Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
June 20, 1872
From Bainbridge.
Flood Coming--Wolf Story--No Pecans--The Itch--Road and School Troubles
Editor Citizen:--Have you a little space for Bainbridge locals again? The deluge is coming. The
river is filling up the lakes and sloughs. It is not over the cornfields yet, but the denizens of the bottom are "shaking."
Let me tell a little wolf story. One of our hunters found a den of young wolves, one of which he secured with
an iron ring around its neck, with an iron chain fast to an iron rod driven into the ground, in the nest or den, intending to watch and shoot the old wolf. But while the
hunter slumbered and slept, behold the old wolf came and stole it away. Moral. Don't bait your traps with young wolves as long as Spangler pays five dollars a piece for their
You Rushville folks need not come to the bottom this fall hunting pecans. About all the trees were cut down
last fall, a heavy fine to the contrary notwithstanding. Better stay at home and read "What I know about farming."
It is said the Presidential itch is a terrible disease, and that it generally proves fatal--it kills. A similar
disease, it seems, has broken out in Schuyler, judging from the number of Democratic candidates for the office of sheriff, one case of which has occurred in our
Bainbridge's troubles just now are roads and schools. I shall not enter into details. If I did, you would not
publish them. But the way we quarrel over them is simply disgraceful. Only let me say, we must have roads, and these must pass over the lands of private individuals.

- We congratulate our friend I. O. Cooper that he escaped with so few bruises in the late railroad smash-up at
- We this week publish the premium list of the county fair, and for that reason several items of interest, together
with two or three communications, are crowded out.
- Our schools will close on to-morrow. Examinations and picnics have been the order so far this week. Examinations
will continue over to-morrow, and in the evening a festival will be held.
- We omiteed to state, last week, that the trial of Jas. Fannan for forgery, taken to Hancock county upon change of
venue, resulted in his conviction and sentence to the penitentiary for eight years.
- Mr. George Baxter has sold his house and lot (60x120), fronting on Morgan street, to Dr. A. J. Baxter for $500. Mr.
B. paid $670 for his new purchase instead of about $800, as we stated last week.
- As intimated by us last week, arrangements are being made for a meeting of the official members of the M. E. church,
to be held in this place on the 25th of July, prox. See notice in another column.
- The Washingtonians of Pleasantview expect to have a picnic in a grove east of their place on the Fourth of July,
beginning at 10:30 a.m. A general invitation is given to all. Speakers will be procured, and a good time is anticipated.
- By a telegram from Elder Wallace, the quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church which was appointed for last Saturday
and Sabbath was deferred to Saturday and Sabbath next. Rev. W. R. Goodwin, of Quincy, will be present to officiate.
- A. A. Hayes, M. D., state assayer of Massachusetts, pronounced Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer an efficient preparation
for cleansing the skin of the head, promoting the growth and restoring the original color of the hair when it has become gray.
- Our correspondent, writing over the signature "Call," alludes to the signers to the call for the Liberal Convention
as published in most of the edition of last Saturday's Times, which numbered eleven, but was increased to twelve.
- Our drug man A. B. Clarke was up before Esquire Jos. Montgomery, on Tuesday last, upon a charge of selling liquor,
and was fined thirty dollars, but upon conflicting evidence, - We are sorry to record the above, but an employer is responsible for the conduct of his
- Go to Goodwin's and get one and one third dozen pictures for 50 cents.
- An auctioneer with a stock of goods and the usual help, male and female, opened last week in J. Parrott's rooms.
After distributing bills and paying license and hotel fees for two days, the profits were heaped together and they pulled up stakes and left. Corn tending time is a bad
season for auctioneers.
- For fifty cents you can get sixteen pictures at Goodwin's photography gallery.
- There was a crowded house and an excellent Sunday-school mass meeting at the "Hard-Scrabble" school house near
Littleton last Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Caldwell and Augustus Warren, of this place, were the principal speakers. Many thanks to Messrs. Greer and Little for coming after
and returning us, who went up.
- You can get more pictures for less money at Goodwin's than at any other gallery.
- Master Paul Sweeney returned the first correct answer to our match question last week; Miss Alice Campbell the
second, and Master Rice Briggle the third. We have concluded that each shall have a box of matches. The number of matches required to be manufactured to make a tax of
$2,500,000 at the rate of one cent for every one hundred matches is 25,000,000,000; a far larger sum we suppose than the oldest man could count in all his
- Sixteen pictures for 50 cents at Goodwin's gallery.
- We are again sending out a number of "statements of accounts" between the CITIZEN and its subscribers. If all were
so situated that they could pay $1.50 in advance on the completion of each volume, we would be relieved of this. It will be understood that we send no statement till a
subscriber has received the paper ninety days, his subscription is then $1.75 (thirty days from time of subscribing is allowed for advance); if it runs three months after
that, i.e. six months, it is $2. We cannot vary from those terms. These quarterly statements must be received kindly, for they are so intended; and if errors are made
in them, we will cheerfully correct them always.

