Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
June 27, 1872
- Miss Ella Jenkins, for some time past in school in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, returned last
- Mr. Charles McCreary, of Sedalia, Mo., is spending a few days at his father's in this
- Mrs. Joshua M. Sweeney left on last Thursday on a visit to Mrs. E. P. Chase, Des Moines,
- We notice John T. Teel, of the law firm of Bray & Teel, Mt. Vernon, Mo., on our streets. He is visiting at
his father's and among his wife's relations.
- Our teachers, nearly all, leave in various directions this week to spend vacation. Mr. Coyner and family, together
with Miss Benny, take a trip over the lakes. Mrs. Dennison goes to visit her mother in Ohio, and Miss Moore will visit friends in Springfield. We wish them pleasant times
and a safe return.

Congressional convention August 1.
Wheat harvest has begun in this latitude.
A lot of fine horses bought in this county left town yesterday.
See elsewhere a statement of the condition of the First National Bank.
The lengthy summer days have come, The hottest of the year.
Campaign motto: "We are for the man that whaled, against the man that bailed, Jeff. Davis."
The Illinois Press Association held its annual convention at Champaign on Wednesday of last
The weather has been very warm for several days in this locality. Rain is now beginning to be much
Our neighbor of the Times has gone to Springfield to contract with a firm there to order a while hat from
An answer to the "match puzzle," by Mary J. Townsand, was handed in too late for publication. The answer is
Thanks to our school commissioner, J. R. Neill, for a copy of the new school law. This law was approved April 1st,
1872, and goes into effect July 1st.
The state Sabbath-school convention, at its session, which adjourned last week, selected Springfield as the place of
holding its next annual meeting.
A professed "illusionist" occupied Metz hall two nights last week. He was illuded into the belief that Rushvillians
generally patronized such things.
Strawberries, which at the beginning of the season promised an abundant yield, turned out poorly. Mrs. Maxon Frisby
picked only about eighty gallons, against, nearly three hundred last season.
The school festival Friday evening was a very pleasant affair. Though it was very warm, quite a crowd attended, and
were treated to the nicest of berries and best of ice cream and cake. The proceeds amounted to something over $90 gross.
Honesty is the best policy in medicine as well as in other things. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuine preparation of
that unequalled spring medicine and blood perifier, decidedly superior to the poor limitations heretofore in the market. Trial proves it.
Sixteen pictures for 50 cents at Goodwin's gallery.
An accident of the most shocking character occurred on the Grand Trunk Railroad in Canada on last Saturday. An engine,
attached to a train, broke an axle while running at full speed, resulting in wrecking the cars and killing and wounding sixty persons. The number of dead reported Monday
was thirty.
You can get more pictures for less money at Goodwin's than at any other gallery.
For fifty cents you can get sixteen pictures at Goodwin's photograph gallery.
Rev. Peter Wallace, presiding elder of Quincy district, M. E. Church, spent Saturday and Sabbath last with his people
in Rushville and on the circuit, preaching four times in the country and once in town, besides holding two quarterly conferences, one love feast and administering the
sacrament once, all between Saturday morning and Monday morning 9:30, when he took the train for Quincy. Truly his is "a workman that needth not to be
Go to Goodwin's and get one and one-third dozen pictures for 50 cents.
Let everyone remember the Sunday school mass convention that is to be held on the Fourth of July in Isaac Garrison's
grove, between Rushville and Littleton. The Sunday schools of Rushville and all the surrounding country are cordially invited to attend with banners and mottoes. Be on the
ground as early as 10 o'clock a.m. if possible. Bring your baskets well filled with good things for the physical man and hearts prepared for the full enjoyment of "the day
we celebrate."

Probate Notice
Estate of Wm. P. Corbridge, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against the estate of Wm. P. Corbridge, deceased, to present the
same for proof of claims at a regular term of the county court of Schuyler county, to be holden at the court house in Rushville on
Wednesday, 17th day of July, A. D. 1872
All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment to the undersigned without delay.
Hiram Evans, Administrator of estate of Wm. P. Corbridge.
Rushville, Ill., May 29, 1872.

DIED Died, on the 19th inst., in Rushville, Samuel, infant son of G.
M. and Livina Bootes, aged four months.

