Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
February 8, 1872
A letter from Rev. Mr. McElfresh came too late for publication to-day.
The M. E. Church sociable will meet at Mrs. Jacob Graff's next Friday evening.
One of our mercantile firms, having a large cellar has lost a large quantity of fine apples by the
The regular monthly Sunday-school concert takes place next Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Presbyterian
There is much sickness throughout the country, especially among the children. Mostly lung fever, as we are
Our former townsman Mr. James R. Davis comes to the defense of Texas, and uses some plain language. Read his
We find that among our best farmers, here around, the opinion prevails that the wheat crop thus far has not
been materially injured.
The Sabbath-school at "White Frame," west of Littleton, is to have a concert at 8 p.m. next Sabbath. They use
the "Hallowed Songs."
The Newberry farm of 108 acres, at Newberrytown, is to be sold at auction in the court room in the court house
on Monday, the 19th of February.
Communion services will be held in the Presbyterian church in this place on next Sunday. Preparatory sermon as
usual on Saturday; services on Friday night.
The open and shameless way in which whisky is sold in Rushville is a disgrace to the town. Slipping in at back
doors has gone out of fashion. "No license" is a dead letter.
We are indebted to the Rushville silver cornet band for a fine musical treat the other night. The boys are
steadily making headway under the daily drill of their excellent teacher, Mr. Hulick.
We notice that the Rev. Mr. Guild, the blind Baptist minister who was here a few years since, is holding a
great revival meeting in Galva, on the C. B. & Q. road. He was recently in Prairie City.
On Monday morning of this week our wheat fields and dry, smooth roads were treated to a fine snow. Mr. John
Landon, who has kept a record thereof, says this Monday snow was the twenty-third this season. Last winter there were twenty-one snows.
Parson Rucker went to Beardstown last Wednesday to assist the Rev. Mr. Akers in a revival meeting in progress
there in the Methodist Church. He remained over Sunday. His pulpit here was supplied in the forenoon by Rev. Marcellus Sweeney. The congregation visited other churches at
Our county judge, county clerk, and circuit clerk were each the recipient last week of a free pass for the year
1872 over the Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis railroad. Very cleverly done, was that. Some of our boys think that this is a sure sign now that the road is to be built
through the county this year. But if the editors are not to have a pass, we hardly see just how that can be done.
The new Christian church, near Mr. Alaric Foster's, north of Rushville, sometimes called "New Bethel," is named
"Bethany." They have a very large Sabbath-school in it, under the charge of their pastor, Elder Albert Robinson. Last Sunday there were seventy-four scholars present, besides
teachers. They use the "Pure Gold" singing book. On Sunday afternoon last they had a very pleasant concert.
A GOOD DAY'S WORK.--On Saturday last Mr. James Penny took in 1858 ties at the depot; on the preceding
day 1184. To take in 500 or 600 per day is considered a good day's work. Ties are worth forty cents.
VALENTINE DAY.--Valentine's day begins on Wednesday next, 14th inst., and we believe the day lasts the
remainder of the week. Those who want a nice valentine will find a good assortment of them at Lacroix's news depot, in the post-office.
NOTICE.--The members of the board of the Schuyler county Agricultural Society will meet at the law
office of J. C. Bagby on next Saturday (10th), and regularly on the second Saturday of each month thereafter. S. B. MONTGOMERY, Secty.
Our neighbor can call attention to two or three of our typographical errors in his next
issue.--[Rushville Times.
Well now, really we are puzzled to know how our cotemporary knew he was going to have typographical errors in
our next issue. If he meant two or three errors in his issue we acknowledge to the modesty of the demand. Why not have said a score or more, instead of two or
We learn that the feature of the cattle law requiring pounds and pound-masters in each township was
stricken out on its final passage. We have the views of our Birmingham correspondent on this law. As it will come up for a vote of our people next November we invite others to
give us their views. The subject should be well discussed; although we have but little doubt that the law will not be adopted in Schuyler.
It was an inspiring sight on Saturday last, the forest of wagons and horses hitched around the public
square fence, down the side streets, out in the vacant lots, and jostling each other on the streets, but a sight that is losing its novelty by frequent repetition. Rushville
has never done more business at any time in the whole forty-five years of her existence than she is doing this winter. We have had good crops, and a railroad to take them to
We are indebted to Mr. Wm. E. Mason for the principal portion of the above.
PERSONAL.--Friend Tetrick, of the firm of Tetrick & Wells, has returned from his visit east, and
is at his usual post again.
Mr. George Allen and wife (Josie McCreery), of Mt. Sterling, were in town last week on a visit among
Mrs. Nannie McGinnis, of Winchester, and Mrs. Callie Rice, of Missouri, are both visiting among friends in
and around Rushville.
Wm. A. Campbell started for his home near Tecumseh, Nebraska, on Wednesday last. His brother Charles will
remain a few days.
Mr. Thos. Austin returned from Texas last Friday. He likes the climate, and says the general appearance of
the country is much like that of Illinois, but the soil is not so good. He thinks, also, that the general state of society is not equal to that of the north. He does not
expect to return.
Theo. Bridgewaters has also returned from Texas.

