Frederick Christian Church
The original organization of the Frederick Christian church dates back almost 60 years, for it was on June 1, 1890 following the completion of the new house of worship, that the dedicatory sermon was preached Rev. D. E. Hughes, resident pastor of the Rushville Christian church.

It was thru the efforts of a number of Frederick's Christian women that the church was erected, among the number being Mrs Hudson Dean, Mrs. Frank Rebman, and Mrs. Sarah Coningham. These three women, with others whose names we are unable to learn, all served unceasingly until their church was functioning in accordance with their ambitions.

This church was destroyed by fire on the first Sunday in October, 1935, and 13 months later, on November 15, 1936, a rebuilt house of worship, the present church edifice in Frederick, was dedicated, the sermon being preached by Rev. W. W. Vose, a beloved former pastor, who served there as church pastor during the period of World War I.

The church does not have a resident pastor at this time, but Sunday school is held regularly, with a good attendance of the Frederick folks.

The Rushville Times, October 7, 1948
The Rushville Times by permission.

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