LOUIS W. CARLES, a well-to-do and a successful farmer and stock-raiser, living on section 30, township 18, range 11, was born in this township in 1847, and was here reared and educated. He is the son of George H. Carles born in Germany in 1818. He was of pure German ancestry. His wife's name was Elizabeth Crims, and she died at the age of sixty-one. She and her people were members of the Lutheran Church. The father and his children, in September, 1844, started for the United States, landed in New Orleans, and on the largest steamer then running on the Mississippi they came to Beardstown. They arrived January 10, 1845, having been three months on the way. Soon after landing Mr. Carles and one son purchased land in the county, and before long the family became large land owners. Here Mr. Carles, Sr., spent the last years of his life, and died when eighty-six years. He had always been identified with the Lutheran Church as had his parents before him. George H. Carles, Jr., has, since he came to this county been a resident near Bluff Spring station. He is yet smart and active, and runs the having many friends in the county, among the early settlers. He was married in 1842, in Hanover, to L. O. Nora Deydrick. She was born and reared in Germany. Mrs. George Carles is yet living, and is quite feeble. She is a Lutheran, as is her husband. Mr. Carles is a Democrat.Louis is the only surviving member of quite a large family. Mr. Carles has been a resident of this county all his life. He has a fine farm of 160 acres, well supplied with good farm buildings. He still attends to overlooking everything himself. He is a well informed man of good judgment, and is a prominent citizen.
He was married, in this county, to Caroline Musch, daughter of John and Albidena (Leppe) Musch. Her father came from Germany, and now resides in Virginia, Cass county; and her mother was born on the vessel from which she was named on the passage from Germany to America. She died in this county when past middle age. Mr. Musch has married a third wife, who is still living.
Mr. and Mrs. Carles of this notice are energetic young people and faithful members of the Lutheran Church. They are the parents of eleven children, two of whom died young: George H., Jr.; Gustav A., Robert G., William M., Herman H., Louis W., Jr., Julius O., J. Albert and Paul B. The whole family is an honor to the county in which they live.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 166-167.
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