Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 10
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Z. Aline REBMAN LOGAN
The Rushville Times, February 22, 1995
Z. Aline Logan, 67, of Rushville died Wednesday,Feb. 15, 1995, at the Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
Born Jan. 21, 1928, in Rushville, the daughter ofthe late George and Caroline (Bradbury) Rebman. She married James “Bud”Logan in Rushville and he survives.
Also surviving are two sons, Richard and Dannie,both of Rushville; two daughters, Mrs. Ron (Dixie) Shepherd and Mrs. Dave(Nancy) Stoneking both of Rushville; one step daughter Vergie Ellen Berryof Quincy; 12 grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren; two brothers, ThomasRebman and James L. Rebman both of Rushville; three sisters, Jeanette Thompsonof Rushville, Mrs. Paul (Harriet) Enloe of Salem, MO and Mrs. Charles (Mildred)Wilson of Havana. She was preceded in death by one son, George WilliamLogan, a granddaughter, Shelly, and a brother, George H. Rebman.
She began cooking at various Rushville restaurantsat the age of 13. She owned and operated the Maid-Rite in Rushville priorto becoming the manager of the Schuyler American Legion Post #4, whereshe was a cook for 8 and 1/2 years. She later cooked at The Virginia, ScrippsPark for the last nine years. She was a member of the Rushville Assemblyof God Church and the Schuyler American Legion Post Auxiliary. Serviceswere Sunday at the Wood-Roby Funeral chapel in Rushville with the Rev.Marvin Chockley officiating. Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery.
Memorials may be given to the Rushville Assemblyof God Church.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Betty Jane ESSLINGER MENELY
The Rushville Times, October 24, 1963
Mrs. Floyd Menely Dies Here Last Friday
Mrs. Betty Jane Menely, wife of Floyd Menely diedFriday morning at Culbertson Memorial Hospital where she had bee a patientfor the past four weeks. Funeral services in charge of the WorthingtonFuneral home were held Sunday afternoon at two o’clock at the First UnitedPresbyterian church, the Rev. Thomas D. Brown of Springfield officiating.Burial was in the Rushville cemetery. She was born Oct. 21, 1927 in Rushville,a daughter of Ora and Cora R. Esslinger.
She attended Rushville schools and was a memberof the Rushville Presbyterian church. She was married to Floyd Menely,who survives. Also surviving are two children, Dwight and Marilyn, at home;her mother, Mrs. Cora Esslinger of Bowen; four sisters, Mrs. Francis Derryof Quincy, Mrs. Marjorie Kreutter of Minnesota, Mrs. Florence Friend ofChicago, Mrs. Della Schwanbec of Michigan; four brothers, Ben and Clinton, both of Bowen, Robert of Chicago and Charles of Viola. She was precededin death by her father and one sister.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Andrew Pulaski VANORDER
The Rushville Times, January 19, 1956
Pulaski VanOrder, 82, Dies From Critical Burns in Fire Here Friday
Fire which broke out suddenly in the S.P. Weinbergtenant house on North Liberty street early Friday evening resulted in criticalburns to Pulaski VanOrder, 82, in whose quarters the fire started, andalso caused heavy damage to the two-story frame structure.
Quick action by Don Sinnock, who discovered thefire as he was leaving from work shortly before 5:30, averted an even greaterloss. He noticed smoke pouring out of the windows at the rear of the buildingwhere VanOrder lived. He had seen VanOrder walking back to his quartersjust a few minutes before. Sinnock stopped his car at once, instructedhis wife to call the fire department, and entered the front of the house.Smoke was too thick for breathing and Sinnock could hear groansat the rear. He went across the alley for help from Vassar Vancil, whowas working in that building, and the two men entered the VanOrder roomsthrough a window which they tore loose. Despite the heavy smoke and heat,they located the injured man from his groans and literally dragged himout through the
window. It was obvious that VanOrder was badly burned and he was givenemergency treatment on the scene by Dr. Russell Dohner and then rushedto the Culbertson Memorial hospital where he lived until early Saturdaymorning.
The Rushville fire department answered the callpromptly and had the towering flames as shown in the picture under controlin a matter of minutes. There was little wind that evening and the bulkof the damage was confined to the rear of the building. VanOrder was removedfrom the south side of the building where the fire is shown to be mostintense. The picture was taken at the height of the fire. Damage to therear of the building was almost complete. An explosion from an undeterminedsource occurred during the early stages of the fire and blew out the windowlights in the from of the downstairs rooms occupied by Mr. and Mrs. JohnTrone, neither of whom was home at the time. The glass from the explosionsprayed into the street but no one was injured. The upstairs apartmentin the front suffered little damage from the fire and the tenant, MagnusHanson, continues to live there. He also was absent at the time of thefire. The fireman worked over the ruins for more than an hour and had returnedto the firehouse when another blaze broke out and they came back to thehouse shortly after 7 P.M. At 10:30 P.M. they were called for a third timewhen the bedding and clothes in the from room started burning. Althoughit is impossible to determine the exact origin of the fire, it
is believed that VanOrder may have tried to use some fuel oil or kerosenein the stove. He was badly burned about the face, hands, and chest.
Funeral services for Mr. VanOrder were held Sundayat 1 P.M. at the Hardy Funeral chapel, the Rev. LeRoy Cronkhite officiating.Burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
Andrew Pulaski VanOrder was born March 6, 1873 inBainbridge township, the son of Andrew and Nancy Bonser VanOrder. On Feb.9, 1899 he married Rosa Jane Cathers, now deceased. He is survived by twosons, Frank and Jasper, of Peoria; a sister, Mrs. Clara Peacock, of Rushvilleand a brother, Fred, of Peoria.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Carl T. MENELY
Carl T. Menely Rites Held in Schaumberg
Relatives and friends have received word of thepassing of Carl T. Menely of Powers Lake, Wis. Funeral services were heldon Tuesday, Nov. 18 at
Ahlgrim Schaumburg. Carl was born and raised in Rushville and graduatedfrom the Rushville high school with the class of 1932.
He was born Jan. 7, 1914, the son of Grace and HarryMenely and after graduation he moved to Chicago and married Audrey Peilof that city. They have one son, Ronald and two grandsons, Ronnie and Rickeyof Hoffman Estates.
Carl was the brother of Mrs. Bert (Mary) Hartman,Mrs. Pauline White, Mrs. Virginia Cady and Mrs. Noble (Mildred) Ford, allof Rushville, Harry of Verwick and Floyd of Beardstown. Numerous niecesand nephews also survive him.
Macomb Journal
Carl T. Menely, 67, of Powers Lake, Wis., a formerresident of Rushville, died Nov. 15. Services were held at 11 A.M. on Nov.18 at the Ahlgrim and Sons Funeral Home in Schaumburg. Burial was in acemetery at Forrest Park.
Survivors include his wife, the former Audrey Peil,one son, Ronald of Hauffman Estates, two grandsons, three sisters, Mrs.Bert (Mary) Hartman, Mrs. Virginia Cady, and Mrs. Noble (Mildred) Fordall of Rushville, two brothers, Harry of Berwick, and Floyd of Beardstown,several nieces and nephews.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for William Walter VANORDER
The Rushville Times, December 1976
William VanOrder of Vermont Dies
William Walter VanOrder, 73, of Vermont, died at11:48 P.M. Friday at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville. Funeralservices will be held at 2 P.M. Monday at Kost Memorial Home in Vermontwith the Rev. Carl Anderson officiating. Burial will be in Harris Cemetery.Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday evening.
Mr. VanOrder was born March 22, 1903, in SchuylerCounty, the son of Walter and Mary Elizabeth Johnson VanOrder. He marriedChristine Chenoweth
Vance March 28, 1931, in Palmyra, MO. He was a retired farmer and amember of the Vermont Christian Church. Surviving are his wife; one sonWalter of Vermont; one step-daughter, Mrs. Annabelle Myers of Galesburg;one brother, Lester of Paso Robles, Calif.; one sister, Mrs. Mildred Clawsonof Hanna City; two grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. One brotherpreceded him in death.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Mary MENELY HARTMAN
The Rushville Times, February 13, 1985
Services for Mary Hartman, 73, of Rushville, whodied last Friday morning at Culbertson Memorial Hospital, were held Sundayat the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville. The Rev. Michael Orsted conductedservices. Burial was in Rushville City Cemetery.
She was born June 25, 1911, in Rushville, the daughterof Harry and Grace Bradbury Menely. She married Bert W. Hartman in RushvilleAug. 29, 1930. He died Jan. 10, 1981.
She is survived by one son, Neal of Rushville; twobrothers, Harry Menely of Berwick, and Floyd Menely of Beardstown; threesisters, Mrs. Pauline White, Mrs. Virginia Cady and Mrs. Mildred Ford,all of Rushville; four grand-daughters; and three great grandsons. Shewas preceded in death by her parents and one brother.