School Reports for January.
Names of pupils whose average grade is 90, or above:--
High School.--Sarah Ritchey 96, Emma Hoskinson 96, Ellen Leonard 95, Emma Coyner 92, Lizzie McMillan
91, Carrie Putman 90, Hattie Ramsey 90, John S. Bagby 97, Ed. Graff 97, Charles McMillan 97, Ed. Scripps 97, Lewis Seeley 97, Hiero Taylor 97, Luther Jackson 96, Wm. Seeley
96, Z. L. Daniels 95, W. E. Dennison 94, Wilbur Ritchey 94, Franz Irvin 94, George Walker 93, O. W. Hainie 91.
Second Grammar Department.--Junius Leach 99, Morris Bagby 97, Marcus Parrott 96, Katie McAllister 95,
Harris Griffith 95, Anna Colt 94, Carrie Rose 94, Bell Kinnear 94, Mary Stevenson 94, Sarah Lee 93, Alice Bower 92, Amanda Odell 92, Theodore Noble 91, Humphrey Griffith 91,
Pussie Wells 91, Hattie Beard 90. MISS ANNETTA McCREARY, Teacher.
Third Intermediate Department.--Lulie Sweeney 97, Ida Irvin 96, Clara Bodenhammer 96, Anna Riefling
95, Edna Rose 95, Lillie Neill 94, Prudie Wilson 94, Nathan Spangler 92, Charles Kinnear 91, Asa Ewing 91, August Branstool 91, Bell Stansburry 91. MISS ANNA J. RAMSEY,
Fourth Intermediate Department.--Hugh Greer 98, Lydia Anderson 97, Daniel Strosnider 95, Alice
Hainline 93, Luella Austin 93, Ida Seeley 92, Lillie McCreary 91, Mary Sparks 91, Maria Baxter 91, Grace Little 91, Charley Lowe 90. MISS MARY CARSON,
ROLL OF HONOR.--The following have been marked 100 in their respective departments in punctuality, attendance
and deportment:--
High School.--Emma Erwin, Anna Irvin, Mary Bower, Mabel Thomas, Sarah Ritchey, Libbie Erwin, Emma
Hoskinson, J. S. Bagby, W. E. Dennison, Z. L. Daniels, Lewis Godlove, Edward Graff, Lewis Seeley.
Second Grammar Department.--Hattie Beard, Amanda Odell, Josie Robinson, Morris Bagby, Harris Griffith,
Junius Leach, Marcus Parrott.
Third Intermediate Department.--Lulie Sweeney, Ida Irvin, Arthur Parrott, Louis Riefling, Clara
Bodenhammer, Asa Ewing.
Fourth Intermediate Department.--Mary Sparks, Hugh Greer. xxxxxxxx

JOSEPH G. ATKINSON.--We only recently heard of the death of Mr. Joseph Atkinson. He died Nov. 15th,
1871, near Rockville, Miami county, Kansas, at the house of Hon. Samuel Hymer, of consumption, aged near 40 years. He was a member of Co. H, 2d Ill. Cavalry, and served
honorably during the war. He was one of our regular correspondents during the service. After the war he resumed for a time the occupation of school teaching in Bainbridge
township. He afterwards removed to Kansas, where some two or three years since he professed religion and united with the M. E. Church. He was consumptive, and three days
before his death was taken with palsy in his side.

Near Tecumseh, Neb., January 29th, 1872, THOMAS CAMPBELL, aged 24 years.
When death claims the old man, full of years, we lay him tenderly under the green sward, and pass on our way,
saying in our hearts, "His time had come; the ripe fruit is gathered home." When this relentless reaper gathers the tender infant we strew him with flowers and say, "It is
well with the child, he is taken from the troubles to come." But when this grim rider in his merciless power cuts down the young man in the vigor and prime of his ... life
and usefulness just opening our before him, the voice sounds clear and distinct in every heart, "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not I will
Thomas Campbell in early youth was noted for his clear, bright intellect, giving rich promise of good things
to come and though for years burdened with a heavy affliction, his mind still retained great strength and vigor. For a long time connected with the M. E. Sunday school here,
his earnest love for the Scripture and respectful attention won the highest esteem of his teacher. He seemed always inquiring the way of truth, but during the revival last
spring he came out distinctly on the Lord's side, professed peace in believing, and asked the prayers of the Church for himself and dear friends. Soon after he removed to
his Nebraska home, where his health was so far improved as to give his friends good hope for the future, till suddenly the word came over the wires "Thomas is
Now all we can say is farewell for a season. Where the Christian's hope is, death cannot conquer. He may seem
to overcome for a season, but He who led him captive in his own domain has said, "Where I am, there shall ye be also." S. S. TEACHER.

McCREERY--McNEELEY.--On the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, in Oakland township, by Rev. W.
R. Carr, Mr. ROBT. H. McCREERY and Miss MARY E. McNEELEY.

CATLIN.--At the residence of his son-in-law, A. Pierson, in Augusta, Ill., January 24th, 1872, of congesion
of the lungs, DAVID CATLIN, in the 83d year of his age.

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