Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
April 4, 1872
McALLISTER--STACKER.--In Brooklyn March 31st, by Henry W. Taylor, Esq., Mr. JOHN E. McALLISTER (late of Fort Scott, Kansas,) and Miss
ELIZABETH STACKER, daughter of Mr. Samuel Stacker.
SPEED.--After a brief illness, ANNA ELIZA CHASE SPEED, daughter of Ellen V. and Dr. Joshua N. Speed, of this place.
Little Anna, though but four years of age, has been a great sufferer. But our heavenly father, who does all things for the best, sent an
angel to take her to that land where there is no night, no pain, no tears. Though it is hard to part with our little ones, we would say to the parents that while
"They gave in tears and pain
The flowers they most did love,
They know they'll find them all again
In fields of light above."
"And not in cruelty, not in wrath,
The reaper came that day,
'T was an angel visited the green earth
And bore this flower away."
Alfred Lane and wife were both buried to-day in one grave. They leave a large family of children in good circumstances. Mr. Lane was a
brother of John Lane, of Isabel, who is known throughout the county. He resided in Hickory township, Schuyler county, and will be mourned not only by his family but among
many friends whom he has assisted in time of need and trouble.--Fulton Democrat 29th.
We are authorized to announce the name of HENRY AUSTIN as a candidate for Town Marshal at the election next Monday.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Town Marshal at the approaching municipal election, HENRY NELSON, Sr.
We are authorized to announce the name of ALANSON NEW as a candidate for Town Marshal at the ensuing corporation election.
We are authorized to announce that WILLARD WILMOT will be a candidate for Town Marshal at the ensuing corporation
LOST--On the night of March 25th, a small well worn pocket book containing about $16 and a list of apple trees, lost between Neil
& Greer's store in Rushville and the Rushville Nursery. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the post-office or with the undersigned. WM. H.
BIG HOGS--Mr. John Graves, near Mound Station, Brown county, sold to Window & Bell, recently, twenty hogs of the Magee stock
averaging 573 pounds gross, the heaviest of which weighed 810 pounds. The lot was sold at four cents. Mr. Gravas is an Englishman, and knows how to farm; keeps none but the
best stock. The same parties bought a steer of him the weighed near 2,000 pounds. We guess this is a little ahead of Schuyler.
New and Good Styles of Clothing and as cheap as the cheapest at Tetrick & Wells'.
S. S. CONVENTION--A Sunday-school Convention will be held at Osceola station, in Browning township, on Wednesday, the 17th inst. Mr.
Clark will have one of his organs there, and a number of our active Sunday-school workers have promised to attend. The citizens of the place will be prepared to entertain all
who may come, and hereby extend a hearty invitation to all Sunday-school friends of their own and other localities to come and enjoy the day with them. Exercises to begin at
10 a.m.
Lime for whitewashing and by the barrel for plastering at J. Parott & Co.'s.
The following are the names of parties to whom marriage licenses were issued from the county clerk's office during the past
Wm. Sherrill and Miss Jeunetta Tyson.
Merritt Brown and Miss Anna J. Brown.
Preston E. Gobble and Miss Deanna McColly.
Andrew McColly and Mrs. Sarah A. Padget.
Henry J. Sapp and Miss Delia Dorsett.
Francis P. Melvin and Miss Emma Roach.
Henry Hatfield and Miss Mary Rittenhouse.
James M. Hedrick and Miss M. A. Lewton.
Bartney Cox and Miss Jane Phillips.
Elbert Parke and Miss Elizabeth Turner.
James Jackson and Miss Nancy Downs.
Wm. D. Kelley and Mrs. Terrissa Winds.
William Horton and Miss Argula Moore.
J. E. McAllister and Miss Elizabeth Stacker.

"Give 'em Fits"--There is a certain business house in Beardstown where the proprietor is in the habit of giving his customers "fits"
whenever they call into his house. And strange as it may seem, after having once thoroughly dressed them, he blandly invites them to come again. They come. If you will
look across to the last column of this page, you will see his name just under that notice of Warren Bros. & Co. The reason he gives 'em particular fits is he has the help
of a very skillful and accomplished cutter, one Major A. F. McCurdy. Besides, Mr. Schneider has just received a large spring stock of goods, and will be happy to see in his
place of business as many of our Schuyler folks as visit the city of Beardstown.
Tetrick & Wells have Boots and Shoes at very low figures.

CHANGED HANDS.--Miss Anna Ryan has just purchased the well-known millinery establishment of Miss Sue Wells, on the north-east corner
of the square, and will continue the millinery and dressmaking business in all their varieties. She has this week opened a new stock of spring goods and notions, such as hats,
ribbons, gloves, hosery, chignons, switches, trimmings, etc. An experienced milliner has been engaged to assist in the business. Customers may rely upon prompt attention and
fair dealing.

ATTENTION, FARMERS--Major Gillam & Son have for sale a fine assortment of plows and cultivators of the latest and best
manufactures; also corn planters and farm wagons, all of which they will sell at reasonable rates.

Eating Room.--Chas. Reed keeps a neat and comfortable eating-room one door north of his bakery, where a single person or a company
of persons can be supplied at any hour with a comfortable meal at fair prices.

Vegetable Market.--Farmers and others can have a good lunch any time of day at John Landon's, east side of the square. He has
cheese, crackers, cakes, sardines, potatoes, onions, apples, all kinds of vegetables, fruits, confectioneries, tobacco, cigars, etc. He has added to his eating establishment
all kinds of family groceries. He has the best article of Hoffman's flour on hand.