She was a member of the first United PresbyterianChurch in Rushville and Rushville Business and Professional Women’s Club.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Christine CHENOWETH VANORDER
The Rushville Times, May 1981
Christine VanOrder of Vermont Dies
Mrs. Christine VanOrder, 74, of Vermont, died May2, 1981, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
Mrs. VanOrder was born May 21, 1906, the daughterof Ezra and Flora Ruby Chenoweth. She married Walter VanOrder on March28, 1931, in Palmyra,
MO. He died Dec. 17, 1976. Surviving are one son, Walter C. of Vermont;one daughter, Mrs. Annabelle Myers of Galesburg; two grandchildren; sixgreat grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Wilma Toland and Mrs. Freda Walters,both of Galesburg and Mrs. Pauline Riden of Moline; and two brothers, Melvinof Table Grove and Virgil of Ipava. She was preceded in death by threebrothers and three sisters.
She was a member of the Legion Auxiliary Unit 26of Vermont.
Funeral services are to be held at 2 P.M. this afternoonat Kost Memorial Home in Vermont with Rev. Glenn Anderson officiating.Burial will be in Harris Cemetery near Table Grove. Memorials may be madeto the Vermont Legion Auxiliary Unit 26.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Rose Jane CATHERS VANORDER
The Rushville Times, May 11, 1938
Mrs. Pulaski VanOrder
Mrs. Rose Jane VanOrder, wife of Pulaski VanOrder,died Tuesday at her home in Rushville, aged 67 years.
Funeral services were held Thursday at 2 o’clockat the Baptist church in Rushville. Interment in the Rushville cemetery.Mrs. VanOrder, daughter of Harvey & Susan Cathers, was born in Rushville,January 19, 1871 and resided in this city her entire lifetime. She wasunited in marriage February 10, 1895 to Andrew Pulaski VanOrder. Besidesher husband she is survived by 2 sons, Frank of Rushville, Jasper of Peoria,one sister, Mrs. Kate Cameron & a brother, Otis Cathers also survive.One half-brother, Henry Woods of Boulder, Colo., one son Joseph, &one sister & one half-sister have preceded her in death.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Pauline R. MENELY WHITE
The Rushville Times, 1996
Pauline R. White, 80, of Rushville, died MondayFeb 12, 1996, at the Memorial Medical Center in Springfield.
She was born May 31, 1915, in Rushville to Harryand Grace Bradbury Menely. She married Vaughn O. “Bill” White July 2, 1948,in Rushville. He died March 29, 1967.
Surviving are one son, Bill of Rushville; two grandchildren,Heather White and Heath White; one sister, Mildred Ford of Rushville; andone brother, Floyd Menely of Beardstown. She was preceded in death by twosisters, Mary Hartman and Virginia Cady; and two brothers, Carl and HarryMenely. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Rushvilleand had worked for the Bottorff Insurance Agency in Rushville for 15 years,retiring in 1983.
Grave side services will be held at 10 A.M. Wednesdayat the Rushville City Cemetery with Mr. Dale Gadberry officiating. Therewill be no formal visitation. Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville wasin charge of the services. Memorials may be given to the Rushville PublicLibrary.
Obituary for Derek Edward GRENLUND
The Rushville Times, August 18, 1993
Derek Grenlund
Derek Edward Grenlund, 4, of 134 E. Madison St.,Rushville, died at Culbertson Memorial Hospital. He was born May 12, 1989,in Rushville, the son of Robert and Lonna Hartman Grenlund. He is survivedby his parents, three brothers, Andrew, Tyler, and Cole, all at home; hisgrandparents, Neal and Jeanne Hartman, Donald and Norma Grenlund of Mt.Sterling; and two great grandmothers, Kaye Stanley of Harvard and RubyEtter of Astoria.
He attended the Rushville Church of Christ (Christian)Church youth group.
Funeral services will be at 10 A.M. Thursday atthe Worthington Funeral Home with Rev. Randy Somers officiating. Burialwill be in the Rushville City Cemetery. Friends may call from 6-8 P.M.Wednesday at Worthington Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the RushvilleLittle League.
Obituary for Otis HEATON
The Rushville Times, December 3, 1964
Recieves Word on Death of Otis Heaton, Nov. 27
Mrs. Clarence Grafton of Rushville receiveda telephone call on Friday stating the death of her brother, Otis Heatonfollowing a months illness at a hospital in Sturgis, South Dakota.He was born March 22, 1886, in Schuyler county, the second child of Williamand Elizabeth Heaton. He married Lillian Pence of South Dakota on June2, 1917 and to this union were born four children, Angeline,Mabel, Sylvia, and Wesley, who with the widow, 11 grandchildren and six great
grandchildren survive.
Obituary for Nona Catherine YATES DAVIS
The Rushville Times, December 24, 1964
Mrs. Nona Davis, 68, Dies Here Last Saturday; Rites Held on Monday
Mrs. Nona Catherine Davis, 68, R. R. 2, Rushville,died at Culbertson hospital at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. She had beena patient there three weeks. Funeral services, in charge of the Roby Funeralhome, were held Monday afternoon at 2:30at the Memorial Chapel church.The Rev. Samuel Hale officiated and burial was in Palm cemetery.
Mrs. Davis was the oldest child of James andPheba Phillips Yates of the family of three children. At the tender ageof four years, her mother, her sister and her brother were calledto rest. Her grandmother, Mrs. Martin Yates took her in her home and caredfor her until the age of 12, when her grandmother passed away. Her aunt, Mrs. Prudence Price Morrell, took her in her home and cared forher.
On August 18, 1918, she was united in marriageto Rollie Davis, and to this union were born two sons, Wayne at home andJames of Arenzville. Also surviving are three grandchildren, two othersare deceased.
She also has four half-sisters and twohalf-brothers-Harley Yates, Cecil Kennel, Gladys Prevette of Guthrie, Oklahoma,Eva Wilson of Crescent, Oklahoma, and margaret Bechtel of Wichita,Kansas.
She was of a quiet and kind dispositionand no one was ever turned away from her door. Many times she has put othersahead of herself to help them. She was the happiest when shehad her family near her.
She had been in poor health for several yearswith arthritis. On November 20, 1962, she suffered a stroke from whichshe never fully recovered. For one year and nine months she had beencared for by her husband.
A number of years ago she took Jesus intoher life and was baptized, and attended church whenever her health premittedher to do so.
Obituary for Mary STRICKLAND HARE
The Rushville Times, December 24, 1964
Rites Held Wednesday for Mrs. Mary Hare, Macomb
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Hare, 73 ofrural Macomb were held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Paul’s church. TheRev. Joseph Kelly officiated and burial was in Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. Haredied Saturday morning at her home.
She was born Jan. 9, 1891 in Macomb, the daughterof William and Sarah Ann Corner Strickland. She spent her entire life inand around Macomb. On August 6, 1914 she was married to J. A. Hare.He died in 1958. She was a member of the Catholic church.
Surviving are nine children, Mrs. CharlesIcenogle of Macomb, Mrs. Ed Lewis of Beardstown, John Hare of Fargo,N. D., Jack Hare of Madison, Wis., Mrs. Bill Rexroat of Colchester, Mrs.Martha Yerkes of Tucson, Ariz., Jim Hare of Abingdon, Lee Hare of Madison,and Mrs. Dennis Peitzmeier of Macomb; a brother, William Strickland ofQuincy; and three sisters, Mrs. Chester Jennings of Macomb, Mrs. AnnieStreet of Rushville, and Mrs. Vera Blodgett of Greeley, Colo. Also survivingare 34 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Obituary for Effie ONEAL HESS
The Rushville Times, December 24, 1964
In Memoriam – Mrs. Effie (ONeal) Hess
Mrs. Effie (ONeal) Hess was born April23, 1877 to Henry ONeal and Martha (Eckroy) ONeal on their farm in Woodstocktownship. Here it was that she grew to young womanhood. Among her manymemories of her early life was her acceptance of Christ as personalsaviour at the Bethel church under the pastor, O. T. Rogers. Previous toher death, she was a member of the Ripley Church of God.
On October 23, 1903, she was married to CharlesA. Hess. To them were born two sons, Herschel H. and Robert A. After thedeath of her husband on August 26, 1935, Mrs. Hess spent four years withher sister, Mrs. George Illman. Then in October, 1939 she went to livewith Mrs. Emma Taylor, as housekeeper and companion until her death inOctober 1948. Then she went to the home of Mrs. Pearl Gordon and spentseveral years.
