Schuyler County Illinois Obits – Page 12

Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 12

Kathleen StonekingCooper   Obituary for Ila L. YOUNG STONEKING PRICE
    BUSHNELL – Ila L. Price, 84, of Bushnell died at1:50 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2000, at McDonough District Hospital in Macomb.Born Nov 21, 1915, in Industry to Edward and Permelia Anna Standard Young,she married Bennie E. Stoneking. She later married Ray Price.
    Surviving are one son, John (and Sandra) Stonekingof Iola, KS.; two daughters, Kathleen (and Gene) Cooper of Rantoul andJackie Zook of Bushnell; two brothers, Gerald Young of Galva and Lyle YoungSr. of Bushnell; two sisters, Eileen Russell and Betty Adair, both of Macomb;10 grandchildren; 24 great grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.
    One brother preceded her in death.
    She was a seamstress. She also worked for McGrawEdison in Macomb for 27 years before retiring.
    She was past senior regent of Women of the Moosein Macomb and was past president of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliaryin Macomb.She was a member of the Macomb Bowling League for many years.She was of Methodist faith.
    Services will be at Martin-Hollis Funeral Home.The Rev. Terry Broady will officiate. Friends may call after 2 p.m. todayat the funeral home, where visitation will be from 6 to 8 tonight. Cremationwill be accorded. Burial of ashes will be at a later date.
NOTE: Ila was a grt-grandaughter of Elisabeth Jane Porter & JohnYoung; and granddaughter of Margaret Ann Justus & James Porter Young.

Kathleen StonekingCooper   Obituary for Minnie May ASHWOOD YOUNG
    Minnie May Ashwood, daughter of Thomas and SarahAshwood, was born April 4th 1877, and died September 3, 1923, aged forty-sixyears and five months. She was the eldest in a family of four children.Her father and one sister, Hattie Montooth, have precede her in death.Her school days were spent in the public schools of Ray, ILL., near whichplace she lived until two years ago, when, when with her family moved toRushville.
    On the 8th of February 1898 she was united in marriageto Joseph Young. To this union was born one daughter, Leona.
    When a young girl Minnie was converted and unitedwith the Methodist church at Ray where she was a member at the time ofher death. During her life she
manifested the desires of an earnest Christian. She loved the Methodistchurch and it’s deepest spiritual and practical principles. She has longbeen a defender in a vigorous manner of the thorough going principles ofrighteousness long taught and held sacred by that church.
    She was much concerned with religious subjects andvery diligent in her Master’s service. For years she was a teacher in theSunday School  and was a very regular attendant at the services ofthe church.
    Mrs. Young has been in poor health for some time.About a year ago it became apparent that her trouble might be serious.From then on she became worse and
it was found that she was suffering disease the cause and cure of whichhas not been discovered. At times her suffering was intense and in ourloss we can be comforted in knowing she is at least in rest. She was tenderlycared for by her husband and daughter and by her mother who left her hometo be a tower of strength and comfort in the home of her daughter.
    There remains to mourn the untimely death of thisestimable woman, her loving husband, their only child, Leona, her mother,her brother Herschel Glenn Ashwood of near Adair, Ill., and her sisterMrs Nora Ritchey of near Rushville, besides many other sorrowing friendsand relatives. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon Sept 5th, at the First M. E. Church, Rev. J. C. Brown officiating. Interment inthe Rushville cemetery.

