January 4, 1872
SUSPENDED.--We very much regret to learn that the foundry in this place has been closed, for want
of means to run it. Our suggestions, made a short time since, that farmers, mill owners, etc. should advance the means for its continuance has been unheeded. The value of a
foundry in Rushville will be acknowledged when our people will be again compelled to send off to neighboring counties for castings. In the meantime, there is a good opening
in Rushville for some enterprising man who has the capital to invest in the business.

A GOOD ENTERPRISE.--Messrs. Little & Ray are building a grain elevator beside the track of the
C., B. & Q. railroad, near the depot in this place. The rock foundation especially, and the whole structure are constructed in the most substantial manner. The capacity
of the elevator is 15,000 bushels, and is adapted to both wheat and corn. Messrs. Burnison & Barker, of Altona, Knox county, were the contractors. The cost of the
structure will be in the neighborhood of $3,500.

OUR SCHOOLS.--Our district schools opened yesterday in the new school building. There are yet two
departments that will remain for a couple of weeks in the old factory building till rooms can be prepared in the new house. It is a happy day for our children and youth to
occupy the large, light, healthy rooms of the new building. We can well understand how a comfortable, well arranged, neat edifice like this, supplied with good school
furniture, apparatus, and a corps of good teachers is a rich blessing to a community, and of a thousand fold greater intrinsic value than the amount of means expended in its
construction. While we feel the four-per-cent tax used in its construction and other expenses as heavy as any tax payer, yet we pay none more cheerfully. We regret the house
was not fully completed before the schools went into them. We presume arrangements will be made to finish the work during the summer vacation.

THE following are the names of parties to whom marriage licenses were issued from the county
clerk's office during the past month:--
Wm. C. Berry and Miss Emma Bickford.
John Gillenwater and Miss Susan Parr.
Zachary Snyder and Miss Martha Atherton.
Jabez Sunderland and Miss Eliza Reed.
Corbin Workman and Miss Jane Bates.
Robert Thompson and Miss Minta Huckaby.
Joseph Wood and Miss Martha Paris.
John Teal and Miss Mary Scott.
Henry Eifert and Miss Ellen Abbott.
Henry Kimmel and Miss Jane Saulsbury.
Emanuel Hoke and Miss Isabella Kling.
John Woods and Miss Emma Johnson.
James France and Miss Sarah Gould.
Robert Morrison and Miss Lavina Goodwin.
James C. Dorsett and Miss Sarah Hackney.
Dana Lee and Mrs. Nancy Howe.
Newton Woodford and Miss Anna Chipman.
G. W. Montgomery and Miss Laura Nance.
John W. Ogle and Miss Mary Henderson.
Hiram Graff and Miss Sarah Wilson.
John P. Richmond, Jr., and Miss Anna Seely.
Twenty-one for one month is pretty good for Schuyler. A peculiarly of this month's matches is the fact that
all of the parties were single gentlemen and misses with one exception, and these were neither bachelor nor miss, widower nor widow.
The whole number of licenses issued during the year is 107, divided among the months as follows:--January,
15; February, 18; March, 18; April, 20; May, 10; June, 8; July, 10; August, 17; September, 9; October, 13; November, 13; December, 21.
The whole number issued from the organization of the county to January 1st, 1872, is 4,903.
The number for the year 1869 was 164; for 1870, 178.

GRAFF--WILSON.--At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas Wilson, of this place, by Rev. J. C.
Rucker, on 27th of December, 1871, Mr. HIRAM GRAFF and Miss SARAH WILSON.
Immediately following the wedding, Mr. Graff and wife started on a visit of some weeks to friends in Kansas
and Nebraska. Bon voyage to them! not only on this journey, but on the whole journey of life as well.
KUHL--HOUSEKEEPER.--In Beardstown, on the 25th December, 1871, at the residence of the bride's mother, by

APPLEGATE.--at her residence near Littleton, on the 30th ult., of erysipelas, Mrs. TABITHA APPLEGATE, aged 73
In her death another of the ancient landmarks is removed. Mrs. Applegate came to Schuyler county with her
husband in 1827 or 1828, and has always been regarded as a most worthy neighbor, friend and Christian. Her children revere her memory and rise up and call her blessed. The
Baptist church, of which she has been a worthy and consistent member for more than fifty years, will miss her sorely. The community in which she lived testified their regard
for her by attending in large numbers the funeral services at the Baptist church in Littleton on last Sabbath. Her end was peace, indeed, dying was to her but going home.

McCULLOCH.--On the 24th ult., of brain fever, LUCY, daughter of Hugh and Sarah McCulloch, living two miles
east of Littleton, aged 7 months and 14 days.
After nineteen days of suffering the angels came and carried her home to Heaven, there to dwell with our
Blessed Redeemer.
Go to thy rest, fair child--
Go to they dreamless bed,
While yet so gentle and unde--ied,
With blessings on thy head--
Before thy heart had learned
In waywardness to stray,
Before thy feet had ever turned
The dark and downward way.
Shall love, with weak embrace,
Thy upward wing detain?
No, gentle angel, seek thy place
Amid the cherub train.

House Fire
Mr. Festus Alexander's house, three miles
east of Littleton, was burned to the ground on Wednesday night of last week. Cause defective flue. Efforts are making by friends to aid him in building again. He has a large
family and no home for them.

The M. E. church has recently been insured in the American Central for $10,000, for five years, for
The new school edifice in this place has been insured for $20,000 in the American Central and Andes
The Rushville woolen mills resumed work yesterday after a suspension of several weeks, occasioned by a want
of water.
Addison Polm, son of Michael Polm, of this vicinity, has just returned from Southwest Kansas, where he has
been during the last season.
Rev. E. Manford (Universalist), of Chicago, editor Manford's Magazine, will preach in the court house
in this place on Monday, the 8th of January, at 7 p.m.
The continued hard freezing and want of snow to protect is telling ruinously on the wheat prospects for the
coming harvest.--But it is entirely too soon for the croaking season to begin.
Mr. Henry Sites went to Beardstown this week to work in the machine shop of the Rockford, R. I. & St.
Louis railroad. Mr. Sheeler, we believe, goes to Monmouth to open a foundry there.
At the annual meeting of the Rushville branch of the American Central Insurance Co., held in this place last
week, George Little was re-elected president, Joshua M. Sweeney, Henry Nelson and John Beatty, Sr., were made directors, and J. R. Neill continued as