Biography of Israel Hill of Oakland township, Illinois

Israel Hill, one of the pioneer farmers of Oakland township, was born in Indiana, in 1827, a son of Ishmael Hill, a native of North Carolina, born in October, 1808. He was married April 4, 1850, to Miss Louisiana Pemberton, a daughter of Thomas Pemberton of Kentucky.

Biography of Christian Pilger of Beardstown, Illinois

Christian Pilger, a live man and old citizen of Beardstown, was born in Waldeck, Prussia, in 1836, and came of a good old German family. His father, Fred Pilger, was at one time Mayor, as had been his father and grandfather before him. He was married in this city to Miss Margaret Schuman, born in Baden, Germany, and came to this country when eighteen years of age. Her parents also came to Beardstown and died here consistent members of the Lutheran Church.

Biography of Samuel M. Schroder of Oakland township, Illinois

Samuel M. Schroder, a rising young business man of Oakland township, and one of the most progressive agriculturists of Schuyler county, was born in McDonough county, Illinois, in 1860, on the 27th day of April. His father, Nicholas Schroder, was a native of Germany, but emigrated to America with his mother when a lad of eleven years, in 1837. Mr. Schroder was united in marriage, in 1880, to Miss Sarah E. Smith, a native of Fulton county, Illinois, and a daughter of John and Rebecca (Barcus) Smith, natives of Pennsylvania and Illinois, respectively.

Joseph Briar – Biography

  JosephBriar  JOSEPHBRIAR, one of the old settlers of Hickory precinct, Cass county, Illinois,was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 3, 1823, son of James Briar,a native of Ireland. His grandparents were born in Ireland, of Scotch ancestry,and spent their entire lives in their native land. James Briar was rearedand married in Ireland and came to America about 1815. He first lived inNew York city and afterward in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Pittsburg. Hewas a contractor on Government works, and while in New York city was engagedin building lighthouses in New York harbor. Subsequently be was one ofthe contractors on the building … Read more

John L. Bennett – Biography

 JohnL. Bennett  JOHNL. BENNETT, born in McDonough county, Illinois, December 13, 1832, is theson of Isaac Bennett, born in North Carolina, May 22, 1808. He marriedin White county, Tennessee, Mary Lynch, April 8, 1834. She was the daughterof Charles and Mary Lynch. The latter was born August 7, 1814. Her parents,who were farmers, reared eight children, the father dying in Tennessee,at the age of forty-five, her mother in Hancock county, Illinois, agedeighty-four years. Grandfather Bennett died in Kentucky in 1831, and hiswife in Hancock county at the age of eighty years. She came to Illinoisin 1834, her son, Isaac, coming … Read more

John Unland – Biography

  JohnUnland  JOHNUNLAND, of Beardstown, a practical farmer and stock-raiser, was born inHanover, Germany, July 30, 1833. He was young when he came to this countrywith his father, Rev. Casper H. Unland. The latter grew up a farmer, waswell educated and became early in life interested in religion and whileyet a young man began to exhort and preach experimental religion. For thishe was persecuted by the State church. He married Maria Calres in Hanover,and, after the birth of eight children, to better their condition theyset out for the United States. They left on a sailing vessel October 20,1844, and landed … Read more

Richard Watson Mills Biography

 RichardWatson Mills  RICHARDWATSON MILLS, one of the leading attorneys of Cass county, Illinois, wasborn in Jacksonville, Morgan county, this State, August 3, 1844. Hisfather, Chesley Mills, was born hear Lebanon, Tennessee, son of James Mills,a native of the eastern shores of Maryland. James Mills was born duringRevolutionary times, a son of John Mills, who lost his life in the Revolutionarywar, and in Maryland he was reared. When a young man he went to Tennessee,married the daughter of Isaac Lindsey, located a few miles from the Hermitage,and resided there until 1808. That year he removed to the Territory ofMissouri and located … Read more

William T. Tyson – Biography

WILLIAM T. TYSON, a widely and favorably known citizen of Bainbridge Township, Schuyler County, Illinois, an honored veteran of the late war, and one of the most prosperous farmers of the State, is a worthy representative of a prominent family of distinguished patriots, who sealed their devotion to their country long before she became a distinct nation, and who, by their united and continued efforts, have contributed in no small measure to her steady advancement to her present glorious position among the countries of the world. Zephaniah Tyson, the distinguished grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in … Read more