TheMexican War
Atthe second call for troops in the Mexican war, which was issued by thePresident, under the act of Congress approved May 13, 1847, Schuyler countyresponded promptly, and Capt. Adams Dunlap at once raised the Independentcompany of Illinois mounted volunteers, being the only company of cavalryfrom this state. The company was raised in the month of May, 1847, at Rushville,and marched thence to Alton, Illinois, where it arrived May 21, 1847, adistance of one hundred and ten miles from Rushville. The company embarkedupon a steamer for New Orleans, where it re-shipped to Brazos Island andthence up the Rio Grande river to Matamoras where it remained, doing garrisonduty, until the close of the war. The company suffered severely from sickness,and at one time of the whole number only thirty-five were able to reportfor duty. The company returned to Alton, Illinois, where it was musteredout of the service on the 7th day of November, 1848.Theroster of company E., first regiment Illinois volunteers, John J. Hardin,colonel, was raised by William H. Richardson at Rushville, Illinois, andwas composed of men from both Schuyler and Brown counties, many of whomfell at the battle of Buena Vista. Those marked with a star were from Browncounty, the remainder from Schuyler. The company left Rushville in June,1846.
Captain.W. A. Richardson, promoted Major at Buena Vista.
2dCaptain. G. W. Robertson.
1stLieutenant. Allen Persinger.
2dLieutenant. George S. Meyers.
3dLieutenant. John T. May.
OrderlySergeant. George W. Calvert.
2dSergeant. Francis R. McElroy.
3dSergeant. Luke P. Allphin, Schuyler Co.
4thSergeant. James Coakeman.
Corporal.Robert H. Lawler.
Corporal.Moses Lettaker.
Corporal.Reuben Allphin, Schuyler Co.
Corporal.Wm. Peterfish.
Musician.James H. Carden.Privates.
Allphin,William R., Schuyler Co.
Black,John, Jr.
Brooks,William, Schuyler Co.
Berry,George L.
Curtis,George W.
Clarkson,Franklin B., Schuyler Co.
Carter,Irvin F.
Davis,Moses W., Brown Co.
Doyle,James, Schuyler Co.
Gray,George L.
Gray,Hiram H.
Horney,Leonidas, Schuyler Co.
Harris,James H.
Hewitt,Allen O.
Ishmael,George W., Brown Co.
Littaker,Joseph H.
Lee,John P.
Luttrell,James H.
Luttrell,Rowland G.
Lawler,Joseph T., Schuyler Co.
*Martin,Brown Co.
*Morris,Barton W.
Ogden,Jonathan B.
*Richardson,Green B., Brown Co.
Richardson,Watson R.
St.John, William H.
Thompson,John B.
Thorp,L. M.
*VanTassel, Francis M.
Wilson,James O.
Wilson,Thomas.Thefollowing is a complete roster of the company, as obtained from the originalMuster Roll at date of discharge, at Alton, Illinois, November 7, 1848,now in the possession of Captain Adams Dunlap, of Buena Vista township,Schuyler county, Ill., and to whose courtesy we are indebted for its appearancein this work. Where not differently stated, the men were mustered out November7, 1848.
Captain.Adams, Dunlap.
1stLieutenant. Samuel Lambert.
2dLieutenant. Simon Doyle.
2dLieutenant. Calvin Jackson.
OrderlySergeant. Samuel W. Boring.
2dSergeant. James B. Wright.
3dSergeant. Geo. O. Bachman, promoted from private July 9, 1847.
4thSergeant. Richard W. Stephenson, promoted from private May 1, 1848.
Corporal.Victor C. Putnam.
Corporal.William Richey.
Corporal.Newton DeWitt.
Corporal.John W. Snyder, promoted from private February 16, 1848.
Bugler.Theodore Smith.
Bugler.Charles Hynes.
Farrierand Blacksmith. David Duff.Privates.
Allen,Mark, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Brown,Robert, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Brown,Alexander, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Bowen,James F.
Berry,Daniel F.
Beale,Samuel O.
Chapman,William W.
Carden,Washington A.
