THE CHOLERA- This dreadful disease has made its appearance in Rushville. By the following letter will be seen the number of deaths that had occurred up to the morning of the 8th inst. We Have had intelligence from R. since that date, and no new cases had shown themselves up to last evening. We learn, verbally, that there had been sixteen deaths in all.
This disease has also visited Pekin, in Tazewell Co. There had been nine deaths at the latter places up to the 9th inst. A report reached town that there had been some cases in Springfield; we are pleased to learn, by the Journal, that there was no foundation for such report.
This town remains remarkably healthy.
RUSHVILLE, Tuesday morning July 8, 1834.
Mr Edwards, Sir- I have only time to request you to publish the following statement of the progress of the Cholera in this place.
July 4th | Wm McCreery |
July 4th | Cornelius V Putnam |
July 5th | Child of Widow Smith |
July 5th | Ruel Redfied and Child |
July 5th | Mrs Wethers |
July 5th | James Bagerty |
July 6th | Mrs McCreery |
July 7th | Robert Gay |
July 7th | Child of widow Smith |
July 7th | child of Thomas Angel |
July 8th | Hugh McCreery |
Respectfully, H Fellows.
Source: The Illinois Patriot – Jacksonville, Illinois, July 12, 1834, pg 2. Transcribed by Patty Havens