Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
April 11, 1872
Corporation Election
Rushville elected her board of trustees on Monday last. The whole number of votes polled was 277. The several
candidates were voted for as follows:
Peter Fox...89
Geo. Branstool...90
James Cooney...91
Joseph Dyson...93
G. W. Smither...112
William Hill...117
John Putman...134
W. B. G. Putman...137
John L. Sweeney...167
Samuel Ramsey...169
E. M. Anderson...171
Abner L. Noble...171
Ezra Jackson...172
Jonathan Neill...189
The last seven names therefore constitute our board of trustees till April, 1873.
The vote for marshall was as follows:
Willard Wilmot...7
Henry Nelson, Sr...24
Wallace Seeley...93
Henry Austin...140
The first six gentlemen names on our list and Brower Putman were nominated at a meeting held in the court
house on Thursday evening. A majority (not all) of them were supposed to be favorable to relicensing the billiard saloon. The last six named and John Putman were put in
nomination at a public meeting held in the court house on Saturday evening, and were regarded as the anti-billiard, anti-license ticket. If, therefore, the new board shall
refuse to license a public billiard saloon for the current year, and will hold all whisky-sellers to a strict accountability for violations of the town ordinances,
they may rest assured they have the sympathy and moral support of a majority of their constituency.
The Republicans of Frederick succeeded in electing their entire ticket this time, that old staunch
Democrat Jesse Darnell refusing to run for supervisor.--Rushville Times.
Ha! ha! ha! think of any "old staunch Democrat" refusing to run for an office! Preposterous! A staunch
Republican writing us from Frederick says:
"Mr. Darnell's son came into town early on election day with his pockets full of tickets, {wonder where he
got them printed, eh?} having his father's name at the head for supervisor and the balance of the Republican ticket annexed, for the purpose of getting as many Republican
votes as possible. This really made the supervisorship the test of the election. The Democracy polled a full vote, their whole strength, and the vote for supervisor resulted
as follows:
E. Hinderer, Rep., 59
Jesse Darnell, Dem., 34"
How's that for--"old staunch Democrat refusing to run?"

Brummell Sapp
Birmingham, Illinois, March 31st, 1872.
Editor Citizen:--Another one of the old citizens of our county has passed away. On Sunday morning, about five o'clock; March 31st,
Brummell Sapp breathed his last. He had been quite feeble for some time, but a few days before his death he was taken very severely with lung fever. Brummell Sapp was born
in North Carolina; came to Schuyler county in the year 1831; lived in Rushville the winter after he came to the county, and in the spring of 1832 he moved to Birmingham
township, where he has ever since lived on the same farm to the day of his death. B.
MURRAY.--At the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Stevens, in Bainbridge township, on the 3d inst., of
lung fever, Mrs. SARAH MURRAY, in the 82d year of her age.
PERSINGER.--At his Grandfather's (Mr. Allen Persinger's), on the 3d instan. HARRY, son of Lewis Persigner,
aged about twelve years.
He was thrown from a horse about two weeks before while running a race with another boy; was taken sick the
next day, and continued to decline till relieved by death. Only one daughter now remains of this family.

- Mr. John Gillam, son of Mr. Amos Gillam, of McDonough county, formerly of this vicinity, was visiting his former
home and friends hereabouts last week, preparatory to leaving for California, where he proposes to make his home.
- Master Daniel Strosnider left last week to visit his brother in Hamilton, Mo.
- Mrs. Dr. Wilson (nee Helen Hoskinson) is visiting her parents in Rushville this week.
- The Rev. J. H. Delano, of Littleton, and John Knowles, of this place, will exchange pulpits next
- Judge Walker arrived home last week and proposes to spend some time at home, being over wearied with office
- Mr. Byrnes (of the firm of Wells, Goodwin & Byrnes) and family, of Chetopa, Kansas, have arrived, and will
make their permanent home in Rushville.
- Mrs. E. P. Chase, of Des Moines, Iowa, has been visiting her relatives in Rushville the past few days. She speaks
very highly of her new home.
- Mr. James Dennis who recently completed his school term in Chambersburg, Pike county, is at home this week, and
expects to leave on Saturday, to try his fortunes in Arkansas. Will teach school in Batesville, Ark., and thereafter take up the practice of law. If industry and
perserverence can bring success, friend Dennis will succeed.
- Mr. Wm. Nelson arrived home from his Texas trip on Thursday last. He has traveled over the state considerably and
speaks quite flatteringly of it; says there is a large emigration pouring in, mostly from the older southern states and southern Kansas, and there are millions of acres of
the finest looking land he ever saw yet unoccupied. Farmers can live confortably there on four hours' labor per day. Says our correspondent James R. Davis is doing a
captial business in photographing, and has one of the best galleries he saw in the state.

