January 1, 1883 Schuyler County, Illinois
List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883 giving the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882. (The pensioners were primarily Union veterans from the Civil War and survivors of the War of 1812, but also included other service as well. Confederate veterans were not eligible for federal pensions from Civil War service.)
Volume 1, from pages 602-603
NOTE: The “No. of certificate” and “Date of original allowance” columns were difficult to read. Please use with caution and refer to original record when there are questions.
The certificate numbers are available on other documents such as T288, General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 microfilm.
This resource is also available on web sites of some commercial genealogy services.
ab. | abdominal | paral. | paralysis |
ank. | ankle | parl. | paralysis |
ch. | chronic | partl. | partial |
chr. | chronic | r. | right |
cr. | chronic | res. | resulting/resultant |
diarr. | diarrhea | rheum. | rheumatism |
dis. | disease | rt. | right |
fev. | fever | sh. | shoulder |
flux. | reflux | shr. | shoulder |
frac. | fracture | var. | varicose |
g.s.w. | gunshot wound | vis. | viscera |
ht. | heart | wd. | wound |
inj. | injury | &c. | etc. |
l. | left |
pages 602 & 603 |
No. of certificate | Name of pensioner | Post-office address | Cause for which pensioned | Monthly rate | Date of original allowance |
159,599 |
Angell, James H. |
Pleasent View |
wd. l. thigh |
4.00 |
May 1879 |
25,851 |
Arnes, Eliaha |
Browning |
impaired sight & hearing |
6.00 |
——— |
128,870 |
Axel, Jacob |
Rushville |
wd. l. bowel |
4.00 |
——– |
185,082 |
Bates, James |
Wayland |
erysipelas & dis eyes |
8.00 |
Mar 1881 |
79,371 |
Beebe, Wm. A. |
Pleasent View |
loss r. thumb |
4.00 |
——- |
152,482 |
Bissell, Jane |
Brooklyn |
widow |
8.00 |
July 1871 |
58,306 |
Black, Angeline |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
——— |
211,715 |
Bowen, Andrew J. |
Rushville |
shell wd. L. side & ch. diarr |
4.00 |
June 1882 |
51,215 |
Boyles, Calvin |
Rushville |
w. r. lung & knee |
8.00 |
——– |
49, 434 |
Brewer, James M. |
Rushville |
wd. r. elbow & rheum |
18.00 |
——— |
110,672 |
Bridgewater, Levi |
Rushville |
wd. l. hand & dis eyes |
12.00 |
——– |
62,001 |
Brown, Perry |
Fredericksville |
dis spine & rheum |
4.00 |
——– |
18,823 |
Brooks, Cassandra |
Ray |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Feb. 1879 |
187,148 |
Brooks, Geo. S. |
Rushville |
minors of |
10.00 |
Mar 1880 |
113,765 |
Brooks, Harrison |
Huntsville |
ch. diarr |
8.00 |
——- |
20,797 |
Brown, Sarah |
Camden |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Mar. 1879 |
130,495 |
Brooks, Oliver |
Brooklyn |
minors of |
10.00 |
——- |
184,680 |
Brooks, Rachel |
Birmingham |
widow |
16.00 |
June 1879 |
89,985 |
Bullis, Abram F. |
Rushville |
inj. lft. foot & dis of heart |
12.00 |
———- |
159, 852 |
Caldwell, Susan |
Littleton |
widow |
8.00 |
Oct 1872 |
173,817 |
Castle, Lewis |
Ray |
ch. diarr |
4.00 |
Sept 1880 |
8,552 |
Chadsey, Benjamin |
Rushville |
surv. 1812 |
8.00 |
Nov 1871 |
123,228 |
Close, Albert |
Rushville |
wd. r. elbow |
8.00 |
——— |
70,460 |
Colt, Sarah P. |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
Aug 1866 |
100,892 |
Cooney, Clara |
Rushville |
widow |
10.00 |
Jan 1881 |
58,416 |
Cooper, Mahala |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
——– |
114,295 |
Corriel, John D. |
Wayland |
wd. r. hand |
4.00 |
——– |
135,210 |
Crask, Henry |
Rushville |
wd. r. side of head |
6.00 |
——— |
145,851 |
Curry, Wm. J. |
Rushville |
wd.r. arm |
4.00 |
——— |
222,012 |
Curtis, John |
Brooklyn |
chr. diarr. |
4.00 |
Dec. 1882 |
159,242 |
