Prairie Farmer’s Directory – O


  PrairieFarmer’s Directory
Brown and SchuylerCounties

Abbreviations Usedin this Directory
a – Acres
Ch – Children
O – Owner
T – Tenant or Renter
R – Rural Route
Sec – Section

Maiden name of wife followsdirectory name in parentheses
Figure at end of informationis year became resident of county
Name of farm follows namesof children in quotation marks
In case of a tenant, thefarm owner’s name follows the figures giving size of farm

Odenweller, ClaudB. (Hattie Hesser) Ch Byron; Frederick Star Route Bainbridge Sec12 T160aJ. L. Odenweller (1881) Bell Tel. Beardstown

Oetgen, A. H. (Wealthy Beard)Ch Ray; Frederick Frederick Sec18 O280a (1885) Bell Tel. Beardstown

Ogans, F. W. (Clara Marlow)Ch W. F., Harold L., Ora, Lora; Camden Camden Sec20 T136a Esther Lawson,Henry Marlow and Clifford Ridgins (1888) Tels. Camden and Rushville

Ogle, Noah Ch Morris, Opal,Hazel, Helen, Iris, Edmund; Augusta R1 Birmingham Sec18 O190a Sec7-18 T125aMrs. H. Davenport (1878) Tel. Farmers’ Line Augusta

O’Neal, Clyde (Edith McWane)Ch Lois, Norris; Rushville R7 Woodstock Sec26 T120a Mrs. Henry O’Neal (1883)Ripley Co. Tel. Ripley

Orr, D. L. (Lillie Lawler)Ch John, Henry, Sarah, Harvey, Thomas, Warner, Laura, Lillie; RushvilleR3 Bainbridge Sec16 O43a (1871) Mutual Tel. Rushville

Orr, Ernest M. (Sarah Lenover)Ch Melvin, *Stella, Nellie; Rushville R3 Bainbridge Sec22 O110a (1868)

Orr, Henry (Margaret) ChLester Ackers, Grandchild, *Earnest, *Della, *Sylvania, *Cora; RushvilleR3 Bainbridge Sec9 O231a (1844) Mutual Tel. Rushville

Orr, S. B. (Lenora Rittenhouse)Ch William; Rushville R3 Bainbridge Sec9 O80a (1873) Mutual Tel. Rushville

Orr, Willis (Bertha Richey)Ch Albert; Ray R1 Oakland Sec9 S. Richey (1912)

Orwig, C. W. (Grace Ziegler)Browning R1 Frederick Sec4 T400a Orwig Bros.

Orwig, George L. “HillviewFarm” Browning R1 Frederick Sec4 O405a Browning Sec33-34 O260a

Orwig, J. W. (Anna Sumners)Ch Hermania, Edna, Ethel, *Charles; “Hillview Farm” Browning R1 FrederickSec4 O405a Browning Sec33-34 O260a (1892)

Owen, Mrs. Rebecca (RebeccaChapman) Ch *James R., *Hattie L., *Mary H., *Nettie, *Arvella, *Suzan;Camden R1 Camden Sec16 Resident (1843) Schuyler County Tels. Camden andRushville

Owen, Robert (Melissa Reed)Ch Nettie, Ina, Mary, Bessie, *Luella; Birmingham R1 Brooklyn Sec5 FarmHand George Stambaugh (1864)

Owens, A. R. (Anna Cunningham)Ch Gonnie, Hildreth, Harold, Challis LeVerne; Camden R1 Camden Sec16 O60aT32a Joe Estes (1876) Tels. Camden and Rushville

Copyright 1999-2001 RobinL. W. Petersen; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercialuse of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibitedwithout prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with theinformation.

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