- See notice of final settlement of Mr. Daniel Berry's estate.
- S. S. concert in Presbyterian church next Sunday at 3 p.m.
- Sunday school convention next Wednesday at Osceola, Browning township.
- Mrs. Wm. Corbridge will have a public sale of property at her residence, on the 20th inst. See
- The M. E. church sociable will be at the residence of Mrs. E. McClure on tomorrow evening. All are cordially
- A woman's wire-purse found on the church door steps is in the post-office, waiting for the owner. Come and get it
and pay for the notice.
- Presbytery of Schuyler county met Tuesday evening last in Mount Sterling. Rev. W. C. Burchard and Elder William
Speed, of this place, have gone over as delegates.
- The third quarterly meeting of the M. E. church for Rushville station will be held next Saturday and Sunday. Elder
Wallace presiding. Preaching at 11 a.m. and at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.
- The third quarterly meeting of the Rushville circuit, M. E. church, will be held at Ebenezer church, 2 1/2 miles
west of Rushville, next Saturday and Sunday, 13th and 14th inst. Everybody is invited to attend.
- Our town schools were resumed on Monday last, after a week's vacation. We believe the next vacation occurs the
first of July, and continues to September, unless a longer time should be needed to complete the new building.
- The newly elected assessors will see among our "new advertisments" (people that do not look over the
advertisements of a live newspaper, like the Citizen, are not wise) that they are called to meet in Rushville on Wednesday next, 17th inst.
- Warm April showers and warm days are rapidly mantling the earth in green and bedecking tree and brush with bloom.
Croakers are taking great delight in predicting a wet spring. Of course! too dry must be followed by too wet, too cold, by too hot, and all
- Mr. Moses Godlove, of this place, has just exchanged his house and lot (one-fourth acre) on Washington street,
opposite the ex-west school house, for 75 acres adjoining his Mecum farm between Brooklyn and Birmingham, giving $400 difference. The exchange was made with Mr. John
Cooper, who takes immediate possession.
- Messrs. Roach & Anderson, successors to Roach & Young, have given the public an advertisement of their
drug store in our columns this week, and we want all to read it. These gentlemen propose to merit a good patronage by prompt and close attention to business, by keeping up
a complete stock of reliable goods, and by an accommodating spirit with all.
- The people of Christian Neck neighborhood, about seven miles north-east of Rushville, who have hitherto been
sending their children to a shocking bad old log school house, are to have a new building of more modern style, to be built this summer. The vote for a new house was
decided one week ago last Monday; only one vote cast against it. That is commendable. The people will now have a more comfortable place for holding Sunday-school and
- Rev. W. C. Burchard and Elder Speed held religious services at Oakland school house on Wednesday afternoon and
evening of last week, and completed the Church organization. There are now twenty-six members. The Elders are Archibald Woods, Robert Aten and Geo. Simpson. The Church is
named the "Oak Valley Presbyterian Church." We hope now to hear next that the enterprising people of this neighborhood have taken steps to erect a house of worship. They
have the ability, and if a few will buy say it shall be done, why, then, it will be done.

