Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 1
Robin Petersen Obituary for Jeremiah MARTIN
The Rushville Times, 21 November 1918
Jeremiah Martin, a former resident of Schuyler, died last Thursday at his home near Macomb. He had been ill with pneumonia about two weeks when death overtook him. He was married to Helen Deede, to which two children were born, Doris aged 4 years and Edward aged seven months. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Martin, one brother, Marcus, one half-brother Donnie Martin, three half-sisters, Dora, Millie, and Lenora Martin and one sister, Mrs. Willie Dirett.
Robin Petersen Obituary for Francis M. TEEL
The Rushville Times, 19 March 1896
Francis M. Teel died Friday at 2:30 p.m., at his home in the west part of town. He was a veteran of the late war and a pensioner. He was 51 years of age, and leaves a wife and several children. The funeral was held at 10 a.m. at the Christian church, conducted by Rev. Guy Shields. Interment in Good Hope cemetery north of town.
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Thomas I./J. GARRETT
The Rushville Times, 4 December 1867
Mr. Thomas I. Garrett, one of the pioneers of Schuyler, died at his residence, between Rushville and Browning on Monday of last week. The Masonic order of this place, to which he belonged went down on Wednesday to attend the funeral. Thomas Garrett served as County Recorder from 1847-1849.
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Susan GARRETT
The Rushville Times, 31 January 1889
Franklin county, NE. Susan Garrett, a former resident of Browning. Deceased was the wife of Thomas I. Garrett, who died 20 years age. Mrs. Garrett passed her 90th year.
Carol Wolf Britton Death Notice for John GARRETT
The Rushville Times, 1880 – Hung Himself
Mr. John Garrett, an old citizen of Littleton Township, committed suicide last Saturday afternoon by hanging himself. We learn that he had been unwell for some time, and that his mind had doubtless become somewhat affected by disease or medicine, but he had shown no inclination to take his life. A short time before supper he went out to do some chores and failing to return in due time his wife concluded to hunt for him. She finally found him in the orchard, where he had hung himself to an apple tree with a strap taken off one of the gates. His feet were resting on the ground, but he had succeeded in strangling himself to death. He was about 60 years old.
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Mrs. Elizabeth C. GARRETT KRUSE
The Rushville Times, 29 May 1919
The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Kruse, widow of the late F. H. D. Kruse, on last Saturday, brought to an end a remarkable life whose youth, fullness and old age was spent on the farm where she resided for more than seventy-five years. With her passing there comes a break in the five generations of this family, there surviving two great great grandchildren. Mrs. Kruse lived to the ripe old age of ninety-four years and retained her faculties to a remarkable degree and her death removes probably the last of the pioneers who settled near Rushville in the thirties. On Monday afternoon funeral services were held at the old homestead, four miles east of Rushville, conducted by Rev. W.E. Dudley of Charleston, Ill. Interment in the Rushville cemetery.
Elizabeth C. Garrett, daughter of Thos. I. and Susan Garrett was born at Georgetown, Russell Co., KY, April 16, 1825; departed this life at the old home, two
miles east of Rushville, May 24, 1919, at the ripe old age of 94 years, 1 month and8 days. In the year 1836 her father’s family, in company with the family of the late Jonathan Patterson, moved to Schuyler county, coming down the Columbia and Ohio rivers in a flat boat and up the Illinois river by steamboat, landing at old Eric, between Beardstown and Frederick. With the exception of two years in McDonough county she has been a continued resident of Schuyler county. She was united in marriage with the late F. H. D. Kruse Dec. 3, 1843, who preceded her to the great beyond July 4th, 1899. The day following their marriage they went to housekeeping in a cabin in the woods, at which place she has lived continuously ever since, a period of a little more than 75 years. To this union was born seven children, one son dying in infancy; Mary Ellen dying after reaching young womanhood and George W. at the age of 65 years. Four yet remain to mourn the loss of a true and loving mother, viz: Jas. K. Polk of Milsap, Texas, Henry of Brady, Texas: Susan H. wife of M. W. Greer and Dora K. widow of the late Jas. T. Mathews;
also fifteen grandchildren, eighteen great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren. Mother Kruse came of a long lived family, her mother and oldest brother each living to the age of 92 years. She was a woman of remarkable constitution and endurance and outlived by many years all of the pioneer settlers in her community and is the last of her father’s family of eight children, all of whom lived to be heads of families.