In later years she spent much time with hergranddaughter, Mrs. Virginia Brown and family. About eight monthsago her health failed, and she then spent time at the nursing home andhospital where she passed away December 12 at the age of 87 years and eightmonths. She leaves to mourn her passing one son, Herschel of Tempe,Arizona; three grandchildren, Rosalee Huffmanof Arizona, VirginiaBrown of Rushville, and Charles L.Hess of St. Louis; and four great grandchildren,Mrs.
Carol Laubmeier, Donald Schieferdecker, and Roger and BonnieBrown. One brother, Clyde, also survives.
Preceding her in death were her husband; one son,Robert A.; three sisters, Eunice Kuhn, Maggie Crone, and Ina Illman;and one brother, William O’Neal.
Of a beautiful personality-to know Effie was tolove her. It can be truthfully said that in number of friends were limitedonly by the extent of heracquaintances. Being of a home-loving nature,Effie found her greatest joy in working and planning for her home and herloved ones. Of such, Soloman says in Proverbs 31:31, “Give her ofthe fruit of her hands and let her work praise her in the gates.”
Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoonat the Roby Funeral Chapel in charge of Rev Delmar Smith, assisted by Rev.John Hearp of Ripley. Entombment was in the Rushville mausoluem.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Nina Margaret POOLE DOBLESKEY
The Rushville Times, June 1998
Nina M. Dobleskey
Nina Margaret Dobleskey,74, of Rushville, died Thursday, May 28, 1998, at the Snyder’s Vaughn-HavenNursing Home in Rushville.
She was born Sept. 9, 1923,in Rushville, to the late Edward and Frances M. Bradbury Poole. She marriedGeorge Dobleskey May 14, 1950, in
Rushville. He survives, along with one brother, Charles Poole, of Danville;a nephew, Thomas Poole of Rushville, a niece, Susan Poole of San Francisco,
Calif.; a great-niece, Toni Williams; and a great-nephew, Robert R.Poole.
She was preceded in deathby a brother, Walter Benjamin Poole.
She was a member of theFirst Presbyterian Church of Rushville, Schuyler Legion Auxiliary Unit#4, Schuyler Jail Museum and Genealogical Center, past president of RushvilleB. & P. W. Club, past president of the American Heart Association,and was first runner up at the Illinois State Fair Spelling Bee in 1993.
She worked at the BartlowPacking Company, Mickelberry Packing Company and Rushville Hardware Company.She was secretary of the Non-Commissioned Officers Club at Chanute AirForce Base where sh met her husband. she also had been employed atthe Rushville City Clerk’s office, Strong Plumbing and Heating, BottoroffInsurance, Culbertson Memorial Hospital and for Dr. Russell R. Dohner,M.D., retiring in 1993.
Funeral services were heldSaturday at the First Presbyterian Church in Rushville with Dr. Jack Volkersofficiating. Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery. WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville was in charge of services.
Memorials may be given tothe First Presbyterian Church, Schuyler Heart Association, or the Cass-SchuylerHospice.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Noble Lee FORD
The Rushville Times, November 12, 1997
Noble L. Ford, 83, of Rushville, died Saturday,Nov. 8, 1997 at the Memorial Medical Center of Springfield. He was bornFeb. 1, 1914, in Tompkinsville, KY to the late Sampson Lee and Mary EllenSimpson Ford. He married Flossie Street Feb. 14, 1936, in Rushville. Shedied March 3, 1980. He later married Mildred Menely Sept. 13, 1980, inRushville. She died Oct. 29, 1997. Surviving are one son, Ronald Lee Ford;one step-son, Vic Menely of Rushville; four grandchildren, Rhonda, Tad,Tracy, and Eric Ford; one great grandson, Keith; one brother, Leonard Ford;one sister, Olene. He was preceded in death by four sisters, Nola, Gladys,Dorothy and Dolly. He was an Army veteran of World War II. He was alsoa member of the First Christian Church of Rushville and was a memberof the Schuyler American Legion Post #4. He worked as a meat cutter atMickelberry’s and later at Oscar Mayer in Beardstown, until retirement.Funeral services were Monday at the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushvillewith the Rev. Scott Henley officiating. Burial was in the Rushville CityCemetery. Grave side services were conducted by the Schuyler American LegionPost 4. Memorials may be given to the Schuyler American Legion Post 4.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Mildred MENELY FORD
The Rushville Times, November 5, 1997
Mildred Menely Ford, 73, of Rushville, died Wednesday,Oct. 29, 1997, at the Memorial Medical Center in Springfield.
She was born March 30, 1924, in Rushville, to thelate Harry and Grace Bradbury Menely. She married Noble L. Ford Sept. 13,1980, in Rushville. He survives, along with one son, Vic Menely of Rushville;one step-son, Ron Ford; four step-grandchildren; and one brother, FloydMenely of Beardstown.
She was preceded in death by two brothers, CarlMenely and Harry Menely, and three sisters, Pauline While, Virginia Cady,and Mary Hartman.
Millie attended the First Presbyterian Church ofRushville and was a 52-year member and past president of the Schuyler AmericanLegion Auxiliary Unit #4. She owned and operated several restaurants inRushville until retiring.
Funeral services were Saturday at Worthington FuneralHome in Rushville with the Rev. Scott Henley officiating. Burial was inthe Rushville City Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Schuy-Rush Park.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for James L. REBMAN
The Rushville Times, July 2, 1997
James L. “Big Jim” Rebman, 64, of Rushville, diedMonday at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
He was born Aug. 23, 1932, in Rushville, the sonof the late George and Caroline Bradbury Rebman. He married Dorothy Maxine”Dottie” Becker on Oct. 17, 1953, in Pleasant View. She survives.
Also surviving are one daughter, Linda L. Rebmanof Rushville; one brother, Thomas Rebman of Rushville; three sisters, JeanetteThompson of Rushville, Mrs. Paul (Harriet) Enloe of Salem, MO and Mrs.Charles (Mildred) Wilson of Havana. He was preceded in death by one brother,George H. Rebman, and one
sister, Z. Aline Logan.
He worked as a truck driver fro Rushville TruckLines and for the last 23 years, owned and operated Rebman Concessions.He was a member of the Schuyler American Legion Post #4, VFW 2305 and theShowman’s Association.
Funeral services will be at 2 P.M. at the Wood-RobyFuneral Chapel in Rushville, with the Rev. Marvin Chockley officiating.Burial will follow in the Messerer Cemetery near Frederick with grave sidemilitary rites by Schuyler American Legion Post 4. Wood-Roby Funeral Chapelin Rushville is in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be givento the charity of one’s choice.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Louis VANORDER
The Rushville Times, June 10, 1954
Louis VanOrder, 72, Died Sunday Morning
Louis Delmar VanOrder, 72, of Rushvill, diedSunday morning in Schmitt Memorial hospital, Beardstown, following a longillness.
He was born Dec 29, 1881, in Schuyler county,a son of Andy and Nancy Bonser VanOrder.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Vera Wilcoxen,Lewistown; two sons, John and Harlan, both of Peoria; two brothers; Pulaskiof Rushville and Fred of Macomb; two sisters, Mrs. Lina Atkinson,and Mrs. Clara Peacock, both of Rushville.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesdayat the Voorhees Memorial home with the Rev. Wayne Sill, officiating. Burialwas in the Smithfield cemetery in Fulton county.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for William Edward VANORDER
The Rushville Times, October 8, 1951
W. Edw. VanOrder Died Suddenly On Thursday Night
Willliam Edward VanOrder, 77, a lifelong residentof Schuyler county, died suddenly at 10:50 p.m. Thursday, at his home inRushville.
William Edward VanOrder, son of Andrew J.and Nancy Bonser VanOrder, was born on Sept. 12, 1874, and passed awayNov. 1, 1951. Most of his lifetime was spent working in and near Rushville.
On Dec. 25, 1904, he was married to KatherineConrad, at the Methodist parsonage, by the Rev. J. Edward Artz, in Rushville.To this union were born 11 children; surviving are his wife and eight children:Katherine of Granite City; Mrs. Violet Wheelhouse of Rushville; Mrs. FayeSteele of Gary, Ind.; Mrs. Margaret Quinn of Mt. Sterling; Mrs. Edna Wrightof Vermont; Carl of Stronghurst; Ralph of Burlington, Iowa, and Robertof Staunton. Three children, Edward Logan, Nora May and Jay passed awaypreviously. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Lina Adkinson and Mrs.Clara Peacock of Rushville; three brothers, Pulaski and Deino ofRushville, and Fred of Macomb; also 11 grandchildren. A brother,Thomas, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, passed away several yearsago.
