Schuyler County ILGenWeb
The Schuyler Citizen Newspapers Early Deaths in the years of 1879 – 1880
Courtesy of Carol Wolf Britton.
Carol deserves special recognition for this outstanding contribution to Schuyler County ILGenWeb. Her strong commitment & determination to accomplish such a task, will undoubtedly assist numerous genealogy researchers for years to come.

Early Deaths in the year of 1879 Schultz-the funeral of a little two-year-old son of Geo Schultz took place yesterday. Benjamin Walton officiating. The Schuyler Citizen, Jan 1, 1880
Curtis-Mr. Henry Curtis, who has for sometime been afflicted with lung disease caused by a wound received during the Rebellion, died on last Friday at his residence two miles and a half north of Brooklyn, and was buried in the cemetery at this place on Saturday. Mr. Curtis was a faithful soldier, a good citizen and an exemplary Christian whose place will be hard to fill.. The Schuyler Citizen, Jan 1, 1880
We are indebted to Mr. Henry Korstian for the following list of those who have been buried in Rushville Cemetery during the year, 1879 January 17—James Albert Scripps aged 8 years, 11 months and 25 days January 14—infant of John Christianson January 17—A. J. Hoskinson aged 55 years. January 17—Benjamin Scott Milby 3 years January 17—infant of John Christianson February 4—Asa Goodwin aged 70 years February 7—Benjamin Franklin Wade aged 54 years February 17—Eva Heita aged 80 years February 24—Thomas Packard aged 77 years 11 months March 5—Frank Herman Clark, aged 2 months 20 days March 19—Abraham Smith, aged 72 years 6 months March 21—infant of Jacob Harmon March 31—infant of B. F. Fowler April 15—Martha Alice Campbell aged 22 years, 5 months and 18 days April 22—infant of W. I. Larash May 4—Thomas Parrott, aged 73 years May 6—Geo. W. Potts, aged 41 years May 6—Jennie Louisa McClure, aged 1 year and 7 months, 15 days May 25—Mrs. Sarah Hopley aged 72 years Jun 20—Mrs. Caroline Lawler aged 56 years July 22—infant of George Fifer July 23—Harvey Slack aged 2 months Aug 6—Richard Scott aged one year Aug 20—Anna Achison aged 4 months, 15 days Aug 12—Mrs. Clarissa Haskell aged 87 years Aug 17—infant of Nathan Montgomery Aug 20—Peter L Campbell aged 81 years Aug 22—John C. Hollis aged 68 years, 5 months Aug 25—infant of Charles E. Lawler Sept 1—Mrs. A. L. Leezer aged 59 years 4 month and 2 days Sept 2—Edgar Anderson aged 39 years, 5 months and 25 days Sept 9—infant of Nathan Montgomery Sept 13—Mrs. Effie Foote aged 19 years, 2 month and 7 days Sept 18—Maude Jackson aged 5 months and 7 days Sept 21—Mary Parker aged 21 years Oct 2—George Baxter aged 62 years Oct 15—infant of Edward Todd Oct 15—Mabel Goodwin aged 6 months 15 days Oct 31—infant of Benjamin Goodwin Nov 8—Mrs. Mary A. Buckingham aged 47 years Nov 11—Charlie A. Kuhn aged 2 years, 5 month and 10 days Dec 20—Gildy Roy Yoke aged 2 years and 6 months Dec 25—Charles W. Irwin 24 years and 10 months The Schuyler Citizen, Jan 1, 1880 Theodore Brown, Frederick Township, Sept 29, 1879, aged 45 years, 1 month, 12 days, married; cause of death malarial fever. Rebecca Crandall, Rushville Township, Oct 2, aged 33 years, 9 months 20 days, Married; cause of death pulmonary consumption. Lewis Todd, Rushville. Oct 14, aged 6 days; cause constipation. Maud Jackson, Rushville, Sept 17, aged 5 months, 7 days; cause, inflammation of the bowels. Perry Erwin Robertson, Oakland Township, Oct 5, aged 4 years, 10 months 6 days; cause Psendo membranous croup. Drury H. Gray, Camden Township, Nov 4, aged 29 years, 5 months, 11 days; married; cause cerebro spinal meningitis. Charles Albert Mont. Rushville Township, Dec 4, aged 4 years, 4 months 18 days; cause capillary bronchitis. The Schuyler Citizen, Jan 8, 1880 Early Deaths in the year of 1880 Little- in Pueblo, Co., of Phthisis, Jan 7, 1880, George H., son of Mr. Geo and Lydia Little and member of the firm of Ray, Little & Co. of this place in the 27th year of his age. Thus death has again visited our community marking as his victim one of our most enterprising and useful young men; one who for amiableness of disposition, kindness of heart, sincere attachment for friends, correctness of moral deportment and unflinching integrity in all business transactions has always stood prominent among those who have known him longest and best. His thoughtfulness for the feelings and interests of others, his courteous and gentlemanly bearing toward all made him a great favorite in all circles in which he moved and from which he will be greatly missed. Dutiful as a son, affectionate as a brother, he was at once the life and idol of the household now bereaved and broken by his early death. Their greatest consolation in their great sorrow is that he died expressing faith in Christ as his Savoir, repeating just before his death the 23rd Psalm as an expression of his experience. “They sorrow not as those who have no hope” The remains accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Little arrived Monday noon and were after services at the residence of his parents at 4 o’clock p.m. during which all business was suspended, interred in Rushville cemetery. The Rev. Dr. Stevenson delivered a most impressive discourse. A very large concourse followed his body to the grave. The Schuyler Citizen, Jan 15, 1880 John Ruth, Esq., who may be properly classed among our old citizens, quietly passed away at his home on last Tuesday afternoon after an illness of but a few days. The deceased came to this place from Pittsburgh in ’41, followed by a short time by his family accompanied by Martin Ryan Esq., with whom a partnership was formed in the saddlery and harness business, which together they prosecuted successfully for twenty-five years. Mr. Ruth, at the time of his death had passed beyond his “three score years and ten” five years and one month. By industry and economy, he has secured a competency for his old age. Quiet and retiring in his disposition, unostentatious in his charities, he was a good neighbor, a reliable citizen, a kind husband and father, a conscientious Christian, a just man, and leaving this record he has gone to that land from which none as yet have ever returned, regretted and respected by all. He was twice married, His wife and one son survive him, and in their hour of bereavement, they have the warmest sympathies of the entire community. The Schuyler Citizen, Jan 29, 1880 Edward Haney-the remains of the late Edward Haney, of Littleton township arrived on Friday last from Texas, whither he had gone to overcome. If possible the devouring disease, consumption, but all efforts proved futile and on the 18th inst., the death angel announced that “time shall be no longer spent” and we have reason to believe from the exemplary life he lived, the Lord summoned him to “come up higher”. On Sabbath last, the Rev. James DeWitt, in the M. E. church at Littleton, preached the funeral sermon. He was a member of the Rushville Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, who, after the sermon, took charge of the remains and buried them in the Littleton cemetery with Masonic honors. Regardless the bad state of the roads this was the largest funeral assembly it is said ever witnessed in that place. The Schuyler Citizen, Jan 29, 1880 Irvins and Walton- Died of Consumption, January 31, 1880, Mrs. Sarah Ivins, aged 60 years and 3 months. Also on the same day, Rev. George Walton, both funerals took place Sunday; the former at 11 a.m. the latter at 3 p.m. Rev. Littleton officiating. The Schuyler Citizen, Feb 5, 1880 Peter Jonte, Woodstock Township, Dec 27, 1879, aged 77 years, widower; cause of death, erysipelas Mary Lewis, Hickory Township, Dec 27, 1879, aged 28 years, married; cause Tuberculoses. Geo A. Schultz, Baders, Dec 27, 1879 aged 2 years, 10 months, 3 days; cause Membranous croup. Lydia Seward, Littleton Township, Jan 12, 1880. aged 1 year, 9 months, 8 days; cause Tubercular meningitis. David J. Herron, Bainbridge Township, Mar 1, 1879, aged 11 months, 8 days, cause inflammation of bowels and brain. Joseph Newberry, Pleasantview, Dec 19, 1879, aged 67 years, 1 month, 3 days, married; Chronic endocarditic. Caroline Lawler, Rushville, Jun 27, 1879. aged 56 years, 7 months, 25 days, married; cause cancer. Belle Wheelhouse, Rushville, Oct 30, 1879, aged 15 years, 4 months, 10 days; cause Typhoid fever Aug Nall, Littleton township, Jul 1879, aged 6 months, cause cholera infantum. infant son of Henry N. Asher, Littleton Township, Aug 31, 1879, aged 2 days, cause premature birth. The Schuyler Citizen, Feb 5, 1880
