Military Census
Complete list of all able bodied male citizens in Schuyler county between the ages of 18 - 45 years subject to military duty.
Taken by G. W. Scripps, Adam Sapp, Asst.Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, Remarks
AGNEW, Elias - 17, Illinois, Farmer, Co. G, 72nd Illinois
AGNEW, James - 35, Pennsylvania, Farmer
ALLEN, Thos. - 23, Pennsylvania, Cooper
ALLEN, Wm. - 23, Illinois, Farmer
ALTERS, Alex. - 26, Pennsylvania, Farmer
ANDRES, Armenes - 20, Ohio, Farmer, Co. H, 72nd Illinois
ANDRES, Geo. W. - 27, Ohio, FarmerBAGBY, John R. - 24, Illinois, Farmer
BARTLETT, Adolphus - 32, Ohio, Farmer
BELOTE, Darwin N. - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
BELOTE, James E. G. - 22, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
BICKFORD, Benjamin - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Co. E, 71st Regt. Illinois Vol.
BICKFORD, Caleb - 18, Illinois, Farmer
BILDERBACK, Alexander - 28, Kentucky, Farmer
BILDERBACK, Charles - 22, Illinois, Farmer, Lance arm
BILDERBACK, James - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Co. F, 117th Illinois
BILDERBACK, James A. - 28, Kentucky, Farmer
BILDERBACK, Wm. H. - 30, Kentucky, Farmer
BODENHAMER, Christopher - 43, North Carolina, Farmer, Sore eyes
BODENHAMER, Henry C. - 18, Illinois, Farmer
BODENHAMER, Philip - 31, North Carolina, Farmer
BODENHAMER, Wm. H. - 22, Illinois, Farmer
BOWERS, Geo. - 38, North Carolina, Farmer
BROOKS, George L. - 23, Ireland, Farmer, Co. H, 72nd Illinois
BROUGH, Amos - 36, Pennsylvania, Miller, Sore leg
BROWN, Edward A. - 24, New York, Farmer, Co. G, 7th Regt. Missouri
BURGES, John T. - 26, Illinois, Farmer
BURMOOD, Henry - 24, Pennsylvania, Farmer
BURMOOD, Nicholas - 24, Pennsylvania, Farmer
BURMOOD, Peter - 20, Pennsylvania, Farmer, Co. Am 78th Illinois, Discharged
BURTIS, Sam. L. - 40, Farmer, Co. H, 72nd Illinois
BURTON, Edward H. - 21, Illinois, Farmer, Co. C, 72nd Illinois
BURTON, John - 32, New York, Farmer, [note unreadable]
BURTON, Luther C. - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Co. D, 78th Illinois
BURTON, Nathan F. - 44, Connecticut, FarmerCAIN, Abel - 30, Ohio, Farmer
CALLEY, James - 37, Ireland, Farmer
CARDEN, David P. - 30, Virginia, Farmer
CARDEN, James H. - 38, Virginia, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CARDEN, John S. - 23, Illinois, Farmer
CHAPLIN, Jeremiah - 36, Ohio, Wagonmaker
COIN, Wm. W. - 40, Indiana, Farmer
CONVOY, John - 30, Ireland, Farmer
COOPER, John W. - 22, Illinois, Farmer
COWDERY, Charles S. - 29, Ohio, Farmer
COWDERY, Newton R. - 31, Ohio, Farmer
COWDERY, Royal J. - 30, Ohio, Farmer
COWDERY, Spencer S. - 23, Illinois, Farmer
COX, Gideon - 33, Ohio, Farmer
CURTIS, James - 52, Ohio, Farmer, Co. B, 7th Missouri Cav.
CUTRIGHT, Jacob A. - 35, Virginia, FarmerDAVIS, Benager - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
DAVIS, John - 21, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
DAVIS, Wm. - 31, Ohio, Carpenter
DEAN, Elias - 22, Virginia, Farmer, Vol. ruptured & rejected
DENNY, James H. - 30, Illinois, Farmer
DENNY, Wm. G. - 36, Illinois, Farmer
DEVENPORT, Adriah - 36, New York, Farmer
DEVENPORT, Noricena - 30, New York, Farmer
DORSETT, Ezra B. - 43, North Carolina, Farmer
DORSETT, Harrison D. - 25, Illinois, Farmer
DRIVER, Robert - 23, Indiana, Farmer, Co. A, 78th IllinoisEDWARDS, Benj. F. - 38, Ohio, Farmer
EDWARDS, Richard F. - 38, Kentucky, Farmer
ENSLEY, Joseph W. - 30, Virginia, FarmerFAIRCHILDS, Elisha - 24, Ohio, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois, Discharged
FARWELL, Garmal [?], 19, Ohio, Farmer
FARWELL, Jacob S. - 29, Ohio, Farmer
FITCH, Geo. W. - 42, New York, FarmerGORDON, Baswell - 36, Pennsylvania, Farmer
GRAHAM, Archibald H. - 31, Virginia, Carpenter, Co. A, 78th Illinois
GRAHAM, David - 30, Virginia, Saddler
GRAHAM, Hugh J. - 33, Ohio, Cooper
GRAHAM, Sheperd - 21, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
GRAHAM, Wm. A. - 34, Virginia, Farmer
GRANGER, Gavin - 43, Ireland, Blacksmith
GRANGER, John - 18, Ireland, Farmer
GRANGER, Robert - 22, Ireland, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
GRANGER, William - 23, Ireland, Farmer
GRIFFITH, Isaac - 24, Virginia, Farmer, 118th Regt. Illinois Vol.