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Margaret WORSHAM
The Rushville Times, 13 June 1901
Mrs. Margaret Worsham died in Holdrege, Nebraska on Tuesday at the home of relatives where she had spent the winter. Her remains will arrive in Rushville today on the 12:10 train and the funeral services will be held in the Christian Church at Pleasantview. Mrs. Worsham was taken with her fatal illness a few days before she planned to return to her home in this county. Her condition became alarming some ten days ago and her three children–Branch Worsham, Mrs. G. W. Gragg and Mrs. T. P. Ballard went to her bedside and ministered to her wants in her last days.
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for George Washington GARRETT
The Franklin County News, 19 April 1911
George Washington Garrett was born at Lexington, Kentucky, April 16, 1818. He moved with his family to Schuyler Co., Illinois in 1836 where he lived until he came to Franklin Co, in 1877. In 1886 he moved to Franklin and resided here until his death which occurred April 14, 1911 at 6 a.m. The immediate cause of his death was hemorrhage of the stomach. He was converted at the age of twenty-six and united with the Christian Church. In 1843 he was married to Delilah Luttrell, to which union nine children were born all of whom are living, as is also one adopted son Will. The wife died in Franklin December 23, 1887. There are left to mourn “Grandpa’s” death two sisters and the ten children, five girls and five boys. Joan and Susan live in Illinois, Will and Morgan live in Colorado, John at McCook, Sarah, Martha, Peter, Thomas and Nancy in Franklin. Also thirty-six grand-children and down to the fifth generation. The funeral was held on his 93rd birthday at the M.E. Church, Rev. Gilpin conducting the service. He was buried in Greenwood cemetery under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. lodge of which he was probably the oldest member in the state. Not often is a community called to mourn with a family so many of whom are our friends and neighbors. But the mourning must end in consolation when we know the lost one has gone where “They’ll never say, Goodbye”.
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Delilah GARRETT
The Rushville Times, 29 December1887
Delilah Garrett, wife of George W. Garrett, died at her home in Franklin county, Nebraska last Friday. She moved from Browning Township to Nebraska some ten years ago. She is the daughter of Mrs. Sarah Luttrell…
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Martha GARRETT BRINES
The Rushville Times, 4 March 1915
Mrs. Henry E. Brines on Monday of this week, Mrs. M.W. Greer received news of the death of Martha Brines where she died at Bridgeport, Neb at the age of seventy-eight, Mrs. Brines was the youngest child of Thomas I. Garrett. She was born in Kentucky and came with her parents to Rushville when a babe, where her early childhood was spent. Later she became the wife of Henry E. Brines and lived for a number of years in Pleasantview, where Mr. Brines conducted a general store, some thirty years ago they removed to Nebraska, where she has since resided. Mrs. Brines spent the greater part of the winter since 1913 and 1914 in this vicinity visiting her aged sister, Mrs. F. H. D. Kruse, who is the sole survivor of the Garrett family, which consisted of 8 children; three boys and five girls, all of who lived to rear families.
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Bryant O. GARRETT
The Schuyler Citizen, January 1859
On last Monday week, Mr. Bryant Garrett of Frederick went up to Browning on his skates, in returning he started up sugar creek to see his brother, who is living a short distance from its mouth, shortly after he fell through the ice. Here he struggled a long time in a vain effort to regain the top of the ice, and finally sank it is supposed chilled to death, for his body did not present the appearance of having been drowned. What adds to the sadness of his death was the fact that some men were at work not ar off and heard him hollering, it is said for more than 2 hours, but they supposed it was merely boys playing on the ice and paid no attention to it. His body was not recovered until the following Wednesday, no uneasiness having been felt at his absence. His hat, purse and other articles he had thrown out on the ice, and led to his immediate recovery. Mr. Garrett was a son of Mr. Thomas I. Garrett, formerly of this place and is well known to our citizens. Of late years he has been engaged in a saw-mill in Frederick of which he was part owner. He leaves a young family, consisting of a wife and 2 small children. We sincerely sympathize with the bereaved family and friends in this affecting event. In view of the unexpectedness of this bereavement how appropriate come these beautiful lines. “Each season hath its own disease, Its peril every hour; Death rides on every breeze And lurks in every flower.”
