Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
March 7, 1872
FARM FOR SALE. I will sell my farm of 100 acres cheap for cash. It is situated 2 3/8 miles south of Brooklyn, in
Schuyler county. 80 acres are divided by good fences in four fields: twenty acres in clover and timothy. There is a comfortable dwelling home, a good bearing orchard, two
never-failing wells, etc., etc.
For further particulars apply on the premises. Wm. H. HITE.

Is it not about time the CITIZEN was hashing up something about billiards?--Rushville
Well now, what's the matter? Conscience uneasy? But a little hash is sometimes a good thing, and here is a
wholesome little dish prepared for unballasted young men, that we hope will satisfy our neighbor till the next time.

Married, on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Bainbridge township, by Rev. G. Garner, Henry Hatfield and Miss Mary

Mr. Joseph McGowan, living about six miles from Rushville on the Camden road, while coming into town on horseback, early
last week, was kicked on the leg by a horse which was being led by another man; the blow broke the principal bone just below the knee, and will utterly incapacitate Mr.
McGowan from attending to his farm. This affliction is the worse for the reason that McGowan was not yet fully recovered from the kick of a horse that fractured two or three
ribs some months since.

THE following are the names of parties to whom marriage licenses were issued from the county clerk's office during the
past month.--
Francis M. Moore and Harriett A. Burress.
Thomas Q. Strong and Helen A. Crosier.
Robert H. McCreery and Mary E. McNeeley.
Alonzo K. Belden and Nancy A. Weightman.
William H. Wood and Frances H. Wright.
James Logsdon and Mrs. Adeline Nall.
Philip M. Day and Mrs. Rebecca Severns.
John Creatensen and Susannah M. Walker.
Samuel W. Moore and Maggie Watts.
George W. Walters and Mary P. Gregg.
John G. Garrett and Maria Elliott.
William Bellville and Mrs. Jennie Cooney.
John D. Jackson and Ann S. Buckles.

A few weeks since, a farmer living near a certain creek in this county, while walking across to a neighbor's house, had
his attention attracted by a peculiar looking stone. He picked it up and found it to be a mass of almost pure copper. A further examination of the premises led him to believe
that a mine of the ore was not far off. He will establish a miner's claim, we are told, and as soon as the frost is out of the ground will proceed to prospect. We have our
iron ore among the hills of Sugar creek, why not copper in the hills of ---- creek. The specimen found weighed 7 1/2 pounds.

Mr. Ross
The great American eagle that our ambitious young orators so delight to hear scream and see grandly soaring towards the sun, the emblem of
their glorious country's nationality, was recently shot near Littleton by Mr. Ross, and not so badly wounded but that hopes are entertained of its recovery. He brought it down
to Rushville on Thursday last, and his majesty was quite an object of curiosity to the many who visited it.

Mr. Henry Stater, the new keeper of the Schuyler county poor-farm, took control of the premises on last

We had a call the other day from Mr. Joseph Burton, of Macomb. He is now engaged in business for the well known commission
house of Underwood & Co., Chicago and New York.
Mr. Edgar Wright, of Tecumseh, Neb., was in town last week. He has just sold his house and lot (something over
an acre) in the village of Industry, McDonough county, his recent home, to Mrs. Joel Tullis for $675. Mr. Wright is much pleased with his new home. "Out west" lies a right
smart way beyant Tecumseh.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Rogers; Miss Lizzie Fridley. These names came to us on wedding cards last week; so we
suppose friend Ralph has a wife, Much joy!
Mr. Churchill Johnson has rented his dwelling, near the railroad, and gone to Clinton, Mo., where his son
William resides.

