Schuyler County Petit Jury List 1835-1854

These lists covered petit juror’s who served from 1835 through 1854 in Schuyler County, providing their name, the term served, the amount owed and whether they were paid.

Will of Peter Frederick DeCounter

A copy of Peter Frederick Decounter Will from Schuyler County Illinois, document, last will & testament, genealogy, history, ancestor.

Will of Samuel Decounter

A copy of Samuel Decounter Will from Schuyler County Illinois, document, last will & testament, genealogy, history, ancestor.

Schuyler County, Illinois, Almshouse Register 1854 – 1921

This table covered those residents of the Schuyler County Almshouse from 1854 through 1921, providing their name, sex, age, occupation, birthplace, residence, health, date of admission, authority for admission, property, cause of pauperism, date of discharge and remarks.