Schuyler County Illinois Photo Gallery
Page 13
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Photo of Hester Jane GILLENWATER CROXTON, Hanna BOX CROXTON, Sarah Jane CROXTON, & Joel Erwin CROXTON
submitted by John Croxton

Caleb Stevens & Frederick William Croxton Photo
This tin type photo Circa 1865
Caleb Stevens (standing), and Fredrick William Croxton (sitting) both of Plesantview Illinois.
Fredrick Williams father died during the heat of the Civil War in 1862 in the Ozark Mountians in MO.
Caleb Stevens married Fredricks mother Sara Parks some 10 years later.
Caleb became the step father to Walter Croxton JR's children.
Fredrick was the eldest boy.
Submitted by John

Elijah Croxton Photo
This photo on left is Circa 1860 It is a Tin Type of Elijah Phipps Croxton, from Huntsville Illnois formerly of
Plesantview, he and his brothers started a pottery company near Fredrick in the mid 1840s. Then he left on the Oregon
trail, struck Gold in Oregon and fought indians in hand to hand combat. He died in Huntsville in 1872. Submitted
by John Croxton

Croxton Group Photo
Picture on right is circa 1890
seated is Fredrick Cleavland Croxton son of Ejijah (Above)
His mother Hester Jane Gillenwater Croxton (wife of Elijah)
Sarah may standing back left and Nancy Favoretta
daughters of Elijah.
by John Croxton

Bessie Croxton Photo
Bessie Croxton Campbell, Daughter of Henry Thomas
Croxton of Plesantview, seated with her Camel collection in Rushville Illinois
Circa 1939 on her front porch.
by John Croxton
Copyright © by Judi Gilker 2006