Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen

February 22, 1872
CHANGE OF ROAD.--A petition is out for changing the location of the road leading south of town.
Instead of turning to the left at Eratus Potter's and running diagonally across Dr. Mitchell's property, it is to proceed on a straight course southward to Mr. Cramer's, where
it will again strike the old road. It is said the new route will be much shorter than the old and on equally as good ground; and that but few, if any, oppose the

GOOD.--We are informed that the good people of Pleasantview, under the leadership of the Rev. Mr.
Tipton, of that place, have organized an old-fashioned Washingtonian society, which already has near a hundred members. A committee of this society last week waited on the two
rumsellers of the village and gave them a certain number of days in which to wind up their nefarious traffic under penalty of all the power of the law being put in force
against them.

On Sunday afternoon last, about 4 o'clock, Frank, son of Randall Black, living in Pleasantview, accidentally shot
himself while gunning with an older and younger brother, and some other boys, near the town. The accident occurred by his setting the butt of his gun down on the ground over a
large log, when the hammer striking the log or some other obstruction caused an explosion, the shot striking him in the side and causing instant death. Deceased was between
eighteen and nineteen years of age. We are indebted for the above to Mr. A. G. Dupuy.

Mr. Wm. H. Soward, who some years since had charge of the Brooklyn mill, has rented it again, and wants the farmers of
Schuyler to know it. He understands the business of milling thoroughly, and promises if he should miss at any time making good flour out of good wheat to pay the highest
market price in cash for the wheat out of which it was ground, provided the customer will return the flour to the mill. His toll is one-seventh of rye, corn and buckwheat, and
one-tenth of good winter wheat. This mill has a good reputation in Schuyler county, and Mr. Soward is well known as one of the best millers. Give him a

Pleasantview, in this county, appears to be particularly unfortunate in the matter of violent deaths. About fifteen
years since a man by the name of Crosier was thrown by his horse while running a race and both himself and horse were instantly killed. On the occasion of a Fourth of July
celebration, some ten or twelve years since, two men were so badly wounded by the premature explosion of a cannon as to cause their death in a short time thereafter. Some four
or five ince, Mr. A. G. Dupuy's son by the accidental discharge of a gun almost instantly killed. Sometime last year a young man by the name of Rebman was killed by a knife in
a drunken affray. And on Sunday last, young Black was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun, as we have elsewhere mentioned.

- To-day is the anniversary of Washington's birthday.
- Easter Sunday for 1872 falls on the 31st day of March.
- The owners of two lost breast pins will call at the post-office, describe and get them.
- We learn that there is much sickness throughout the county; this is especially true of Bainbridge
- Elder Simpson will preach in the Christian church on to-morrow evening; also on Saturday evening and
- Our former townsman Mr. Thomas Goodwin, Jr., has returned to Rushville and opened a photographic gallery over the
Farmers' & Merchants' Bank.
- Mr. George Barnhart has recently sold his eighty acre farm just south of town to Mr. Christian Briggle for $5,700,
and expects to again become a citizen of this corporation.
- We very much regret to learn that Mr. A. M. Nance, of this place, has concluded to go back to Clayton, in Adams
county. He left on Monday last. Mrs. Nance will remain some days longer with her father, Dr. John B. Hubbard, before following.
- The next M. E. Church sociable will be at the house of G. W. Scripps on Friday evening of this week. The host and
hostess on that occasion will be happy to meet hosts of friends, not only from the congregation, but neighbors and all others. Music and apples
- The first thing you notice in the CITIZEN this week is W. H. Scripps' ingentious rebus. It will afford much
amusement working it out. You may rely on making bargains for clothing at Scripps', and just now, while preparing for his spring stock, is the time to
- Township collectors are settling this week with the county treasurer. The heaviest collector is Mr. Sylvester, of
Rushville. He has deposited $28,000, and will have but a little over $300 delinquent. Collectors complain heavily at the cutting down of their commission to 2 per
- The twenty-fifth snow storm came down for a few minutes on Tuesday last in great flakes as though it meant business.
But on the other side of the clouds a warm contest of some kind took place between the day king and the snow forces, which set the latter to immoderate weeping, and thus we
lost the snow.
- Communion services will be held in the Oakland school house, near Oakland station, by the Rev. W. C. Burchard, of
the Rushville Presbyterian church, on next Sabbath day at 3 p.m. We understand there is a very good state of religious feeling in this neighborhood, and as several are
expected to unite with the church on that occasion the meeting will doubtless be one of unusual interest.
- Prof. Wilson is having his hands full. His adult class, which meets every evening (Sundays and Thursdays excepted),
now numbers seventy-one pupils, and his juvenile class thirty-five; besides two select classes in voice culture, meeting at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. He meets his adult class also
for gratuitous instruction at 3 p.m. He proposes also at the close of his term (a week from next Tuesday) to give a public concert free to all who pay twenty-five
- Mr. Henry Austin, who has had charge of our county poor-farm since 1861, a period of eleven years, has rented of Mr.
Owen Seeley, the well known Luke Seeley place, in the south-west part of the town, and is having it overhauled, preparatory to its occupancy on the 1st of March. It is but
seldom a man occupies so responsible a place as that of keeper of a poor-farm so long a time. It speaks well for the keeper and his estimable wife; for no small share of
labor and responsibility rests upon the wife, who has to see more particularly to the clothing and the general culinary and sanitary regulations of the
- The twenty-fourth snow storm of 1872 began early on Friday morning last, and closed about 4 p.m. same day, leaving
the deepest snow-covering on the ground of any of its predecessors. There was splendid sleighing that day; but on Saturday King Sol smiled warmly on the scene, and there
followed a melting time. The snow was quite damp when it fell, and thus proves to be the best thing possible for gradually moistening the dry ground beneath. A rain would
have run off from the frozen surface of the ground into the ditches and streams like water from a duck's back.

LAMASTER.--At her father's, near Center, in Bainbridge townhip, on the 14th inst., of croup, DELLA T.,
daughter of Abram and Mariah Lamaster, aged nearly 4 years.
Her death was very sudden. She was taken ill at night and died in the morning. The funeral services was held in
the family residence on the 15th inst., in the presence of many friends, who deeply sympathized with the bereaved and stricken parents, brothers and sisters. It was a rich
pleasure to hear her sing with deeply solemn mood, yet with the freedom and simplicity of a child, the sweet choruses of Sabbath-school songs; especially the chorus, "I will
follow Jesus all the way," etc. But her sweet songs with her voice is hushed on earth. She has gone to sing with the angels in bright glory. G.

Died HARRIS.--At his residence,
near Newberrytown, on the 17th inst., of lung fever, HARDIN H. HARRIS, aged 45 years.
Mr. Harris was one of the earliest settlers of Bainbridge township. He was a member of the Baptist

GOODWIN.--in Rushville, on the 17th inst., MARTHA ELIZABETH, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Goodwin, aged
8 years and 6 months.

BAXTER.--At her residence, six miles north-east of Rushville, on the 20th inst., of gastric fever, Mrs.
MALINDA J. BAXTER, wife of W. H. Baxter, aged 32 years.
Her funeral took place from the residence of her father, Mr. Asa Goodwin, Sr., at 2 p.m. yesterday. She was a
member of the M. E. Church, and though suffering much physical pain, died in great peace.

Mr. Wm. Cunningham, of Mount Sterling, Mr. Alonzo Upson, of Brooklyn, and Mr. Robert Frakes, of that vicinity, all died last

Married, on the 14th inst., at the residence of the bride, by Rev. J. C. Rucker, Mr. Jas. Logsdon and Mrs. Adaline Nall, all
of this place.

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