December 21, 1871
LOST BOOK.--The person that has my hymn and tune book will please have it at the M. E. church. JACOB

All persons
indebted to us as administrators of Abraham Hatfield, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment without further delay, or we will be compelled to sue.
Dec. 18, 1871. Administrators.

GRAND CONCERT and FESTIVAL.--The Brooklyn cornet band will give a grand concert and festival in the
Presbyterian church in Brooklyn on Monday evening next, December 25th. All lovers of good music and a good supper are cordially invited to attend. Concert to commence at 7
o'clock p.m. Admission 25 cents; children 15 cents. We have heard this band perform, and can promise a rich treat to all who love good music and will go to hear them. Give
them a good crowd. Their expenses in starting have been heavy.

ROLL OF HONOR.--Names of pupils on the roll of honor for the month of Nov. in Miss Tillie Erwin's
Nellie Parrott, Mary Barrett, Grace Scripps, Anna Wingo, Laura Carr, Ella Carr, Charlie Korstian, Nannie Bodenhammer, John Branstool, Alfred
Moork, Tommy Pemberton, John Little, Willie Sargent, Jefferson Wilson, Willie Speed.
Names of pupils on the roll of honor for Nov. in Miss Ramsey's department:
Anne Riefling, Asa Ewing, August Branstool, John Crosier, Mattie Jackson, Clara Boldenhammer, Alice Cunningham, Lillie Neill, Nannie
Cotrall, Churchill McCabe, Charches Kinnear.

A DISGRACEFUL ROW.--Elder J. L. Palmer, of Ripley, a minister of the Christian denomination, began a series of
meetings in the new school building known as "West Union," a few miles this side of Brooklyn, on Saturday evening last. On Sabbath evening a gentleman, who had previously been
a member of the Christian denomination, but neglected his privileges, came forward, made public confession of his error, and reunited with the Church. A neighbor of his, and a
member of a different Church, occasioned no little annoyance by publicly objecting to that mode of confession. He thought confession ought to be made to private individuals,
etc. After the close of the service, a son of the former approached the other and reprimanded him for his conduct. He replied by a blow in the face, which was returned, when a
fierce mill ensued, during which the combatants got considerably pounded and bruised among the benches. The shrieks and fright of the women and noise of the struggle with the
efforts of friends to separate the fighters made a lively time.
We obtain the above from a gentleman who was an eye witness, and further states that the parties implicated in the fight had been on
unfriendly terms for some time.
We do not know how to apologize for a man who would interrupt a religious assembly, however much his views might differ from theirs. Better
not go to the meeting.

Pork is coming in lively. It has advanced to $3.40 and $3.75 gross and $4.40 to $4.75 net.
Mr. Charles Sheik was in town this week. He is now associated with his brother, J. W. Sheik, in a flourishing commission business in
REVIVAL.--The Rev. Mr. Warrington writes us that a glorious revival is in progress at Salem Church on his circuit, three miles west of
A horse belonging to Mr. Jesse Ingles, of this place, was taken sick on Monday evening last with something like the colic and shortly after
The Rev. Mr. Barrett preached in the M. E. church last Sunday. He presented the cause of the Freedman's Aid Society under authority of a
commission from the Illinois conference.
An afternoon (and possibly evening) meeting will be held in the Bethel school house four miles west of Rushville, on the Scott's mill road,
next Sunday. Several of our Rushville Sunday school workers expect to go out and help.
A new Sabbath school was organized on last Sabbath afternoon at New Bethel, about five miles north of Rushville. The meeting was under the
direction of Mr. R. H. Griffith, of this place, assisted by Mr. J. M. Coyner and a number of teachers from the Presbyterian Sabbath school in this place. Robert Lambert was
elected superintendent and Elder A. S. Robinson (pastor of the church) assistant.--The enterprise starts well, and we wish it a vigorous life.

RUNAWAYS.--Monday afternoon last was made lively with runaway teams.
Mr. John Corrie and daughter Sarah were returning home, and just as the wagon had crossed the railroad track at the depot, one of the horses
suddenly sprang forward and before he could be checked had turned the other horse and careened the wagon so as to throw both occupants on the ground; bruising Mr. Corrie's arm
and cutting Miss Corrie's head considerably, beside inflicting other bruises. The horses ran up to and partly around the public square, when they were stopped by one of the
horses running against the fence and falling. Strange to say, no damage was done to wagon or horses. It was a narrow escape.
At about the time the other team was stopped another one started near the square and ran down at a wild break-neck speed to the depot. We
did not learn the result.
The same day Gideon Goodwin's two-horse team took fright at the depot and ran away with the empty wagon. They took the Macomb road, turned
into the lane at "Uncle Reuben's" and were fotch up standin (Rushville Times will please see the pint) at the gate. No harm done.
The three above named occurred on Monday; early Tuesday morning a team belonging to the livery stable, used for conveying passengers to the
cars, got frightened at the locomotive and suddenly wheeled around, overturned the carriage, driver and all, and then proceeded at a 2-40 pace homewards, leaving the carriage
all along the road in spots, excepting a piece of the tongue which they could not get from from.
On Tuesday of last week a team belonging to Mr. Samuel Deweese, two miles west of town, got frightened at a sheep and ran away. One of the
horses ran against a tree and was killed.
Gentlemen of the ribbons, do be careful.

