Schuyler County ILGenWeb
Daughter of American Revolution Lineage Books
Volume 21 – page 97
Mrs. Susan Willoughby Lovejoy. DAR ID Number: 20269 Born in Rushville, Illinois. Wife of H. Stillman Lovejoy. Descendant of Jonathan Seely. Daughter of Josiah Parrott and Annie Seely, his wife. Granddaughter of Luke Seeley and Susan Willoughby, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Jonathan Seely and Deborah Barker, his wife. Jonathan Seely, (1740-1805), served several enlistments in Capt. Stephen Calkins’ company, Col. Ira Allen’s regiment of Vermont militia. He was born in Thetford, Orange Co., Vt.; died in New York.

Volume 24, page 281
Miss Mary Anna Munroe. DAR ID Number: 23801 Born in Rushville, Illinois. Descendant of Capt. Benjamin Hinman. Daughter of Thomas Munroe and Annis Hinman, his wife. Granddaughter of Benjamin Hinman and Anna Keyser, his wife. See No. 23800.

Volume 25, page 125
Miss Margaret M. Mcclure. DAR ID Number: 24349 Born in Rushville, Illinois. Descendant of Judge William Hepburn, of Pennsylvania. Daughter of Edwin Power McClure and Almira D. Greer, his wife. Granddaughter of William McClure and Hannah Tutthill Smith, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Robert McClure and Mary Hepburn, his wife. Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of William Hepburn and Crecy Covenhoven, his first wife. William Hepburn, (1753-1821), was captain of Northumberland militia to protect the frontier against the Indians. He was born in County Donegal, Ireland; died in Williamsport, Pa., where he was the first Judge. Also Nos. 6293, 16459, 17964, 20518.

Volume 25, page 202
Mrs. Sarah W. Macpherran. DAR ID Number: 24562 Born in Rushville, Illinois. Wife of James E. MacPherran. Descendant of Capt. Moses Chase. Daughter of William E. Withrowe and Harriet Eliza Chase, his wife. Granddaughter of Moody Chase and Lucy Farnam, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Moses Chase and Hannah Brown, his wife. Moses Chase, (1727-99), was a member of the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire and commanded a company to reënforce the garrison at Ticonderoga. He was born in Sutton, Mass.; died in Cornish, N. H. Also Nos. 20256, 23642.

Volume 29, page 367
Miss Maybelle Parrott. DAR ID Number: 38997 Born in Rushville, Illinois. Descendant of Jonathan Seeley. Daughter of Josiah Parrott and Annie Seeley, his wife. Granddaughter of Luke Seeley and Susan Willoughby, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Jonathan Seeley and Deborah Barker, his wife. Jonathan Seeley, (1740-1805), served several enlistments [p.367] in Capt. Stephen Calhouns company, Col. Ira Allen’s regiment of Vermont militia. He was born in Thetford, Vt.; died in New York. Also No. 20269.

Volume 33, page 145
Miss Josephine Anderson. DAR ID Number: 32433 Born in Doddsville, Illinois. Descendant of Lieut. Joseph Dodds, Jr. Daughter of Joseph Anderson and Caroline Dodds, his wife. Granddaughter of Samuel Dodds and Elizabeth Johnston, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Joseph Dodds, Jr. and Catherine Miller, his wife. Joseph Dodds, Jr., (1756-1833), served as ensign in the York county, Pa., militia, 1777, and as lieutenant under his brother, Capt. William Dodds. He was born in Adams Co., Pa.; died near Dayton, Ohio. Also No. 29813.

Volume 34, page 96
Mrs. Ella Dodds Gilbert. DAR ID Number: 33268 Born in Doddsville, Illinois. Wife of Charles W. Gilbert. Descendant of Lieut. Joseph Dodds, Jr. Daughter of Samuel Dodds and Harriet Ludlow, his second wife. Granddaughter of Joseph Dodds, Jr., and Catherine Miller, his wife. [p.96] Joseph Dodds, Jr., (1756-1833), served as ensign in the York county, Pennsylvania militia, 1777 and as lieutenant under his brother Capt. William Dodds. He was born in Adams county, Penna.; died in Dayton, Ohio. Also Nos. 29813, 32433.

Volume 37, page 135
Mrs. Amy M. Wells Carpenter. DAR ID Number: 37376 Born in Marengo, Illinois. Wife of Byron Fay Carpenter. Descendant of Timothy Treat. Daughter of Carmi Wells and Mercy Phelps, his wife. Granddaughter of Joseph Edwin Phelps and Susannah Treat, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Timothy Treat and Beulah Strong, his wife. Timothy Treat, (1756-1810), enlisted in the Berkshire county, Massachusetts militia and was wounded in the leg at Fort Schuyler. He was born in Lenox, Mass.; died in Homer, New York. Also No. 16709.

Volume 43, page 97
Mrs. Finette M. Pinney. DAR ID Number: 42253 Born in La Porte County, Indiana. Wife of William E. Pinney. Descendant of William Blair. Daughter of John McCord Morrison and Susan Courtney Blair, his wife. Granddaughter of James Blair and Isabella Waddell, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of William Blair and Catherine Evans, his wife. Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Alexander Blair and Elizabeth Cochran, his wife. William Blair, (1760-1840), was placed on the pension roll of Schuyler Co., Illinois 1832 for fourteen months’ actual service as private, Pennsylvania Continental line. He served 1778 as a substitute for his father.

Volume 78, page 165
Miss Nellie Hobart Carpenter. DAR ID Number: 77425 Born in Chicago, Ill. Descendant of Jonas Hobart. Daughter of William Sheldon Carpenter (b. 1854) and Martha Hobart (b. 1856), his wife, m. 1876. Granddaughter of Isaac Newton Hobart (1812-87) and Rhoda Maria Eddy (b. 1824), his 2nd wife, m. 1851. Gr-granddaughter of Isaac Hobart (1776-1856) and Synthia Mitchell (1784-1861), his wife, m. 1802. Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jonas Hobart and Betty Kemp (d. 1834), his wife, m. 1770. <BR>Jonas Hobart (1744-1833) was placed on the pension roll of Fulton County, Illinois, 1818, for service as private, New Hampshire Continental Line. He was born in New Hampshire; died in Schuyler County, Ill.
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