At Lacroix's in the post-office are all publications, dailies, weeklies, monthlies. Subscriptions received at publisher's prices.
Fifty-two numbers of weeklies, twelve of monthlies assured to subscribers. Best inks, pens, pencils, writing paper, note and cap, etc., etc., etc. Town subscribers' papers
delivered at their residences.

It is very convenient for us to know just where we can go and get feed for our horses, cows, hogs and chickens, and have it delivered
without costing anything extra. This place is at J. L. Parrott's, where a large supply is always to be found.

Tailoring.--Samuel Heitz & Bro. have opened a merchant tailoring house next to Tetrick & Wells' dry-goods store, where they
keep the best of dress goods for gentlemen and do cutting, making and repairing on short notice. Give them a call when you want anything in their line.

- Mr. Jenkins' singing class in Littleton give a concert next Friday evening.
- Early rose potatoes at John Landon's.
- See Mr. Bishop's card. He has done work for us in his line and has done it well. Give him your
- The M. E. church sociable will be held at the residence of Mr. Josiah Parrott, sen., to-morrow (Friday)
- Dr. Ritchey (dentist), of Elmwood, will be in Rushville next Tuesday, at the Merchant's Hotel. Don't forget the
- Communications against Grant, against the stock law, and from Camden will appear next week. Out friends must excuse the
- It is worth a visit to Tetrick & Wells' store to see their exceedingly neat and tasteful arrangement of goods whether you
buy or not.
- Mr. Briggles is still confined to his bed from the effects of his fall from an apple tree some days since, but gradually
recovering the use of his paralyzed limbs.
- We begin sending our usual quarterly statements this week. We do not send them to offend our friends--simply as reminders of
the state of their accounts on our books. Any error cheerfully corrected.
- Mr. Porter Anderson has purchased an interest in the Roach & Young drug store since the retirement of Mr. Young. The style
of the firm hereafter is Roach & Anderson. Look out for advertisement next week.
- Farmers here around began plowing last week and putting in spring wheat. A general impression prevails that the chinch bug has
been pretty much winter-killed, and many are venturing to put in a considerable quantity of wheat.
- A letter from Elder Henry Smither, of Fulton county, to his brother George in this place, says the lightning on Saturday night
last struck the depot of the R., R. I. & St. Louis railroad at Table Grove, set it on fire and nearly consumed it.
- Sunday-school teachers and scholars will find in our paper to-day the list of lessons for the months of April, May and June.
It will be seen that the lessons are now changed from the New to the Old Testament. The change will be quite acceptable.
- "Four Ace" flour, every sack warranted, at Cooney & Jones'.
- The concert in the M. E. church on Friday night last by Mr. Wilson's class was a grand success in every way--crowded house,
good music; receipts near $80. A meeting of singers is to be held in the Presbyterian church to-morrow night to organize a musical union.
- Tobacco and cigars of choice brands at Cooney & Jones'.
- That rebus in our local papers that attracted so much attention recently, has been answered. According to the terms, the first
prize was won by Jas. A. White, second by George W. Baker; third by John Metz. Mr. Scripps has duly paid his prizes at his clothing store, where he continues to offer the
best of bargains to all customers.
- Green apples, dried and canned fruit of all kinds at Cooney & Jones'.
- The two-story frame dwelling house of Mr. John McLaren, living in the vicinity of our neighboring town Astoria, was totally
burned on last Friday night. The fire caught in some unaccountable manner late in the night from the kitchen fire. His loss is about $3,000, and no insurance. We get the
above from Mr. Geo. Elser.
- All goods delivered free at Cooney & Jones'.
- A fine rain, accompanied with thunder and lightning, fell in this region on Saturday last, giving great comfort to our
farmers, who, in consequence of the long continued drouth, were beginning to grow disheartened. That calamity is yet to come that is to prevent the wheat crop of this year
being one of the heaviest ever raised.

List of Letters.
Letters remaining unclaimed in the Post-office in Rushville, State of Illinois, on the first day of April, 1872.
To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for "advertised letters."
If not called for within one month they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office.
Letters are not advertised until they have remained in the office one month.
G. W. Scripps, P. M.
Armel, Wm.
Atwood, M. W. 2
Arnold, Wm.
Bennett, John K.
Bruce, M.
Ballew, Bengman
Coplin, Z. E.
Cootes, Phillip C.
Carens, Dennis
Dodds, James
Doane, O. E.
Erwin, J. B. 2
Garrett, G.
Green, J. W.
Grear, Alfred
Gregg, H. T.
Hanksley, Mr.
Hollingsworth, Saml.
Herche, Philip
Hamilton, Rebecca
Huchvish, Frank
Jacobs, Lewis
Jefferson, Mary
Luce, Moses A.
Linsay, Virginia
Lee, Willis 2
Moore, Mollie J.
Medley, P. W.
More, Mattie
Morgan, Ed T.
Mack, Franck
Morise, M.
Parker, Isaiah
Stewart, Samuel J.
Steadman, John
Smith, J. M.
Shank, Jacob
Stubbs, Laura J.
Strausbaugh, Adam
Steele, C. H.
Smith, Lydia
Thompson, Hattie
Thayer, N. L.
Van Doren, Geo.
Working, G. F.
Walker, Rebecca J.
Whaland, Wm. A.

In Jackson county a little Miss Bank has been relieved from deafness after four years by the extraction of cherry seeds from her
ear. A warning to children not to eat cherries in the ear.

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