Mr. VanOrder, was a member of the RushvilleMethodist church and was a member of the Modern Woodsman of America, Rushvillelodge for 53 years. He dearly loved his home and family, and took greatpleasure and pride in caring for his yard and garden. One of life’s dearestpleasures for him was to be able to talk to everyone, no matter where orwhen he would meet them. He will be greatly missed in his home and by allhis friends and neighbors.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoonat the Worthington funeral home, with the Rev. J. A. Mason officiating.Burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Fred W. VANORDER
The Rushville Times, October 10, 1957
Fred W. VanOrder Sr. Died in Peoria, Oct 3
Fred W. VanOrder Sr. of Peoria and a formerSchuyler county resident died last Thursday morning in Proctor hospitalat Peoria, after an illness of four weeks.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at theDodsworth-Piper-Wallen chapel in Macomb. The Rev. O. B. Enselman officiatedand burial was in the Oakwood cemetery in Macomb.
He was born April 7, 1878 in Schuyler countyto Andrew Jackson and Nancy Bonser VanOrder. In 1899 he married Mary ElizabethJohnson, who preceded him in death. Most of their married life was spentnear Vermont. In 1949 he moved to Macomb, and two and one half years agohe moved to Peoria to reside. He was a member of the Methodist church andhad been a farmer.
Surviving are three sons, Fred Jr. of Colchester,William Walter of Ipava and Lester Leroy of Pasa Robles, Calif.; a daughter,Mrs. Mildred Clawson of Peoria, seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren,and a sister, Mrs. Archie Peacock of Rushville. Four brothers, Thomas,Pulaski, Delno and Edward VanOrder and two sisters. Mrs. Lina Adkinsonand Mrs. Elizabeth Walker are deceased.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Anna B. COLT MONTOOTH
The Rushville Times, December 3, 1930
Funeral For Mrs. James Montooth Held Friday
Mrs. Anna B. Colt Montooth wife of the lateJames Montooth died at her hom after a brief illness.
Funeral services conducted by Rev. E. K. Towlewere held at the First M. E. Church at 2:30 o’clock. Interment was in theRushville Cemetery.
Anna Bell Colt daughter of Dow Prossor Coltand Ellen Harriett Kuhn Colt was born in Rushville, April 4, 1858. Shedied at the home on November 26, 1930.
Miss Anna Colt was united in marriage to JamesMontooth, June 21, 1883. Vera Adell, George William, Robert Sprout andChester Doro are the children born to this union. The 3 sons survive heralso a sister Miss Lucy Colt and 4 grandchildren.
Mrs. Montooth was united with the M. E. Churchin Rushville. Her entire life was spent in Rushville.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Thomas Henry VANORDER
The Rushville Times, November 26, 1939
Thomas Henry VanOrder who passed away November 19,1930 was a son of Andrew Jackson and Nancy Bonser VanOrder and was bornJanuary 23, 1872
near Rushville, Schuyler County, Ill. being 58 years 9 months and 26days of age.
On August 15, 1897 he was married to AliceMontooth of Ray, Ill. To this union were born 3 children, Mrs. Una MayWheeler of Fremont, Mich.
He leaves besides his widow, 3 children, 5grandchildren the following 4 brothers and 3 sisters, Nancy Emaline Adkisson,Andrew Pulaski, William Edward, Mary Elizabeth Walker and Louis Delbertall of Rushville. Frederick Walter of Vermont and Clara Ellen Peacock ofRipley. Three brothers and 3 sisters died in infancy.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 o’clockFriday at the M. E. Church at Rushville, Rev. E. K. Towle officiating.Interment was in the Rushville Cemetery.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Jesse Vere “Jay” VANORDER
The Rushville Times, March 1937
Funeral Services Held Tuesday For Jay VanOrder
Jay VanOrder, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. VanOrder,died suddenly Sunday morning at the family home on West Jefferson street,aged twenty-two years.
His death was caused by a heart ailment resultingfrom a recent attack of influneza.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2:30p.m., at the R. A. Lawler funeral home, conducted by Rev. DeWitt Ellinwood.Burial was made in the Rushville Cemetery.
Jesse Vere, sixth child of Edward and KatherineConrad VanOrder, was born March 31, 1914, in Fulton county, near Vermont,and passed away at his home in Rushville in the early morning of March21, 1937, just ten days before his twenty-third birthday.
He had lived in Rushville since his familymoved here when he was two years old.
Jay, as he was called by all who knew him,has from his birth had poor health, yet he was cheerful and an everwilling helper in his home, where his beloved presence will be sadly missed.
Besides his mother and father, he is survivedby five sisters, Margaret Quinn, Violet Wheelhouse, Katherine Faye andEdna at the home; three brothers, Carl of Stronghurst, Ralph and Robert,and six nieces and nephews, and many other relatives and friends. A brother,Edward Logan, and a sister, Nora May, preceded him in death.
The following relatives from out of town attendedthe funeral: Mr. and Mrs. Carl VanOrder and children of Stronghurst,Mr. and Mrs. Bert Quinn and children of Pleasant View, Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Smith and Dorothy of Macomb, Mrs. Nelson Derry, Doris and Ivan of Berwick,Mr. and Mrs. Fred VanOrder and Mr. and Mrs. Walter VanOrder of Vermont.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Carl W. VANORDER
The Rushville Times, February 18, 1987
Carl VanOrder Dies at Age 76
Graveside services for Carl W. VanOrder, 76, residentof the Illinois Veterans Home in Quincy, were held Tuesday in the StronghurstCemetery. The former Stronghurst resident died Feb 7 in the Veterans Hospitalat Iowa City. The Rev. Dale Stimpson officiated. Military rites were conductedby the Stronghurst American Legion. Banks and Beals Funeral Home were incharge of arrangements.
A memorial has been established for Alzheimer’sDisease Research.
He was born July 13, 1910 near Rushville,a son of Edward and Kathryn Conrad VanOrder.
He married Margaret Hale, Feb 2, 1933 in Macomb.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Wayne VanOrderof Canton; a daughter, Wilma Phillips of Stronghurst; six grandchildren;two stepgrandsons; three step great-grandchildren; two brothers, RalphVanOrder of Burlington, Iowa, and Robert VanOrder of Westmont, Ill.;and four sisters, Violet Wheelhouse of Rushville, Margaret Quinn of Beardstown,Faye Steele of Gary, Ind., and Edna Wright of Farmington. He was precededin death by two brothers and two sisters.
Mr. VanOrder was a lifelong resident of Stronghurstuntil moving to the veterans home in 1985.
He was a farm hand and custodian for the SouthernSchool District for many years.
He was a veteran of World War II.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Lewis Frank (Bones) VANORDER
The Rushville Times, April 1957
Rites Held in Pekin For Lewis F. VanOrder, 69
Lewis Frank (Bones) VanOrder, 69, of Pekin, formerRushville resident passed away last Friday at his home in Pekin. He wasan
employee of the state hospital at Bartonville.
He was born on June 29, 1897, a son of Pulaskiand Jane Cathers VanOrder in this city. He was preceded in death by a brother,a step-brother and his first wife.
He is survived by his wife, the former NorineKilbey; one daughter, Marguerite of Indiana; two stepsons, Chester of Bartonvilleand Alfred of Rome; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were heldat 10 a.m. Monday, April 20, 1957 at Preston Funeral Home.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Alice MONTOOTH GARRISON
The Rushville Times, February 2, 1967
Rites Held Here Tuesday For Mrs. Alice Garrison
Mrs. Alice Garrison 89, passed away Friday, Jan.27, at Freemont, Michigan, where she had made her home with her granddaughter,Mrs. Arnold
Woodring, since 1953. Her home was formerly at 1122 E. Carroll in Macomb.
She was born June 7, 1877 in Schuyler county, adaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Montooth. On August 15, 1897, she was marriedto Thomas VanOrder, who preceded her in death on Nov. 19, 1930. She waslater married Martin Garrison on Nov. 14, 1942 at Buda, IL. He precededher in death on March 15, 1959. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs.Ralph Ikens of Fremont, Mich., Mrs. Ruth Baker of Canton, and one son,Henry VanOrder of Ferndale, Mich., five grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildrenand one sister, Mrs. Bertha Aten of Macomb. Seven sisters and four brotherspreceded her in death. They were Mary Snyder, Fanny Haney, Louella Fry,Grace Jones, Kathryn Phillips, Effie
Ashwood, Elizabeth Welker, Edward, Frank, Walter and Warren Montooth.
She attended a rural school in Schuyler county andtwo years at Kennedy Normal in Rushville.
Funeral services were held Sunday, Jan. 29 at Crandelland Ensing funeral home in Fremont, Mich., and then removed to Worthingtonfuneral home in this city. Funeral services were held here Tuesday at 2p.m. at the First Methodist church with Rev. Ronald Colton officiating.Burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
Obituary for James K. VANN
The Rushville Times, October 18, 1989
James Vann of Chicago Dies
James K. Vann, 45, of Chicago, formerly ofMt. Sterling, died at 7:30 a.m. Sunday at Lutheran GEneral Hospital inChicago.