  Obituary for Essie COVEY TOMLINSON
The Rushville Times, January 12, 2000, page 11, column 5
    Essie Tomlinson, 102, of Rushville, died Fri-day,Jan. 7, 2000, at Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    Born on July 24, 1897, in Cooperstown, the daughterof the late John and Clara (Smyers) Covey. She married Albert Cecil Tomlinsonon Oct. 21, 1916, in Rushville. He preceded her in death on Sept. 23, 1965.
    Also preceding her in death were one son, AlbertTomlinson; two brothers, John, and her twin, Leslie; two sisters, BlancheCole and Bess Taylor; two step-brothers, Charles Whited and Dan Whited;three half-sisters, Minnie Wainman, Helen Morrell and Ellen Roate.
    She is survived by three sons, Russell (wife Lela)of Palmyra, Mo., Donald of San Diego, Calif., and Tommie (wife Phyllis)of Hutto, Texas; three daughters, Alice Hiles, Mary Paisley (husband Merle)and Lois Henninger (husband James) all of Rushville; 17 grandchildren;23 great-grandchildren; 13 great-great-grandchildren; and one daughter-in-law,Lorena Tomlinson of Rushville.
    She was a homemaker and a member of the First UnitedMethodist Church in Rushville.
    Funeral services were Tuesday at the Wood-Roby FuneralChapel in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henley officiating. Burial was in thePalm Cemetery west of Rushville.
    Memorials may be given to the Cass-Schuyler HomeHealth or the charity of one’s choice.

  Obituary for Pauline V. CROXTON TOLAND
The Rushville Times, January 12, 2000, page 11, column 3
    Pauline V. Toland, 78, of Rushville died Thursday,Jan. 4, 2000, at Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Mt. Sterling.
    Born Aug. 1, 1921, in Rushville, to Murlen and MaryVirginia Phillips Croxton, she married Russel Toland on June 15, 1938,in Palmyra, Mo. He died Aug. 25, 1977.
    She also was preceded in death by two sons, JackDewayne Toland and George Allen Toland, and two brothers.
    Surviving are one son, James (and Janeal) of Bailey,Colo.; three grandchildren; and eight sisters, Doris Rockwell of Quincy,Dora Miller, Helen Payne, Nancy Croxton, and Donna Boyd, all of Rushville,Alice Zaborac of Canton and Gloria (and Russell) Keller and Marylan Johnson,both of Macomb.
    She worked as a clerk at Issac School Pharmacy inPhoenix and later cooked and baked at Moredale Restaurant and the Crow’sFood Restaurant, both in Bailey, Colo.
    She was a volunteer for RSVP.
    She was a member of the Church of Christ.
    Services were Friday at Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel.The Rev. Rick Colbert officiated. Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to the Cass-Schuyler AreaHospice or her Church.

Susan K.Rezek   Obituary for Juliett MORRISON MONTGOMERY SYLVESTER
The Rushville Times, February 21, 1889
Died, at her home in Rushville, Tuesday morning, Feb. 19th, 1889, Mrs.Juliett Sylvester, wife of Amos Sylvester, in her 80th year.
    Miss Juliett Morrison was born in Adair county,Kentucky, August 10th, 1809; was married to Clayton Montgomery Dec. 13,1827, and in 1833, with her husband and his father, mother, three brothers,and one sister, emigrated to Illinois and settled in Schuyler county, whereshe resided up to the death of her husband, which occurred Jan. 13, 1848,leaving her with a family of six children, the oldest being about 17 yearsold. Four of them are still living–three daughters and one son. Beingsorely grieved by the death of her husband she decided to return to herold home in Kentucky, and in a covered wagon with her children made thetoilsome journey the next fall after her husband’s death, returning thefollowing spring. July 17th 1851, she was united in marriage to Amos Sylvester,and to them was born one child, which lived but a short time.
    Three years ago last October Mrs. Sylvester wasstricken with paralysis, the whole right side being paralyzed, since whichtime she has been confined to her bed and a great sufferer. About fourweeks ago she was taken sick with vomiting and pains in her stomach, andfinally grew so bad that she could neither retain medicine or food, andgradually grew weaker until death came to her relief, after two weeks ofthe most intense suffering. She joined the M. E. Church when in her 19thyear and remained a consistent member till death. Funeral services wereheld this morning at 10 o’clock at the family residence, conducted by theRev. O. T. Rogers, of the M. E. Church, South.