GROVES, James M. - 22, Ohio, BlacksmithHALBERT, James L. - 34, Kentucky, School Teacher
HAMILTON, Thos. J. - 23, Kentucky, Carpenter, Co. I, 57th Illinois, Discharged
HARRIS, Luther - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Co. H, 72nd Illinois
HARRISON, George - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
HARRISON, Wm. - 22, Illinois, Farmer
HAWKINS, Daniel - 30, Tennessee, Farmer, Co. D, 78th Illinois
HEDGECOCK, Andrew J. - 31, Illinois, Farmer
HEDGECOCK, Coston - 27, Illinois, Farmer
HEDGECOCK, Joshua - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Co. G, 72nd Regt. Illinois Vol.
HEDGECOCK, T. H. - 23, Illinois, Farmer
HENDERSON, Esquire - 39, Indiana, Farmer
HENSLEY, Wm. F. - 19, Kentucky, Farmer
HEPPLE, John J. - 40, Ohio, Farmer, Left eye out
HILDS [WILDS?], Samuel - 22, Kentucky, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
HILL, Thos. J. - 19, Illinois, Farmer
HOLT, Andrew J. - 20, Illinois, Farmer
HOLT, Elias H. - 23, Illinois, Farmer
HOWELL, G. W. - 18, Ohio, Farmer
HOWELL, Haywood - 52, Ohio, Blacksmith, Good Templars Regt.
HOWELL, Henry, 23, Ohio, Farmer, Co. I, 11th Illinois Cav.
HOWELL, John - 24, Ohio, School Teacher
HUSTAGE, Frances M. - 22, Ohio, Farmer, Co. H, 72nd Illinois
HUSTAGE, Henry - 35, Ohio, Farmer, Co. H, 72nd Illinois
HUSTAGE, Joseph E. - 24, Ohio, FarmerJOHNSON, Spencer F. - 35, Ohio, Farmer
JONES, Lynn B. - 19, Tennessee, Farmer, Capt. Martains Co. Illinois Vol.
JONES, Richard O. - 19, Tennessee, Farmer, Co. D, 28th IllinoisKENNEDAY, Abner - 26, Illinois, Farmer
KENNEDAY, Wm. H. - 33, North Carolina, Farmer
KINGTON, Edward F. - 24, Illinois, FarmerLANSDON, Wm. H. - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
LEWTON, Hamilton - 28, Ohio, Farmer
LOCK, Jasper N. - 22, Illinois, Farmer, Co. H, 72nd Illinois
LOCK, Rueben M. - 27, Illinois, Farmer
LOOP, George W. - 22, Indiana, Farmer
LOOP, John H. - 19, Indiana, Farmer, Co. C, 59th Illinois
LOOP, Josiah D. - 18, Indiana, Farmer
LYMAN, Alvin - 44, Connecticut, FarmerMANLOVE, Wm. B. - 31, Illinois, Farmer
MCCREERY, David - 37, Ireland, Farmer
MCCREERY, Thomas - 28, Ireland, Farmer
MCCREERY, Wm. - 26, Ireland, Farmer
MCELWAIN, John - 37, Ireland, Farmer
MCKEE, Wm. - 30, Ireland, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
MCKINLEY, Charles - 21, Ohio, Farmer, Co. B, 16th Illinois
MCPHEETERS, John C. - 38, Indiana, Farmer
MEACHAM, James M. - 34, Ohio, Farmer
MILLER, Charles R. - 26, Illinois, Cooper
MOORE, Charles W. - 22, Illinois, Farmer, Co. C, 12th Illinois
MOORE, George A. - 30, Ohio, Farmer
MOORE, Wm. - 34, Ohio, Farmer
MORIAITY, Gilbert - 26, Indiana, Farmer, Co. A, 10th Missouri, DischargedNOEL, Theodore C. - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
NOEL, Wm. - 44, Pennsylvania, FarmerORR, Benj. E. - 19, Indiana, Farmer, Co. E, 71st Regt. Illinois Vol.
OVERVEY, John - 18, Tennessee, FarmerPARROTT, John B. - 30, Kentucky, Farmer
PAYNE, Barnett - 19, North Carolina, Farmer, Co. G, 72nd Regt. Illinois Vol.