- Spring has come.
- Wheat is up to $1.60.
- The weather is charming.
- Wheat not much damaged yet.
- Supervisors meet next Tuesday.
- Peach prospects not very flattering.
- See two or three new advertisements.
- Beefsteak 12 1/2 cents per pound again.
- Spring election first Tuesday in April.
- Corporation election second Monday in April.
- Post-office opens at 7 o'clock a.m., closes at 7:30 p.m.
- Neil & Greer are gone for a new stock of hardware and agricultural
- The M. E. Church sociable will meet at the residence of Mr. Edwin Dyson next Friday
- We are indebted to Representative Cummings, of Fulton county, for pamphlet copies of the new temperance laws, to go
into effect on the 1st of July next.
- Auction continues at Wells & Goodwin's, and is now held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Some fine bargains
have been made there, and more can be made.
- Messrs. Cooney & Jones are now fairly embarked in the family grocery business in Thos. Hall's former
establishment. We like the idea of our Rushville boys, born and reared in our midst, going into active business at home. They ought to be encouraged. Cooney & Jones will
do the right thing all the time and keep a full stock. Call in and see them.
- If you want to buy blank books or stationery of any kind go to A. B. Clarke's.
- Our western farmers need not be reminded that the best place to buy fruit trees is from a reliable home nursery. And
when we inform them that they can buy choice varieties of three-year old trees for ten cents each (for which they usually pay twenty and twenty-five cents) at W. H. King's
nursery, it would be folly for them to neglect so fine an opportunity. See notice of King & Hubbard.
- All valuable kinds of patent medicines are to be found at A. B. Clarke's.
- If you want to buy school books go to A. B. Clarke's, north side of the square.
- The communion service held at Oakland school house last Sabbath week by Rev. W. C. Burchard and Elders Speed and
Carson, of this place, was an occation of unusual interest. Nine members were added to the Church, two of whom united by letter. Others are coming, and the prospects are
encouraging. Thus, while the devil is at work under the hill among the beer and whiskey dens, the Lord is at work in the school house on the

M. E. Church - Rev. J. C. Rucker, Pastor. Sabbath School: Geo. W. Scripps, Superintendent; W. W. Potts,
Presbyterian Church - Rev. W. C. Burchard, Pastor. Sabbath School: S. M. Hume, Superintendent; Sylvanus
Montgomery, Sec.
Baptist Church - Rev. John Knowles, Pastor. Sabbath School: J. C. Cooper, Superintendent; John Skiles,
E. M. Church - Rev. John A. Beagle, Pastor. Sunday School: L. H. Demaree, Superintendent; Edwin Dyson,
Christian Church - Sunday School: Wm. Fowler, Superintendant; Chas. Neill, Sec.

The farm of Mr. Alexander Campbell, just north of Rushville, on which was located a private burial ground, having
passed out of the hands of the family, and there being no reservation made for the grave yard, it became necessary to remove the dead. The following is a list of the bodies
removed, for which we are indebted to Mr. Hiram Evans:
Joseph T. Campbell, died Dec. 12th, 1859.
Charles S. Campbell, August 20th, 1844.
Sophia S. Campbell, February 14th, 1860.
Joseph E. Campbell, July 19th, 1862.
Above taken up under the supervision of Wm. Campbell and re-interred in the Rushville cemetery.
Alexander Campbell, died June 18th, 1853, aged 83 years.
Susannah Campbell, Dec. 15th, 1842, aged 62 years.
Sally Toncray and infant son, Oct. 30th, '39.
Mitchel White, February 28th, 1837.
Above taken up under the supervison of Hiram Evans and James A. White and re-interred in the Rushville cemetery.
Jane R. Wells, died January 1st, 1840.
N. P. Evans, September 28th, 1846.
Mrs. S. Evans and child, September, 1849.
Infant son of H. Evans, December, 1846.
Samuel McHatten, May, 1845.
Lydia Clark, daughter of Felix G. Clark, now of Des Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. John Haney and little daughter, wife of John Haney, Sr., now of Lansing, Iowa, in 1834.
Hiram Evans superintended taking up the above, and the labor was performed by Mr. Robert Burnham, who did the work well, and is
thereby recommended to others that may want work of the kind done.
In this connection we may be permitted to say that owners of private burial grounds should not neglect securing
them from barter and sale with the property with which they are connected.

Passed by Friendship Lodge, No. 24, I. O. O. F.
Rushville, Ill., Feb. 28th, 1872.
WHEREAS the All-wise Ruler of the universe has by death removed from amongst us the wife of our beloved Brother
Wm. H. Baxter, and we, as a lodge of members and brothers do sympathize with the afflicted; be it
Resolved, That we, the members and brothers of Friendship Lodge, No. 24, I. O. O. F., do extend to the
said Brother Butler in this hour of affliction our heartfelt sympathy and condolence.
Resolved, That the secretary is hereby directed to spread these resolutions on the record of this lodge,
and furnish a copy of the same to the said brother.
B. C. GILLAM, Committee
J. B. METZ, Secretary.