Carol Wolf Britton Obituary for Shelton LUTTRELL
LUTTRELL, Shelton – died at his residence in Browning township April 6, 1882, of general debility, Mr. Shelton Luttrell; aged 87 years, 10 months and 24 days. The deceased was one of the early settlers of this county, having located in Browning township in 1834, where he resided up to the time of his death. He was born in Casey County, Kentucky, May 12, 1795 — was married to Sarah Bryant, Nov. 13, 1813, who survives him, having lived together 69 years. They had 12 children, 10 grandchildren, 64 great grandchildren, and 8 great great grandchildren. Mr. Luttrell was a member of the Christian church for 45 years and died respected in the community, where he had resided nearly half a century. (While in the office last week, Mr. Felix H. Thronton, son-in-law of the deceased informed us that he sent us the particulars of Shelton Luttrell death but it was not received or was mislaid, Editor)
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for David VOLLMER
The Rushville Times, May 1962
David Vollmer, 71, Rushville, Route 2, died Tuesday, May 8, at 3:15 P.M. at the Schmitt Memorial Hospital, in Beardstown. His death followed an illness over the past year. Mr. Vollmer, the son of Philipena Bardon Vollmer and David Vollmer, was born October 12, 1890 in Quincy. He received his early years of schooling in Quincy. In 1917, he was united in marriage to Gladys Greer, and to this union were born two sons who with the wife, preceded him in death. One daughter of this union, Iola, wife of Earl Phillips of Prairie City, survives. In 1924, he was united in marriage to Etta Adkison, who survives. To this union were born four daughters, Doris, wife of Earl McMunn of Hamilton; Margie, wife of Karl Luthy of Rushville; Louisa, wife of Hubert Cripe of Vermont; and Nancy, wife of Robert Longwell, of Rushville, all surviving. One sister, Mrs. Emelie Degitz, Rushville, and 11 grandchildren also survive. Two brothers and a sister preceded him in death. Mr. Vollmer was confirmed at an early age in the Lutheran Evangelical Church at Quincy. He has resided over 50 years in Schuyler county. Funeral services were Thursday afternoon, May 17, 1962 at 2:00 in the Worthington Funeral home. Rev. Nell Sallec officiated and burial was in the Rushville Cemetery.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Etta VOLLMER
The Rushville Times, August 1973 – Mrs. Etta Vollmer Rites To Be Held Today
Mrs. Etta Pearl Vollmer, 82, a lifelong resident of Rushville, passed away at 5 a. m. Tuesday at St. Mary’s hospital in Quincy. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today (Thursday), August 2, 1973 at Worthington Funeral Home, with Rev. Wesley Trendle officiating. Burial will be in Rushville cemetery. Mrs. Vollmer was born in Rushville on Feb 19, 1891, a daughter of Logan and Lina Vanorder Adkison. She was married Sept. 10, 1924 to David Vollmer, who passed away on May 8, 1962. She is survived by five daughters; Mrs. Earl (Iola) Phillips of Bushnell, Mrs. Earl (Doris) McMunn of Hamilton, Mrs. Karl (Margie) Luthy of Rushville, Mrs Hubert (Louisa) Cripe of Vermont, and Mrs. Robert (Nancy) Longwell of Rushville. Eleven grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and a sister; Mrs. Maggie Daniel of Rushville, also survives.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Iola ICENOGLE
Peoria Journal Star, 11 February 1994
Who: Iola L. Icenogle. Died: 11:55 p.m., Feb. 9, 1994 at her home in Rushville. Funeral: 9 a.m. Saturday at Worthington Funeral Home. Burial: Forest Lawn Memory Gardens, Macomb. Born: Jan. 14, 1921, Rushville. Parents: David V. and Gladys Greer Vollmer. Married first: June 16, 1939, Palmyra, MO, to Earl Phillips who died April 9, 1978. Married second: July 21, 1981, in Hamilton, to Loren Icenogle who survives. Surviving children: one daughter, Teri Phillips of Macomb; one stepdaughter, Joyce Icenogle of Oak Forest; two stepsons, Dr. Phillip Icenogle of Peoria and Donald Icenogle of Colchester. Surviving sisters: Doris McMunn of Hamilton, Maggie Luthy of Rushville, Louisa Cripe of Astoria and Nancy Longwell of Mountain Grove, MO. Predeceased siblings: two brothers.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Logan ADKISON
Logan Adkison Dies Tuesday, Aged 88 Years
Logan Adkison, a life-long resident of Rushville, who had [?] and invalid for many years, died Tuesday evening at his home in this city, aged eighty-eight years. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. M. A. Warres, will be held Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock from the Gor[?] Funeral Home. Interment will be made in the Rushville Cemetery. Mr. Adkison is survived by his wife, whose maiden name was Lina Vanorder, and two daughters, Etta the wife of David Vollmer, and Maggie, the wife of Les Daniels, both of Rushville.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for James VANORDER
The Rushville Times, February 1961 – Funeral Held Feb. 18 for James Vanorder, Peoria, Native of Rushville
James Vanorder, 77, of Peoria, father of Marshall Vanorder of Rushville, died last Wednesday (Feb 23, 1961) at 10:15 a.m. at the Proctor hospital in Peoria, where he was admitted on Feb. 3. Funeral services were held Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Endsley & Son Funeral home in Peoria with burial in Springdale cemetery of that city. He was born at Rushville in 1883, a son of James and Frances Vanorder, and had been a painter and paper hanger for many years before retiring about 13 or 14 years ago. Besides his son Marshall of Rushville, he is survived by two other sons John of Ventura, Calif, and Roy of Royal Oak, Mich: by two daughters, Mrs. Florine Adkison of Peoria and Mrs. Marjorie Atwater of St. Charles, Mo, and by 24 grandchildren.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for J. Fred Atkinson [ADKISON]
The Rushville Times, October 26, 1961
J. Fred Atkinson, 70 of Astoria died Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Culbertson Memorial Hospital, his body being taken to the Shawgo Memorial home in Astoria which is in charge of funeral arrangements. Mr. Atkinson, formerly operated a shoe store in Astoria. He is survived by a son, Page of Quincy and by two grandchildren.
