William T. Treadway
WILLIAM T. TREADWAY came to Cass county (then Morgan) with his parents in 1829. He was the son of Edward and Elizabeth (Anderson) Treadway, natives of Maryland, raised near Baltimore. They moved from there after marriage, to Hamilton county, Ohio, and from there to this county. The family is English-Scotch. They had eight children, of whom the subject was the fourth; only three are living, and he is the oldest. They are Edward, Owens and Elizabeth. The parents died here and are interred in the Monroe cemetery.William was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, August 22, 1819, hence was ten years old when he became a resident of Cass county. Sixty-three years of his life have been spent in this county, forty-one of them on his present farm. He was educated in the subscription schools, grew to manhood a farmer, and followed that occupation all his life. He is now enjoying the fruit of his early industry, and is living a retired life. During his residence in this county Mr. Treadway has witnessed a wonderful transformation from a wilderness to a populous and prosperous community. His farm in this precinct was partly improved when be bought it, and this was his first real estate in the county, though he spent about twenty-one years here before this purchase. He is a Democrat in politics, and has held the various county and precinct offices. He owns 290 acres of tillable land, has a good house and fair improvements. His farming is divided between grain and stock-raising. The Treadway family has always been noted as a robust race, always enjoying long lives, and have been represented in America for six generations.
He was married in this county, in 1850, to Mary McHenry, who has borne him nine children, all living: Jacob, Margaret, Mary, Nancy, James, John, Louisa, Joseph and Jefferson. Two daughters and one son are unmarried. The others are all married and are farmers, except Joseph, who is in the agricultural business at Virginia City. Mrs. Treadway died in 1879, and her husband is still unmarried.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 213-214.
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