Howell- We clip from the Mt. Sterling Message the following facts in regard to the death of Bart Howell by his own hand, which occurred in that place some eight or ten days ago. Bart Howell on last Friday evening at about half past six o’clock, committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. For the past two or three years, he has suffered terribly with a disease that has seemed to baffle the skill of our best physicians. It seemed to be an affliction of the stomach and bowels, and from what we can learn, his suffering during that time has been almost unendurable. At time he became terribly disheartened at his not getting any better and often times spoke of taking his own life although this most intimate friends did not really apprehend such a fate. One week ago last Saturday he came to our city for the purpose of being treated by Dr. Dearburn. He was boarding with Mrs. Mary Larkin, in the east part of our city, his wife and youngest child being with him. Friday afternoon he asked his wife for some money, she carrying the pocket book during his sickness, and she gave him $2.50. His wife and Mrs. Larkin did not think for a moment that he wanted the money with which to buy a revolver. He took the money and started up town. This was at about 3 p.m. he went to R. Smith’s and purchased of Wm. Smith a $1.75 revolver and a box of cartridges. He asking Billy particularly if the revolver was a good one. Billy did not know that Mr. Howell was boarding in town but supposed that he was yet living on his farm. He went from there to Mrs. Larkin’s and during the remainder of the evening seemed to be very nervous. While the family was at supper he was asked to set at the table with them but he replied no, stating that he was too nervous. While they were eating, he slipped out at the front door, unnoticed by anyone, and went into the street just east of the barn. He fired the fatal shot, when his wife with a scream jumped from the table and started in the direction of the shot. As she opened the door he hollered to her to go back, when he fired again. George Curry was coming up town just at the time and he and Mrs. Howell reached the dying man at about the same time. As his wife reached him, she says “Bart” when he simply opened his eyes and then closed them forever in death. Friends soon gathered and carried him in the house when it was found that two balls rested between the skin and skull on the forehead and one ball had entered his heart. As to which was the first shot there has been considerable discussion. His remains were taken to his late residence, near Ripley, Saturday afternoon and Sunday were deposited in the cemetery in Ripley. Mr. Howell was the last of the sons of Mr. Thomas Howell and there is but two of the family left. Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Burgeser. He was twenty-seven years of age and was born and reared in Browne County. About five years since he ws married to Miss Lizzie Price, daughter of Washington Price. He leaves two children, one four and the other two years of age. His family is left in very good circumstances, as he was a young man of some means. It is a very sad affair and the sorrowing wife, who has so faithfully watched over and cared for him during his long illness, has the sympathy of many friends in her bereavement. The Schuyler Citizen, Feb 12, 1880 Trone-Ella Trone, daughter of Rebecca and Adam Trone, residing with her widowed mother one and one half miles east of Rushville, on the lower Frederick road, died on the Sabbath evening last in the 17th year of her age. The Schuyler Citizen, Feb 12, 1880 Badenbinder, on the 6th inst., at his residence in Woodstock Township. Mr. John August Badenbinder. Mr. Badenbinder was born April 5, 1825 at Mauderback, Nassau Germany. He came to America in 1851 with his parents, and in 1860 was united in marriage with Miss Caroline Rohn. He leaves a wife and three children, his aged parents, a brother and as sister to mourn his departure. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bidie, of the German M. E. Church, on Sabbath last. The remains were interred in the Schramm cemetery. The Schuyler Citizen, Feb 12, 1880 Mrs. M. B. Ray- a kind heart has ceased to beat; a gentle spirit has departed; Mrs. M. B. Ray is dead. A husband has lost a faithful and affectionate wife, a sorrowing family, a kind and tender mother, the church an endeared and useful member, and society, a good woman. The announcement of her demise falls with startling impressiveness on a sympathizing community, for her strength was unbroken by the weight of years and her fine physique gave promise of prolonged life. She yielded to no sudden sunstroke nor wasted by slow decay; but in the midst of life we are in death. A tenacious memory records with gratitude her quiet ministration in acts of kindness to a family crushed by accumulated disaster—more than one of whom were on the verge of the grave; gentle as a true sister of charity her visits were a benediction. They yet live. She has passed over the dark river, and in the presence of the Master, who has said, “in as much as ye have done it to the least of these ye have done it unto me.” Her departure was peaceful through the assurance of hope and trust in God. We have laid her remains away and heard the solemn words, “dust to dust and ashes to ashes,” to rise again in the resurrection of the just. A “spiritual body,” bright as the wings of angels and lasting as the light of the New Jerusalem, where no labor will produce weariness, no disease decay, in the new heaven forever with the Lord, we are in sympathy with the bereaved; theirs is a crushing sorrow, but their grief’s mournful cadences melt away and are lost as she joins the redeemed in the triumphal strains of the seraphim’s song. These lines upon the death of Mrs. M. B. Ray, wife of W. H. Ray, are not intended as an obituary of the life and character of the deceased but as a record of an event in the history of the town as well as a tribute of respect from one who has known her for over a quarter of a century, who has been a frequent visitor at her home, met her in the social walks of life, and always found in her a quiet and unostentatious friend. Mrs. Ray was born in Tennessee on the 16th of April, 1831, came with her father’s family to this place in 1833, was married to Mr. Ray in 1849 and in the same house from which she was carried to her final resting place was married, spent her girlhood days, and reared her family. Mrs. Ray was well and widely known not merely from the fact of her connection with Mr. Ray, who in business, social and political life occupied the highest place, but for those qualities of mind and heart with which she was so richly endowed that made her prominent in social life and endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. Not only by her family, but also by the poor, by the church, by her friends, by all the social and benevolent enterprises of the community she will be sadly missed. Mrs. Ray has been in failing health for the last two years, for the benefit of which she has traveled widely and availed herself of the best medical skill of the land, but all in vain. After spending a portion of last summer and fall at home, like one of the early explorers of this county she concluded to go to the far west, hoping to find in the dry and invigorating climate of Colorado, the fountain of life and health, but she found it not; and while Ponce de Leon perished amid the wilds of the then unknown Mississippi valley she was permitted to return to her home, after a short stay of some two months, and with her family and friends around her, peacefully to pass to her better home beyond the river surrounded by all that wealth and affection could give. The respect in which Mrs. Ray was held by all classes of our community was manifested by the large number of persons in attendance upon the funeral. Mr. Ray, who survives, some two years since received a stroke of paralysis, resulting in a partial loss of the use of his left side and limbs, thus suddenly cutting off the activities of hale and hearty three-score years. As the relatives came out first to take their place in the rear of the hearse and at the head of the procession, which reached from the house to the square, Mr. Ray, leaning upon the arm of George Little, with whom he has been associated in business for near half a century was the first to make his appearance, and as he passed through the gate never can we forget that look of utter helpless agony which overspread his face. We knew that Mrs. Ray was his idol from its throne and left in his heart that desolation and loneliness, which no human aid, or sympathy can ever dispel. The procession was soon formed and with slow and measured tread moved to the cemetery where the body of Mrs. Ray, with “ashes to ashes and dust to dust,” was committed to its final resting place; and all this while there was not a cloud in the sky. The sun shone bright and pleasant from its far off home upon the stricken family and friends and seemed to say, “there is no sorrow there.” Obituary: Ray- died of consumption, February 13, Mabel B., wife of Hon. Wm. H. Ray in her 48th year. Not into her own stricken home alone, but into very many homes, both east and west, has the shadow fallen; and very many hearts long and long in vain “for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still,” for Mrs. Ray had the sunny disposition, generous nature and loving heart that won warm friends all along the pathway of life from early childhood to the grave. Two years her health has been failing and every available means used to restore her proved a failure. In December, her son accompanied her to Colorado hoping the pure air of that climate might be beneficial. Her devoted mother hastened from California to nurse and care for her daughter as in the days gone by, but soon word came back, “Mother is failing and wants to come home.” Another son started west immediately, to accompany them on the homeward trip, for the anxious husband and children, living in hourly suspense, longed to have the family circle complete once more. The Journey was long and tedious, the privations many, but Mrs. Ray bore all with the utmost patience. Her sons will never forget at each change of cars as their strong tender arms lifted her from one train to another, the pathos with which she would repeat, “Shall I be carried to the skies on flow’ry beds of ease. And so home, sweet home, and beloved family and friends were gained at last; but just for a short time, and then the angel sweetly whispered, “Only a few more shadows and He will come.” Last Thursday, as Mrs. Ray felt her hours were numbered, she called her affectionate husband, whose tender love and faithful care had made her life one long, bright dream of sunshine, and endeavored to reconcile him to a future at home without her presence. Then to her weeping children around her she gave earnest, loving counsel, knowing they would have to battle with the world’s temptation motherless. Messages were sent out to her friends, some of them the