Land Deeds
Schuyler County, Illinois
Morris L. DeCounter
This land is all in Camden Township.
Land deeds were recorded in January of 1918 by the widow and children
of Morris L. DeCounter, deceased and Nettie DeCounter, deceased, a
daughter of the said Morris L. DeCounter as heirs at law of the two
previously listed.
Wilmena DeCounter, widow; Lela Peterson and Martin L. Peterson, her
husband; Grover C. DeCounter and Arie A. DeCounter, his wife; all of
Schuyler County, Illinois; and Susan E. Hunter and Roy M. Hunter, her
husband of Illinois,
all their interest in the following real estate:
The north east quarter of the north east quarter of section 10; also
the north east quarter of the north west quarter of the north east
quarter of section 10, except two acres in the north west corner thereof,
bounded and described as follows, viz:
Beginning at the north west corner thereof, and running thence east
five rods to a ravine, thence south westerly with said ravine to the west
line of said tract near the southwest corner thereof, and thence north
to the place of beginning All in Township Two North of the base line in
range three west of the fourth principal meridian. [Book 102, page 5]
Based on the plat book, the exception of two acres in the deed above is
most likely for a cemetery. In the Camden Twp. cemeteries book
published in 1992 by the Schuyler Co. Genealogical museum it is known as
Taggart-Zimmerman-DeCounter cemetery. In 1992 it was located on the Lena
Little farm in the pasture, unfenced.
Wilmena DeCounter, a widow; Grover C. DeCounter and Arie A. DeCounter,
his wife; Alonzo DeCounter and Glena E. DeCounter, his wife, all of
Schuyler County, IL, and Susan E. Hunter and Roy M. Hunter her husband of
Tulsa Oklahoma to LeLa Peterson for $675.00 the following real estate:
All their interest in the following described real estate: Forty rods
off the West side of the north west quarter of Section 11, except eight
acres more or less on the north side of the Public Highway heretofore
conveyed by Morris L. DeCounter and wife to Wesley W. Howe, as will
appear from deed recorded in the Recorder's Office of Schuyler County in
Book 64 of Deeds, page 141. All in Township 2 North of the Base Line in
Range Three West of the 4th P.M. The tract conveyed containing 32 acres
more or less.
The plot above and the previous one adjoin each other.
Donated & Transcribed by LouAnn Cameron
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