In the spring of 1826, Mr. Samuel Green and Miss Caroline Trainer were married, at the cabin of
the bride's father, James Trainer, on the quarter section on which now lives Mrs. Applegate, near Littleton. The cabin was small, say 16x18 feet. The company was some dozen,
besides the family. There were two beds and a table in the house, leaving but little room for the guests. The night was stormy. The chimney was but a little above the jambs,
and the smoke found vent in the house. Chairs then were not fashionable, and there was no room for them if they had been so. All went off well. A plenty to eat--vension,
turkey, honey and metheglin, besides other luxuries. Songs were sung, old fashioned plays were the order of the night; but as all things come to an end, so did the