Obituary for Mrs. Lucille SNOW
The Rushville Times, September, 1961 – Death of Former Resident
Carl F. Hagans has been notified of the death of his sister, Mrs. Lucille Snow of Los Angeles, who passed away Sunday evening after a brief illness. Funeral services (September 21, 1961) were held in Los Angeles with burial in that city. Mrs. Snow was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Hagans, deceased. She leaves one sister, Mrs. Lena Steiner of Quincy and one brother, Carl F. of Browning. A brother, Dr. F. M. Hagans passed away in June of last year. To many it will be remembered that Mrs. Snow, then Miss Lucille Hagans, a beautiful young lady, was the one person chosen to be at the christening of the old Beardstown bridge.
Obituary for Harry B. STAMBAUGH
The Rushville Times, September 1961 – Harry B. Stambaugh, 75, of Browning Dies September 14
Funeral services for Harry B. Stambaugh, 75, of Browning, who died last Thursday at 7 a.m. at the Culbertson Memorial hospital in Rushville, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Roby Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Marshall H. Ervin officiating. Burial was in Browning cemetery, September 21, 1961. Harry B. Stambaugh was born at Bramer, Mo, January 23, 1886, the son of George W. Stambaugh and Tina Caroline Workman. He was united in marriage to Edith Grove of Astoria on January 20, 1913 and spent most of his life time at Browning as a commercial fisherman and hunter. He is survived by his wife, Edith; one brother, John Reno of Browning; two half-sisters, Grace Carrilo of Aurora and Vivian Pate of Beardstown; one half brother, Dewey previously deceased; three sons, Floyd, George and John of Browning; two daughters, Lenora of Sheldon’s Grove and Arlene of Jacksonville; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Death Notice for John TIPTON
The Rushville Times, October 1961 – John TIPTON Death
Monday, Mrs. Kenneth Runkle received word of the death of Mr. Runkle’s uncle, John Tipton of Providence, Rhode Island. Funeral services and burial will be held Thursday, October 26 in Salem, Iowa. He is brother of Mrs. Viola Runkle of Rushville and Misses Sadie and Myrtle Tipton of Macomb.
Death Notice for Father of Virgil JOHNSON
The Rushville Times, November 1961 – Death of Father
Sympathy of our community is extended to Principal Virgil Johnson, his father having passed away Friday. Funeral services were held in Griggsville on Tuesday, November 2, 1961.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Anna MILLER
The Rushville Times, November 2, 1961
Another of the pioneers of this community passed away Wednesday afternoon, namely, Mrs. Anna Miller, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Cable. Her husband preceded her in death in 1954, and she has spent the time since with her several children. She would have reached the age of 100 on Nov 6 if she had lived. Her husband, Jake as he was known, was 99 in February preceding his death. This couple started their married life on the farm which is now occupied by William Miller and wife. Jake’s father, Andrew Miller and wife lived on the farm which is now owned by Willard France, just south of Astoria, when their children were growing up. She leaves her sorrowing children and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her passing. Her funeral was h eld at the Mud Valley Church on Friday afternoon with the Elders Jesse and Morris Wagoner officiating. Her interment was made in the cemetery by the Mud Valley Church. Those from a distance who attended were the ministers, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kinze, Mr. and Mrs. Will Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Long, Mrs. Dorothy Cripe, Miss Flora Beekely, all of Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and Laura Smith of Pekin; Riley Florrey and Norman Florrey and wife all of Ohio; besides a host of other relatives and friends in this community and others in Illinois.
Death Notice for Frank GRUBER
The Rushville Times, November 16, 1961 – Death of Cousin
John H. Trone received word Sunday of the death of his cousin, Frank Gruber of Galesburg. Mr. Gruber passed away on Saturday.
