Frank T. Ritchey
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois,
Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, Page 601
FRANK T. RITCHEY, a farmer and resident of Rushville township, was born in what is now Buena Vista township, Schuyler county, Illinois, September 19, 1844, being the only son of George s. and Lucinda Ritchey. His father was born in Dayton, Ohio, and lived there until 1831, when he emigrated to Schuyler county, having nothing but a large stock of health and youthful spirits upon which to draw for a livelihood. Energy and industry spurred him on and he continued a hard working man, living to see himself possessed of a good competence. In 1831 neighbors were far apart in old Schuyler, deer being far more numerous than human beings. When he married Lucinda Walker, of Kentucky, he took her home to a log cabin, where the subject of this sketch was born. The year following this latter event Mr. Ritchey removed with his family to section 6, Rushville township, upon land he had previously purchased, and, except two years spent in California, he resided there until his death. His wife also died on the old home farm. Mr. Ritchey, Sr., was mourned as a good farmer, a kind neighbor and a good friend. Frank Ritchey received his early education at the district school, the first one being held in a log house with furniture of the most primitive kind, the benches being mere slabs. Later he took advanced steps in the public schools of Rushville, where he was fitted as a teacher. He engaged in teaching and farming until 1872, when he went to Crawford county, Kansas, and there taught school for two terms, after which he returned to Illinois, and has resided ever since, in Rushville, where he now owns a nice farm of 255 acres and is engaged in general farming and stock raising. He was married in 1876, to Catharine F. Sands, of Rushville township, daughter of Robert and Frances Nall Sands (see sketch of R. E. Sands). Four children have blessed this union, namely: Lora E., Lucinda F., George F. and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchey are consistent members of the Christian Church. He is an active member of the Republican party, and, as all good citizens should do, takes a deep interest in all that concerns the well being of his county, State and the Union. |
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