George Edward Snyder
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois,
Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, Page 501
GEORGE EDWARD SNYDER, a prominent farmer and respected citizen of section 15, Buena Vista township, Schuyler county, Illinois, was born in the same section on which he now resides, the date of which event was October 7, 1836. His parents were Jacob and Margaret (Hughes) Snyder, natives of Virginia, who located in Schuyler county, October 5, 1835. His father was born August 9, 1798, and died September 28, 1865, aged sixty-seven years. His mother was born March 23, 1798, and died November 7, 1849, aged fifty-one years. She was a woman of many admirable traits of character, much beloved, and lamented by her family and friends. His parents were married February 10, 1822, and located in Schuyler county, Illinois, October 5, 1835. They had four children: John W., born in Frederick county, Virginia, June 4, 1823; James W., born June 14, 1830, now residing on a farm near Hamilton, Illinois; Joseph W., born July 9, 1833, resides in Littleton township, same State; and the subject of our sketch. Our subject was reared on a farm, and attended the district schools. He lived at home and assisted on the farm, until he was married, on October 25, 1859, after which he farmed for himself. He married Margaret McCreary, daughter of Robert and Fannie McCreary. After his marriage, he rented land in Buena Vista township, on which he remained for two years, and then purchased 320 acres in Huntsville township, where he lived until the death of his father, in 1865, when he sold his farm and returned to the old homestead, where he has since resided. He owns 162 acres of land and has good improvements. Besides agriculture, he deals largely in live stock, in which he is very successful. His wife died March 16, 1877. She was a woman of ability and was much lamented by her family and friends. She left six children: Roland M., who was born September 9, 1862, now a farmer of Buena Vista township; Charles died at the age of seven years, four months and twenty-seven days; Florence was born April 10, 1867, and married P. Bartlow, now residing in Littleton township; Fannie was born August 8, 1870; Dwight C. was born May 27, 1874; and Carl C. was born September 14, 1876. Our subject married a second time September 26, 1877, his choice being Mrs. Eva Ann Boyles, nee Krieole. She was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1845. Her parents were David and Mary Krieole, both natives of Pennsylvania, who removed to Ohio about 1846, locating in Benton county. Here their daughter, Eva Ann, married John H. Boyles, October 6, 1861, who in 1869 removed to Illinois, locating in Augusta, Hancock county, later removing to Schuyler county, where he died September 19, 1873. He was a soldier in the Civil war, a member of Company D, Ninetieth Ohio, and served for three years, dying from the effects of disease contracted during his service. He left five children: Mary E., born November 2, 1862, who died aged sixteen years and three months; Martha Ann, wife of William Krieole, resides in Macomb, Illinois; Nora J. was born April 9, 1868, and died in 1873; Daniel H. was born March 12, 1870, now residing in Littleton township; Viola M. was born December 16, 1872, and died in May 1874. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have two children: Lee Edwin, who was born January 29, 1878, and Eva Lena, born June 22, 1882. Politically, Mr. Snyder affiliates with the Democratic party, and has been honored by his constituents by an election to a membership of the School Board, in which capacity he has served for twenty-one years, and has also served as Road Commissioner for a period of three years. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder belong to the Methodist Episcopal church, of which they are respected members. Upright in his dealings, of high morality, and great industry, he has accumulated a comfortable supply of this world's goods, and what is best of all, enjoys in addition thereto the hearty goodwill of his fellow citizens. |
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