Obituary for Thomas A. SARGENT
The Rushville Times, November 16, 1961
Thomas A. Sargent, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Sargent, former residents of Rushville who since 1953 have made their home in Macomb, was one of three young men of the latter city who were killed Saturday about 11:30 p.m. when their car, traveling at a high rate of speed left the Blandinsville-Tennessee blacktop road in McDonough County.
Sargent, along with Carl D. Williams, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ozro Williams of Macomb, were instantly killed. Dale L. Dilts, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dilts, was fatally injured and died about three hours later in McDonough district hospital without gaining consciousness. State police reported that the southbound car, owned by Dilts, veered off the highway into a drainage ditch on the east side of the road, tore up a section of fence, rolled sideways then somersautled end over end, clipping a utility pole 14 feet above the ground. All three of the young men were thrown from the car, the body of one being found 150 feet beyond the wrecked automobile.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Andrew Jackson VANORDER
In Memoriam – A. J. Vanorder, civil war veteran, and old time resident of Schuyler County, died at his home on North Liberty Street, Monday morning at 6 o’clock. He had been in failing health for several months, but rallied at times and was able to be about a short time before his death. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the Christian church, conducted by Rev. Geo. P. Snyder. Andrew Jackson, son of Thomas Andrew and Lydia Ann Vanorder was born Ithaca, Thompson County, New York, December 22, 1848 and departed this life at Rushville, Illinois, May 25, 1925 at the age of 84 years, 5 months and 3 days. At an early age he traveled westward with his parents until they reached Illinois. Attracted by the fertility of the soil and beauty of the country, they settled in the vicinity of Rushville. Here he lived until the dark clouds of war threatened to sever the Union and being of a brave and patriotic spirit, he enlisted at the beginning of the struggle and rendered his service thruout the Civil War. He was a member of Company G. 28th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. At the close of the war he was united in marriage to Nancy Jane Bonser who preceded him in death July 27, 1917. To this union were born fourteen children, six of whom died in childhood. Those surviving are: Mrs. Logan Adkison, Thomas, Pulaski, Edward, Delmar, and Mrs. Charles Walker of Rushville; Frederick of Vermont, and Mrs. Archie Peacock of Ripley. Since the death of his companion he has tried to maintain a home for his children who might come.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for James H. VANORDER
The Rushville Times, October 16, 1919 – Death of an Old Veteran
James H. Vanorder was born in Ithaca, New York, May 4th, 1845; was united in marriage to Frances Fowler, March 22nd, 1868. To them was born two sons and three daughters–Mrs. Walter Bradbury, Mrs. Arthur Green, James William Vanorder, Robert Willis Vanorder all of Rushville and Mrs. Perry Marshall of Macomb. He departed this life Oct. 8th, 1919 at the home of Walter Bradbury. He also leaves to mourn his death 21 grandchildren; also one brother, A. J. Vanorder of Rushville and one sister, Mrs. George Mercer of Vermont. He was a member of the G.A.R. Post, having answered his country’s call during the civil war. Three years ago he was afflicted with paralysis and has been a patient sufferer ever since until God pleased to call him home to suffer no more. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church Friday at 2’oclock, conducted by Rev. T. H. Ballarby. A number of old comrades were in attendance. Interment in the Rushville Cemetery.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Frances VANORDER
The Rushville Times, April 18, 1918 – Died After Long Illness
Mrs. Frances Vanorder, wife of James Vanorder, died Monday at her home in this city following an illness of three years during which time she was constantly confined to her bed. Funeral services were held from the Presbyterian Church Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Interment in the Rushville Cemetery. Frances Fowler, youngest daughter of Mortica and Frances Fowler, was born near Rushville, July 19, 1861 where she grew to womanhood. On March 22, 1868, she united in marriage to James Vanorder. To this union were born three daughters and two sons, viz: Mrs. Perry Marshall, Mrs. Walter Bradbury, Mrs. Arthur Green, James W. and Willis Vanorder, all of whom, with the sorrowing husband, survive to mourn their loss.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Lorinda BRADBURY
The Rushville Times, October 23, 1952 – Mrs. Walter Bradbury Died Saturday at Age 83
