Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen
May 30, 1872
- The sale of delinquent tax lands takes place in this county on the 15th of June.
- The internal revenue collector is to be in Rushville next Saturday on official business.
- W. H. Scripps has just received a lot of new goods; also a special fine lot of hats.
- Clarke's soda water from syrups, prepared by O. Lacroix, is magnificently splendid. Try it and
- Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla to purify the blood and purge out the humors, pimples, boils and sores, which are merely
emblems of the rottenness within.
- A letter comes to us this week from Gray Back City, nine miles west of Crooked Creek, on the contemplated railroad,
but the writer fails to give his real name. Of course we can't publish communications without we know who write them.
- The Frederick mail now leaves Rushville on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week at 11:30 a.m., returning same
days about 5 p.m. This is done to accommodate the mail train which now passes that point at 2:45 p.m. going north and 4:45 p.m. going south.
- Mr. Sturtevant, contractor for the mail between Rushville and Frederick has fitted up his coach with a new body, and
has now as comfortable a rig for taking passengers to and from Frederick as could be desired. His charges, also, are moderate. Leaves Rushville at 11:30 on alternate days to
catch the up train at 2:42 p.m. Anyone going to St. Louis by rail should go down with Sturtevant, and return also. He drives himself and knows his
- Hungarian grass seed at J. L. PARROTT'S, north side of the square.

Elder H. W. Osborne, of Jacksonville, will preach in the Christian church in this place this (Thursday)
evening at 7:30 p.m.; also on Friday and Saturday and on Lord's Day.

A VALUABLE SHEEP.--Mr. Wm. B. Ross sheared his fifty head of sheep week before last, and among them a
Cotswold one-year-old buck, whose fleece weighed 13 1/4 pounds! When it is understood that the average fleece of sheep is not more than four or five pounds, it must be said that
this yearling of Mr. Ross' did well.

PICNIC AT BEARDSTOWN--Owing to bad weather, the Sunday-school picnic that was to have been held this side
the Beardstown ferry, on Friday last, has been postponed to Wednesday next, June 5th, and will come off, regardless of weather. Ten car loads are coming from Christian county.
All our Rushville and neighboring Sabbath-schools are invited, and we suppose all who can find conveyances will go down.

GOOD FLOUR.--When a little boy our father often sent us to "The Burton Mill" a straddle of a sack of corn
or wheat. That old mill, long since departed, has been replaced by the "Huffman Mill," which, judging from a specimen left with us by the enterprising proprietor Mr. Henry
Huffman, we should say was a worthy successor. Huffman makes excellent flour and keeps it at Landon's and other places in town for sale. Get some and try it. This mill is on
Crooked Creek.

BUILDING HOUSES.--We inspected the two story frame building, the other day, now building for Mrs. Sites,
and would say that the mechanic who put it up understands his business. It is a pleasure to look upon a frame with neatly fitting joints and square corners. This house is the
work of J. N. Campbell, of this place, who is ready to take contracts for housebuildings or any other work in his line. From what we have seen of his workmanship, both in this
house and elsewhere, we are led to believe that work entrusted to his care would be satisfactorily attended to.

We hear encouraging news from the farmers in every direction throughout this region of
country. Every thing now seems favorable for abundant crops.--Rushville Times.
We hear discouraging news from the farmers in every direction throughout this region of county. Every thing now
seems unfavorable for abundant crops. The Hessian fly, chinch bug and cheat are spoken of by our farmers as threatening among them to very seriously damage the small grain crop.
A number are plowing up their wheat fields. A plenty of rain may check the mischief makers and make a partial crop.

BASKET MEETING.--A grand reunion of all the Christian churches of Schuyler county is to be held in the
grove on Robt. Wheelhouse's farm, two miles north of Rushville, on the second Sabbath in June. Meeting will be held also on Saturday night preceding in the adjoining school
house. The entire membership of the county is invited. Come with your wives and little ones, bringing your baskets of provisions with you, and expect a good old-fashioned basket
meeting. Congregations in adjoining counties are invited to come with their ministers. The public generally are also cordially invited to be present.

SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION.--The wide awake Sunday-school laborers of Littleton townsip have arranged to
hold their annual convention in Doddsville, on Friday of this week. The exercises to begin at 15 minutes before 10 a.m. We believe it is the intention of the citizens to have a
picnic dinner at the noon recess, but do not speak by authority. The several superintendents make their reports in the forenoon. A number of our leading Sabbath-school workers
are expected to go up. The singing will be from the "Pure Gold." A large attendence and a good meeting, as is always the case in this township, is

Mrs. Melvina McCready (formerly Miss Montgomery), of Fort Madison, Iowa, is in town this week visiting her parents and
former neighbors.
Mr. Arthur C. Sloat and wife left Rushville on Monday last on an overland trip to make a rambling tour through the
forests and glades and hills and dales of Minnesota. Mr. Sloat goes with the hope of benefitting his health. The kind wishes of our community go with
Dr. J. W. Mitchell has left town for a couple of weeks to visit his parents in the state of Maine. It is intimated
that when he returns there will be sundry handboxes, and such, come back that did not go away with him.