Susan K.Rezek   Obituary for Nathan Stamper MONTGOMERY
The Rushville Times, October 2, 1929
    “A recurrence of a paralytic stroke brought deathto N. S. Montgomery Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at his home on West Jeffersonstreet.
    A Civil War veteran and life-long resident of RushvilleHe had spent almost his entire life of 85 years in this city. For the pastsix or eight years illness had kept him closely confined to his home wherehe had the devoted attention of his daughter, Gertrude, who during theserious stages of his illness was assisted by another daughter, Mrs. R.M. McCreery.
    Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Alexander McFerran,were held at the home Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock.  Of his six absentchildren, Mark H. of Buhl, Minn., was the only one who could come followinghis father’s death, and he arrived at noon Tuesday, the interment in theRushville cemetery not being made until after his arrival.
    Nathan Stamper Montgomery, son of Clayton and JuliaMontgomery, was born March 18, 1844, on a farm south of Rushville.Whenhe was four years old his father died and for a time his mother residedin Fulton County, later returning to Rushville.
    It was in this city he learned the printer’s trade,taking a position in THE TIMES office in 1862. Later as a journeyman printerhe worked in Camp Point and in the early seventies returned to Rushvilleand again took up his work in THE TIMES office.
    In 1888 he was elected circuit clerk of Schuylercounty on the Democratic ticket and was re-elected for a second term in1892.
    Following his retirement from county office he againworked as compositor in THE TIMES office, doing his last work at the casein 1914.
    It was during the last year of the Civil War thatMr. Montgomery enlisted for service in what is known as a ninety-day regimentwhich was never called into action.
    On June 22, 1866 he was joined in marriage to MaryHampton, who preceded him in death 15 years ago.  Eight children wereborn to Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, all of whom survive, namely: GertrudeAlice; Clarence Burton, of International Falls, Minn.; William Hugh, ofSioux City, Iowa; Mrs. Beulah Nelson, of Ipava; Mrs. Frances McCreery,of Rushville; Mark Hampton, of Buhl, Minn.; Glen R., of Cleveland, Ohio,and Lieut. Lewis Clayton, of San Diego, Calif.”

Susan K.Rezek   Obituary for Mary HAMPTON MONTGOMERY
The Rushville Times, August 27, 1914
    “Mrs. Mary Montgomery, wife of N. S. Montgomery,was born near Rushville, March 26, 1848, and passed from life at her homein this city on Saturday, Aug. 22nd, at 6 p. m. Her fatal illness spanneda period of several weeks, and for some time before the end came it wasrealized that there was no hope of recovery, and for several days beforeher death she remained in a semi-conscious state, and the transition tothe spirit world came as a child would go to sleep.
    Mrs. Montgomery was a daughter of Thomas and HannahHampton, and was born east of Rushville, on the farm now owned by McWilliamPhillips. Her only
brother, William Hampton, died in Chicago, Feb. 1, 1887; Edwin Dyson,a half-brother, is the only surviving member of the family.
    On June 21, 1866 she was united in marriage to N.S. Montgomery, and soon after their marriage they removed to Camp Point,and about four years later returned to Rushville, where they ever afterwardsmade their home.
    To this union were born ten children, 8 of whomsurvive to mourn the loss of a devoted and loving mother. They are: ClarenceB. and Mark Montgomery, of International Falls, Minn.; Glen R., of Cleveland,Ohio; William H., of Fairfield, Iowa; Louis, of St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. C.M. Nelson of Ipava; Mrs. R. M. McCreery and Miss Gertrude Montgomery ofthis city.
    Thruout [sic] her life Mrs. Montgomery’s every interestcentered in her home, and it was there she experienced her keenest pleasuresin caring for her children, eight of whom she was spared to see grown tomanhood and womanhood, and they bestowed that filial affection which bringsjoy and contentment to a mother’s heart and brightens the fleeting days.
    Early in life Mrs. Montgomery became a member ofthe Cumberland Presbyterian church in Rushville, and with the passing ofthat organization, never allied herself with any other church organization,but with an abiding faith in the future life continued in spiritual graceand found solace in her Master’s teaching.
    Her life was one devoted to the home and its surroundings,and in this sphere she exerted and influence for all that was good andnoble, and her memory will long be cherished in the hearts of her husbandand family of children.
    On Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock Funeral serviceswere held at the family residence on North Jackson street, conducted byRev. James Hardin Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Nelson and daughter Gladys,of Ipava, and Glen R. Montgomery, of Cleveland, Ohio were here to attendthe funeral. Wm. H.   Montgomery of Fairfield, Iowa, came lastFriday, but was compelled to return home on Sunday.”