companions of her youthful days. “Mrs. Ray wishes to see you.” And as they came into her room she gave them a cordial welcome and pleasant smile, saying: “O, you will never know how happy I am to have you all with me today!” and “I am going home to die no more!” One who loved her with surpassing tenderness came from Michigan, and day and night, with increasing vigilance, watched by her bedside, anticipated every wish and soothed her with gentle words and promises. Friday night, though suffering greatly, yet calmly and peacefully, she clasped her sorrowing husband and children in lone long last embrace, kissed her relatives and friends with a whispered goodbye, and closing her hold of earth often asked her trusted physician. “How is my pulse?” and again, “How long?” and just as midnight lay heavy upon the land the faint breath ceased forever and Mrs. Ray was “beyond the parting and the meeting, beyond the farewell and the greeting.” On Sabbath day, the sun shone warm and bright over her beautiful but now desolate home, through the conservatory, filled with rare plants, gilding curiosities from foreign lands, treasures from ocean depth and pictures of loved ones. But the wife and mother who had planned and enjoyed this home lay quietly in her casket. Hosts of friends filled the house, her pastor, Rev. J. A. Paige, assisted by Rev. Wm. Stevenson, of the M. E. Church, conducted the services. From the choir floated out on the breeze “In the sweet bye and bye, we shall meet on that beautiful shore.” Then sadly the long procession carried her remains to our cemetery. The Schuyler Citizen, Feb 19, 1880 Beckrom- on the 22nd ult. Elijah Beckrom, of consumption. The Schuyler Citizen, Mar 6, 1880 Heitz- Mrs. Elizabeth M. Heitz, an old resident in the Lung Chapel neighborhood and mother of the Messrs Heitz of our town, died suddenly, on Monday morning, aged nearly seventy-five years. Her remains were brought to Rushville for burial on Tuesday, accompanied by a large company of relatives and sympathizing friends. The Schuyler Citizen, Mar 4, 1880 Kerr- Died at her home in Baders, Ills., February 18, 1880, Jesse Kerr, aged 22 years. Mrs. Kerr was the eldest daughter of E. C. Minton, Esq., a prominent citizen of this county. She was born in Morris County, N. J. and came with her parents to Ohio when she was but one year old; married to Mr. J. C. F. Kerr in Wood County, Ohio, October 11, 1877, and removed to Schuyler County, Ill., in March 1878. A more pitiful announcement has never been made than the one confirming the rumor that Jessie Kerr is dead. It is so sad for the young and beautiful to die. For them the birds have a sweeter song the air a richer tone, the lapsing stream a softer undertone, the press of baby fingers a holier joy, the earth a gladder garment and the play of fancy a swifter revealment. The heart then takes hold so on life; hope is everywhere, love is everywhere; each takes wings and soars as a bird, each hears, though in a desert, the lisp of the leaves and the ripple of the rain. A gloom has fallen upon a large circle who was devoted to her, and over some lives, a shadow has been cast that nothing but the light of eternity can lift. It is the first break in an affectionate household and the grief stricken parents, sisters, husband and darling little babe, like Rachel, refuse to be comforted. The only thought which can rob bereavement of its sharpest pang in the agonized hearts of those whom she has reluctantly left behind is, that in her brief life there was nothing to regret. Could she return today and be placed where she stood a few years ago—a merry school girl—she would choose no other path than the very one in which she has walked, although it lead to an early grave. Her married life was exceptionally happy, herself and husband being tenderly and entirely devoted to each other. But she is dead. Still and white and voiceless beneath the clods in the cemetery lies one who will never more see the faces that seemed like angels to her in childhood—faces that grew more real and sober when she became a mother—and the parents—what of them? What of all parents who are stricken so, and who come too late to feel warm the touch of the vanished hand and to hear the sweet sound of the voice that is still. Nothing but a black veil to hide them all and leave them all alone in their helplessness and their woe. May a power greater than earthly heal the wounds and extend mercy and consolation to the bereaved, is the prayer of one who knew her well. The two souls thus severed by death can truthfully say: “Had I a wish it was all for thee, Hadst thou a wish’t was all for me. Their hearts were so enthroned that, like the Ivy round the tree, Bound up in closest amity—Tis death to be disjoined.” The Schuyler Citizen, Mar 11, 1880 Any H. Roberts, Birmingham Township, Jan 22, aged 67 years, 2 months, 9 days, married; cause Pneumonia. Abel G. Walton, Browning, Jan 21, aged 29 years, 10 months, 4 days, married; cause, consumption. Joseph Purdy, Browning, Oct 6, 1879, aged 69 years, married; cause, typhoid fever. child of Harold Briney, Hickory Township, Jan 20, aged 23 years, 8 months, 1 day, married; cause, typhoid pneumonia. Wm. O. Farnsworth, Woodstock Township, Jan 29, aged 1 year, 3 months, 8 days; cause insultum. Elisha Ames, Browning Township, Dec 28, 1879, aged 62 years, Married; cause congestion of the brain. Tice Edgar Hagans, Browning Township, Dec 26, 1879, aged 1 month; cause inflammation of the brain. Sarah Ivins, Browning Township, Jan 31, aged 66 years, 3 month, married; cause, congestion of lungs. Charles A. Kuhn, Rushville Township, Nov 10, aged 2 years, 4 months, 21 days; cause membranous croup. America Gadbert, Rushville Township, Dec 15, 1879, aged 34 years, 8 months, 15 days, married; cause consumption Pierson, Browning Township, Feb 18, aged 2 days, cause; cold and consumption of the lungs. Elizabeth Norton, Browning Township, Feb 22, aged 72 years, 5 months, 28 days, widow; pneumonia Bessie Olive Parr, Rushville Township, Feb 14, aged 6 months, 4 days; cause leepto meningitis. The Schuyler Citizen, Feb 11, 1880 Robert Burnham, Sr., died at the residence of his son Thomas in the east end of town, on Sunday last, March 21st, of general debility, at the ripe age of seventy-six years. Mr. Burnham has been during the past six years unable to take care of himself and had become considerably deranged in mind and continually failing in health was supported and cared for by his sons Thomas and Robert, until the death angel relieved him from the bondage of a decrepit body and summoned him to his eternal home. Mr. Burnham was born February 3rd, 1804 in Pittsfield, New Hampshire. He lived in Marblehead, Mass., until he arrived at manhood, from which place he emigrated to Schuyler County, Ill., in 1834. Here he entered and improved a large tract of land south of Rushville, now known as Burnham Prairie. In 1849, he moved to Rushville with his family. Soon after, he went to California but returned the following year. In 1855-56, he superintended the poor farm and in 1862, he received the appointment of cemetery janitor which position he held for nearly twelve years, until failing health retired him from active labors. He was a member of the M. E. Church, having united with that denomination during Dr. Lemon’s pastorate here. He was a very religious man, a kind parent and a good citizen. He was never known to use a cross word in correcting his children. The Schuyler Citizen, Mar 25, 1880 Heitzman- Near Midnight on Monday last Mr. Heitzman, a German farmer living about three miles southeast of Camden, was found murdered by a human fiend supposed to be his brother-in-law of his with whom he (Heitzman) had some difficulty about four years since. On the night he was forced into eternity he had retired and in all probability was dreaming of the prosperity that would accrue to his already comfortable store through wise frugality and industry and finally illumine his downward walk to the setting sun of life’s journey, when he was awakened by his cattle entering the yard and tramping around near the house, giving evidence that there was something disturbing the. He arose and went out into the lot in which the cattle were kept during the night when he observed a dark object slowly approaching him, supposing at first it was a hog, but for some cause he stopped and looked at it a moment when it proved to be a man, who arose to a kneeling posture and fired a load of shot which took effect about three inches back and below his right hip. Henry, falling cried, “Have mercy—don’t kill me!” then he heard his wife scream, who had come to the door upon hearing the report. The murderer, after firing the deadly charge, came toward him, probably intending to hit him with the butt of the gun, but hearing the terrified scream of Mrs. Heitzman, turned and fled. Mr. Heitzman was taken to the house and Dr. Geo. E. Harvey was called, who at once pronounced the wound fatal on account of amputation being impossible. Heitzman died eighteen hours afterward. Before he died he filed an affidavit that one Jake Morrell, a brother in law of his (Heitzman) and between whom there existed a grudge of some four-year’s duration, was the perpetrator of the crime. Mr. Heitzman was a plasterer by trade and had acquired a wide reputation as a most skillful workman. He did some of the finest and best work on several storerooms in Rushville and was pretty well known here. His remains were interred on Wednesday at Camden. Jake Morrell fled for parts unknown. This will probably be a case of hemp stretching for the Sheriff of Schuyler. The Schuyler Citizen, Mar 25, 1880 Mr. John S. Berry, brother of our townsmen Mr. Emerson Berry, died in New York City on Saturday last, of consumption. He was in his fifty-second year, a widower for several years, had been a resident of that city since 1864. His remains were to be brought to Rushville on Wednesday for interment, but the relatives having charge of his body deemed it best to burry it there, after preparation had been made her to receive the corpse. The Schuyler Citizen, Apr 15, 1880 Wheelhouse—Ida, wife of Samuel Wheelhouse and daughter of Wm and Sarah McKee, April 4, 1880, at her father’s residence two and a quarter miles north of Rushville. Sadly, they miss her in the home circles and mourn their loss, but have this assurance; “Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.” The Schuyler Citizen, Apr 15, 1880 DeWitt- on Monday night, April 12, suddenly, of paralysis of the heart, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. B. P. Preston, Mr. Elias DeWitt, in the 74th year of his age. Deceased moved, with his family, to this county from Michigan in the Spring of 1850, and resided in Littleton till his death. His death, though sudden, found him not unprepared. His remains were brought to the M. E. church in Littleton, and a very interesting discourse was preached by Rev. D. A. Grime from John 11:25, 26. