented land, but later purchased a tract, adding to it from time to time until he owned about 500 acres. This he improved by erecting a good substantial residence and commodious barns for his grain and stock, and in time brought the land to a high state of cultivation. He died September 28, 1865, aged sixty-seven years. His wife, the mother of our subject, had died on November 7, 1849, at the early age of fifty-one years. She was a woman of intelligence and warm impulses, a faithful wife and fond mother, and left many friends to mourn her loss. They had four children: John W., James, now residing near Hamilton, Illinois; Joseph, a resident of Littleton township, Illinois, and George Edward, residing in Buena Vista township, same State. The parents were consistent members of the Methodist .Protestant Church, and contributed to its support. Politically the father was a Democrat, but was never an office seeker, or politician in the modern sense of the term.

The subject of our sketch, John W. Snyder, was but a mere boy when his parents came to Illinois, since which time he has continued a resident of Schuyler county. He was reared to log-cabin life on a farm, and received his education in a log schoolhouse. He lived at home until he attained to the age of manhood.  He married, June 18, 1848, Miss Cynthia Blackley, a daughter of William and Jane Blackley. She was born in Tennessee, November, 1825. After his marriage our subject resided on the farm on which he still lives. He commenced with 260 acres of land, with no improvements, and now owns l90 acres, well improved with good house and barns for grain and stock and other modern improvements, while his land is well cultivated, being devoted to mixed farming.

Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have had nine children, six of whom are living. Sarah Jane was born June 21, 1849, and married Harvey Cole. She died in Buena Vista township May 3, 1878, leaving three children. Margaret E. was born December 12, 1850, and resides at home. Martha E. was born April 3, 1853, and died June 18, 1856. Mary E. was born April 3, 1853, and married George Warrington, and resides in Buena Vista township. Lydia F. was born November 18, 1859, and resides at home. Louisa A. was born December 27, 1862, and married Ross Pittman, and now resides in Rushville, of Schuyler county, Illinois. Cynthia B. was born October 9, 1864, and died December 15, 1864. Hannah L. was born, May 24, 1867, and resides at home. Mazie C. was born September 25, 1868, and lives with her parents at home.

Mr. Snyder affiliates with the Democratic party, and has been honored by his constituents by an election to the office of Justice of the Peace, in which capacity he served his county ably and well. Like his parents before him, he is a Protestant Methodist, to the support of which church he contributes. Commencing life with little means, he has, by industry and economy, accumulated a competence, and by reason of his honest dealings and cordial manner he has won the friendship and good will of the community.

Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 135-136.

Copyright 1999-2006 Judi Gilker; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercial use of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with the information.

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John W. Snyder--Biography  
John W. Snyder
JOHN W. SNYDER, a well known and highly respected citizen of section 20, Buena Vista township, became a resident of Schuyler county in 1834. He is a native of Virginia, having been born in Frederick county of that State, June 4, 1823. His father, Jacob Snyder, was a farmer. He married Margaret Hughes, and in 1834 emigrated to Illinois, locating in Buena Vista township, where he at first rented land, but later purchased a tract, adding to it from time to time until he owned about 500 acres. This he improved by erecting a good substantial residence and commodious barns for his grain and stock, and in time brought the land to a high state of cultivation. He died September 28, 1865, aged sixty-seven years. His wife, the mother of our subject, had died on November 7, 1849, at the early age of fifty-one years. She was a woman of intelligence and warm impulses, a faithful wife and fond mother, and left many friends to mourn her loss. They had four children: John W., James, now residing near Hamilton, Illinois; Joseph, a resident of Littleton township, Illinois, and George Edward, residing in Buena Vista township, same State. The parents were consistent members of the Methodist .Protestant Church, and contributed to its support. Politically the father was a Democrat, but was never an office seeker, or politician in the modern sense of the term.

The subject of our sketch, John W. Snyder, was but a mere boy when his parents came to Illinois, since which time he has continued a resident of Schuyler county. He was reared to log-cabin life on a farm, and received his education in a log schoolhouse. He lived at home until he attained to the age of manhood.  He married, June 18, 1848, Miss Cynthia Blackley, a daughter of William and Jane Blackley. She was born in Tennessee, November, 1825. After his marriage our subject resided on the farm on which he still lives. He commenced with 260 acres of land, with no improvements, and now owns l90 acres, well improved with good house and barns for grain and stock and other modern improvements, while his land is well cultivated, being devoted to mixed farming.

Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have had nine children, six of whom are living. Sarah Jane was born June 21, 1849, and married Harvey Cole. She died in Buena Vista township May 3, 1878, leaving three children. Margaret E. was born December 12, 1850, and resides at home. Martha E. was born April 3, 1853, and died June 18, 1856. Mary E. was born April 3, 1853, and married George Warrington, and resides in Buena Vista township. Lydia F. was born November 18, 1859, and resides at home. Louisa A. was born December 27, 1862, and married Ross Pittman, and now resides in Rushville, of Schuyler county, Illinois. Cynthia B. was born October 9, 1864, and died December 15, 1864. Hannah L. was born, May 24, 1867, and resides at home. Mazie C. was born September 25, 1868, and lives with her parents at home.

Mr. Snyder affiliates with the Democratic party, and has been honored by his constituents by an election to the office of Justice of the Peace, in which capacity he served his county ably and well. Like his parents before him, he is a Protestant Methodist, to the support of which church he contributes. Commencing life with little means, he has, by industry and economy, accumulated a competence, and by reason of his honest dealings and cordial manner he has won the friendship and good will of the community.

Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 135-136.

Copyright 1999-2006 Judi Gilker; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercial use of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with the information.

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