Susan K.Rezek   Obituary for Gertrude MONTGOMERY
The Rushville Times, August 6, 1959
     Miss Gertrude Montgomery, 92, who spent practicallyher whole life in Rushville, died Monday afternoon at the Hill nursinghome in Rushville where she had resided for several months. Funeral serviceswere held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Worthington Funeral home with theRev. LeRoy Cronkhite, pastor of the First Christian church, officiatingand burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
    A daughter of Nathan F. and Mary Hampton Montgomery,she was born in Camp Point May 31, 1867 and was the oldest of a familyof eight children. When
a child she came with her family to Rushville where she attended thelocal schools. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Rushvilleand was a member of the choir for several years. For the past 30 yearsshe made her home in Rushville with her sister, Mrs. Fannie McCreery.
    Miss Montgomery is survived by a sister, Mrs. FannieMcCreery of Rushville, and two brothers, William Montgomery of Sioux CityIA., and Mark Montgomery of Long Beach, Calif., and a number of niecesand nephews. Another brother, Louis, preceded her in death by 19 days atPalo Alto, California.

Susan K.Rezek   Obituary for Clarence Burton MONTGOMERY
    NOTE: Excerpts from Obit of former Schuyler Co.resident, Clarence Burton Montgomery. The original article is very longand includes much history of the newspaper business in International Falls,MN.
The Daily Journal, International Falls, Koochiching Co., MN,Saturday Evening, March 05, 1949
MONTGOMERY RITES ARE SET FOR MONDAY – border citizens will pay theirfinal respects next Monday to C. B. Montgomery, 80, early-day newspaperpublisher who in 1911 established the Daily Journal.
    Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. inHoly Trinity Episcopal church with Rev. F. W. Sherman officiating. Intermentis to be at Forest Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the Green mortuarychapel Sunday afternoon and evening, until noon Monday.
    The pioneer publisher and printer died Friday afternoonat his home, after four years of failing health. He retired from the newspaperbusiness in September, 1929, after selling The Journal and Weekly Pressto its present owners.
    Immediate survivors include his wife, the formerCora Herron, whom he married in Minneapolis Dec. 22, 1908; a daughter bya previous marriage, Mrs. Beulah Tell, Omaha, Nebr.; four brothers andtwo sisters. The brothers are William H., Sioux City, Ia.; Glen R., Cleveland,Ohio; Mark H., Long Beach, Calif.; and Major L. C. Montgomery, Palo Alto,Calif. The sisters are Mrs. Fannie McCreery and Miss Gertrude Montgomeryboth of Rushville, Ill.
    Born at Rushville, Ill., Aug. 4, 1868, of parentswho moved up from Kentucky, Mr. Montgomery learned the printing trade fromhis father and gained experience in a number of shops in that state. Hisfirst publishing experience came at Ft. Madison, Iowa, where he conductedthe Daily Plain Dealer for 14 years before the turn of the century. Duringthat same period he acquired an interest in a daily and weekly newspaperat Camden, Ark. He retained ownership in these properties for a numberof years after coming to International Falls…

SusanK. Rezek   Obituary for Hannah WILSON DYSON HAMPTON
The Rushville Times, January 12, 1893
    Our aged and venerable mother, Mrs. Hannah Hampton,died at 7:30 A.M. Friday, Jan. 6, 1893. When she completed her 84th yearin August last she was blessed with unusual vitality for one of her age,having enjoyed good health all her life. The machinery of life, however,began to relax its force and the holidays found her too weak to leave home.On Sunday previous to her death she was unable to leave her bed for thefirst time, gradually growing weaker until she closed her eyes in death.
    Her maiden name was Wilson; she was born near Oldham,Lancashire, England, August 8, 1808; was married to James Dyson in 1828,remaining near the old homestead until 1841, when the family embarked ina sailing vessel for America, accompanied by several relatives and friends.After being on the ocean  nine weeks they landed at New Orleans, reachingRushville in the spring of 1841. A few months after arriving here our fatherdied, the writer being the youngest of four boys left in the care of theirmother. Three of them were present at the funeral, the eldest having diedwith yellow fever while a member of the army that invaded Mexico. As thewife of Thomas Hampton she was the mother of five children, only one ofwhom survives her – the daughter who cared for her during her illness.
    The deceased was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterianchurch several years before that society disbanded, and while she formedno other church connection seldom failed to attend religious services onthe Sabbath. A few days previous to her death she told her daughter shewas ready to go to that home ‘where there is rest for the weary.’ Funeralservices were held at the residence of her son-in-law, Nathan S. Montgomery,on Sunday at 2 P.M., conducted by Rev. Dr. Musgrove of the Methodist Episcopalchurch, in the presence of a large number of people who had known her alltheir life.