Memorial services were at 6 p.m. Tuesday atLutheran General Hospital Chapel in Chicago.
Memorial contributions may be made to theAmerican Cancer Society and may be left at Hufnagel’s Funeral Home in Mt.Sterling.
He is survived by his wife, Lora of Chicagoand his mother, Mrs. Merle P. Vann of Mt. Sterling.
Obituary for Erma C. HINNERS DAMERELL
The Rushville Times, October 18, 1989
Erma Damerell of Rushville Dies
Erma C. Damerell, 90, of Rushville, died at10 p.m., Monday, Oct. 9, at Culbertson Long Term Care in Rushville.
Services were at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville. The Rev. Michael Orsted officiated. Burial wsin the Meredosia Cemetery. Memorials may be made to her church.
Born June 5, 1899, in Meredosia to Henry W.and Emma K. Hansmeyer Hinners, she married Chester William Damerell onMarch 20, 1921, in Ponitac. He died Oct. 30, 1964. She also was precededin death by one brother and one sister.
Surviving are two sons, J. Bruce of Fort Wayne,Ind., and Marshall H. of Lusby, Md; seven grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
She was a member of the First United PresbyterianChurch in Rushville and Royal Neighbors Lodge.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Daniel V. DACE
The Rushville Times, October 25, 1989
Daniel Dace of Rushville Dies
Daniel V. Dace, 91, of Rushville, died at5:40 a.m. Saturday, (Oct. 21, 1989) at Snyder Vaughn-Haven Nursing Homein Rushville.
Services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at theFirst Christian Church in Rushville. The Rev. Michael Fitch officitated.Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville was in charge of arrangements. Burialwas in Rushville City Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the First ChristianChurch Building Fund.
Born Dec 3, 1897, in Bainbridge Township,Shuyler County, to James V. and Cora Tharp Dace, he married Edna Walkeron May 28, 1921, in Springfield. She died June 24, 1988. He also was precededin death by two brothers and one sister.
Surviving are one son, Charles V. of Rushville,three daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Bigham, Mrs. Elizabeth Forman and Mrs. DonnaStephens, all of Rushville, three brothers, Clyde of Glidden, Wisc., Rolloof Rushville and Grant of Northlake; four sisters, Nell Turner of Rushville,Ruby Volz of San Jose, Calif, Kathleen Homer of Stockton, Calif., and HelenNorthcutt of Beardstown; 12 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; andtwo great-great grandchildren.
He was a member of the First Christian Churchof Rushville. He was a brick mason and a carpenter in Rushville, retiringin 1985.
Obituary for Ardath M. RUNKLE WILSON
The Rushville Times, October 18, 1989
Ardath Wilson Dies at Age 83
Ardath M. Wilson, 83 of Rushville, a formerLittleton resident, died at 11:20 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 14, 1989 in CulbertsonMemorial Hospital.
Graveside services will be at 2 p.m.Wednesday in the Doddsville Cemetery. The Rev. Gene McIntosh will officiate.Worthington Funeral Home, Rushville, is in charge of arrangements.
Memorials may be made to Culbertson MemorialHospital.
She was born April 4, 1906 in Littleton, thedaughter of Roy L. and Viola M (Tipton) Runkle. She married Russell H.Wilson in 1930 in Missouri. He died in 1983.
Survivors include a daughter, Marilee Selbyof Littleton, four grandchildren, anf five great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by a daughter, WillaJean Lowe, and a brother.
Obituary for C. Eldon CARTY
The Rushville Times, October 18, 1989
C. Eldon Carty of Kewanee Dies
C. Eldon Carty, 78, of Kewanee died at 4:50a.m. Wednesday (Oct. 4, 1989) at Oakwoods Health Care Center.
Services were Friday, Oct. 6 at Rux FuneralHome. Gene Fox officiated. Burial was in Wethersfield Cemetery in Kewanee.
Born July 23, 1911, in Rushville to ClydeB. and Pearl M. Robeson Carty, he married Irene J. Block on Oct. 4, 1956,in Kewanee. She survives.
Also surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Terre(Carole) Reingardt of Arvada, Colo; one step-daughter, Mrs. John (Judy)Jagers of Kewanee; three stepsons, William Hampton of Wyomig, Ill., GlennHampton of North Aurora and James Hampton of Fallbrook, Calif., 15 grandchildren;14 great-grandchildren; one great-great grandchild; and one brother, VictorCarty of San Jose, Calif. He was preceded in death by one son, two grandsonsand one sister.
He was a welder for Kewanee Boiler Corp. for28 years, retiring in 1976.
Obituary for Henry Harold HOPKINS
The Rushville Times, October 18, 1989
Harold Hopkins Dies at Age 80
Henry Harold Hopkins, age 80, died Sunday,Oct. 15, at 4:54 p.m., at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, Ill.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Oct.18 at the Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria, directed by Rev. Claude Malone,with burial in
the Astoria City Cemetery.
He was born Sept. 6, 1909 in Browning, theson of Henry and Roste Althea (Darling) Hopkins.
On July 4, 1935 he married Cora Beatrice Lashbrook,at the home of his uncle, Jim Norris, in Virginia. She survives. He alsois survived by five sons, Harold Edward, Garald Wayne, James Allen, OrsonDean and Fred Harvey; 12 grandchildren, five great-granchildren, one sister,Mary of Florida; and several nieces and nephews.
He was a retired farmer and coal miner. At an early age, he bacame an avid hunter and fisherman. He especiallyenjoyed fox hunting, which he pursued until his health declined.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Edna WALKER DACE
The Rushville Times, June 29, 1988
Services were held Monday at The First ChristianChurch for Edna Walker Dace, who passed away Friday at the Culbertson MemorialHospital. Rev. Michael Fitch officiated and burial was in the RushvilleCity Cemetery.
Edna Dace was born February 12, 1900, in LittletonTownship, the second daughter of Charles S. and Elizabeth VanOrder Walker.She married Daniel V. Dace on May 28, 1921. He survives. Also survivingare four children, Marjorie Bigham, Elizabeth Forman, Donna Stephens andCharles Dace all of Rushville; 12 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildrenand 2 great, great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers,Clarence E. and Charles H., and one sister, Nellie Brown.
Edna Dace was a lifelong resident of SchuylerCounty, who touched the lives of many people. She was a woman to whom lifeand the joy of living were very important. She actively particiapted inand supported many worthwhile pursuits, and was rarely a bystander in life.
Education was certainly a central part ofEdna Dace’s life. She never stopped learning–from her childhood untilher last days. For example, when she was 14 years old, she bought one of the early Kodak Brownie cameras and developing kits and taught herselfphotography. And even in the last years of her life, she was still checkingbooks out of the library and reading about new topics and ideas. Edna Dacehad personal achievements in education, as well. She graduated Rushville
High School in 1918, after writing her senior thesis on why women shouldhave the right to vote. One of her proudest moments was May 28 of thisyear, when she addressed the Rushville High School alumni banquet at her70th year reunion.
After high school she went to Western IllinoisUniversity. In 1918, the university consisted of one building. She earneda teaching certificate and immediately went to work in country schoolsin Schuyler County. She continued until she married Dannie Dace and theystarted their family. And when her children were raised, she knew thatshe hadn’t lost her love for education and so she decided to return toteaching. But she knew that a teaching certificate from 1918 wasn’t enough.So at the age of 44, Edna Dace began taking classes toward a bachelor’sdegree, which she obtained in 1955.
She shared her love for learning with 4thgraders at Washington School, in the East End until she retired. She madelearning an adventure for her young students. For example, she oncemade tape recordings of Spanish lessons from the radio, then used themto teach herself and her 4th graders how to speak Spanish, even thoughit wasn’t a required part of the curriculum. She loved her students andcared about each of them. Even after she retired, she tutored young studentsin her home, working patiently with them to help them learn. She alwaysremembered her former students when she’d see them around town, and wasdelighted when they remembered her.
Another important value in Edna Dace’s lifewas her family. She raised her four children during the Depression andshe had to work very hard. She raised a huge garden and canned much ofthe food the family ate. She cooked and baked and never bought what couldbe made at home. She sewed all of her family’s clothing and still foundtime to sew for others to earn extra money. For example, she once madecushion covers for every pew in the Presbyterian Church.
But, Edna Dace didn’t mind hard work.She thought it was good for people to work hard and she passed that valueon to her children. She adored them and was there to help and support themas they grew up and started families of their own. She constantly saidhow lucky she felt that, throughout her life, her four children lived nearbyand made her and Dannie an important part of their lives. In recent years,she always looked forward to Monday afternoons when her children wouldcongregate for a vist.
