ZEBULON ALLPHIN resides on section twenty-two, Huntsville Township, and is not only a prosperous farmer, but a specimen of 1835, born in Boone county, Kentucky, in July, 1832. His father Reuben Allphin, was a native of Kentucky in 1801, and was the son of Zebulon Allphin, born in Virginia, but emigrated to Kentucky, where he died at the age of ninety-six years. He had nine children, of whom two are still living: William, Dollie, Jackson, Luke, Shelton, Ransom, Rebecca, Nancy and Reuben. All came to Schuyler county except Dollie and Ransom, who removed to Kentucky. Father of subject was a small boy when the family removed to Kentucky and was reared a farmer and overseer on his father's plantation. He married Susan Brumback. She was born in Virginia in 1800. In 1835 they came to Illinois and settled at Camden. Some time after they settled on section ten, Huntsville township, where he purchased a claim. In 1840 he removed to Rushville and remained five years, when he enlisted in the Mexican war. In 1848 he came to McDonough county. In 1850 he returned to Schuyler county, and after the Civil war went to St. Joseph, Missouri, where he pursued farming until 1870. He then returned to Schuyler county and passed his remaining years with his children. His wife died in 1852. They had eight children: William, Zarilda Thornhill, Sarah Hills, Henry, James, George W., Zebulon, and Susan Brumback. The parents were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The father is buried in Rushville and the mother in Huntsville. Mr. Allphin was a Democrat, and held local offices. He was reasonably successful as a farmer, notwithstanding he was an uneducated man.Zebulon was but three years old when he came to Schuyler county and lived with the family until he was married. He was educated at the district schools.
He was married in 1852, to Mary L. Calvin, daughter of Samuel and Phoebe Calvin, and a native of Ohio. After marriage Mr. Allphin settled where he now resides and soon purchased 160 acres of unimproved land. He has since resided on the same, and now owns over 240 acres of land. He is a general farmer dealing in live stock. Mr. and Mrs. Allphin have eight children: William C. resides in Carthage, Missouri; James Henry resides in Huntsville township; Addie, wife of Frank Seward, resides in Huntsville township; Cornelia, wife of Harvey Hoover of Clark county, Missouri; George M., at home; Leonidas, of Huntsville; and Jessie, at home. Mr. Allphin is a Democrat in politics. He has been Supervisor several times and has held minor offices. His wife died February 25, 1890. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Allphin is a member of Huntsville Lodge, No. 465, A. F. & A. M. He has made all his property himself.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 134-135.
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