MRS. NANCY GREEN was born in Ohio, November 30, 1824, and lived there until two or three years of age, and then came to Kentucky with her parent.. They were James and Lovey (Tolle) Tolle, both born in Virginia, who had gone to Ohio in an early day. In 1836 they concluded to move West and sold every thing except some household goods, and with a two-horse wagon came overland and first settled in Schuyler county for two months. They then came to Brown county and entered eighty acres of land and bought 160 more of that partly improved, and hewed out a log hut in which they lived until about 1850. They then sold out again and went to Grundy county, Missouri, where Mr. Tolle bought an improved farm of 180 acres and there lived until his death, but he had sold the farm before this. He was living at the home of his daughter Sarah when he died, aged about seventy-four years. The mother of our subject died at the same place, aged about sixty-five years. There were ten children, four of whom are yet living. The father was a wheelwright and chair-maker. The grandparents on the mother's side were Reuben and — Tolle, and the paternal grandparents were William and Diana Tolle.The marriage of our subject took place January 28, 1843, to Mr. Hiram Green, who was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, December 25, 1817. He was the son of John and Sarah (Newby) Green, who lived in Virginia all their lives and died about middle age. The husband of our subject came to Illinois about 1888, with some of his relatives, and worked by the month for some time, but was a cooper at the time of his marriage. He bought a farm of 160 acres in the county of Brown from a man who had improved it; but Mr. Green built a log house and there they lived for about six years, and then he bought another eighty acres and built a better house. There the family lived until 1873, when he sold it and bought his present farm of 240 acres on which are all improvements. He died August 2, 1877. He was a Democrat in his politics but did not bother much about them.
Our subject and her husband started with nothing and at the time of his death had acquired as fine a farm as there is in the county. They were faithful members of the Union Baptist Church for years, and he was an active member, assisting in the building of it and was lamented by all at the time of his death.
Mrs. Greene, the estimable lady whose sketch we are presenting, is well known in the township where she and her husband have shown to the world a life of married felicity. She has been the beloved mother of fourteen children and is not only esteemed above all others by her immediate family but by the neighborhood. We close this short notice with the names of her family. Mary Jane is at home; Sarah is married and has two children; Lovey M. is married and died leaving four children; Ann G. is married and has seven children; Juliet is married and has five children; William F. is married and has six children; Celinda F. is married and has five children; Angeline is married and has four children; George W. is married and has three children; Parlina is married and has two children; Olive; Almira is married but has no family.
Mrs. Greene looks after the farm herself and rents to her son George, who carries on a very successful mixed farming.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 198-199.
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