Henry Edward Brines Obituary

Henry Edward Brines

Henry Edward Brines, a pioneer resident of Schuyler County, died last Thursday at the home of his sisters, Misses Lou and Harriett Brines, near Pleasantview in his eighty-eighth year. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. C. P. Wright, were held from the late residence on Saturday afternoon. Internment was in the Messerer cemetery. Henry Edward Brines, oldest son of Roswell and Delila Brines was born in Schuyler County, Ill. Oct. 6, 1833, and died near Pleasantview, March24, 1921, age 87 years, five months and 18 days. He went to California in the early fifties, seeking gold, and remained there for three years, and afterward in later years, made another trip. He married Martha Garret, and to this union were born five children. Three are still living. Thomas and John of Colorado and Jessie Brown of Nebraska. Besides these he leaves two brothers, George of Rushville and Thomas of Pleasantview; and three sisters, Lou and Harriet of Pleasantview and Ermine Reeve of Rushville to mourn his departure. He was made a Master Mason of Rushville Lodge No. 9, in Nov. 1859. He was a generous , free hearted man and his aim in life was “Do unto others as ye would they would do unto you.” He was a merchant in Pleasantview for many years. He moved from there to Nebraska where he remained forty years as a farmer. He went from there to California, where he lived for thirteen years and then came back to the old home about 3 years ago.

Card of Thanks: We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors who helped us during the sickness and death of out brother Henry. Lou and Harriet Brines. Rushville Times 3/31/1921

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