As a grandmother, Edna Dace was the best.She had 12 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren, and 2 great, great grandchildrenand she had the knack of making each one feel special. This was becauseshe always had time to listen and talk to them. She celebrated their achievementsand tried to help them with their problems. The grandchildren alwaysloved to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s Dace’s, because they knew they’d getto play games and visit, and of course, have as much 7-Up and cookies asthey wanted. Grandma and Grandpa always seemed to want the company of theirgrandchildren.
The First Christian Church was very importantto Edna Dace. She joined the church in 1914, when she was a sophomore inhigh school and moved from the country to town. At the time of her death,she had been a member of the church longer than anyone else, somethingof which she was very proud. She raised her children in the church. Shetaught Sunday School there her entire life. She made cakes and pies andice cream for church bake sales and ice cream socials. She belonged tothe Christian Women’s Fellowship. Never in her life did her participationin the First Christian Church waver. Just before she became ill, a fewweeks ago, she was still a member of a Tuesday morning prayer group andalso attended Sunday services regularly.
Her loyal support to the church was the Christianvalues by which Edna Dace lived. She always looked for the good in eachperson she met. She was willing to try to understand and give anyone thebenefit of the doubt. She was always gracious and had a sincere and kindword for everyone. She had a marvelous sense of humor. She served as anexcellant model for her children and her entire family and she will besorely missed by all of them.
Memorials for Edna Walker Dace maybe givento the First Christian Church.
Obituary for Maggie Nelly BRIDGEWATER TERRY
The Rushville Times, June 28, 1956
Mrs. Maggie Nelly Terry, 77 Dies Thursday; Rites Conducted Here Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie NellyTerry, 77, who died Thursday night, July 19, at the Jones Nursing homein this city, where she had resided the past eight months, were held Sunday,July 22, at 3 p.m. at the Voorhees Memorial home. The Rev. Wayne Sill officiatedand burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
Maggie Nelly Bridgewater was born March 29,1876, on a farm in Bainbridge township, the daughter of William and MaryDavis Bridgewater. At the time of her passing she was 77 years, three monthsand 21 days of age.
On January 5, 1898, she was united in marriageto John T. Terry, who preceded her in death November 23, 1952. Three sonscame to bless this union, Charles of Littleton, Roy of near Quincy andGale of Brooklyn.
In addition to her sons, she leaves to mournher death the half-brother Everett Bridgewater of Galesburg; five grandchildrenEarl of East Moline, Harlin, of near Littleton, Merle, of Brooklyn, Mrs.Carolee Gorsuch, of Littleton and Judith Ann Terry, of Quincy; eight greatgrandchildren and a host of friends.
Mrs. Terry was of a family of three children,Charles and Charlene dying in infancy. Her mother died when she was fouryears of age and she was reared by her grandmother Davis and an aunt, Mrs.George Newell. She was converted at an early age and joined the Union Baptistchurch remaining faithful until death.
Obituary for Moneta BUSBY MORGAN
The Rushville Times, July 26, 1956
Mrs. Moneta Morgan, 84, Dies Here Monday; Rites Held Wednesday
Mrs. Moneta Busby Morgan, 84, died Mondaymorning, July 23, at the Culbertson Memorial hospital. She had been infailing health for some time.
Funeral services were held Wednesday, July25, at 3 p.m. at the First Methodist church, the Rev. J. A. Mason, of Pekinofficiating. Burial was in the White Oak Cemetery, Brooklyn townnship.
Moneta Busby Morgan, widow of Fred Morganand a daughter of George Washington and Susan Carpenter Busby, was bornMay 29, 1872, in Schuyler
county and departed this life at the Culbertson Memorial hospital inRushville on July 23, 1956 aged 84 years, one month and 25 days. Her deathfollowed a prolonged illness.
The parents of Mrs. Morgan were natives ofKentucky, coming to Illinois in the year 1865. Here they reared a familyof eight children of whom Moneta was the youngest daughter. Her early childhoodwas spent in the village of Ripley, where she received her elementary education.After completing the high school course in the Rushville high school in1892, she taught in the rural schools of Schuyler county for 16 years andtoday the numbers are legion of successful men and women who mourn herpassing, as they attribute their success in life to the foundation thatwas laid for their future, in the various schools taught by their belovedteacher, “Miss Nettie”.
On Dec. 23, 1906, she was joined in marriageto Fred Morgan of Brooklyn township. To this happpy union were born twochildren, Maxine, the wife of Walter Lang, Sr., of Northfield, Ohio, andMaurice Morgan, who with his family resides in Rushville.
Mrs. Morgan was bereft of her husband in 1941,his death bringing to her a great loss and sorrow.
In early life she was converted to the causeof Christ and became affiliated with the Methodist church. Before the impairmentof her health she was a loyal and active member of her church in whatevercommunity happened to be her home.
Besides her two children, Mrs. Morganis survived by the following grandchildren: Allyne, John Edward andJames Morgan; Janet, Gayle and Walter Lang Jr. She was the last survivingmember of her family, her parents and the following brothers and sistershaving preceded her in death: Frank, James, Forrest and Joseph Busby, AnnieDennis, Alice Gust and Ella Busby.
Also surviving are a number of nieces andnephews who will miss the wise counsel of “Aunt Nettie.”
Obituary for Henry HARRIS
The Rushville Times, November 1, 1945
Former Browning Resident Died Tuesday, Oct. 16
Henry Harris, 60, former resident of Browningtownship, and for many years employed as a button cutter in Beardstown,died October 16 at the Oak Lawn sanatorium in Jacksonville.
Funeral services were held Tuesday atthe Methodist church in Browning, with interment in the Browning cemetery.
Mr. Harris is survived by one son, Elmo Harrisof Oakland, Calif., one sister, Mrs. Pete Tweedell of Beardstown, and onebrother, John Harris, also of Beardstown.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Charles Arthur “Ott” GREEN
The Rushville Times, September 13, 1945
Last Rites Held Wednesday For Charles A. “Ott” Green
Charles Arthur “Ott” Green, 65, a lifelongresident of Rushville, died at 11:55 a. m. Sunday in St. John’s hospitalin Springfield, of injuries sustained August 11 when the buggy in whichhe was riding was struck by a transport truck. Green suffered an injuredback and entered the hospital the day following the accident on East Adamsstreet in Rushville.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2:00p. m., in the Lawler Funeral home in Rushville, with Rev. H. S. Crede officiating.Burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
Charles Arthur Green, son of James Henry andMary Ann Green, was born April 1, 1880, in Buenavista township, Schuylercounty, Illinois. He was the youngest of nine children, seven of whom aredeceased, namely: Geo. L, Marian Francis, Laura Elizabeth, Cora,Rosetta, Abbey, and one living sister, Mrs. Sadie Rebman of Rushville.
Charles was united in marriage to Mrs.Lilly VanOrder-Skiles in the year 1913. To this union was born one daughter,Mrs. Edna Schultz, now residing in Rushville. There are three grandchildren,Geneva, Norma Jean, and Eugene Schultz, three step-children, Mrs. HelenLaMarr of Pontiac, Mich., William E. Skiles of Hazel Park, Mich., and WillisA. Skiles of Clawson, Mich.
Mr. Green has lived in Schuyler county hisentire life and has made a host of friends. During his stay in life hehas always been an industrious citizen and a devoted husband and father.
Obituary for Iona Allison VAUGHN
The Rushville Times, September 27, 1945
Iona Allison Vaughn, son of Silas Bruce andMary Ann Orr Vaughn, was born July 18, 1870, in Schuyler county, Illinois,and departed this life at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Finke, ofthe Spring Run community, Columbus Junction, Iowa, September 17, 1945,at the age of 75 years, 1 month, and 29 days.
He resided on a farm in Bainbridge townshipuntil 1915, when he removed to Monmouth, where he was assistant sales managerat the Monmouth Plow factory for several years. In 1923 he went to CedarRapids, Iowa, where he was employed in the Rock Island railroad shops until1937, when he retired because of ill health.
When the United States entered World War II,he followed an urge to aid his country in spite of his advanced age, andwent to Norfolk, Va., where he spent several months working at a navalair station. While there he suffered a serious heart attack, and was forcedto return to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Finke, where he had since resided.
In the year 1896 he was married to Miss JessieLawler, who passed away in January, 1898. He was united in marriage toMiss Mary Alice Dean in 1899. She passed away may 28, 1908. One daughter,Mary Louisa, was born to this union. In the year 1909 he was again married,this time to Miss Hazel Steadman, who preceded him in death December 28,1931. One daughter, Annetta Hazel, blessed this union.
The two daughters, Mrs. W. E. Finke of ColumbusJunciton, Iowa, and Mrs. Garland Myers of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and six grandchildrensurvive. One granddaughter, Mary Alice Finke, passed away in 1940. Thesurviving grandchildren are: Lt. Leo L. Finke of the army air force inthe South Pacific, Doris and Ione Finke of Burlington, Iowa, Jane and EvelynFinke of Columbus Junction, Iowa, and Joyce Myers of Cdear Rapids, Iosa.He is also survived by one niece, Mrs. L. M. Shores of Rushville, alsoa host of friends and neighbors who were eager and faithful readers ofhis interesting comments of the Spring Run community, which he wrote forthe Columbus Junction Gazette.
