Ray Christian Church

The organization of a Christian church denomination in the village of Ray followed a series of tabernacle meetings held there by Rev. D. E. Hughes, pastor of the First Christian church in Rushville, in the fall of 1895. Unusual interest was shown in the meeting conducted by Rev. Hughes, and scores of persons from the surrounding community were converted and administered the rites of baptism as a result of the meetings.

Following the close of the meetings a Sunday school was organized, and regular sessions were held in the village school building until the erection of the new Christian church was completed in the year 1896, and the dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. D. E. Hughes.

The church, under the guiding hands of a group of interested men and women, thrived, and the attendance at Sunday school grew by leaps and bounds, the classes being composed of older residents as well as the children of the community.

A number of noted ministers served the pastorate, among them being Rev. George C. Ross, Rev. H. C. Littleton, and Rev. Fred Wilson.

After the church had been functioning nicely for several years, it was struck by lightning and burned, to the regret of the entire community. Later a church was erected on the old church site, and regular services held there for a time, or until the removal of many families from the community, when the congregation diminished to such extent that the church was abandoned and was afterward wrecked and sold for a residence.

The Rushville Times, October 7, 1948
The Rushville Times by permission.

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