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of citizens. The Schuyler Citizen, Apr 22, 1880 Armstrong-At the residence of her daughter, three miles west of Rushville, on the 14th day of April 1880. Mrs. Jane Armstrong, in the 88 year of her age. Mrs. Armstrong was born in Tyrone county, Ireland, 1792; came to New York twenty-eight years ago, where she lived four years, when with her children, she moved to Schuyler county, Ill., where she lived with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Armer. The funeral sermon was preached by the writer. Mrs. Armstrong was a member of the Methodist Protestant church. The Schuyler Citizen, Apr 22, 1880 Mrs. Thompson- old Mrs. Thompson, wife of Wm. Thompson, one of our early settlers, died last Tuesday. She has been a great sufferer for several years past, not having been able to lie down for three years but confined to her chair. She was very cheerful and made no complaint of her hard lot. The Schuyler Citizen, Apr 22, 1880 Mrs. King- wife of L. R. King died last Monday evening. She was ill but a few days and leaves a husband and a large family of children to mourn her departure. The Schuyler Citizen, Apr 29, 1880 Kotzman-Miss Lavina Kotzman died of consumption at the residence of her mother, in this place about 3 o’clock on the 5th inst., Her funeral was preached at her mother’s by Rev. Mr. Pryse, after which her remain were laid to rest in the cemetery here by the side of two sisters who preceded her, by the same disease, only a short time ago. Miss Kotzman has for twelve years been an exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church. She endured her long and distressing sickness patiently often expressing a longing to depart and be at home. The Schuyler Citizen, May 13, 1880 Gus Branstool- on Monday afternoon last, about 2 o’clock Augustus George Branstool, second son of Geo. Branstool, Esq., of this city, aged about 18 years, in company with Charley Korstian, a neighbor boy, started to the woods east of town, with a shot gun, to spend the remainder of the day sporting. At about four o’clock a little boy came to town bringing the shocking intelligence that Gus has been shot. Mr. Branstool, in company with his wife and J. R. Neill, Esq., procured a carriage and hurried to the scene of death. They found the young man in what is known as the Evens Woods, on Crane creek, about a half mile from the city, just north of the lower Frederick road, weltering in his life blood and suffering intensely, and giving no signs of recognition of either mother or father. Upon examination they found that the charge had entered the right lung. In the mean time Drs. Harvey and Prentiss were summoned but the victim was beyond redemption by human skill. The facts as we have been able to glean them directly are: After the boys had been strolling in the timber some time they came across a little son of Wm Barnaby, who asked permission to shoot the gun off, but they refused him the privilege, but he insisted and persisted that they should gratify his desire. Young Korstian soon after took the gun, while holding it horizontally in both hands, Gus standing near by in range of the muzzle, little Barnaby stepped up behind Korstian and took hold of the hammer and pulled it up and let is slip back, discharging the gun with the above result. Gus fell backward uttering his last words, “Boys catch me, I’m shot.” He died within an hour afterwards. His remains were brought home on a lounge, at about five o’clock. He was an exceptionally bright, cheerful youth, such as attract the attention of the observing and we learn was the pride of the family. This sad affair cast a gloom over the entire community. The Schuyler Citizen, May 20, 1880 Died—Kennedy-Mrs. John Kennedy, living five miles northwest of this place, died last week of consumption. The Schuyler Citizen, May 13, 1880 Swayze- on the 13th inst., Mrs. W. C. Swayze was found dead in her bed, at her home southeast of Bushnell. She retired about 10 o’clock feeling unusually well. The opinion is that she died of apoplexy or hearts disease. The Schuyler Citizen, May 27, 1880 Baker- died very suddenly near this place last Monday evening, May 17, Mrs. Hannah Baker. Her husband, Edward Baker, on going home from here found his wife lying in the yard; he assisted her to the house and she expired a few minutes afterward. Deceased was interred in Messerer cemetery Wednesday. She was followed to her last resting place by a number of sympathizing friends. Surely in life we are in death. The Schuyler Citizen, May 27, 1880 Jones- in Havana, Mason County, of scarlet fever, on the 23rd inst. Lizzie, youngest daughter of John W. and Bettie F. Jones. The Schuyler Citizen, May 27, 1880 King- at Huntsville, Ill, April 26th, 1880, Mrs. Harriet King, wife of Mr. Lewis R. King, aged 58 years. Mrs. King was born in Manchester, Connecticut, 28th July 1822. She removed to Illinois, in 1840 and was married to Mr. King in 1842. She lived to bring up to manhood and womanhood ten children, five sons and five daughters. All of whom were gathered at her bedside and followed her remains to the grave. In 1841 she made a profession of faith in Christ, and united with the M. E. Church, but transferred her connection to the Presbyterian church of Huntsville at its organization in 1866. Of this church of which her husband is a ruling elder, she continued an active leading member until her death. As a Christian Mrs. King was modest and undemonstrative, but earnest, faithful and consistent. Faithful must have been the mother who left behind her so large a family of Christian sons and daughters. She lived not for herself but for her God, her family, her church and her neighbors. Her record is on high and now that she is gone, not only her children and husband, but all who knew her, “rise up and call her blessed.” She was also a lady of intelligent and well-informed mind, one who read constantly and extensively both newspapers and books. Her summons to depart was a sudden one, she was taken sick on Thursday and suffered intensely, but no serious apprehensions of the result were felt until Monday, the day on which she died. But confronted so abruptly by the last foe, he had no power to terrify her. At evening time it was light with her. The sun of her earthly life set in serene and brilliant splendor. Her death was a triumphant departure, which will remain as a beautiful and inspiring memory with all who beheld it. Called to leave a beautiful home and everything to make life pleasant and desirable, she seemed not to have a thought or regret for them. Willing to depart and be with Jesus, she was only concerned for her family and friend. One by one she called them to her bedside and spoke to each words of loving Christian counsel. Near end she said, “ I wish I had another tongue that I could tell it all.” When her husband asked her, “Do you feel Jesus with you?” She looked upward with rapture and replied, “don’t you see him?” He is here. Her last words spoken to the neighbors present were, “Sisters in Christ, meet me in heaven.” And so she fell asleep. Her death was like the breaking of Mary’s alabaster box of precious ointment the fragrance of which filled the house. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church in Huntsville. Rev. W. S. Pryse of Augusta officiating. A large concourse of friends followed her remains to the grave. Thus the first break is made in that family circle and a void is left in that home, but in one of the “Many mansions”, she awaits them on high. The Schuyler Citizen, May 27, 1880 Charley Meyers- last Friday Charley Meyers was killed in the gravel pit by falling gravel. He superintended handling the dynamite used in the pit for blasting, and was at the time of the accident placing a charge of dynamite in the edge of the bank where it had been undermined. Two of the pitmen called to him to get out of the way, for the fall was coming. Failing to do so in time the gravel caught and covered him eight or ten feet and when taken out he was dead. His remains were interred in Messerer cemetery the same day, being followed to their last resting place by a large number of comrades. The Schuyler Citizen, June 3, 1880 Goodwin-on Saturday, 19th, Thomas Goodwin, Sr., after a short but very painful illness of twelve days. Mr. Goodwin was born in Fredericksburg, VA, September 10, 1800, and by reason of strength had very nearly reached the four score years of the psalmist at the time of his death. In 1820 he married Miss Mary Byrns in Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, and came to Rushville with his family in 1834; has resided here ever since. 