The Rushville Times, January 12, 1893
Thomas Wilson, of Virginia, Thomas Dyson of Chandlerville, and WilliamWilson of Pleasant Plains, came over last Saturday to attend the funeralof Mrs. Hannah Hampton – brother, son and nephew, respectively, of thedeceased. They returned home Monday.

SusanK. Rezek   Obituary for Proctor P. NEWCOMB
The Rushville Times, September 24, 1914
    Proctor P. Newcomb, who was born in Rushville, September15, 1834 died at his home in Augusta on his 80th birthday. He was the secondson of Proctor P. and Sarah Munson Newcomb. They both located in Augustain 1864.

SusanK. Rezek   Obituary for Esther SEELEY
The Rushville Times, October 9, 1929
    The funeral of Miss Esther Seeley took place atthe home in Normal, Illinois October 3. Miss Seeley was born in Littletonand was the daughter of Dr. Lewis and Mrs. M. C. Seeley. She leaves hermother and 2 sisters, Helen and Ada at home. A large number of friendswere at the Park Hill Cemetery where interment took place.

  Obituary for Dorothy Josephine EHRHARDT URBAN
The Rushville Times, Feb. 2, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Dorothy Josephine Urban, 92, of Rushville, diedFriday, Jan. 28, 2000, at Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    She was born June 3, 1907, in Kansas City, Mo.,to the late Theodore and Josephine Bengston Ehrhardt. She married JosephUrban June 14, 1924, in Cairo.
He died Aug. 12, 1993. Surviving are four sons, Ted (wife Scottie)of Lehigh, Fla., Bill (wife Mary Sue) of Falls of Rough, Ky., Bob (wifeBarbara), of Florissant, Mo., Jim (wife Gail) of Moneta, Va.; four daughters,Mrs. Lea (Jo Ann) Robertson of Rushville, Mrs. Jim (Lillian) Joering ofWesterville, Ohio, Dr. Seb (Helen) Pagano of West Frankfort, and Mrs. Goodman(Mary) Bradley of Taylor Ridge; 26 grandchildren; 45 great-grandchildren;and five great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by one son, Carl; three grand-children; andone sister, Lillian Carroll.
    She was a member of the St. Rose Catholic Churchof Rushville, Catholic League of Women, Church Women United and Altar andRosary Society. She was very active in church work. She also was activein the Cub and Boy Scouts in her younger years.
    A funeral mass was held Tuesday at St. Rose CatholicChurch with Father Robert Reynolds officiating. Burial was in the RushvilleCity Cemetery. Visitation and prayer service was held Monday at the WorthingtonFuneral Home.
    Memorials may be given to the Cass-Schuyler AreaHospice or St. Rose Catholic Church.

  Obituary for Josephine D. STRAUB MURRAY
The Rushville Times, Feb. 9, 2000, page 13, column 6
    Josephine D. Murray, 81, of Rushville, died Fridayat Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    She was born Sept. 18, 1918, in LaSalle, the daughterof the late Joseph and Julia (Pinkala) Straub. She married James C. Murrayon Feb. 26, 1972, in Ottawa.  He survives.
    Also surviving are two sons, James Romano (wifeDiane) of La Salle and Kevin L. Murray (wife Nancy) of Springfield; twodaughters, Susan B. Seymore (husband Bill) of Macomb and Sharon K. Edwards(husband Martin) of Rushville; 13 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.She was preceded in death by five brothers and one sister.
    She was a homemaker and worked for Westclox in LaSalle for 26 years, retiring in 1972. She was a member of the St. RoseCatholic Church and its Altar and Rosary Society.
    A funeral mass was held Tuesday at St. Rose CatholicChurch in Rushville with Father Robert Reynolds officiating. Burial wasin the Rushville City Cemetery. Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville wasin charge of services.
    Memorials may be given to St. Rose Catholic Churchor the Cass-Schuyler Area Hospice.