Concert.--According to announcement, the Presbyterian choir gave a vocal concert on last Friday evening
for the benefit of their church. This choir has some very superior voices in it, and having a selection of choice pieces, discoursed some fine music. We have not as yet learned
the amount of the proceeds.

The Illinois State Sunday-School Convention met in Aurora on the 18th, and though the railroads refused a
reduction of fare to parties wishing to attend, we are glad to say that when direct application has been made to Mr. Hitchcock, general superintendent of the C., B. & Q.
road, half fare tickets have been granted. Mr. R. H. Griffith and Rev. Littell are among the recipients of this favor, and we suppose have gone up.

TRY IT.--That was the word left at our house with a sack of flour from the mill of Packard & Co. the
other day. We tried it. Wife is a good cook; we are a good eater. That flour will be hard to beat. The mill has a splendid engine, first-class burrs, bolting cloths, and friend
Plummer, who is also part owner, has not many superiors as a miller. The new firm
controlling this mill are determined to give Rushville and Schuyler county the very best that is
in the market, and we will vouch that they are clever men to deal with.

The 4:15 passenger train, out from this place last Thursday morning, collided with an extra R., R. I.
& St. Louis freight at the crossing at Vermont. Upon the discovery of the Rockford train, Engineer Burt reversed his engine, but it proved only to lessen the shock and not
provent it. He struck the third box car, went through it, when his engine jumped the track and fell down the embankment into the mud. Instantly, a car loaded with flour came
tumbling upon the engine and buried the engineer beneath it. He was not hurt! I. C. Cooper, in the baggage car, was bruised somewhat by the tumbling of the trunks and boxes.
Beyond the loss to the rolling stock no serious damage resulted.

WASTED TIME.--If some people would only think a little when they want favors done them by strangers, they
might succeed much better. For instance, scarcely a week passes that does not bring one or more letters directed "to the postmaster, Rushville, Illinois." It generally reads,
"Mr. P. M., Dr. Dir:--I wish to know if you know a man by the name of ------," etc., etc.; or, "Will you please let me know if a debt of $--- can be collected from Mr. -----,"
or some other request of like nature requiring some trouble and time to reply; and the writer at the same time forgets to send stamps or money for postage or return letter. Of
course all such letters are thrown aside. Possibly this may prove a valuable hint to some who may wonder why their letters remain unanswered.

- Dr. Mitchell and lady arrived on the 8 p.m. train last Monday. The band turned out at ten o'clock and paid them the
compliment of a serenade.
- Mr. Emery Wright, of Mt. Vernon, Mo., is visiting his friends in Rushville this week.
- Mr. Wm. Harding who has been ranging around mainly through Kansas and Texas for the past two or three years, returned
a few days since.
- Mr. Wm. K. Young, having been on a three weeks visit to friends in Pennsylvania, returned last Wednesday. He attended
the Philadelphia Convention, and reports the crowd immense, enthusiastic and unanimous for Grant.

Fourth of July Celebration
The citizens of Beardstown have resolved upon having a big time on the Fourth. Hon. I. J. Ketchum, of
Jacksonville, has consented to deliver the oration. Every thing will be done to make the day a joyous one. Among the entertainments proposed are a grand horseback procession in
the morning, a picnic dinner in the park, speeches, toasts, etc., in the afternoon, and fire-works at night. Arrangements will be made for excursion trains and rates of

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