46 years and was one of our oldest settlers. A family of 11 children was born to him; they have grown up among us and 8 of them survive him. A very large congregation of neighbors and friends attended the funeral on Sunday afternoon. After appropriate funeral services his remains were laid beside the partner with whom he walked the journey of life for 45 years. Peace to his memory! The Schuyler Citizen, Jun 24, 1880 Edward Kotzman- another victim of “consumption’s ghastly form” has fallen in our midst. At 2 o’clock a. m on the 30th of June, after a long and painful struggle with this disease, Edward Kotzman departed this life, aged thirty-seven years. It falls to the lot of but a few families to pass so rapidly under the hand of sore affliction as this one has done. The Father, James Kotzman was killed in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., 1864. Within the last few years the widowed mother has followed to the grave three grown up daughters and a son, all victims of the same disease, and now she is left childless and alone in her old age. But he that doeth all things well is her supporter and comforter in these trials and we know He never leaves nor forsakes. The Schuyler Citizen, July 8, 1880 John Lambert-was born in Ohio on the 25th of April 1833. When quite a young man he moved from Ohio to Iowa, remaining in that State until 1855 when he came to Illinois. He was a saddler and harness maker by trade, and when coming to Mt. Sterling went to work for Hedenberg & Smith. On the 21st of August 1857 he was married to Mary J. Brockman, who still survives him. About two years after his marriage he moved to Rushville, remaining there until the war, when he went to Quincy and worked on Government work. Remaining there two years he again returned to Rushville and remained there until coming to Mt. Sterling when he took charge of the Parker house. Two years ago he moved to Macomb and had charge of the St. Elmo House for about a year. The first of May he returned to Mt. Sterling, but was unable to do anything, being so weak. Thursday morning at 5 o’clock he died and on Friday—St John’s day—he was buried. He was sick for about four months, his disease being pronounced inflammation of the liver. He was a member of Hardin Lodge, A. F. A. M., of this city, and his funeral was conducted by that body. He was for many years a member of the Christian church, and a funeral discourse was preached by Elder. A. P. Stewart. Mr. Lambert was a truly good and clever man and every one had for him a good work. A kind husband, a loving and devoted father, a freehearted neighbor and a genial and generous gentleman. John had no enemies, and in his death our community lost a good citizen. He was the father of four children, two of whom are living, Mrs. Rina Hampton and Miss Cora, and to them and the sad widow is the sympathy of many friends extended. Mr. Lambert had his life insured in the N. Y. Equitable Company for $1000; I. O. M. A. for $2000; and the Clayton Masonic Relief for $1200. The Schuyler Citizen, July 8, 1880 McIntyre-died in Chicago, of consumption, June 28, 1880, Kate beloved wife of S. P. McIntyre, Esq. And daughter of Mr. Josiah Parrott, Sr. of Rushville in her 32nd year. A shadow deep and dark has fallen over another happy home, bringing a life long bereavement and an aching void that longs and longs in vain for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still. As a cheerful, loving wife, a devoted mother to her little son, an affectionate daughter and a sympathizing sister, her loss in the family circle is irreparable. Though naturally retiring, her sweet, sunny disposition and generous heart won for her a host of true friends in Rushville and Chicago. For many long months Mrs. McIntyre patiently endured suffering. In February her husband and sister accompanied her south, hoping that a more genial climate and a warmer atmosphere might benefit her; but all proved unavailing and they returned to Chicago a month since. To the last her courage never failed and she cheered the desponding hearts of her many friends by ever looking on the bright side, but when she knew her hours were numbered and that she neared the river’s side, begging her sorrowing family not to grieve for her, calmly, trustingly she surrendered her spirit into the hands of Him who, with many a soothing promise, giveth His loved ones rest. Dr. Mitchell, of the First Presbyterian Church, preached her funeral sermon, and at Mrs. McIntyre’s request read the 23rd Psalm, the choir singing her favorite hymns, “The Sweet Bye and Bye” and “The Home of the Soul”. Her remains were carried to Rose Hill cemetery, on the shores of Lake Michigan, where they rest mid its grand old trees, beautiful flowers and singing birds. Mourn not the early dead, Sigh not the spirit fled. Young wife and mother gone, not hers the winding sheet, Not hers the face you meet, God has gathered His own. The Schuyler Citizen, July 8, 1880 Blair-at Center, Schuyler Co., July 7, 1880 the sweet little twins, Maud and Minnie Blair aged 10 months and 11 days, grandchildren of Abram Lamaster. Their stay on earth was very brief, yet long enough to win the hearts of all who saw them. “Alas! Little frocks and toys, Shadows of by gone joys. Have I not treasured of bitterest pleasure in the little frocks and toys!” “But Faith looks to her home on high, Hope casts around a cheerful eye, And Love puts all the terrors by with gladdening power, When I hear Jesus say, “Of such is the kingdom of God.” The Schuyler Citizen, July 15, 1880 Died—J. G. Bidamon- postmaster of Canton, died last week. He had been suffering from a nervous disorder for some time past and his illness seemed for some time past and his illness seemed to prey on his mind. His greatest difficulty was in securing sleep, frequently using morphine for that purpose. On Sunday, the 4th inst., he sent for the drug and it is supposed he took an over-dose, as he could not be roused Monday morning. He remained in a stupor during the day, dying at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. The Schuyler Citizen, July 15, 1880 Bert- last Monday morning at the residence of Mr. Perry Brown, of Typhoid fever, Miss Della Bert, of Hardin, Ills., Miss Bert came here from Rushville stopping a few days on her way home to visit relatives, when she was taken sick. The Master called her to go. There is no death; the stars go down to rise upon a fairer shore. And bright in heaven’s journey crown they rise to shine forevermore. There is no death; an angel form walks over the earth with silent tread. And takes out best-loved things away and then we call them dead. The Schuyler Citizen, Aug 5, 1880 Brown- last Wednesday evening in Ripley, Ills., Mrs. Hattie Brown, wife of Mr. Perry Brown, of this place. Mrs. Brown was esteemed by all, being followed to her last resting place by a large number of sympathizing friends. The Schuyler Citizen, Aug 12, 1880 Window- on the 6th inst. In Rushville, Winifred Rebecca Window, aged 1 year 6 months. Lonely mother, sorrow’s dark wings have folded round you, but love’s wings of light bore little Winnie away. The gloom, the aching heart, the empty cradle, the pain of parting, the loneliness, the strife, the weary years, it may be, of waiting, and the loss are yours. To her a radiant future has suddenly opened; it is all gain, ease rest, joy, peace, “heaven’s completeness.” Can you, patient, sorrowing mother, turn from the dark wings that enfold you now, to the soft white wings of peace and joy the Savoir holds for your rest and comfort. Can you so far forget the anguish of your own heart as to rejoice in her joy? Can you thank God the pain is yours, the pleasure hers. Then you have won love’s crown marked perfect through suffering. The Schuyler Citizen, Aug 12, 1880 Sloan- on Saturday, Aug 28th of Typhoid Fever, John Lewis Sloan, aged 29 years. The deceased was an estimable, industrious young man, and was the second son of our old friend, Mr. James Sloan, of Littleton Township. About three years since he made a profession of religion and his dying hours were sustained by its consolation. He died rejoicing in hope of eternal life. He leaves a wife and two young children; also a sorrowing father and mother, five brothers and two sisters to mourn their sad loss. Their consolation is, that their loss is his unspeakable gain. A large congregation of neighbors and friends attended the funeral from the Baptist church, in Littleton, on Sabbath, 29th. The morning shone upon his bed, the summer winds blew free. The angle moved his silvered wings and whispered, “Come with me!” The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 2, 1880 Calvin Merritt- received a fatal blow on the head with a wooden garden rake, a tooth of which entered the upper forth of the inferior region of the skull, or, in other words, an inch and three quarters back from the crown on the right side of the head, causing death at about 3 o’clock Friday afternoon. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 2, 1880 James C. Middleton, Esq., of Oakland Township, died last Sabbath week after a long and very painful illness, aged 73 years, 10 month and 7 days. He was a native of Pennsylvania but emigrated to this State in 1848. He was married to Miss Margaret M. Agnew, April 25th, 1831; he survived all of his family except his wife and one daughter; he made a profession of religion in 1836; while as a believer, he did not perseveringly maintain the outward profession of a true Christian, yet, he died in the faith. A long concourse of neighbors and friends attended his funeral at Oakland church at 11 a.m. on Monday. The occasion was improved by the writer in a short discourse from Isaiah 51:6: Thus has passed away another old settler—a man honored by his neighbors for many sterling qualities, and of strong controlling influence among them. His last words were, “my confidence is in God.” Peace to his memory. M. C. Sweeney. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 2, 1880 Hiler-August 25, 1880, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Derrickson, Mrs. Susan Hiler, in her 86th year. Mrs. Hiler was born in North Carolina in 1796. While yet young moved to Cape Girardeau, Mo., where she married Nicholas Hiler in 1823. A few years afterwards being left a widow, she moved to Rushville with her three young children and has ever since lived among us a faithful mother, kind to every one and always in accord with her neighbors. In her girlhood Mrs. H. became a Christian and united with the Methodist Church, of which she remained a consistent member for over seventy years. She was an invalid for many long months but bore all suffering with perfect patience, saying, “The Lord knows what is best for me.” Her death will sadden the hearts of many who knew and loved her many years ago, and will recall to memory numberless acts of kindness and soothing words she gave them when they came as strangers from foreign lands in need of sympathy and friends. In her declining years she was faithfully and unceasingly cared for by her ever-devoted daughter and granddaughter who, though they mourn and miss her sadly, feel that their loss is her gain. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 9, 1880 Irvin- on the 30th ult., at the residence of her parents, near Triplett, MO. of Typhoid fever, Minnie Irvin eldest daughter of Wm. Irvin, aged 12 years and 2 months. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 16, 1880 Sloan- on Saturday August 28th of Typhoid fever, John Lewis Sloan, aged 29 years. He was of a cheerful and social disposition, steadfast in his principles, faithful to his friends, and a kind and affectionate husband and father. Although Mr. Sloan was not a Christian by profession, yet it can be truly said, in the language of one who knew him intimately, “No one but a Christian could do the acts of kindness and benevolence he did.” We have a comforting assurance that death did not find him unprepared for his great and sudden change. Friend after friend departs; who has not lost a friend? There is no union here—an end. Were this frail world our final rest, living or dying none were blest. There is a world above where parting is unknown. A long eternity of love formed for the good alone. And faith beholds the dying here, translated to that glorious sphere. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 16, 1880 King- on the 18th inst., at the residence of Chas. W. Davis, south of Rushville, of congestion of the stomach, Stephen A. King, aged 25 years, 1 month and 22 days. The deceased though not “to the manor born.” Was widely known in and about Rushville, and universally esteemed for his exemplary moral walk. He was temperate and industrious in his habits and prosperous in business. Physically he was not robust; and since a severe sickness, about a year ago, he had been infirm in health. His last sickness was not long, but found him ready for the event. His early religious teaching he had not forsaken in his manhood; and this enabled him, as death drew near, to savingly know and peacefully trust in Christ and die without a fear. Though absent from his own family and kindred it was his happy lot to receive in his last sickness and death, the truest and tenderest attentions and ministries of Christian sympathy and love. He was buried from the residence of Mr. Davis last Sabbath afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Paige, of Rushville, and a large concourse of appreciative friends followed his remains to the grave. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 16, 1880 John Garrett- Quiet Littleton was startled from it repose last Saturday by the news that John Garrett, a long time resident of this township had committed suicide. He was at his house at 11 o’clock, but failing to appear for dinner a search was instituted and he was found by one of his neighbors hanging from an apple tree. He had tied a strip to the top of a small tree, which had bent till the lower part of his body reclined on the ground and his head was raised but a couple of feet, showing that he must have slowly strangled to death. The deceased was probably sixty years of age and no cause is known which would have lead to the deed. He was buried on Saturday in the Bethany cemetery. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 30, 1880 Garrett- at his residence one and one half miles east of Littleton, on Saturday, 25th inst., Mr. John Garrett, aged 60 years. The circumstances surrounding the above sad event were of a peculiarly distressing character. Mr. Garrett had been quite unwell for three or four weeks. about a week, since his wife noticed flightiness in his manner and other indications that his mind was becoming unsettled. So slight however, were these indications that no apprehensions were felt and no thought entertained of the sad tragedy, which Saturday was to unfold. He arouse as usual on Saturday morning and to inquiry after his health said he felt better. He talked and seemed very much himself. About ten o’clock he went out to water the stock and not returning after a considerable time search was made for him, which resulted in the horrible discovery that he had hanged himself to an apple tree in the orchard, and when found was quite dead. A coroner’s inquest was held and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above statement. John Garrett was an old resident of Schuyler, well and favorably known, and held in the highest respect by all. He was upright and honorable in all his dealing and enjoyed the confidence of the entire community. In early life he united with the Christian Church afterward with the Baptist church in Littleton, and his whole religious life was marked by earnest though quiet consistency. His bereaved wife, who knew him best, speaks with utmost confidence as to his state of mind before the sad change a week before his death. He expressed himself often as ready and willing to go whenever the Master called. The utmost sympathy is felt for the afflicted family in their sad and shocking affliction. Funeral services were held on Sabbath afternoon in Bethany church. After which his remains were committed to the grave’s faithful keeping. We buried him in sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection to eternal life; and may this hope comfort the bereaved wife and mother and her sorrowing children. The Schuyler Citizen, Sep 30, 1880 Rebman, on last Wednesday evening Tony Rebman, infant son of F. and Louisa Rebman, of this vicinity. The remains were interred in Messerer cemetery Thursday afternoon. Funeral services by Rev. D. Lyon, of Rushville. The sun goes down, an angel form goes over the earth with silent tread, and takes our best-loved things away and then we call them dead. The Schuyler Citizen, Oct 7, 1880 Rebman-on the 29th ult., Tony. Son of H. F. and Louisa Rebman, of membranous croup, aged 11 months. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. D. P. Lyon, at the Messerer school house at 2 o’clock September 30th, from 2nd Samuel 12:23, Little Tony’s remains were buried in the Messerer cemetery. The Schuyler Citizen, Oct 7, 1880 Clarence Graham- the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Graham, of Camden, died on the 23rd ult., aged thirteen months. The funeral was preached by the Rev. James West, at Shiloh church. The remains were interred in Huntsville cemetery. “Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” The Schuyler Citizen, Oct 14, 1880 Nardin- Oct 11, 1880, Freddie, infant son of C. F. and M. F. Nardin, aged 7 months and 13 days. Our little Freddie has gone to endless day, to suffer no more but with Jesus stay; He left our hearts enwrapped in gloom by going away from us so soon. We stood close by when the death angel came, and longed to stop him but all in vain. We miss him much as alone we trod whilst he sweetly sleeps neath the moldering sod. And when the day came and he went away, How we wished he would have but a limited stay. But alas! He is gone in the springtime of life, As one of God’s Jewels so precious and bright. Cease, fond mother now thy crying, for thy little Freddie is at rest. Though his form in earth is lying, yet his spirit is with the blest. The Schuyler Citizen, Oct 21, 1880 Bertholf-at his residence near Rushville on the 16th inst., Mr. Jesse Bertholf. He was born in Orange County, N. Y., in 1820, and came to this county in 1844. He was converted at the age of twelve years and united with the M. E. church, retaining to the close of his life an abiding sense of his adoption in the family of God and of his acceptance of the Father. In his early manhood he bore a conspicuous part in the temperance work in this place. He has been a great sufferer for years, but was confined to his room and bed for three weeks prior to his death. Very patient in his sickness, he felt no fear of death, and calmly arranging the details of his secular affairs he trustingly went to his rest. He leaves a wife and two married sons. He is the last but one of nine brothers, namely Edward Bertholf, Esq., of this place. His funeral services were held in the Southern M. E. Church, Rev. A. N. Auld officiating assisted by Rev. John Knowles. His body was interred in the Sugar Grove cemetery north of town. The Schuyler Citizen, Oct 21, 1880 John Robinson, who lives in the flat woods and who has been sick for several weeks, died this morning, the direct cause of his death is said to be an over dose of opium. The Schuyler Citizen, Nov 11, 1880 Smither-on Monday, the 8th inst., of measles, Grace, youngest daughter of Mary and George Smither, aged 3 years. Little Gracie was ill