  Obituary for Ila Mae BARTLOW TOLAND
The Rushville Times, Feb. 9, 2000, page 13, column 13
    Ila Mae Toland, 78, of Huntsville, died Friday,Feb. 4, 2000, in her home.
    She was born Nov. 10, 1921, in Huntsville Township,the daughter of Earl and Ruth (Tomlinson) Bartlow. She married Lloyd E.“Whitey” Toland on Oct. 11, 1941, in New London, Mo. He preceded her indeath on Feb. 11, 1991.
    She was a homemaker and a graduate of Augusta HighSchool. She was an active member of Huntsville United Methodist Churchand the United Methodist Women. She also served as church organist. Shewas a member of the Help Each Other Club.
    She is survived by one son, Don Toland of Huntsvilleand two brothers, Albert Dale Bartlow of Augusta and Darwin Bartlow ofHuntsville. She was preceded in death by a son, Gene Toland.
    Funeral services were Monday, Feb. 7, 2000, at HuntsvilleUnited Methodist Church with Rev. Kathleen Hughes and Rev. Jim Jenkinsofficiating. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery in Augusta. The Hamilton FuneralHome in Augusta was in charge of services.
    Memorial contributions may be made to the HuntsvilleUnited Methodist Church.

  Obituary for Aubrey Dean SHAWGO
The Rushville Times, Feb. 2, 2000, page 13, column 3
    Aubrey Dean Shawgo, 76, of Springfield, died Friday,Jan. 28, 2000, at his residence.
    He was born Nov. 9, 1923, in Pleasant Township,Fulton County to the late Raymond and Millie May Malott Shawgo. He marriedAnita Lenover Hale July 4, 1959, in Hernando, Miss.
    She survives, along with one stepson, George Haleof Riverton; four daughters, Linda Smothers of Springfield, Mrs. William(Sandra) Dragoo of Sherman, Karen Hale of Springfield, and Bonnie Jansenof Quincy; one sister, Mrs. Dayton (Marjorie) Grover of Memphis, Mo.; twobrothers, Larry and Raymond, both of Galesburg; nine step-grandchildren;and two step-great-grandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by one brother, PhillipShawgo.
    A U.S. Army veteran of both W.W. II and the KoreanConflict, he was a member of the American Legion Post #32, in Spring-field.Aubrey worked 32 years for Associated Car Carriers of St. Lous, Mo., retiringin 1985.
    Funeral services were held Monday at the WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville. Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery, wheremilitary services were conducted by Schuyler American Legion Post. #4.
    Memorials may be given to St. Jude’s Children’sHospital.