Mrs. Lorinda Bradbury, 83, widow of Walter Bradbury, died Saturday at the Culbertson Memorial hospital. Funeral services were held Monday, Oct. 20, at 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the Rushville Cemetery. Mary Lorinda Jane, oldest daughter of James and Frances Fowler Vanorder was born in Schuyler County near Rushville on a small farm, on May 29, 1869 and departed this life October 18, 1952 at the Culbertson Memorial Hospital at the age of 83 years, four months and 19 days. She spent most of her life in Rushville, the last 10 months of which she spent in the home of her daughter, Grace. Mrs. Bradbury attended public school in Rushville and completed a Red Cross nursing course which was held in the Scripps Building during World War I. She received her diploma in Red Cross nursing and cared for many sick people during her active years. On April 17, 1887 she was married to Walter Bradbury, who preceded her in death four years ago. To this union eight children were born, seven of whom survive: Mrs. Edith Knowles, Mrs. Grace Menely, Mrs. Frances Poole, all of Rushville, William Bradbury, Monmouth, Robert Bradbury, Canton, Mrs. Caroline Rebman, Mrs. Margaret Lerch, both of Rushville. Her oldest son, James Bradbury died in 1941. She also leaves a foster son, Marshall Vanorder of Rushville, 40 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Earl Willey of Quincy, two brothers, William Vanorder of Quincy and Robert Vanorder of Royal Park, Michigan. One sister, Mrs. Lillian Green, passed away in 1946. Mrs. Bradbury was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and took an active part until her health failed. She was a kind, loving mother and especially loved little children. She was a good neighbor and made friends of all people in every walk of life and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Charles Robert POOLE
The Rushville Times, November 4, 1998
Charles Robert Poole 78, of Danville, formerly of Rushville, died Friday, Oct. 30, 1998, at the Danville V.A. Medical Center in Danville. He was born Aug 29, 1920, in Rushville, to the late Thomas Edward and Frances M. Bradbury Poole. He married June F. Larson Dec 31, 1947, in Rushville. She died Sept 29, 1982. Surviving are one son, Thomas Poole of Rushville; one daughter, Susan Poole of San Francisco, CA; two grandchildren, Robert R. Poole and Toni Williams; one great-granddaughter; and his special friend, Esther Williams of Tilton. He was preceded in death by a sister, Nina Dobleskey. He was a WW II U.S. Army veteran, military services held by Schuyler American Legion Post #4. He was a former member of First Presbyterian Church in Rushville, current member of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Danville. He was an insurance agent in Rushville, retiring in 1982. Burial was in the Astoria Cemetery in Astoria, Illinois.
Death Notice for Sarah BARTELL
The Rushville Times, August 29, 1895
Died, of inflammatory rheumatism, Aug. 24th, Sarah Bartell, aged 46 years. She came here sick from Griggsville, some four weeks ago, dying at the home of her son-in-law, George Bishop. Her remains were laid to rest in the Butlersville cemetery.
Robin Petersen Obituary for Mrs. Margaret ROUDEBUSH
The Rushville Times, September 5, 1895
Mrs. Margaret J. Roudebush was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, Jan. 1, 1823 and died at her late residence, 8 miles northeast of Rushville, Aug. 25, 1895, having nearly completed her 74th year. For more than 40 years she, with her late husband and family, have made Schuyler county their home. Mrs. Roudebush was converted early in life and united with the Baptist church, of which she continued a faithful and consistent member for 55 years. She enjoyed the esteem, high regard and entire confidence of all who knew her. Her last illness was protracted and very painful. For the last three years of her life she was unable to speak so as to be understood. Funeral services, conducted by the writer, were held at the family residence on Monday, Aug. 26th. A large company of sympathizing neighbors and friends accompanied the sad procession to the Good Hope cemetery; where side by side she and the husband of her youth and the loved companion of her later years sleep the sleep which knows no waking — J.K.
Obituary for Gabrilla Courtney BYERS
The Rushville Times, September 5, 1895
Gabrilla Courtney Byers was born Sept. 10, 1850; died August 29, 1895, aged 45 years. The subject of this sketch was married to John Byers in August, 1867. To this union five children, three boys and two girls, were born. The husband, one boy and one girl (Mrs. Roy Jennings) survives her. For seven months she has been afflicted with that dread disease, cancer, and last Thursday morning yielded to the victor, death. Mrs. Byers was a member of the Baptist church, southease of Rushville, at which place her funeral services were conducted by Elder Hughes.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for George Washington VANORDER
The Rushville Times, August 27, 1891
Geo. W. Vanorder died Tuesday morning at his home north of Rushville, aged 59 years. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. yesterday at the Hosmer grave yard, Bainbridge Township, conducted by the G.A.R.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Walter E. LIVINGSTON
The Rushville Times, January 20, 1999