only a few days when she took cold, which settled in her throat, after which she suffered intensely. On Monday evening there were indications for the better. This only proved to be momentary relaxation of the death angel’s grasp, and at 10 p.m. she passed away. When the morn dawned dark and drear with the early showers, her gentle eyelids were closed; they had a brighter morn than ours. The funeral services were conducted at the residence by Rev. John Knowles. The remains were interred in Rushville Cemetery on Wednesday. Not in cruelty, not in wrath, the reaper came that day. Angels visited the green earth and carried our flower away. The Schuyler Citizen, Nov 11, 1880 Edgar Romain Wright died at his residence in Tecumseh, Nebraska, Sept 14th, 1880, of cerebritis, son of Rev. J. S. Wright. Mr. Wright was born in Marcellus Onondaga County, New York, Oct 6th 1834. He was left at a very early age fatherless, in the cold wide world with a widowed mother, a young sister, and a younger brother. His fidelity and devotedness to these, through all his boyhood and riper years, was characteristic of the man in all his intercourse with the world in after life. Genial benevolent and loving; he ever held an open hand to the suffering and not only to them, but to all enterprises which were calculated to bereft his fellows. To know him was to honor, esteem and love him. As expressed in a local notice: “Not a man, woman or child, in the city or county, that has not lost a friend by the death of Mr. E. R. Wright,” and Tecumseh last one of her most honored and successful business men.” The many letters and condolence which are coming daily to the bereaved ones, tell of the high appreciation in which he was held not only in his own community, but abroad, and although through all the years of his life, he maintained the most profound respect for the Christian religion and for the gospel of Christ, and was always ready to defend it, and all church enterprises, until a few weeks before his death, he lacked the One thing needful. We are glad to record however that while he thought there was not danger of death, and while he was still able to be about in his room, he made his peace with God, from mature convictions of duty. He deeply regretted having spent so much of his life without acknowledging Christ. When he expected in a few days to be well, he said to his wife and eldest son, “Oh how happy we will be when I get well. How different I will live, and how much I can do for Christ and I will do it. If all this suffering brings me to Christ, it will pay.” Recognizing God’s hand to draw him to Christ. Afterward when his recovery seemed doubtful he said, “we do not know which way this will turn, but whatever may be the issue it is all right, I am prepared. One day while his sufferings seemed beyond endurance, his sister said to him, “Eddie you are resting in Jesus today” quickly he responded although with difficulty, “yes” You can bear the suffering better since you have learned to lean on Jesus. Yes said he, There were times when right reason was gone, but when he was spoken to of his Savoir, of Heaven and his hopes, his mind was clear, his faith strong and abiding. Until the last moment his friends he steadily knew, exemplifying the almost deathless grasp with which a devoted loving husband, father, son, brother clings to those he fondly loves. When he came to the “crossing” he expressed the same unflinching confidence in his Redeemer, and drawing his aged mother who was bending under the weight of eighty three years, close to him, he kissed her and said, “Oh Ma, my peace is made with God,” and when at last the labored breathing ceased, and tender loving hands closed the sightless eyes, and folded the hands, that never again were to take up the earthly burdens.” Smoothed back the locks from his noble brow, we saw the color recede and a sweet restful smile settle down over his features; and we said “there is beauty even in death.” But there is one upon whom this affliction falls heavily. One who feels? “Like one who treads alone, some banquet hall deserted.” Left early in life, with six fatherless children to rear in this sin defiled world. The one upon whom she was wont to lean, removed the cheery voice and kindly works are heard no more. The light of her home is gone; and naught remains but the “vacant chair” and a beautiful picture, which will hang ever bright on memory’s walls of loving deeds, kind words, and a bright happy home. As she sits in her lonely home from which so much light and love is gone, it will be sad, yet mournfully pleasant, to gather together recollections connected with the lost one and the Ingle side. Reflection like a kind angel will hover over her and she will roam again over green pastures, and by the still water of the day’s a gone. She will drink in the musical tones of the harp over hushed to earth and unconsciously perhaps she may exclaim “Backward, turn backward, O time in your flight! But with Christians faith will come to her, visions of Heaven and a happy reunion, where suffering disease and death “hath no power o’er the fadeless frame,” and from beyond the Portal will come echoing back to earth. “Safe at home, safe at home, O let the echo go. To soothe the friends who mourn me yet, in my first home below. His dear arms are around me now, who was for sinners slain. Through him I’ve won eternal life, for me to die was gain.” And Her chastened spirit will respond, “It is well” Mary. The Schuyler Citizen, Nov 11, 1880 Mrs. Mary Taylor- the community of Christian Neck was greatly surprised and shocked to hear, early this morning, that Mrs. Mary Taylor, wife of Thomas Taylor, a comfortable to do German farmer, had committed suicide. No cause is known for the rash act. She got up as usual to build the fire and then went out doors. A short time afterward her son went to the barn to feed and found her dead, hung by the neck, her knees resting on the hay. Mrs. Taylor came to this state about ten years ago with her husband from Pennsylvania, her native state. She was of German parentage; probably forty or forty-five years of age. The mother of ten children. She has borne the name of a quiet Christian woman and a good neighbor. She was a regular attendant at church and her voice was always to be heard in the classroom. She leaves a husband and ten children to mourn her untimely end. The Schuyler Citizen, Nov 18, 1880 Samuel Gray, a son of E. W. D. Gray, of Oakland Township, died of typhoid fever last Saturday. This is the second son they have lost since last winter. The Schuyler Citizen, Nov 18, 1880 Belle McMaster-at Herman, Ills., Sunday afternoon, Oct. 17, Belle the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. McMaster, aged 20 years. The deceased was the daughter of a brother of Robt. McMaster, Esq., of this vicinity. From the Abingdom Enterprise we cull the following extracts relating to the deceased. Likened unto the bud-just breaking forth in to the full-blown flower was this young friend of ours; just budding from childhood a careless days to all the notability of pure womanhood. But Heaven, which gave the precious boon, hath bid her sun go down at noon. Death had no terrors for her: she was ready to go if it was the Lord’s will; and so she passed away, calmly and without a single struggle. She was of a happy disposition always looking on the bright side and striving to make those around her happy. Nowhere were the full vantages than in the home circle, for she was ever a dutiful affectionate daughter, and her fond parents are truly bereft. The Schuyler Citizen, Nov 18, 1880 Mrs. Eliza Linn- wife of Rev. D. P. Lyon of Illinois Conference, and daughter of G.M. and M. Greer, died in peace in Rushville, Ills, Nov 12, 1880 at 7 o’clock p.m. She was born in Ithaca, Tompkins county, N. Y, June 1, 1837. In 18—she moved with her parents to Rushville and from there to their farm near Pleasantview, where she lived until her marriage Oct 1, 1856. As a wife she was true and faithful; as a mother, devoted to her children; as a Christian, consistent. She was converted when a child and joined the M. E. church in her 18th year. She was a faithful Sabbath School teacher before her marriage and never gave up her class unless compelled by sickness. There are persons now living near her old home who have prizes given them by her, while she was single, for memorizing Scripture. After her connection with the itinerancy she still kept her place. She has taken each of her children, taught them their prayers and in her husbands absence kept up the family altar, sometimes leading in prayer herself or requesting one of the children to do so. On all the charges where her husband has been stationed she has left her influence for Christ in Sunday school, prayer and class meetings. She has been severely afflicted for eight months (consumption), during which time she made no murmur or complaint, but patiently awaited the final change. The night before her death she said some one had laid three little children in the bed with her and called some one to remove them, as she could not take care of them; her mother told her there were none there but she affirmed there was and would not rest until they seemed to be taken away, and this had to be repeated often, as they would return. Just a few moments before her death she said they were on her bed and one was too close to her back. What these were we know not; that is the number of children she lost and it may be it was their spirits ministering unto her and she knew it not. Being a faithful Bible reader she loved her Bible to the last. While the family were at dinner she told her daughter Mary, who was staying with her, to get the Bible and read the 23rd Psalm. After dinner her father and sister came. They sat down by her bed and she called her husband to take his place by her bedside and read and have prayer. He asked her if he should read the 23rd Psalm. “Yes” she said, “there is nothing more appropriate.” After reading he kneeled down by her bedside and after beginning prayer she reached out her hand and laid it on his head, letting it remain there during the prayer, giving him her parting blessing. She rejoiced saying, “Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me praise His holy name.” “I can say, Thy will be done.” Thus passed away a child of God and an heir of Heaven. The funeral services were conducted at the M. E. Church in Rushville. Geo. W. Gray, D. D. conducted the exercises, assisted by Elder G. R. S. McElfresh. The services were very solemn. The impressive sermon was attentively listened to throughout by the large audience. The remains were followed to Rushville cemetery, where they were interred by a large concourse of relatives and friends. The Schuyler Citizen, Nov 18, 1880 Mrs. Daniel Higgins, an old resident of Brooklyn township, died on the 19th of November, and was buried in the Blackburn grave yard on the Sunday following. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 2, 1880 Mrs. Susan McCutcheon, aged about seventy years died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Lena Leak, one mile north of Rushville, on Sunday night last about 9 o’clock. The funeral services were conducted by Geo. W. Gray. D. D. on Tuesday morning at the above place. The remains were taken to Littleton for interment. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 2, 1880 Franklin Millison- a young man twenty-four years of age who lived about four miles east of Lewistown at the house of his brother-in-law, while in a fit caused by heart disease, fell into a fireplace catching his chin upon the coal grate and hung in that position until his sister removed him when life was extinct. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 2, 1880 Roosa- Nov 19th Norah Mabell, only child of Delano and Ella Roosa, aged 13 months. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 2, 1880 Collis- Nov 25th Altia Isabell, youngest child of Mrs. Laura Collis, aged 15 months. O not in cruelty, not in wrath, the Reaper came that day. Twas an angel visited the green earth and took the flowerets away. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 2, 1880 Noble-of paralysis, Nov 25th Richard R. Noble, in his 65th year. Mr. Noble was married in Kentucky to Letitia Mason, Dec 31st 1840 and moved to Rushville where he has ever since resided. Though a constant sufferer for eleven months he was always patient, never murmuring at his affliction. Perfectly conscious till the last summons came he bade his family an affectionate farewell, and trusting in his Heavenly father’s promise to “go with him through the valley and shadow of death.” He closed his eyes on earth forever. One by one, the bonds are severed binding hearts together here. One by one, new ties are added to the land that knows no tear. One by one, we cease our toiling for the Master here below By the angel hands attended to our endless rest we go.” The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 2, 1880 Mrs. Julia A. Strong, of Abingdon township, Mercer county, was killed Friday of last week, by being thrown from a democrat wagon in which she with her son Joseph aged 19 were driving to Keithsburg. The Schuyler citizen, Dec 9, 1880 Mrs. E. W. L. Gay, who has long been suffering from consumption, died last week, she was a thorough Christian, patient in suffering, and much respected by her neighbors. It has been only three weeks since the family was called to mourn the loss of a son and brother. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 9, 1880 Archibald Demoss, in this place last Sabbath afternoon, son of Mrs. Demoss, of this place. His remains were interred in Messerer Cemetery on Monday evening, being followed to their last resting place by numerous sympathizing friends. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 9, 1880 Alfred Demoss, another friend gone home. Died last Thursday evening, at the residence of his mother, Alfred Demoss, son of Mrs. C. Demoss, of this place, brother of Archibald, who was buried last week. His remains were interred in Messerer cemetery. Saturday, being followed to their last resting place by a large number of friends. “Friend after friend departs; who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts that finds not here an end; Were this frail world our only rest, Living or dying, none were blest.” The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 16, 1880 Rosa Hermetet was born in Schuyler County, Illinois, August 14th 1833. She was married to Peter Hermetet June 15th, 1854, and died December 4th 1880. She joined the M. E. church February 1861, and since then has lived a devoted Christian life. Before she passed beyond earth’s shadows she bid the family good bye and went sweetly home to the Father where the inhabitants never say “I am sick” she leaved behind her three children and her husband to mourn the loss of one that is heaven’s gain. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 16, 1880 Mr. Samuel Morris, son of Henry Morris, Esq., of Woodstock Township, while descending a pump shaft at the mineral mines near Webb City, Mo., at 1 p.m. on Wednesday last week, after getting about fifteen feet down the rope gave way precipitating him to the bottom, a distance of eighty five feet. In descending his head was severely bruised by striking the wall of the shaft, at the bottom he fell crosswise of a beam crushing his chest and lungs. He lived till four o’clock in terrible agony. Mr. Morris was thirty-nine years of age; he leaves a wife and four children. He was well known hereabouts, having been employed as engineer at Ramsey & Co.’s and Moench’s Mills, but last in the employ of W. W. Potts a year ago last summer. In October last it was a year since he removed thither. His remains were taken to Golden City, Mo., where several brothers reside, for interment. The aged parents have the sympathies of this community in the dire affliction. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 16, 1880 Johnson, Mr. Richard Johnson, of Center Ridge buried two children in the graveyard at this place, last week. The first, an infant a few days old on Monday and the second a girl about five years old on Sunday. The latter died of diphtheria. The Schuyler citizen, Dec 23, 1880 Wm. J. Greer, son of Mrs. Martha Greer, who for the past two years has been to California and other places in search of health, but of no avail, died in Jacksonville, Florida, on Wednesday the 15th inst. He had been in the latter place about three months, accompanied by his mother. The remains were brought home on Monday and interred in Rushville cemetery on Tuesday. The deceased was 29 years, 8 months and 27 days old. Previous to his illness he took an active part in public affairs, being elected collector of Rushville Township about three years since. In Society he will be missed. He was a young man of considerable energy and ambition, and had he lived no doubt would have taken a prominent place. The concourse of bereaved relatives and friends was one of the largest witnessed on any similar occasion. The services were conducted by Rev. D. P. Lyon, assisted by Rev. Dr. Gray, at the residence of his mother east of Rushville. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 23, 1880 Spangler, Carlisle, youngest son of John M and Emma Spangler, aged 16 months and 20 days, died on Tuesday last and was buried yesterday at 2 o’clock. “Of such is the kingdom of Heaven. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 30, 1880 Florence E. Crosier- near Paris, Ill., Dec 23rd 1880 aged 20 years, 10 months and 2 days. Young, eager, active, impulsive and affectionate as was Florence, a life full of promise is ended by her death. She joined the M. E. church in Rushville, and was received into full membership at her own request, by Rev. J. B. Wolfe. The Sunday school seemed to be her delight and though teaching in the country most of the time since joining the church, she would manage through every difficulty to get home to her class. When her school closed for this summer, she received an invitation from her uncle, living near Chicago, to attend the Cook County Normal with his daughters, She accepted having the noble purpose of fitting herself to take a high position as teacher; but as she was sitting by her table one evening writing, she was attacked with something like vertigo, and fell to the floor in a state of unconsciousness. From this she apparently recovered in a few days and concluded to make a visit to some relatives near Paris, Ill., and then proceed with her school duties at Chicago. But her hopes were delusive, The attacks continued to return, and her strength to fall under them, until about five weeks since her mother was sent for, who remained with her till death closed the scene, and she was permitted to bring the remains of her precious only daughter home, in her beautiful white Christmas burial robe. She seemed entirely aware that the end was approaching, and met it with perfect peace. She left keepsakes for loved ones and a loving good by for brother Winnie and grandma, but she asked “I’ll wait for papa” but after a few hours finding the “Messenger repaired haste” she said, “I can’t wait for papa, I must go to sleep.” And quietly closed her eyes on earth, to open them in the happy throng where: Christ the Christmas maker Makes glad Christmas all the time. O Mothers whose children are sleeping as ye bend to caress their fair heads, Pray, pray for the mothers now weeping, o’er pitiful smooth, vacant beds. The Schuyler Citizen, Dec 30, 1880
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