  Obituary for Father Richard E. TRUTTER
The Rushville Times, Feb. 9, 2000, page 13, column 5
    Fr. Richard E. Trutter, O.P., 70, of Taylorville,died  Saturday, Feb. 5, 2000, at St. Vincent Memorial Hospital inTaylorville.
    He was born April 23, 1929, in Springfield, Ill.,the son of Edward L. and Eda L. Bergschneider Trutter.
    He is survived by one brother, Rev. Carl B. Trutter,O.P. – St. Martin de Porres Dominican Province, New Orleans, La.
    He was preceded in death by his parents, and hisbrother, Army Sergeant Edward H. Trutter, who was killed in World War IIin Germany.
    Rev. Trutter had been Catholic chaplain at St. VincentMemorial Hospital in Taylorville since 1992.
    In Springfield, he attended Blessed Sacrament GradeSchool, Cathedral Boys’ High School and Springfield Junior College. Afterattending Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, he was received into the DominicanNovitiate, Winona, Minn., by the Dominican Master General Emmanuel Suarezin 1949 and he made profession as a Dominican friar on Sept. 30, 1950.
    He studied philosophy (1950-53) at the DominicanHouse of Studies, River Forest, Ill., theology (1953-57) at the AquinasInstitute of Theology, Dubuque, Iowa, and was ordained a Catholic priestat St. Rose Priory, in Dubuque on May 25, 1967, by Archbishop Edward Hobanof Cleveland, Ohio. His first Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated at BlessedSacrament Church in Springfield.
    After ordination, Father Trutter became associatepastor at St. Vincent Ferrer Church in River Forest, (1957-64, at St. PiusV. Church in Chicago (1964-65), at Nativity Church in Campti, La., (1956-66)and at St. Anthony of Padua Church in New Orleans, La. (1966-69). From1969-71 he was pastor of St. Hyacinth Church in Amarillo, Texas. He servedas campus minister at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff (1972-74)and at three colleges in Colorado Springs, Colo (1974-77). He then waspastor of St. Rose Church in Rushville (1977-89).
    After studying clinical pastoral education, he becamechaplain at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield (1990-92) before movingto Taylorville in 1992.
    Services for Father Trutter were held Tuesday, Feb.8, 2000, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Taylorville. Fr. Carl B. Trutter,O.P and Fr. John Gerlach, O.P., officiated. Burial was in All Saints Cemeteryin Des Plaines. A final funeral service was held at St. Vincent FerrerCatholic Church in River Forrest.  Connolly-McClure Funeral Home inTaylorville was in charge of services.
    Memorials may be made to St. Vincent Memorial Hospitalin Taylorville or Dominican Society for Vocational Support, 1909 S. Ashland,Chicago, IL  60608-2994.

  Obituary for Merle PAISLEY
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 1
    Merle Paisley, 75, of Rushville, died Friday, March3, 2000, at the Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    He was born Sept. 21, 1924, in Woodstock Township,Schuyler County to the late Everett W. and Janey Downs Paisley.
    He married Geraldine A. Butcher on Nov. 18, 1946,in Holton, Kan. She died Dec. 1, 1985. He then married Mary Tomlinson Vogleron Jan. 31, 1987, in Round Rock, Texas.
    She survives, along with one daughter, Mrs. Dennis(Vicki) Harrison of Rushville; one son, Michael Paisley of Rushville; andthree grandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by two sisters, KathleenPaisley and Florine Rebman.
    He was a Navy veteran of W.W. II. He was a memberand elder of the First Presbyterian Church in Rushville and was a memberof the Macomb American Legion Post #6; the National Automatic MerchandisersAssociation; American Music Operators Association; and Illinois Coin OperatorsAssociation. He also served as Schuyler County Republican Chairman forseveral years.
    He worked for Strong Equipment Co., operated PaisleyMusic Service, the Redshaw Truck Service, Midwest Order Buyers, Olin Fertilizerand Chemical, farmed, was a school bus driver, and worked for the IllinoisDepartment of Transportation. He also owned and operated M & M Vendingin Macomb/Rushville.
    Funeral services were held Tuesday at the FirstPresbyterian Church in Rushville with Rev. Alice Davenport officiating.Burial was in the Palm Cemetery west of Rushville, where military riteswere conducted by the Schuyler American Legion Post #4. Worthington FuneralHome in Rushville was in charge of arrangements.
    Memorials may be given to the First PresbyterianChurch or to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

  Obituary for Robert Lee ALBERS
The Rushville Times, Feb. 23, 2000, page 15, column 6
    Robert Lee Albers, 83, of Jacksonville died Monday,Feb. 14, 2000, at his home.
    He was born May 18, 1916, near Bluffs, the son ofEdward F. and Della Scars Moore Albers. His mother died at childbirth.His father then married Della Sears Moore, and she helped raise him. Theyalso preceded him in death.
    He married LaVerne Evans Oct. 30, 1943, in Winchester.She survives.
    Also surviving are two sons, Robert Jeffrey Albers(wife, Nancy) of Rushville and Mark Evans Albers (Barbara) of Ellington,Mo.; one daughter, Jonna Herring (Sam) of Winchester; three grandsons,three granddaughters and four great grandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by one sister, Louise Robinson,and one brother, Harry E. Albers.
    He was a farmer, active in the family farm southof Bluffs.
    He was a member of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church,Scott County Farm Bureau, Bluffs American Legion and was a former commissionerof the Scott County Drainage and Levee District.
    He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, servingin the European Theater with the 37th Division, 145th Infantry, CompanyF. He was awarded the Bronze Star.
    Funeral services for Mr. Albers were Feb. 17, 2000,at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church with burial at Hillcrest Cemetery nearBluffs. Pastor Gary Schmidtke officiated. Cody and Son Memorial Home inJacksonville was in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be made to theOur Redeemer Mission Society.