A young man in this town was badly poisoned on Monday last by drinking some of the whiskey retailed here.
Shortly after inbibing his nerves began twitching; he hurried home and suffered severe convulsions, which, for a time, it was thought would kill him. A physician was sent for
and, with much difficulty, he was rescued. This is the second case of downright poisoning from whiskey drinking in this place. We should say it was time the unfortunate victims
to alcohol were taking a warning. For God's sake, gentlemen, you who indulge in drinking, make one more effort. Yes, die trying, if need be! to conquer your enemy. We
have no language to express our contempt for the miscrable whiskey-seller who, for a little gain, is ready to send his fellow men, body and soul, to

BY THE QUANITY.--Hill and Raglan have hung out a pretty sign of flaming colors in front of their ice-cream
rooms, three doors north of Little & Rays store, where they have made convenient arrangements to accommodate the public with a first-rate article of ice-cream, by the dish,
quart or gallon. Their room is neatly fitted up and open to callers at all business hours. Try them.

O. LACROIX'S NEWS DEPOT--at A. B. Clarke's drug store, north side of the public square. Subscribers who
have been getting their papers at the postoffice will please call at the above named place. Dailies, weeklies, monthlies.

READY FOR WARM WEATHER--At Chas. Read's bakery, ice cream, soda water, soda pops, and lemonade. Also meals
furnished at all hours. All [paper fold] style and terms satisfactory.

Our county was visited by a terrific wind storm on Thursday evening last, but little less destructive in its
effects than the ever memorable one of 1856, which destroyed the village of Littleton. It came with a deep, hoarse, terrifying roar from the south-west at about 9 p.m., passing
across Mr. Parrott's premises, levelling fences and trees and moving his kitchen partly from its foundations. Its most destructive power was exerted on the Lock farm, just
beyond, where hundreds of large strong trees, some of them two and three feet over, were hurled to the ground, torn up by the roots or twisted off, in some instances half way up
the trunks. Beyond Mrs. Lock's it passed over the north side of Geo. Baker's farm, leveling a mile or more of fence he had just finished resetting. A small out house belonging
to Mr. Bigelow, at the railroad crossing north of town, was carried some distance and dashed to pieces.
It having missed Rushville less than half a mile, we have good reason to rejoice at a narrow escape from what
would have been a serious calamity had it struck us. It is fortunate so few houses were in its path. A number of orchards were badly damaged. The same storm passed Quincy about
8 p.m. same evening. About twenty miles this side passengers had to help remove trees and other obstructions thrown on the track.

We are forced at last to say to our readers that the prospect for the construction of a railroad on the Rockford
& St. Louis track, through this and McDonough counties, for the present seems to have entirely faded out. Having been assured by the proper railroad authorities that the
road would surely built, provided we would make a deposit of bonds, give right of way, etc. to the Springfield, Illinois & Southeastern company, our people held elections,
spent much valuable time and no little means in consultations, attendance on meetings, etc. in order to accomplish their share of the work, and now, after all this, added to the
repeated disappointments and deceptions, as they understood it, under which they suffered from the former R., R. I. & St. Louis company, to be again deceived is exceedingly
mortifying, and calls forth the severest criticisms. We do not pretend to say where the blame of this failure lies, but our citizens generally understand that the Rcokford, R.
I. & St. Louis company demand unreasonable terms of the Southeastern company, and such that they could not comply with. After what has been done it is certainly due to
ourselves, no less than to the companies concerned, that explanations should be given and the fault placed where it belongs.

A correspondent of the Rushville Times writing from Bluff City, in this county, May 22d, details the
following distressing event:
"Mr. Simeon Jones, of this vicinity, had the second heart-rending scene at his house a few days since. His little
daughter, an only child, about four years old, was burned to death while her step-mother was out to a neighbor's visiting and her father was in the field at his work. She was in
the house playing around the fireplace, where there was some fire, and by some means her dress-skirt caught fire and all the clothing was burned off her. After being so terribly
burned, strange to say, the little sufferer was able to get in bed.
A short time after the accident one of her uncles happened to go to the well to get a drink, and on hearing some
moaning in the house he went to the door and knocked, and she said come in. When she saw him she said, 'Uncle, I am burned to death, just as poor ma was; will you please go for
pa, as I want to see him before I die.' The uncle hastened for her father, but when he arrived at the house the poor little girl, and his only hope, was almost gone. When she
saw him she managed to say, 'Pa, I want to be buried by the side of poor ma, who was burned to death two or three years ago.' The poor child saw no more, but closed her little
eyes in death. The father, poor disconsolate parent, is almost a raving maniac. My heart is so full that I can't go into any further details about the mother of the child, but
for God's sake let this be a warning to mothers and parents, is the humble prayer of the writer."

STOTT--At his residence, four miles north of Rushville, on the first inst., after a painful illness of
several weeks, Mr. John Stott, aged 50 years, 11 months and 4 days.
Mr. Stott came to this county from Ohio in 1850, where he has ever since remained. He was distinguished for his
extraordinary hight, which was six feet seven and half inches. In his last days he became seriously concerned regarding his future life, so he earnestly sought and found God,
and died in peace.

Probate Notice
Estate of Wm. P. Corbridge, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against the estate of Wm. P.
Crobridge, deceased, to present the same for proof of claims at a regular term of the county court of Schuyler county, to be holden at the court house in Rushville,
Wednesday, 17th day of July, A. D. 1872.
All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment to the undersigned with delay.
Hiram Evans, Administrator of estate of Wm. P. Corbridge.
Rushville, Ill., May 29, 1872.

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