The Hardware Trade
Rushville has great reason to be proud of its hardware stores. On the first day of March, 1853, R. H.
Griffith formed a partnership with his brother, who had been running a small tin shop for six months, and established the first hardware store in Rushville. The partnership
continued a few years, when it was dissolved, and the business has since been continued by R. H. Griffith at his well known stand on the north side of the square. The
building was erected by the old firm in 1855, and has since been enlarged from time to time as the necessities of a rapidly increasing business demanded, until now he has
one of the most spacious stores and warehouses to be found in our town. Mr. Griffith has just signalized his entry upon the twentieth year of his business by making some new
improvements, and as we took a look through the premises a few days since, guided by the proprietor and his gentlemanly assistant, Mr. E. McClure, who has grown to be almost
a fixture in the establishment, we thought we would tell our readers a little of what we saw, and leave them to ascertain the rest by a personal inspection
The first thing that arrests attention is the beautiful new front which is now, as we write, receiving its
coat of paint, and will soon be filled with an assortment of flower stands, bird cages, all bought directly from the manufacturers, etc., etc.
On entering the building we find that the entire east side of the lower room has been furnished with new
shelving to afford increased accommodations for the mammoth stock which they are now receiving. These new shelves are already filled with tinware, French pressed ware,
Japanned goods, heavy hardware such as grindstone fixtures, seat springs, etc., sieves, woodenware, and a thousand other things we did not have time to
On the other side we saw a stock of table and pocket cutlery, the variety and extent of which astonished me.
We learned that these goods were bought directly from the manufacturers for cash before the recent advance, and time would fail us to tell of it all. There were pocket
knives at from five cents to fifty cents for the boys and finer qualities for their fathers; table knives of every style, some new and very beautiful, rubber handled knives,
toy knives and forks, butcher knives, bread knives, silver plated forks, spoons, etc.
But the most attractive feature of this side of the room is the new arrangement of the goods in drawers and
boxes, with samples fastened outside, thus enabling the customer to see at a glance the article he wants and call for it.
In the center of the room were stacks of shovels, spades, forks, hoes, rakes, etc., and further on a huge
pile of nails that seemed enough to build up the town if it should burn up like old Chicago did, although we found another nearly as large in the warehouse. Then come the
samples of stoves, and in the farther end the proprietor's desk, where you will always find him busily engaged in writing and straightening up the details of his business,
when not engaged in other parts of the store.
Up stairs we found a stock of Deere's plows that seemed ample for the wants of all our farmers, Moline plows,
pumps, reaper repairs, churns, washing machines, stone ware, etc., in endless variety.
Descending again we were led into the warehouse, where we found stoves stacked in piles by the dozen, iron by
the ton, pots, kettles, grindstones, glass, etc. Mr. McClure informed us that they are selling large amounts of Iron to blacksmiths in Brown county, near Mt. Sterling, the
fact that it is bought in large lots for cash, and by the car load, making Mr. Griffith able to undersell others in iron and nails and still make a living profit. Here also
we found reapers, mowers, sulky rakes, revolving rakes, corn shellers, straw cutters, corn planters, a huge pile of the celebrated Canton cultivators that we thought could
never be all sold in Schuyler till Mr. Griffith informed us he had received less than half his order and had already sold a large number; also other agricultural implements
too numerous to mention.
Going up another stairs we found Mr. Jackson had at work in the tin shop, with piles of tin, sheet iron,
etc., etc., all around him. Here we saw several new and improved machines that enable one hand to do nearly the work of two with ordinary machines.
Such is a brief description of Griffith's hardware store and his mammoth stock. We learn from Mr. G. that he
now buys his hardware largely east and directly from the manufacturers. This requires more capital and greater forethought in purchasing stock in season, but enables him to
sell at the very lowest figures. For instance, he told us that he had already ordered of the manufactuers in Pennsylvania twenty boxes of his celebrated "Wisconsin Wood
Chopper" axes for next winter's trade.
We congratulate Mr. G. on the energy and enterprise which has enabled him to build up so large a business,
and we assure our readers that when they need any thing in the hardware, iron or agricultural implement line, from a Massillon thresher or a reaper down to a paper of pins,
they can find no better place to purchase than R. H. Griffith's.

Having purchased the interest of J. Parrott in the store of J. Parrott & Co., and having just
received a new stock of seasonable goods, I am prepared to offer better inducements than ever before. James H. Parrott.

Lost--On the night of March 25th, a small well-worn pocket book containing about $16 and a list of
apple trees, lost between Neil & Greer's store in Rushville and the Rushville Nursery. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the post-office or with the
undersigned. Wm. H. King.

Attention Farmers--Maier Gillam & Son have for sale a fine assortment of plows and cultivators
of the latest and best manufactures; also corn planters and farm wagons, all of which they will sell at reasonable rates.

Express Box--A box addressed to "Henry Raymond, Rushville, Ills.," expressed here from Mt. Sterling, Ills., is wanting an
owner--charged $1.00.

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