of Brown and Schuyler Counties Illinois 1918 |
Abbreviations Used in this Directory
a - Acres
Ch - Children
O - Owner
T - Tenant or Renter
R - Rural Route
Sec - SectionMaiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses
Figure at end of information is year became resident of county
Name of farm follows names of children in quotation marks
In case of a tenant, the farm owner's name follows the figures giving size of farm
Naught, Dwight C. (Ruth Taylor) Rushville R7 Woodstock Sec2 O83a (1890) Tel. RushvilleNaught, George (Minnie Stremmel) Ch G. Harold, *Esther E., *Dwight C., *Mabel C.; Rushville R7 Woodstock Sec16 O120a (1865) Schuyler and Mutual Tels. Rushville
Naught, Mrs. Lydia (Lydia Herche) Ch Lizzie, Nancy, *James H., *George W., *Katherine; Rushville R2 Woodstock Sec35 O130a (1853) Schuyler Tel. Rushville
Neeley, Glen (Jean Whitson) Ch Nancy Dorcas, John Tullis; "Prairie Springs Farm" Littleton R1 Littleton Sec17 T240a Mrs. Anna Moore (1892) Tel. Littleton
Nell, Gus R. (Mary E. Nardin) Ch Eugene, Robert, *Everett; Birmingham R1 Littleton Sec6-7 O161a Brooklyn Sec11 T632a Laura Fellheimer (1900) Tel. Farmers' Line Brooklyn
Nelson, Charles K. (Maude Brubeck) Ch Burton, Gladys, *Thelma; Frederick Star Route Frederick Sec6 O260a (1874) Mutual Tel. Rushville
Nelson, Clarence H. (Winnie Rawlins) Ch Emory H., Alfa; Littleton R1 Brooklyn Sec26 O10a (1877)
Newell, Charles (Lillie Valentine) Ch Herman, Carl, Ruth, Charles. Jr., Lyle, *Samuel, *Ray; Rushville R5 Littleton Sec24 O160a T160a Harley Curry (1871) Tels. Farmers' Line Rushville and Littleton
Newell, Frank N. (Eva E. Suddeth) Ch Elva, Tommie, Truman, Lucile; Browning R2 Browning Sec23 O30a (1879) Mutual Tel. Browning
Newell, Grover C. (Anna Stambaugh) Ch Louis; Browning, Browning Sec13 T80a W. E. Jones (1892) Mutual Tel. Browning
Newell, John (Catherine Long) Ch *Bertha, *Nora, *Frank, *Nell, *Grover; Browning Browning Sec23 T40a (1851) Mutual Tel. Browning
Newell, L. D. (Melissa Harris) Rushville R3 Bainbridge Sec21 T70a Louis Schnake (1865)
Newell, M. F. (Sarah Rankin) Ch Joy, William, Ellen, Ray, Emory, Maude, Marguerite, Mabel, Blanche; Huntsville Star Route Birmingham Sec27 O300a (1914) Tel. Farmers' Line Huntsville
Neylon, John (Anna Sweeney) Rushville R6 Buena Vista Sec31 O90a (1876) Tel. Rushville
Nichols, Mrs. Ellen Huntsville R1 Huntsville Sec1 T1a William Eaton (1913)
Noel, C. C. (Harriett Sharon) Ch Dean, *Ethel; "Spring Hill Farm" Birmingham Birmingham Sec11 O450a (1856) Tel. Farmers' Line Plymouth
Noel, F. M. (Lizzie Granger) Ch Chester, *Zola; "Silverton Farm" Augusta R1 Birmingham Sec18 O184a (1863) Tel. Farmers' Line Augusta
Noel, John (Opal Phelps) Frederick Frederick Sec7 T80a N. Noel (1890) Bell Tel. Beardstown
Norris, G. O. (Lela Willis) Augusta R3 Birmingham Sec31 T130a Mrs. M. A. Willis (1917) Tel. Farmers' Line Augusta
Copyright 1999-2001 Robin L. W. Petersen; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercial use of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with the information.