Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois,
Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, PAGES 507
FRANCIS EUGENE CADY is one of the prominent pioneers and substantial farmers of Schuyler county, born in Stafford county, Connecticut, December 4, 1825, being a son of Isaac and Sarah (Chapman) Cady. Francis was ten years old when the family came to Illinois, landing June 12, 1835. The family soon settled in Camden township, entering the northwest one quarter, section 18. Here he grew to manhood. He was reared on the farm, but learned the trade of bricklaying and plastering. After he was married he settled on section 18, on eighty acres of land, entered by his half brother, Alonzo Jones. Mr. Cady gave his attention to his trade for awhile, and then went to California in April, 1853, crossing the plains with an ox team most of the way. He was accompanied by his brother, M. E. Cady, and they took 150 head of cattle and thirteen head of horses. He remained two years and pursued mining, being successful at that occupation. He returned via the Isthmus and New York city. He now owns 160 acres of land, which he has well improved and on which he has erected a nice set of farm buildings. He was married in 1855 to Percilla Norvall, of Clairborne county, Tennessee, a daughter of William and Mary (Jenkins) Norvall, of Scotch parentage, the former born in Virginia, the latter in North Carolina. Mr. Norvall received a good education and was a lawyer by profession, and was married twice, his second wife being Mrs. Cady's mother. He died at the age of sixty-five years, in 1825. Mrs. Cady was one of eleven children. A part of the family came to Illinois and settled in Huntsville in 1835, and Mrs. Cady was among the number. Here the mother died in 1858, aged seventy-two years. Her brothers and sisters are: William, Timothy, Ralph, John, Sarah, Henry, Nancy, Rufus Audren and Mrs. Cady. Mr. and Mrs. Cady have had four children: Mary, wife of Henry King, of Huntsville township; Isaac N., a ranchman in California; William E., farmer of Huntsville township; Francis E., at home. He is a Democrat, but has never sought public office. He is a member of Camden Lodge, No. 668, A.F.&A.M. |
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