Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
February 29, 1872
FATAL ACCIDENT.--Mr. John S. Ward, formerly of this place, fell under the cars at Brownsville, Mo.,
on the 8th inst. and had his arm taken off at the shoulder joint, from the effects of which he died. He leaves a wife (formerly Miss Catherine S. Colt) and four

A WHISKEY STORY.--On Monday last Michael Manyx was brought before Police Magistrate McCreary and
found guilty on nine charges of selling whiskey. $90 is what it cost him.
Charles Reed was in the same office on Tuesday under similar charges, and was found guilty five times. $50 is
what it cost him.

AUCTION CONTINUES.--Wells & Goodwin have created no little excitement at their daily and nightly
auction sales during the past few days. We are told that they are selling all their goods considerably below cost, and that purchases can be made at any time at auction rates.
They still have a large variety of good goods on hand, and will continue to sell till all is gone. If you want cheap goods, now is the time to get

A NEW ENTERPRISE.--Messrs. George and Ralph Greer, of this place, have opened a livery stable in
connection with the popular Merchant's Hotel. They keep none but the best of horses and rigs. Travelers desiring swift and comfortable conveyance to any point in this or
neighboring counties, or families wanting safe and reliable teams for picnics or visits to friends in the country should go to these young men. Let their enterprize be
rewarded with a good patronage.

"PINK" AVERY BAILED.--On Monday last a brother of Pink Avery became his surety in the sum of $600;
but, with the prison jewels still on him, he was immediately rearrested on a warrant from Brown county for the robbery of a coal digger, whom he knocked down and robbed of a
gold watch and $250 in money early last fall, and for which he was indicted by the grand jury of that county. He will probably be held here until next week, when the Brown
county circuit court will be held and he removed to Mt. Sterling for trial. The proper place for this man is inside the walls of Joliet, and we doubt not justice will be done
him by Judge Higbee and the jury that will investigate the charges against him.

- The woolen mills started again last Monday.
- Supervisors' came for Schuyler county meets on the 12th of March next.
- Mr. Henry Nelson, Sr., is a candidate for town marshal.
- Mr. Rensalear Wells, who has been quite sick, was out again on our streets this week.
- Schuyler County Agicultural Committee meets every Saturday at 1 p.m. in Bagby's office.
- The M. E. church sociable will meet at the residence of Mrs. George Johnson on next Friday
- Roach & Young, druggists, have disolved partnership; Mr. Young having sold his interest to his
- Dr. M. M. Prentiss, Jr., has just returned from his attendance on the winter term of the Eclectic Medical College at
- Mr. Ed. Worthington, of Bardolph, has been spending a few days with his mother, who has been quite sick, but is now
- In the good work now going on with our whiskey sellers, some of the witnesses are hiding when wanted. Fine them, Mr.
Magistrate, for contempt of court equal to the value of a "found guilty"; every time!
- Mr. Jeremiah White, from Council Grove, Iowa, came back last week to look out for a home. He informs us that he will
probably make his residence in Mt. Sterling. He might as well come to Schuyler at once.
- The stockholders of the Springfield, Illinois & South Eastern Railroad meet this week in Springfield to elect,
officers etc. Mr. McCreery has gone over. On his return we may have something definite to say regarding their connection through Schuyler with the
- On account of the destruction of material by the Chicago fire, the delivery of the county map, by Messrs. Andreas,
Lyter & Co. has been necessarily deferred till the present time. A copy is now in our office, and the general delivery is expected to begin next week. We have only space
this week to say that the work is equal to the promise, and to a citizen of the county, worth many times its cost, and will become more and more valuable as it gets older.
Those who have not subscribed will regret it. Will say more hereafter.
One of our whiskey drinking citizens was so badly poisoned by an early morning glass of Manyx's
warranted-forty-fights-to-the-gallon whiskey one day last week that by the time he had walked from the den to his house (not a great distance) his face presented an
alarming appearance; and it required the most active treatment of a skillful physician, who, providentially, met him on the street, to save his life. Think of this, you
poor slaves to whiskey! smacking your lips every day over such poison. In God's name burst the shakles that bind you, and be men! You can do it.

HOWELL.--Feb. 26th of lung fever, at his residence six miles south of Rushville, JOHN HOWELL, in the 46th year
of his age.
Deceased was born in Indiana October 1st, 1828, and came to Illinois with his father when a boy. He was married
to Mary Stutsman Aug. 31st, 1849, and settled on his present homestead in Woodstock township. He suited with the M. E. church in March, 1860, and was a worthy member of the
same, occupying an official relation most of the time until his death. By his death the church loses an efficient worker, and the neighborhood its most active and influential
member. Deceased leaves a wife and twelve children to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father.

ANDERSON.--In this place, on the 21st inst., Mrs. JAMES L. ANDERSON, aged 59 years and 7
Mrs. Anderson was born in Lewisburg, Va., in 1813, was married in 1834; came to Rushville March 19th, 1839,
where she has ever since resided. She was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church. Sometime last summer she received severe injuries by a fall, from which she has ever
since been a great sufferer, but buoyed up by an abiding faith in her
Saviour, whose rod and staff supported her through the dark valley.

DONALDSON.--Feb. 25th, of lung fever, at her residence eight miles south of Rushville, Mrs. SARAH
JANE DONALDSON, wife of James Donaldson and step-daughter of John F. Sanford, aged 22 years; leaving two children, the youngest three weeks old.

EDMONSON.--Feb. 24th, of lung fever, at her residence nine miles south of Rushville, Mrs. MARY ANN EDMONSON,
wife of Wm. Edmonson, aged about 30 years.

LISENBY. Feb. 22d, Mrs. WM. LISENBY, of the same neighborhood.

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