Funeral services were held in the Spring RunEvangelical church, Thursday, September 20, with the pastor, Rev. L. B.Deedrick, in charge. Interment was in the Columbus Junction City cemetery.
Obituary for Mary Emily HUSTON
The Rushville Times, January 3, 1946
Mother of Mrs. E. E. Bolton Died At Carthage Dec. 26
Mrs. Mary Emily Huston, 86, life-long residentof Hancock county, and the mother of Mrs. Clare Bolton of Rushville, diedWednesday morning at her home in Carthage.
Funeral services were held Friday at 1:30p. m. in the Elms home, and the remains were commited to the ResthavenAbbey in the Augusta.
A daughter of Joseph and Anna Mary SampleSpangler, she was born January 3, 1859, in Hancock county. Surving areher husband, P. W. Huston, and two sons and two daughters, Clyde and DeanHuston of Macomb, Mrs. Clare Bolton of Rushville, and Mrs. Crete Siegfridof Carthage. She also leaves a brother, Edwin.
Obituary of William Burton THOMPSON
The Rushville Times, October 11, 1945
William Burton Thompson, eldest son of Edwardand Etheleen Kelly Thompson, was born April 2, 1886, on a farm near Rushville.His early boyhood days were spent on this farm. It was in Rushville hereceived his early education, and also became affiliated with the Presbyterianchurch.
He was married to Bertha Agnes Cunningham,September 26, 1907. The first few years of their married live were spentin Beardstown, and they later engaged in farming. For a number of yearsthey have resided in Hancock county, where their family was reared andeducated. The most recent years of Mr. Thompson’s life have found him engagedin the buying and selling of stock. His contacts were many, and he waswidely known thruout this vast farming territory. He was a member of theMasonic lodge and enjoyed the fellowship of that organization.
Mr. Thompson was very deeply concerned aboutthe war and its outcome, and took a vital interest in all current and civicevents. He was always happy at having his family near him and took an unusualpride in his grandchildren. The past year also brought a tragic sorrowinto the life ot the Thompson family, since the son, Lyle, died overseas,while serving his country in the United States army. This was a great blowto the entire family, and did much to impair the health of this father,who died suddently at his home in Carthage, September 27.
Surviving Mr. Thompson are hs wife; four sons,T/5 William Edward Thompson, stationed in Germany, Pfc. Glenn Thompsonwho is thought to be enroute home from France; Pvt. Carroll Thompson whois stationed at Keesler Field, Miss.; and Wayne who resides in Carthage;three daughters, Mrs. Raymond Stone of Colchester, Mrs. Francis Kiplingof Bushnell, and Mrs. Francis Vest of Denver; and six grandchildren, MarilynStone, Bobby Kipling, donna Jeanne and Karen Thompson, and Anne, Sandra,and Ronald Vest.
Mr. Thompson was reared in a large family,and is survived by his mother, Mrs. Etheleen Thompson, who resides in Rushville,and the following brothers, Sam of Saginaw Bay, Mich., Roy of Burlington,Iowa, Claude, Harold, Leslie, Morris and Albert, all of Rushville, andCharles who resides in Springfield; and one sister, Mrs. Mary Roudebush,of Abingdon.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Mary Elizabeth VANORDER WALKER
The Rushville Times, April 18, 1945
Mrs. Charles S. Walker Died Sunday Evening
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Walker, wife of CharlesS. Walker died Sunday evening at her home near Rushville aged 68 years,2 months, and 8 days. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2:00 the First Christian Church in Rushville with Rev. M. P. Pierson officiating.Interment was in the Rushville cemetery.
Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew J. andNancy Bonser VanOrder was born on a farm in Bainbridge Township, SchuylerCo, Feb. 7, 1877 and departed this life at her home east of Rushville Sundayevening, April 15, 1945 at the age of 68 years, 2 months, and 8 days.
Having suffered an eye affliction in childhoodshe was unable to attend the public schools with her brothers and sisters,but obtained the equivalent of a good elementary education in her homeunder the tutorship of her father. She was a proficient reader and tooka keen interest of all current events.
Truly she saw beauty in all nature. Beautifulflowers bloomed in her garden from early spring until late fall. The sametender care that was given her flowers was administered to all living thingsby her capable hands.
On August 4, 1897 she was united in marriageto Charles S. Walker and for almost forty eight years they have walkedlifes pathway together. To this union were born four children, ClarenceE of Beeville, Texas, Edna, wife of Daniel V. Dace of Rushville;Nellie, wife of Charles T. Brown, Jr., of Hyattsville Maryland, and CharlesHerschel who died in infancy.
Many years ago she united with the Christianchurch of Rushville and altho ill health kept her from attending regularly,she manifested her christian spirit by her kind and gentle ways.
Beside her husband, who cared for her withmost devotedly in her years of failing health, she is survived by her threechildren, nine granchildren and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Lina Adkison, Pulaski and Edward VanOrder of Rushville; Fred VanOrderof Vermont; Delbert VanOrder of Peoria; and Mrs. Clara Peacock of Rushville.She was preceded in death by her parents and one brother, ThomasVanOrder.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Charles Samuel WALKER
The Rushville Times, July 1956
Services are Held Tuesday for Charles S. Walker, Age 81
Charles S. Walker, 81, of this city died Saturdaynight at St. John’s Hopsital, Springfield.
Funeral services were heldon Tuesday, July3, at 2:30 p.m. at the first Christian church, the Rev. LeRoy Cronkhiteofficiating. Burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
Charles Samuel, son of James Fletcher andArtmecia (Ackman) Walker, was born on a farm in Oakland Township, SchuylerCounty, September 29,
1874, and passed on at St. John’s Hospital, Springfield, June 30, 1956,aged 81 years, nine months, and one day. Of a family of nine brothers andsisters only two survive–a brother, Stephen Walker of Industry, and asister, Mrs. Nellie Sloan of Ottumwa, Iowa.
On August 4, 1897 he was united in marriageto Mary Elizabeth VanOrder with whom he lived in happy companionship untilher death on April 15, 1945, and whom he tenderly cared for during heryears of failing health. To them were born four children, on of whom, CharlesHerschel, died in infancy. The following survive: Clarence E. of Beeville,Texas; Edna, wife of Daniel V. Dace of Rushville; and Nellie, wife of CharlesT. Brown, Jr., of Kensington, Maryland. He also leaves nine grandchildrenand six great-grandchildren in whose activities he took great interest.
Early in life he united with a rural churchin Oakland Township and later transferred his membership to the RushvilleChristian Church where he has been a member for more than 40 years, andwhich he attended regularly.
Most of his life he farmed, but after retirementhe engaged in many useful occupations. He could always be depended uponto render greater service than was required of him. He maintained an activeinterest in community affairs, willingly giving his support to any wortwhilecause.
Since his wife’s death he had made his residencewith his daughter, Edna, but made extended visits to the home of his otherdaughter, Nellie, in Kensington, Maryland where he attended with her family,the Tacoma Park Christian Church and made many friends in church and community.These visits together with those to his son Clarence in Beeville, Texas,were a source of reat enjoyment to him.
He was a good neighbor. His philosphy of lifewas one of good humor and concern for others, which was evidenced by hismany friends and acquaintances.
Obituary for Charles William GILLENWATERS
The Rushville Times, November 8, 1945
Chas. W. Gillenwaters of Rushville Died Monday
Charles W. Gillenwaters, whose entire lifetimeof eighty-eight years was spent in the community of his birthplace at Rushville,died Monday fore-noon at his home in this city.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. H. S.Crede, were held Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., at the Lawler Funeral home. Intermentwas in the Rushville cemetery.
Charles William Gillenwaters was born on afarm northeast of Rushville, December 10, 1857, the son of Robert and EmilyEggleston Gillenwaters. He passed away November 4, 1945, at his home inRushville where he had resided for the past thirty-five years, at the ageof 87 years, 10 months, and 27 days.
He was ill for only three days, and consequently,his death came as a sudden shock to his family. He has only one sister,Sadie, who preceded him in death several years ago.
He was united im marriage to Caroline Kelly,August 6, 1882, and to this union were born seven children: Edith Kiteof Garnet, Kansas, Lawrence Gillenwaters of Macomb, Jesse Gillenwatersof Ft. Scott, Kansas, and Myrtle Tucker, Earl, Orren, and Merritt Gillenwaters,all of Rushville. Mrs. Gillenwaters preceded him in death April 1, 1943.He is survived by all his children, thirty-five grandchildren, and fortygreat-grandchildren.
