Mrs. Barbara Ellen Wilson Obitutary

Mrs. Barbara Ellen WilsonObituary

Astoria Newspaper, issue Aug, 1, 1917.AGED WOMEN DIESMrs. Barbara Wilson Died Suddenly Sunday Night At The Home Of Her Daughter, Mrs. Ida Burkholder Mrs. Barbara Ellen Wilson, a pioneer resident of Schuyler and Fulton counties, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ida Burkholder, in this city (Astoria) at 9 o’clock Sunday evening. She was sitting in a chair on the porch when stricken. Falling from the chair, she passed away before being raised up. Heart failure is given as the cause of death. She had been in failing health for the past two years. Mrs. Wilson was born Nov. 12, 1846 about half mile east of Sheldon’s Grove and lived in and around that village until about five years ago when she moved to this city. She was age 70 years, 8 months, and 17 days. In 1870 she tied in marriage to Nathan Wilson who died 18 years ago. To this union ten children were born, seven of whom are living, namely, Mrs. Viola Harmon, Canton, Mrs. Allie McClelland, Penora, Iowa, Ollie Wilson, Crook, Colorado, Mrs. Liddie Garrels, Davenport, Iowa, Mrs. Ida Burkholder, Astoria, Mrs. Laura Dunblazer, Adair and Mrs. Blanche Payne, Avon. Those deceased are: John who died in infancy, George and Earl, Mrs. Polly(Mary) Trayer, a step-daughter. Besides the surviving children she leaves one step-son, Thomas Wilson, and eighteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mrs. Wilson was not only devoted to her home and family, but was ever found doing charity work for her neighbors. No one could have been more beloved or held in higher esteem than she. She possessed a pleasant, congenial disposition and her many kind acts won for her a host of loyal friends who grieve at her departure. Short funeral services were held at her home in this city at one o’clock today. At Sheldons Grove, church services were held, conducted by Rev. J.O. Lehman, pastor of the Astoria M.E. church. Interment in the cemetery near by.Sheldon’s Grove Cemetery, Hickory Twp. Schuyler County, Ill.Barbara is buried with her husband, Nathan, who died in 1898 and son George, who died in 1893.Note: Barbara Ellen (Louderback) Wilson is the daughter of Rueben Louderback and Almeda Moore of Schuyler County, Illinois.Rueben’s second wife was Viola Bianca Sallee Mahugh (a widow)

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