Schuyler County, Illinois, Baptist Church, 1908


Just when the firstservices of the Baptist Church were held in Schuyler County is not a matterof record, but the ministers of that faith were early in the field andhad reached Rushville in the latter ‘twenties. A division of the churchat this early day tended to disorganize the evangelistic work and the effectsof it were felt in this county.

On October 20, 1832, a BaptistChurch of Christ called Concord, was organized, and there were twenty-threepersons in Schuyler who signed the constitution and articles of faith.Elder John Logan was called as pastor and he served until 1836 when hewas succeeded by Elder Newell.  Services had been held principallyin the country up to this time, but in 1837 a building was erected in Rushville. After a short time this building was sold and a new church was built onthe Macomb road, four and a half miles north of Rushville.  ElderDavis was pastor of the church from 1840 to 1847, and during these yearsthere was a great revival of interest. This culminated in the buildingof a new church in Rushville in 1851, but for some reason the church neverthrived in this city, and finally the congregation was unable to keep uptheir organization, and the building was sold to the Rushville Union Schooldistrict and is now used for the primary grades.

Excerpted from HistoricalEncyclopedia of Illinois and History of Schuyler County, 1908, editedby Howard F. Dyson.
Transcribed by Karl A. Petersenfor Schuyler County ILGenWeb

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