Mr. Gillenwaters was made blind in oneeye and partially in his other when only twenty-nine years of age, a resultof an accident while hunting. In spite of this handicap, he will alwaysbe remembered as a loyal, loving father and friend, with honesty as oneof his greatest virtues.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Clarence Earl WALKER
The Rushville Times, July 26, 1956
Last Rites Held Here Thurdsay For Clarence Walker
Funeral services for Clarence E. Walker, 58,who died Thursday, July 19, in Beeville, Texas, were held Monday, July23, at 2:30 p.m. at the First Christian church in this city. The Rev. LeRoyCronkhite officiated and burial was in the Rushville cemetery, where Masonicrites were conducted.
Clarence Earl Walker, son of Charles Samueland Elizabeth (VanOrder) Walker was born on a farm in Littleton township,Schuyler county, May 8, 1898 and died after a long period of failing health,in Beeville, Texas July 19, 1956 at the age of 58 years, two months and11 days.
He was one of a family of four children. Twosisters, Mrs. Daniel V. Dace of Rushville, and Mrs. Charles T. Brown, Jr.of Kensington, Maryland, survive. A brother, Charles Herschel Walker diedin infancy. He was preceded in death by his parents. His mother died April,1945 and his father on June 30 of this year. It was with great effort andrisk to his health that he made the trip to Rushville at the time of hisfather’s death.
He attended the rural schools of Schuylercounty and graduated from the Rushville high school with the class of 1918.Soon after his graduation he entered the federal Civil Service and formany years was a faithful employee of the post office department in WashingtonD. C. In 1940, because of ill health he retired and went to Beeville, Texaswhere he has since resided. For 12 years he was employed as clerk at theHotel Kohler in Beeville until ill health again forced him to give up
his work.
On April 26, 1923 he was married to Miss EulaMay Ballard of Mineola, Texas. To this union were born three children:Sergeant James V. Walker who is stationed with the U.S. Army at ChurchHill, Manitoba, Canada, and a daughter Miss Nancy Walker who lives in TacomaPark, Maryland. An infant son, Charles Ballard Walker died in 1925.
Early in life he united with the Christianchurch in Rushville. He later transferred his membership to the TacomaPark Christian church of which he was a charter member. Since he has residedin Beeville he has been affiliated with the Methodist church there.
He was a member of the Beeville Masonic LodgeNo. 261 and of Scottish Rite Masonic Consistory, 32nd Degree, SanAntonio, Texas. He was also a member of the Postal Service Square clubof Washington, D.C.
He always showed great devotion to any workin which he was engaged and was proud of a job well-done.
Christopher BryanLane Obituary for John LANE
BEARDSTOWN, Ill., February 25, 1942
Funeral services were held at the Methodist churchin Browning with the Rev. Fred Thompson of Astoria in charge, Wednesdayafternoon for John Lane, 58, a
Burlington railroad fireman, who died Monday afternoon in his Browninghome after a brief illness. The burial was in the Browning cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, Ethel, two daughters,Mrs. Doris Hamm of Browning and Miss Wilma at Chicago; a son, Private BryanLane, who has just been sent
overseas; two brothers, Floyd, Browning and Allie, Frederick, and threesisters, Mrs. Harry Nelson and Mrs. Lena Mccombs, both of Browning, andMrs. Ralph
Kirkpatrick of Abingdon.
BarbaraAbate Obituary for Wm F. NALL
The Rushville Times, 1913
Wm. F. Nall died at his home in this city Sundaymorning at 7 o’clock of uremic poisoning after an illness of only 11 days.
On Tuesday afternoon funeral services were heldat the Presbyterian church conducted by Rev. James Hardin Smith; intermentin Rushville cemetery.
Wm. F. Nall was born March 9, 1849 in Rushvilletownship. He was 64 years 4 months and 11 days of age. Deceased was theson of Gabriel and Katherine Nall who were pioneer settlers in Schuylercounty. He was united in marriage to Rachel A. Lynch March 25, 1879. Tothis union were born 8 children: Bertha, Lulu, Orley and Gabriel are athome. Those married are Mrs. Myrtle Sipes, Mrs. Ora Cook, Mrs. Nora Atenand Bert Nall. He has a sister living, Mrs. Marrietta Tutt, and two whohave preceded him in death, Mrs. Nancy Ford and Mrs. Druscilla Ford. Hiswife died Feb. 7, 1912. Mr. Nall came to Rushville two and one half yearsago and had lived previous to that time on farms in Schuyler and Fultoncounties.
Obituary for John Q. RITCHEY
The Rushville Times, 1911
John Q. Ritchey, sho died in the St. Francis hospitalin Macomb, at 4:15 a.m. Aug. 9, 1911, was the son of Mr. A. B. and Mrs.Mary A. Ritchey. He was the second of fifteen children and was born nearLittleton, Ill., Aug. 22, 1847. Twelve of this family grew to maturityand nine of them are still living.
He enlisted in Co. K, 137th Ill. Reg. when onlysixteen years of age. He was one of the large host of boys who heard theircountry’s call and willingly responded. On his seventeen birthday he wasin an engagement near Memphis, Tenn. The war experiences shattered hisnerves and seriously undermined his health. A paper in his possession,which he very highly esteemed, was his regular and duly accredited discharge,signed by Abraham Lincoln, of whom he was ever a great admirer.
Mr. Ritchey was reared on the farm, but learnedand followed the carpenter trade. He was a faithful and competent workman.Altho a strong looking man, and spending much of his life engaged in hardlabor, yet he was never a real well man.
He entered the St. Francis hospital for an operationin September 1910, and remained there until his death. His disease, a cancer,caused him much pain and intense suffering. Mr. Ritchey was a man of industry,economy, integrity and uprightness. He was a charter member of the A. F.& A. M. lodge of Littleton, and was ever a highly respected citizen.
He leaves to mourn his loss an aged mother, whoresides in Cannon City, Col., three brothers, W. F. of Cheney, Kan.; W.W. of Cowles, Neb.; C. D. of Springdale, Ark., and six sisters, three ofwhom, Mrs. Mary Ward and Mrs. Della Dayton of Chicago, Mrs. Sarah Vanceof Hastings, Neb., together with the three brothers, were present at thefuneral services; also Mrs. Nettie Logue of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. KateCorrie of Corvallis, Ore., and Ida Weaber of Canon City, Col.
Others of the immediate relatives present in additionto those mentioned above were Mrs. Geneva Ritchey of Macomb and Mrs. CharlesRitchey of Springdale, Arkansas.
Obituary for Lydia Eliza LUTHY TAYLOR
The Rushville Times, 1912
Lydia Eliza Luthy was born in Rushville, Ill., May26, 1868. She departed this life at Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Feb. 16, 1912,aged 43 years, 8 months and 18 days. When a babe she moved with her parentsto Woodstock township where she grew to womanhood and was married to TiceTaylor, who, with her father and one sister, preceded her to the worldbeyond. She leaves to mourn her departure five children, Gladys, Delzon,Orlan, Maurice and Hanz. Also an aged mother and four sisters. At her requestshe was brought back to the old home and laid to rest beside her fatherin the Herche cemetery.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at the home ofMaurice Luthy, a brother, near Ripley, conducted by Rev. H. L. Maltman,of this city.
Obituary for Mary Adaline RITTENHOUSE BRIGGS
The Rushville Times, 1914
Mary Adaline Briggs, daughter of Washington andLavina Rittenhouse, was born in Bainbridge township, Aug. 7, 1865; passedaway Feb. 7, 1914; age 48 years, 6 months. She was the eldest of a familyof fourteen children, two dying in infancy. She is the first of the twelvethat grew to manhood and womanhood to depart this life; the remaining brothersand sisters are: Mrs. Nora Jacobs, Mrs. Nancy Davis, Mrs. Belle Thompson,Mrs. Maud Valentine, Mrs. Grace Ambrosius, Miss Lottie, Chalmer, Russel,Grove and Henry Rittenhouse, all of Rushville, and Will Rittenhouse ofArizona, and an aged father and mother. She was married to Elias JeffersonBriggs, Nov. 8, 1883; spent all her life in this vicinity, except fouryears in the west. To this union nine children were born, seven girls andtwo boys namely: Mrs. Bessie Black, Mrs. Nora Wells, Mrs. Lida Vancil,Mrs. Effie Smith, all of Rushville, Ill., Mrs. Stella Vancil of Canton,Ill., Orvall and Bertha resided at home, Rosa May and Eli Russel dyingin childhood. There are also seven grand children that will miss that welcomegreeting that she always met her dear ones with.
Mrs. Briggs united with the Marvin Chapel M., South, in the spring of 1896, and lived true to her belief, trustingin Jesus as was shown by her daily walk and conversation.
The Rushville Timesused by permission.