Walter E. Livingston, 69, of Astoria, died Sunday, Jan. 17, 1999, at the home of his sister in Rushville. He was born Dec. 19, 1929, in Rushville, the son of Clarence Oral and Margaret (Bradbury) Livingston. He married Shirley Claassen on July 24, 1948 in Rushville. She survives. Also surviving are his mother, Margaret Lerch, of Rushville; two sons, Gene Livingston (wife Mary) of Carthage and John Livingston (wife Trish) of Salina, Kan.; five daughters, Mrs. Ronnie (Barbara) Stadler of Solomon Kan., Mrs. Charles (Patricia) Helms, Sr. of Ironton, MO, Mrs. Richard (Anita) Hall of Fontana, Calif., Mrs William (Dianne) Shy of Arcadia, MO and Mary Jane McCombs of Houston, TX; 17 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; seven brothers, Robert Livingston of Ripley, Bert Lerch of Beardstown, Carl Lerch of Cuba, IL, Don Lerch of Rushville, Jack Lerch of Rushville, William Livingston of Ocala, FL and John Livingston of Springfield; and three sisters, Mrs. Ron (Betty) Sheppard of Rushville, Mrs. Steve (Joan) Stull of Raritan, and Mrs. Bob (Helen) Jourdan of Santa Barbara, Calif. He was preceded in death by three grandchildren, Anthony Kirk Livingston, Richard Lee Perry and Bradley Shanks, Sr.; one brother, Larry Lerch; one sister Mary Margaret Lerch and his step father, Marion Mike Lerch. He was a mechanic at various farm implement dealerships in Illinois and was a bus driver at Belleview and Arcadia, MO. He was a charter member and served as president of the Rushville Saddle Club for four years. He was road commissioner of Oakland Township in Schuyler county from 1976-1980. Funeral services were Tuesday at the Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville with Pastor Mike Cooper officiating. Burial was in the Augusta Woodlawn Cemetery in Augusta. Memorials may be given to the Cass-Schuyler Area Hospice.
Obituary for Lyle E. VINCENT
Peoria Journal Star, February 12, 1999
Who: Lyle E. Vincent, of rural Camden. Died: Feb. 10, 1999, at his residence. Burial: Rushville City Cemetery. Born: Aug. 26, 1913, in rural Camden. Parents: William Lawrence and Hettie Mae Chapman Vincent. Married: Feb. 14, 1939, Davenport, Iowa, to Audrey Kinsey, who survives. Surviving: son, Johnie of Rushville; three grandsons, Mark Vincent of Rushville, Lawrence Vincent of Cincinnati and Paul Vincent of Frederick. History: A member of Schuyler Farm Bureau; served on the Adams Electrical Co-Operative Board for 12 years, retiring in 1998; member of First United Methodist Church in Rushville, where he served as trustee, served on the administrative board and was treasurer of the Booster Sunday school class; received the Friend of the 4-H Award.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Floyd E. MENELY
The Rushville Times, January 13, 1999
Floyd E. Menely, 78, of Beardstown, died Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1999, at the Heritage Manor South Nursing Home in Beardstown. He was born March 26, 1920, in Rushville, to the late Harry and Grace Bradbury Menely. He married Betty Jane Esslinger, Nov. 7, 1946, in Rushville. She died Oct. 18, 1963. Surviving is one son, Dwight Menely (wife Mary) of Springfield; one daughter, Mrs. Wayne (Marilyn) Aden of Golden; three grandchildren; and his long time friend Virginia Thompson, of Beardstown. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Carl Menely and Harry Menely, and four sisters, Mary Hartman, Pauline White, Virginia Cady, and Mildred Ford. He was a typesetter and pressman at the Rushville Times Company and the Virginia Gazette before retiring. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Rushville; and was a former member of Schuyler American Legion Post #4 and Rushville Moose Lodge #506. He was an army veteran of World War II. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Father Roger Simpson officiating. Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery where Military services were conducted by Schuyler American Legion Post #4. Memorials may be made to Cass-Schuyler Hospice.
Carol Longwell Miller Obituary for Mary Jeannette THOMPSON
The Rushville Times, January 6, 1999
Mary Jeannette Thompson, 72, of Rushville, died Wednesday Dec. 30, 1998, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville. She was born Feb. 5, 1926, in Rushville to the late George and Caroline Bradbury Rebman. She married Jimmie Thompson July 16, 1960, in Jacksonville, he died Feb. 2, 1992. Surviving are a son, James Craig Thompson of Rushville; two daughters, Mrs. Larry (Ramona) Tolles and Mrs. Rick (Rebecca) Heinz, both of Rushville; nine grandchildren; one brother, Thomas Rebman of Rushville; and two sisters, Harriet J. Enloe of Salem, MO and Mildred Irene Wilson of Havana. She was preceded in death by two brothers, George H. Rebman and James L. Rebman and one sister, Aline Logan. She was a former member of the First Presbyterian Church of Rushville. Services were Monday at Worthington Funeral Home with Rev. Scott Henley officiating. Burial was in Good Hope Cemetery, northeast of Rushville. Memorials may be made to Culbertson Memorial Hospital. Worthington Funeral Home of Rushville was in charge of services.