Curtis,Jesse, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Corbridge,Thomas, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Carter,Rutherford, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Carnes,John T., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Duhomell,Benj. F., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Densmore,James C., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Derickson,Joseph M.
Erwin,George W.
Easley,Thomas M.
Fisher,Jacob, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Geiger,Donelson M., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Gillett,Charles W., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Gilbreath,Samuel, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Gitchell,Calvin L.
Gibson,Isaac W.
Havercluft,Christopher C.
Hurry,David, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Hopkins,Lemuel B., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Hopkins,David R., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Hansen,William B., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Jump,James C., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Jones,James B.
Lincoln,Jefferson, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Mullane,Carroll, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Mauck,Abram R., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
McGee,Elijah, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Myers,Jacob L., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Maynard,Robert H., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Mars,John L., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Martin,George W.
Patterson,Charles R.
Presson,William A.
Parker,Oscar J., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Robert,DeWitt C., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Redman,William, joined as recruit in Mexico, July 9, 1847.
Scott,George R.
Scott,William B.
Smith,William E.
Sidwell,James C., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Sieman,Cornelius, joined as recruit in Mexico, July 9, 1847.
Stetson,Clinton, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Turnbull,Thomas, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Todd,Simeon, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Tucker,William, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Troy,Jerome, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Thompson,James D.
Vancourt,Benj. P., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Winsor,Clark, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Weatherbee,William B., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Whitehurst,Willis G., joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848.
Whitlock,George C.
Wright,Isaac S. W.
Ward,Luke G., joined as recruit in Mexico, July 9, 1847.Thefollowing named died in service:
Tyre,Thomas, 4th sergeant, Matamoras, July 10, 1847.
Porgolia,Anthony, 4th corporal, Matamoras, Oct. 8, 1847.
Rew,Thos., private, Matamoras, July 15, 1847.
Clark,John, private, Matamoras, Aug. 1, 1847.
Fletcher,Jas. C., private, Matamoras, Aug. 7, 1847.
Smith,John, private, Matamoras, Sep. 27, 1847.
Cook,Wm. W., private, Matamoras, Sep. 28, 1847.
Beales,Aug. F., private, Matamoras, Sep. 28, 1847.
Gibson,B. F., private, Matamoras, Oct. 13, 1847.
Smith,Silas J., private, Matamoras, Oct. 16, 1847.
Edmonson,N. H. R., private, Matamoras, Oct. 18, 1847.
Biggs,Henry, private, Matamoras, Oct. 23, 1847.
Castle,Henry, private, Matamoras, Oct. 28, 1847.
Dyson,Samuel, private, Matamoras, Oct. 30, 1847.
Burton,Geo. W., private, Point Isabel, Texas, July 18, 1848.
Gillett,Phinney P., private, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848, died atAlton, Ill., August 13, 1848.Thefollowing named deserted:
Smith,Thomas J., private, Alton, Ill., June 5, 1847.
Hovey,Simeon H., private, Alton, Ill., June 9, 1847.
Wright,Daniel, private, N. Orleans, June 25, 1847.
Brunk,Wm., private, Matamoras, Dec. 1, 1847.
Brooks,William, private, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848; deserted atCamargo, Aug. 4, 1848.Thefollowing were discharged on surgeon’s certificate?
Serrott,Marcus, 2nd serg’t., Matamoras, April 27, 1848.
Lansden,William A., private, Matamoras, Dec. 5, 1847.
Dickson,Frs., private, Matamoras, April 27, 1848.
Cro-s,Thomas J., private, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848, left sickat San Antonio, to be discharged Sep. 9, ’47.
Whitcher,Patterson V., private, joined as recruit in Mexico, May 26, 1848, dischargedat San Antonio, Oct. 3, 1848, for expiration of term of service.
Excerptedfrom theCombined History of Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois,1882
Transcribedby Robin Petersen for Schuyler County ILGenWeb.Copyright 1999, 2000 RobinL. W. Petersen; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercialuse of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibitedwithout prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with theinformation.