Letters remaining unclaimed in the Post-office in Rushville, State of Illinois, on the first day of March,
To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for "advertised letters."
If not called for within one month they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office.
Letters are not advertised until they have remained in the office one month.
Alexander, D.
Branen, Miss Sarah
Biggy, Bernard
Bridgewater, Elias
Beacker, Wm.
Barney, M. M. 2
Carr, Wm. W.
Crawford, ----
Dant, Rebecca A.
Dewitt, John
Davis, John W.
Duncan, James R.
Edmonson, Geneva
Ferris, Ella 2
Gillman, James
Gallagher, Thomas 2
Gabbard, John
Gaffney, Michael
Hauck, Mrs. C.
Hard, O. W.
Huffman, Mrs. M.
Jeffries, Mrs. Ruth
Kimble, Mrs. N. J.
Lung, J. K.
Macksey, Miss Bell
McIntyre, J. M.
McIntyre, W. F.
Maury, Wm.
McConnell, John
Owen, James
Phillips, A. M.
Pain, Miss Jennie
Pain, MIss Tabitha
Presson, Mrs. Judith
Presson, Wm.
Stevens, A. C.
Stevens, Argill C.
Vincent, John
Whetston, Bert
Wells, Edward
Wevels, George
Wilson, Miss Sallie
Annual Bible Meetings
The annual meetings of the branch societies of the Schuyler County Bible Society will be held as
Buenavista, in Ebenezer church, Sunday, March 10, at 11 a.m.
Buenavista, in Parrott school house, March 10, at 7 p.m.
Rushville, county meeting, Sunday, March 17, at 7 p.m.
WILLIAMS.--Of brain fever, February 22d CHARLES, only child of Mary and Robert Williams, aged 3 years and 5
A few years ago their happy home rang with the music of children's glad voices, little footsteps pattered hither
and thither, loving arms twined around father's and mother's neck, but "The Lord hath need of these He wrote gay, the reaper said and smiled," and first he bore from the
fireside lovely, blue-eyed Emma, with all her wealth of golden curls and voice of silvery sweetness; then baby Archie, just beginning to lisp his mama's name, fair-haired
Loring, just stepping into boyhood, and an infant sister, Ten weeks ago dear patient George, after months of suffering closed his eyes on earth, and joined the little group
"beyond the river" The parents' hearts, crushed and bleeding, turned with unspoken volumes of love to their rosy-cheeked, bright-eyed Charlie. They were so thankful for
this one bright jewel; so grateful to the kind Father that one little curly head still nestled in their bosom; one cheering voice lisped words of heavenly import, driving grief
from their desolute home. Alas! One morning when the sun was straight and strong, and the frost was glittering sharply, we stood beside the pillow in the crib, and Charlie's
breath came fainter and fainter,--then stopped, and the last precious darling had crossed the threshold and entered the pearly gates of the New
"And I sit and think when the sunset's gold,
Is flushing the river, and hills, and shore.
I shall one day stand by the water cold,
And listen to the sound of the boatman's oar;
I shall watch for the gleam of the flapping sail;
I shall hear the boat as it gains the strand;
I shall pass from sight with the boatman pale
To the better shore in the spirit land.
I shall know the loved who have gone before,
And joyfully sweet will the meeting be,
When over the river, the beautiful river,
The angel of death shall carry me."
Rules for Ladies
1. Marry no profane man, because the depravity of his heart will corrupt your children and embitter your
2. Marry not a gambler, a tippler, or a haunter of taverns, because he who has no regard for himself will never
have any for his wife.
3. Marry not a man who makes promises which he never performs, because you may never trust him.
4. Marry not a man whose actions do not correspond with his sentiments, because the passions have dethroned
reason, and he is prepared to commit every crime to which an evil nature, unrestrained, can instigate him. The state of that man who regards not his own ideas of right and wrong
is deplorable, and the less you have to do with him the better.
5. Marry not a man who is in the habit of running after all the girls in the country, because his afflections are
continually wavering, and therefore can never be permanent.
6. Marry not a man who neglects his business; if he does so when single he will be worse when
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