Robin Petersen Death Notice for Elijah HINDMAN
The Schuyler Citizen, December 30, 1863
Died at his residence 5 miles North of this place, on the 26th inst., of dropsy, Mr. Elijah Hindman in his 66th year of his age. Mr. Hindman was born in Pennsylvania and emigrated to this county from Ohio in 1838, residing ever since he came on his present place. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church (O.S.) and died triumphantly rejoicing in the hope of his eternal inheritance.
Robin Petersen Obituary for “Aunt Polly” GORSAGE
November 1, 1900
The remains of “Aunt Polly Gorsage” as everyone knew her, were brought from Astoria Tuesday and interred in the Baders cemetery after a short service at the Christian church. Aunt Polly was a resident of Baders for many years. She was a sister of Uncle Henry and Asa Venters, who are quite aged. Aunt Polly was near her 85th year, and the years had not been all sunshine for her life was one of sickness and pain. She has suffered more than tongue can tell; the misery, it seems, more than her share – but God was with her in spirit and the angel of death was a welcome visitor to her. She lived to die, but to live again with her God who knows all hearts. We close with the beautiful words, “Blesed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
Death Notice for Samuel RUTH
The Rushville Times, July 11, 1856
Died on Friday the 4th of July, instant, at the residence of his father John Ruth Esq., in this place, Mr. Samuel Ruth, aged about 24 years. After an absence of some three years, amidst the wilds of Minnesota, seeking a home for his manhood and old age, he had but just returned to his father’s house to lay his bones with his kindred. “Requiescat in pace.”
Death Notice for Elizabeth SCHRAMM
The Rushville Times, July 25, 1856
Died in this county on Saturday, the 20th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Schramm, wife of Mr. Peter Schramm; aged 64 years.
Death Notice for Mary M. CRAWFORD
The Rushville Times, August 21, 1856
Died in Littleton on the 12th instant, Mary M. infant daughter of Toliver and Louisa Ann Crawford; aged 10 months and 10 days.
Death Notice for Edward DOYLE
The Rushville Times, September 5, 1856
Died on Wednesday the 24th instant, at his late residence near this place, Edward Doyle; aged 58 years. Mr. Doyle was one of our oldest citizens and we hope a more extended notice will be prepared.
Death Notice for Ann Jane GREER
The Rushville Times, October 3, 1856
Died on Wednesday the 29th September, Ann Jane daughter of Mr. James Greer, of this county; aged about 3 years.
Obituary for Nathan MOORE
The Rushville Times, October 10, 1856
Died in Dixon, Illinois, on the morning of the 5th inst., very suddenly, Nathan Moore of said city, but for many years a resident of this county. We can remember few incidents of this character that shocked and pained us more than the announcement to us early on Tuesday morning by the Tyler of Rushville Lodge of F & AM of the death of Mr. Moore. He had been with us but recently, in the enjoyment apparently of better health than for years and he left us with high hopes and bright prospects for his new home and new business. Perhaps none of our citizens was more generally known to the people of Schuyler, than the subject of this notice. Coming to us in his youth he had resided with us ever since and for 10 years he has served the people in the office of County Clerk, with great fidelity and acceptability. For some years the health of Mr. Moore had very seriously been impaired and while none anticipated for him a long life – yet evidently he improved to human appearances during his last visit to Dixon, that he left us entertaining the hope that his death might be permanently restored and a long life of usefulness and happiness be his. But in an hour we thought not of the angel of death breathed upon him and without notice, perhaps without knowledge, without speaking or receiving a farewell word, he has gone to that bourne whence no traveler returns. Mr. Moore leaves two young motherless daughters to mourn their irreparable loss, but we are glad that they have been left among kind and loving friends, and that their father, by his prudence and industry had acquired for them a sufficiency of this worlds goods to place them in comfortable circumstances and to give to each a good education. While the children receive the condolances and sympathy of all who knew their deceased parents, we commit them to God of the Fatherless, who has promised to be with them and never to forsake them. The remains of our deceased brother were brought to this place from Dixon for interment, accompanied by friends of the family and a committee of Masonic Lodge of that city. Funeral was from the M. E. church at 2 o’clock, Rev. Brother J. P. Richmond preaching the funeral sermon.
Death Notice for Mr. DAVIS
The Rushville Times, October 10, 1856
Departed this life on Wednesday, October 1st inst., in the 66th year of his age, Mr. Davis, at his residence, 8 miles South of Rushville, after a short but not considered dangerous illness, till within an hour of his departure home to appear before his Father and his God and enter into rest. Freed from this world of toil and pain – In realms of bliss to ever reign.
The Rushville Times used by permission.
Copyright 2006 Judi Gilker; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercial use of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with the information.