DIED A little child of Richard Hill, living in Bainbridge township,
was fatally scalded on last Friday. Its mother was
scrubbing from a tub of hot water, and the little child fell into it.

DIED We regret to learn, from a dispatch, that Eddie, son of Rev. H.
Koeneke, pastor of the German M. E. Church of Warsaw, was drowned in the Mississippi, while out at a picnic, Friday the 14th inst. He was eleven or twelve years

DIED We learn from Mr. Solomon Swisher of the sudden death of his
sister-in-law at Clayton, last week. She was at a grave yard, where the friends had just buried a neighbor, and going to return, whent to get in the wagon, fell down suddenly,
and expired. This lady was apparently in good health, and we are thus forcibly reminded that "In the midst of life we are in death." The friends have our

Local News
There is current upon our streets an indefinite, though somewhat encouraging, report with reference to the
building of the long talked of railroad through Rushville--the Springfield and Pana.
NEW CHURCH--Mr. C. H. Schultz, of Hickory township, informs us that a new frame church, 34x40 feet, is
being erected near Butlersville by the M. E. society of that vicinity. They hope to have it inclosed in time for the next meeting, which takes place on the 29th and 30th
instant.--Rushville Times.
Dr. L. W. Clark, who has been doing a traveling practice for several years in order to improve himself
more thoroughly in the treatment of chronic and special diseases, has permanently located in Rushville, and will do a general practice. Office at White's drug store, on the west
side of the public square.
Our fourth quarterly meeting for Rushville circuit, M. E. Church, was held at Oakland church, north of
Rushville, on Saturday and Sunday last. It was truly a season of spiritual refreshing to the church membership, and has left a good impression upon the community. The Lord was
with us, and great grace rested upon the people. The quarterly conference adjourned to meet at the call of the preachers to close up the business of the circuit for the year.
The first quarterly meeing for next year will be held at Pleasantview early in October.
G. Garner, W. R. Carr
Rushville, June 24, '72
F. D. CRANE.--We find a very interesting letter from this gentleman in the Mt. Sterling Message.
Mr. Crane is traveling in the East, and writes from Jerusalem May 8th, 1872. He mentions briefly the various objects of interest met with in the route traveled over from London
to Egypt, from Egypt to Turkey. From Constantinople he mailed us on the 29th May, at the British postoffice of that city, a copy of the Levant Times. This is a daily,
part published in French and part in English; and to us is quite a curiosity. Mr. Crane's many friends will be glad to hear that the journey thus far has been without accident
or sickness.
At a regular communication of Rushville Lodge, No. 9, A. F. & A. M., held in Masonic hall on last
Wednesday evening, the following officers were duly elected and installed for the ensuing year:
J. R. Neill, W. M.; Geo. T. Whitson, S. W.; Ed. D. Wells, J. W.; L. D. Erwin, Treas.; J. C. Scripps, Secty.; Geo.
C. Ray, S. D.; J. L. Parrott, J. D.; N. B. Seeley, Tyler.
Committee on grievances: P. M.; Saml. M. McCreary, P. M.; O. Lacroix, Josiah L. Parrott.
Committee on finance: E. M. Anderson, P. M.; E. D. Leach, Moses Godlove.
Stewards: D.; D.; G.; M.; J. C. Bagby, P. M.; R. A. Williams.

Through the kindness of Messrs. Smith, Nims & Erwin, attorneys, Muskegen, Michigan, we are in receipt
of the Muskegon Chronicle; a handsome and very readable paper. In its issue of June 19th, it thus notices the wedding of our friend Munroe:
"Will be married this, Wednesday, evening, at Rushville, Illinois, Mr. Thomas Munroe to Miss Kittie A. Jones, of
Rushville. Mr. Munroe is secretary of the Mason Lumber Co., of this place, and through his ability and methodical habits, as a business man, has made himself indispensable to
those with whom he is connected. He has chosen our fair city as his future home, and a pleasant and enduring welcome awaits him and his fair bride. We were not aware that Thomas
had an affair of the heart until the reception of some beautiful engraved cards from his former home, intertwined in a manner which symbolized the coming union of hearts and
hands. Those Rushville boys! they do rush things in the matrimonial line, and thoughts suggestive of a 'good time coming' for themselves will rush into the heads of Tom's
bachelor friends."

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