Curtis, Joseph |
Brooklyn |
wd. r. thigh |
4.00 |
Apr. 1879 |
143,160 |
Davis, Elizabeth |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
——– |
91,777 |
Degarmore, Mary |
Brooklyn |
widow |
8.00 |
——– |
186,392 |
Dessaron, Srarh E. |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
Dec 1879 |
113,635 |
Dixon, Francis M. |
Rushville |
ch. diarr |
8.00 |
——– |
182,492 |
Dunn, James H. |
Ray |
ch rheum |
3.00 |
Sept 1879 |
153,568 |
Everhart, Samuel |
Rushville |
ch diarr |
6.00 |
June 1878 |
131,579 |
Evans, Aquila T. |
Camden |
inj. r. side & abscess |
24.00 |
——— |
36,134 |
Ewing, James H. |
Rushville |
wd. l. shr. |
18.00 |
——— |
30,277 |
Gillaim, Barclay C. |
Rushville |
wd. l. shr. |
25.00 |
——— |
199,908 |
Gossage, James |
Rushville |
g. s. w. head |
2.00 |
Dec. 1881 |
153,447 |
Grafton, Samuel |
Rushville |
wd. L. leg |
2.00 |
May 1878 |
85,414 |
Graves, Henry |
Rushville |
blind |
72.00 |
——– |
13,275 |
Gregg, Mary Ann |
Rushville |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Dec 1878 |
2,936 |
Griffith, Nathan |
Rushville |
surv. 1812 |
8.00 |
Aug 1871 |
88,188 |
Gillspie, Matilda C. |
Camden |
dep. mother |
8.00 |
Dec. 1866 |
87,877 |
Groves, James M. |
Birmingham |
wd. r. thigh |
4.00 |
——- |
189,878 |
Hellyer, George |
Brooklyn |
dis. stom & dyspep |
4.00 |
June 1881 |
114,398 |
Helso, Rachel A. |
Pleasent View |
widow |
8.00 |
Feb 1869 |
118,175 |
Hite, Abraham L. |
Brooklyn |
dis. lungs |
8.00 |
——– |
1,370 |
Hoffman, Margaret C. |
Rushville |
widow |
3.50 |
July 1859 |
21,366 |
Horney, Emilia |
Littleton |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Mar. 1879 |
13,918 |
Horney, Jane |
Littleton |
widow |
30.00 |
Feb. 1864 |
185,331 |
Horton, Elizabeth |
Bluff City |
widow |
8.00 |
——– |
189,861 |
Huckels, James |
Fredericksville |
shell wd. hd. & dis. abd. visc. |
6.00 |
June 1881 |
153,033 |
Huey, Robert B. |
Birmingham |
intermittant fever |
6.00 |
Aug.1878 |
30,695 |
Humphreys, Mary |
Browning |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Nov. 1880 |
166,585 |
Johnson, John |
Brooklyn |
loss r. ind. finger from g.s.w. |
3.00 |
Apr. 1880 |
157,108 |
Johnson, John M. |
Fredericksville |
dis. of abdominal viscers |
15.00 |
Jan 1879 |
32,678 |
Luttrell, Sarah |
Browning |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Sept 1882 |
81,218 |
Mason, Wm. E. |
Rushville |
frac. jaw |
12.00 |
——— |
67,381 |
McCabe, Mary |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
Mar 1866 |
133,794 |
McCake, John |
Rushville |
wd. r. leg |
3.00 |
——– |
62,518 |
McGrath, John H. |
Doddsville |
wd. r. thigh |
11.25 |
——– |
13,358 |
McHatton, Elizabeth |
Camden |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Dec. 1878 |
35,172 |
McKenney, John J. |
Camden |
wd. r. hand |
6.00 |
——– |
22,722 |
Melvin, John |
Camden |
surv. 1812 |
8.00 |
July 1878 |
213,210 |
Merritt, Thomas M. |
Brooklyn |
chr.diarr. & rheum. |
6.00 |
June 1882 |
154,541 |
Middieton, David F. |
Rushville |
minors of |
10.00 |
——— |
94,817 |
Minnium, John A. |
Rushville |
wd. L. grion |
6.00 |
——— |
199,085 |
Montooth, Geo |
Rushville |
dis r. side hd. & deaf r. ear |
4.00 |
Dec 1881 |
169,479 |
Moore, Geo. |
Huntsville |
sunstroke & L. side |
8.00 |
June 1880 |
170,209 |
Mullen, Martin |
Birmingham |
sunstroke, dis., brain & heart |
8.00 |
June, 1880 |
174,433 |
Neldy, Phebe |
Rushville |
dep. mother |
8.00 |
July 1876 |
45,241 |
Newell, Zelpha |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
Apr 1865 |
20,787 |
Parker, Eliza |
Rushville |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Mar1879 |
208,608 |
Parks, Henry |
Pleasant View |
shell wd. l. leg |
2.00 |
May 1862 |
167,266 |
Patterson, Robert |
Rushville |
inj. to back |
4.00 |