PEACOCK, Elijah - 42, Virginia, Farmer
PENDARVIS, Archibald - 34, Tennessee, Farmer, 91st Illinois
PENDARVIS, Wm. H. - 22, Illinois, Farmer
PHELPS, Charles H. - 26, New York, FarmerRAYMAN, Ellis - 44, New York, Farmer
RAYMAN, Gabriel - 28, New York, Farmer
RAYMAN, John W. - 19, Illinois, Farmer
READ, James M. - 20, Illinois, Farmer
READ, Thos. H. - 21, Illinois, Farmer
RIDENOUR, Wm. P. - 23, Indiana, Farmer, 1st Board of Trade Regt.
RIDINGHOUR, Lamon - 27, Indiana, Farmer
ROACH, Anderson F. - 44, Tennessee, Farmer
ROACH, Levi W. - 22, Tennessee, Farmer, Co. A, 10th Missouri
ROBARDES, George - 19, Tennessee, Farmer, U. S. service, company & regt. not known
ROBARDES, John T. - 25, Tennessee, Farmer
ROBINSON, James M. - 19, Ohio, Farmer
ROBINSON, Wm. S. - 18, Ohio, Farmer
RUGGLES, Wesley C. - 19, Iowa, Farmer
RUGGLES, Wm. B. - 20, Kentucky, FarmerSAPP, David M. - 23, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
SAPP, Harrison F. - 43, North Carolina, Carpenter
SAPP, Henry J. - 42, North Carolina, Farmer
SAPP, Isaac - 26, North Carolina, Farmer
SAPP, Samuel K. - 31, North Carolina, Farmer
SAPP, Wm. P. - 35, North Carolina, Carpenter
SAWTELL, Wm. H. - 32, Vermont, Farmer, Co. G, 7th Regt. Missouri
SCOTT, Hiram - 43, Kentucky, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
SCOTT, James S. - 25, Kentucky, Farmer, Co. H, 12th Illinois
SELL, Henry H. - 21, Illinois, Farmer
SELL, Jacob W. - 24, Illinois, School Teacher
SELLS, Caleb R. - 32, North Carolina, Farmer
SHERON, Joseph - 20, Ohio, Farmer
SHERON, Shirley - 22, Ohio, Farmer
SHERON, Wm. - 23, Ohio, Farmer
SHULER, Amos - 30, North Carolina, Farmer
SHULER, English - 24, North Carolina, Farmer
SHULER, John A. - 28, North Carolina, Farmer
SIMPSON, Lemuel L. - 20, Indiana, Farmer, 55th Indiana Vol.
SMITH, Geo. W. - 30, Virginia, Farmer
SMITH, Henry A. - 23, Illinois, Farmer
SNYDER, Henry F. - 25, Germany, Farmer
SPARKS, Bloice - 39, Indiana, Farmer
STEEN, John E. - 20, Pennsylvania, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
STEWART, James - 38, Ireland, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
STONER, Daniel - 27, North Carolina, Farmer
STUCKER, Andrew J. - 20, Illinois, Farmer
STUCKER, Thomas - 21, Illinois, Farmer
SWISEGOOD, John S. - 23, North Carolina, FarmerTANKSLEY, Andrew - 25, Tennessee, Farmer
TARR, Jonathan - 24, Illinois, Farmer
TARR, Lanson - 29, Ohio, Farmer
TARR, Wm. - 19, Illinois, Farmer
THOMPSON, John - 35, Kentucky, Farmer
TWIDWELL, Solomon - 44, North Carolina, Farmer
TWIDWELL, Thos. B. - 22, Illinois, FarmerVANCE, Benj. F. - 35, Tennessee, Farmer
VERKNER, Barnet - 23, Ohio, FarmerWALKER, Wm. T. - 38, Tennessee, Preacher, Co. A, 78th Illinois
WALTERS, John - 47, Ohio, Farmer, Co. B, 7th Missouri Cav.
WALTERS, Richard C. - 21, New York, Farmer, Co. B, 7th Missouri Cav.
WEIR, Wm. - 37, North Carolina, Farmer
WHEELER, David N. - 33, North Carolina, Farmer
WHETSTONE, Marquis - 24, Illinois, Farmer
WHETSTONE, Marquis L. - 44, Ohio, Farmer
WHITNEY, Henry - 27, New York, Farmer
WIER, George H. - 21, Illinois, Farmer
WIER, Wm. - 25, Illinois, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WIGGINS, Wm. J. - 22, North Carolina, Farmer
WILLES, Henry - 21, Kentucky, Farmer, Co. A, 78th Illinois
WILMOT, Wm. W. - 32, Kentucky, Farmer
WOODWORTH, Stephen - 24, Indiana, Farmer
WYCKOFF, John T. - 37, Illinois, FarmerYOUNG, Andrew J. - 33, Ohio, Farmer, Co. H, 13th Illinois
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