TEEL-SCOTT.--At the residence of the bride's father, Thomas Scott, Esq.,
three miles north of Rushville, on the 18th inst., by Rev. W. C. Burchard, Mr. JOHN T. TEEL, of Mt. Vernon, Mo., and Miss MARY F. SCOTT.
Our congratulations to the happy pair and acknowledgments for the kind remembrances to the printer. May Heaven's choicest blessings be ever

WILSON.--At his residence, near Littleton, on the 16th
inst. from a paralytic stroke, Mr. ELIJAH M. WILSON, aged near 83 years.
He was buried in the cemetery near Alaric Foster's. Mr. WILSON was an early resident of this county; a devoted member of the Baptist church,
a good neighbor, an estimable citizen whose loss will be sensibly felt. He lived but twenty-eight hours after he was attacked. An obituary next

Frederick School House
Editor Citizen:--The citizens of Frederick have just finished a good commodious school house, of which they have long felt the need.
They boast of the best completed school house in the county.
The house is well constructed of brick material (made and placed in the walls, in a good workman-like manner, by Stargel & Rader), two
stories high, twenty six feet wide by forty-four feet long, containing two good large school rooms, all painted and furnished in the latest and best style.
The school house was dedicated on thanksgiving evening by the citizens and their wives. There was quite an outpouring of the good people of
Frederick to christen the new house and commemorate the day of national thanksgiving and prayer. They all had a jolly good time singing, speaking and a general good sociable
I think that Frederick ought justly to feel proud of her good success in rearing such a fine commodious edifice for the public good. We hope
the young untutored minds may be instructed in commendable literature, such as sobriety, virtue and the love of Christianity. Hope that in this house of intended discipline
the rising youth of the vicinity may be taught that there is a Sabbath day and that they owe a duty to society; that is, to reverence it and keep it

Letter from Nebraska.
Editor Citizen:--In my former letter, as is customary with me, I allowed myself to wander from my subject before finishing it. I did
not quite finish about Brownville. While there I made several very pleasant acquaintances. Among others that of Mr. McCreery, formerly of "old Schuyler", I believe. He with,
another gentleman named Nickel, is engaged in the drug business. They have a very neat, nicely fitted-up store, and I presume do the best business in their line in the
I had fully intended to call upon the editors of the Nebraska Advertiser, but unluckily could not find time. I am told they are
regular wide-awake Republicans, and perfect gentlemen; and, according to my notion (I worked two whole months at the case), edit an excellent paper; but why not X with them
and form your own opinion.
The society of Brownville is first class, being formed, to a great extent, of the families of merchants from the East who, failing in
business there, came to the wilds of Nebraska to retrieve their lost fortunes. They are both refined and highly educated.
The schools are excellent, and under the control of an able and efficient teacher, Prof. Rich, by name. I was allowed the pleasure of a
short acquaintance with him, and found him a perfect gentleman.
Brownville at present is as greatly excited over the prospect of a railroad as was Rushville before getting hers. The Brownville & Ft.
Kearny Railroad is under construction now, I believe, and the rejoicings are great.
We have had unusually cold weather for the past four weeks, winter commencing fully a month sooner than customary. The winds have been
having a grand carnival, howling and sweeping around us like demons. As I write it is more pleasant, yet still chilly and with the signs of stormy weather hanging about. A
great many of the farmers were caught with nearly all their corn out yet, and very few were more than half done gathering. There has been a vast amount raised here this year,
and hundreds of bushels are being wasted. In some places the cattle are turned into the fields to eat and to waste at their pleasure.
On account of the unpleasant weather I was unable to visit any of the neighboring towns, but hope to soon, and then I will try to be more
We often hear the howl of the prairie wolf disturbing the quietness of night. The cold weather brings them nearer the habitation of man; for
well, they know that a good fat turkey makes an excellent meal; and further more they know that turkeys are generally fat about Thanksgiving and Christmas times; as Josh
Billings says, "They haint no phool."
Emigrants pass here very few days going west, though for the past few weeks they have been rather scarce. When will the ambition of the
American public to go west cease? when they reach the Pacific, or will they fill up and build even there, making China ho, the next watchward? I would earnestly advise
any Schuylerite who may contemplate coming to Nebraska to hold on till spring; for to begin acclimatation with the winter season, and such winters as we have here too, is not
only very unpleasant, but to a certain degree dangerous. After one gets used to the milder tempered winds he is better able to stand the colder ones. We get our storms right
from the manufactory (the Rocky Mountains), and they are pure, unadulterated, and of full strength. Any person doubting their strength may test it by trying to walk a mile
through one of them. He then may apply to any circus for a position as a first-class tumbler with the assurance of success.
More soon, Yours, etc. PETE.