Apr. 1880 |
169,501 |
Petsor, John |
Brooklyn |
dep. father |
8.00 |
June 1875 |
125,184 |
Peyton, Augustus D. |
Rushville |
wd. jaw |
8.00 |
——— |
174,950 |
Phares, James |
Rushville |
chr. diarr |
6.00 |
Oct. 1880 |
161,907 |
Pratt, Leonard J. |
Huntsville |
dis. lungs & heart |
12.00 |
Aug 1879 |
59,564 |
Primley, Seneca |
Rushville |
wd. l. side head |
8.00 |
——— |
192,870 |
Pruett, Jacob |
Rushville |
injury to abdomen |
4.00 |
July 1881 |
196,303 |
Purdum, James |
Birmingham |
g. s. w. rt. leg |
6.00 |
Oct. 1881 |
120,977 |
Rader, Wm. H. |
Camden |
wd. l. hand |
10.00 |
——– |
76,527 |
Randall, John H. |
Fredericksville |
frac. ribs, & c. | 8.00 | ——– |
186,500 |
Raper, Augustus F. |
Doddsville |
dep. father |
8.00 |
Jan. 1880 |
16,?69 (unreadable) |
Rittenhouse, Eloch |
Rushville |
wd. both legs |
8.00 |
——– |
34,480 |
Roach, John |
Rushville |
ch. pleuritis |
18.00 |
——— |
147,193 |
Roberts, Garnet |
Ray |
inj. r. ankle |
18.00 |
——— |
106,009 |
Robertson, Joel |
Browning |
ch.diarr. & abd. vise |
4.00 |
Mar. 1880 |
128,492 |
Robinson, Nimrod |
Birmingham |
chr. rheum. |
10.00 |
——– |
128, 559 |
Roe, Wm. R. |
Bluff City |
loss l. thumb |
4.00 |
——– |
108,579 |
Scott, Richard |
Rushville |
injury to abdomen |
10.00 |
——– |
186,504 |
Sell, Catherine |
Birmingham |
dep., mother |
8.00 |
Jan. 1880 |
178,774 |
Sheesly, Daniel |
Littleton |
eb. diarr. & dis abd. visc |
8.00 |
Nov 1880 |
101,061 |
Shelley, Franklin |
Sheldon’s Grove |
wd. l. shr. |
6.00 |
——— |
52,473 |
Sherrill, Keziah |
Baders |
widow |
8.00 |
Aug. 1865 |
118,930 |
Shields, Julia A. |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
——– |
42,351 |
Sites, Martha |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
——— |
204,065 |
Smedley, Thomas J. |
Fredericksville |
ch. diarr. |
4.00 |
Mar. 1882 |
162,366 |
Sprigg, Elizabeth |
Huntsville |
dep. mother |
8.00 |
May 1873 |
113, 851 |
Stockwell, Clarissa |
Fredericksville |
widow |
8.00 |
——— |
20,160 |
Stokes, Elizabeth |
Huntsville |
dep. mother |
8.00 |
Apr. 1864 |
142,102 |
Stoneking, David |
Birmingham |
dis. stomach & bowels |
8.00 |
——– |
193,023 |
Stoneking, Elizabeth |
Birmingham |
widow |
8.00 |
July 1881 |
192,951 |
Stucker, Laura |
Huntsville |
widow |
12.00 |
July 1881 |
29, 258 |
Taylor, Margaret |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
——— |
44,795 |
Taylor, Norris H. |
Rushville |
wd. l. lung |
14.00 |
——— |
131,517 |
Tetrick, David S. |
Rushville |
wd. r. thigh |
8.00 |
——— |
158,032 |
Thornton, Geo. M. D. |
Browning |
epilepsy |
18.00 |
May 1880 |
180,075 |
Trayar, John |
Browning |
65, 684 |
Underwood, Mary J. |
Rushville |
widow |
8.00 |
——— |
121,093 |
Vail, Abraham W. |
Fredericksville |
dis eyes |
8.00 |
——— |
193,098 |
Walker, Joseph |
Littleton |
g. s. w. l. side & neck |
6.25 |
July 1881 |
165,174 |
Ware, Nancy |
Fredericksville |
widow |
8.00 |
——— |
24,958 |
Warring, Sally |
Birmingham |
widow, 1812 |
8.00 |
June 1879 |
92,795 |
Waugh, Biram |
Rushville |
Burn, hand & Arm |
4.00 |
——— |
126,518 |
Webster, Daniel |
Rushville |
phth. pul. |
24.00 |
——– |
112,592 |
Wier, Wm. H. |
Birmingham |
wd. l. arm |
8.00 |
——– |
155,251 |
Williams, Henry |
Huntsville |
chr. diarr., ulcerat’n bowels |
8.00 |
Sept 1878 |
47,757 |
Wilson, Charles L. |
Birmingham |
wd. l. arm |
18.00 |
——— |
294,132 |
Wilson, Pelatiah P. |
Birmingham |
chr. diarr. & heart dis |
18.00 |
Aug. 1881 |
12,509 |
Wisdom, Susannah |
Browning |
widow |
8.00 |
——– |
201,631 |
Womelsdorf, Jacob |
Wayland |
rheum. &chr. diarr |
4.00 |
Jan 1882 |
184,304 |
Young, Matilda |
Birmingham |
widow |
8.00 |
—— |
The original pension files are housed in the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. See nara.gov web site.