From Birmingham, Illinois.
BIRMINGHAM, ILL., Dec., 18th, "71.
Editor Citizen:--I thought I would give a short history of our town, on account of there being a certain class of people living
somewhere outside of Birmingham who thinks that no one lives in our place who cares for himself or society. This is not correct, as I will show.
This town has turned out seven physicians, who now stand at the head of the profession; and another one of our town boys is now reading
medicine. What small town can beat this? It has also turned out one attorney at law.
We have a good church house and a good school house. We have Sabbath-school every Sabbath at three o'clock p.m.
We have also a whisky shop; and who is it that keeps it up and patronizes it? is it Birmingham or the country around Birmingham? It may be
that one or two of our citizens help to sustain this den of sins; but this would not keep this man. Then it is the country around our town that sustains this whisky hole. I do
not mean that all of them patronize this shop, but enough of them do to keep the thing running; and then cry out, "What a hole is Birmingham!" Who is it that has been arrested
for getting drunk and hallooing like wild demons on the streets at night? Then again who is it that gets drunk and have been arrested for disturbing meetings at Birmingham? Is
it some of her citizens? No; her citizens are never guilty of any such thing. But there are some country folks who are, and I would say to such you ought to join some
temperance society, so you could go to a little town with disgracing yourself and the place; and hereafter when you come to our town and get drunk, do not cry out
"Birmingham", for it is you not Birmingham. It is the men who drink whisky that sustain groceries; and every man who frequents a doggery, if he even does not drink,
helps to run it, for he will draw some one else there; and you that live in the country around Birmingham, just keep away from this place where Alfred makes you drunk, and
then it will soon die. I did hear that the grand jury had ordered the sheriff to make this man Alfred a visit, but it appears that he has not done so. Alfred says he does not
care if he does not come at all. But there are others who want him to come, as they think this whisky seller has had his own way long enough. They think he ought to be taught
that there is a power in this country to punish men who violate the laws every day in the week, Sunday not excepted. BIRMINGHAM.

At the New School House,
Friday Evening, Dec. 22, 1871.
Proceeds to be Used in Purchasing an
Organ, Apparatus, Maps, Chart, etc.
Having been appointed an executive committee, we invite the citizens of Rushville and vicinity to unite with us in making the festival a
grand success.
The following committees have been appointed, the first one named being chairman, who has the privilege of adding others to the committee if
Committee of Arrangement.--R. H. Griffith, W. W. Wells, W. S. Irvin, J. M. Coyner.
Canvassing Committee.--Northeast part of town, Mrs. Wm. Ramsey and Miss Kate Irwin; South-east part of town, Miss Sadie Wilson and
Miss Anna Ryan; South west part of town, Miss Kate Smither and Miss Dora Hill; Northwest part of town, Miss Florence Wells and Miss Mary Munroe; In the country, Charles Irvin,
Geo. Hall, John Bagby, Z. L. Daniels, Lewis Seeley and Wm. Seeley.
Committee on Supper.--John H. Irvin, John Putnam, Mrs. Geo. Little, Mrs. Willia Carson, Mrs. Martin Ryan, Mrs. E. D. Leach, Mrs. W.
W. Wells, Mrs. G. W. Metz, Mrs. -. M. Worthington, Mrs. J. H. Irvin, Mrs. James H. Parrott, Miss Phoebe Shearer and Miss Bessie Anderson.
Committee on Oysters.-- Owen Jackson, Morris Hume, Thomas Hall, Mrs. Joshua Sweeney and Mrs. McMurphy.
Committee on Furniture.--John S. Bagby, Charles Nelson, Frank Seeley, Ed. Fox, Richard Greer and Charles McCreery.
Committee on Finance.--M. W. Howard, A. L. Noble, Aug. Warren and J. H. Parrott.
Committee on Lights.--Gideon Goodwin, Luther Jackson, Willis Carson, James Ryan, John Knowles and Charles Goodwin.
Committee on Reception of Strangers.--Thos. Wilson, President of Board of Education, J. M. Coyner, and Miss Annetta
Committee on Reception for the Evening.--J. G. McCreery, John C. Bagby, Joshua M. Sweeney, Miss Kittie Jones, Gideon Goodwin, Miss M.
L. Benney, Miss Anna Ramsey and Miss Anna Ryan.
Auctioneer.--A. L. Noble.
Marshal.--Joseph Dyson.
The canvassing committees will call upon the citizens the week previous to the festival for donations of provisions, money, etc. We hope all
will do something, as all are, or should be, interested. Any donation of value will be accepted, as there will be an auction, at which such things will be sold.
All donations will be collected by a committee on Friday of the festival.

A prominent feature of the evening will be the BAZAR, which will be in charge of committees from the different departments of the School.
Two rooms of the building will be set apart for this purpose, where will be offered for sale books, stationery, pictures, toys of all kinds, notions, confectioneries, fruit,
nuts, etc. Here can be found a general assortment of gifts for the holidays.
Let all come with the determination of having a good time.
Notwithstanding there will be a large gathering, the committee of arrangement, in connection with the marshal, will see that there is good
order. The building will be thoroughly lighted and ample accommodations provided for all who may come.
Admission--Scholars (tickets bought of teachers on Thursday, Dec. 21.)...10
Oysters, per dish...25