  Obituary for Dodd BRYANT
The Rushville Times, Feb. 23, 2000, page 15, column 2
    Dodd Bryant, 77, of Storm Lake, Iowa, died Wednesday,Feb. 16, 2000, at Mercy Medical Center in Sioux City, Iowa, following alengthy illness.
    Funeral services were held Saturday at the StormLake United Methodist Church with the Rev. Ken Bell officiating. Burialwas in the Buena Memorial Park Cemetery with full military honors by AmvetsPost No. 66. The Fratzke Funeral Home in Storm Lake was in charge of services.A memorial fund has been established.
    Dodd Bryant was born Aug. 29, 1922, in Browning,Ill., the son of Verne and Bernice I. (Dodd) Bryant. He graduated fromRushville High School and attended the University of Illinois.
    He left college just short of his degree to jointhe Merchant Marines, where he served as a ship’s purser during World WarII.
    On Nov. 24, 1951, he married Marilyn E. Cullivanat Bushnell, Ill. The couple moved to Storm Lake from Bushnell in 1966and moved to Troy, Mich., in 1982.  They returned to Storm Lake in1985.
    He was employed by Hy-Grade as a hog procurementmanager and retired in 1982, after 40 years with the company.
    He was an active member of the Storm Lake UnitedMethodist Church and he was an avid golfer. He also belonged to the ElksLodge, Amvets Post #66 and Jewel Masonic Lodge #309 all of Storm Lake.For many years Dodd helped organize the parade for the Storm Lake July4 Star Spangled Spectacular.
    His family includes his wife Marilyn of Storm Lake,his children, Dorna Hoft of Innver Grove Heights, Minn., Ruth Bryant (husbandDennis) Confer of Roseville, Minn., Liz Stough of Storm Lake and StevenBryant (wife El Jean) of Buford, Ga.; a sister, Elaine Bader of Browning;15 grandchildren; one great-grandson; and many extended family members.
    He was preceded in death by his parents, two daughters,Margie Bryant and Sarah Petersen; a son, Lt. Charles R. Bryant; two brothers,Gerald and Hunter Bryant; and a sister, Mary Webster.

  Obituary for Leland “Butch” VONDISSEN
The Rushville Times, Feb. 23, 2000, page 15, column 3
    Leland “Butch” VonDissen, 88, of Rushville and Cooperstown,died Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2000, at his residence in Rushville.
    He was born July 28, 1911, in Roseville, the sonof John William and Ethel Maude Stabler VonDissen. He married Carroll IoneLogsdon on Oct. 7, 1932, in Mt. Sterling. She survives.
    He first worked as a meat cutter for his father’sstore in Roseville and then moved to Mt. Sterling where he also workedas a meat cutter for Givens Meat Market. Later, he worked in a supervisoryposition for Mickelberry Food Products and Bartlow Brothers, both in Rushville.He then worked at the Rushville IGA until retirement.
    He attended Roseville schools and was a member ofthe Cooperstown Christian Church, where he had served as an elder, trusteeand a Sunday School teacher.  He was also a charter member of theformer Sportsman’s Club.
    Survivors include his wife, Carroll Ione VonDissenof Rushville; three daughters, Carrol Trone of Petersburg, Betty Lou Phillipsof East Moline, and Marlene Spears (husband Tom) of Frederick; five grandchildren;and nine great-grandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by his parents, one grandson,one brother and one sister.
    Funeral services were held Saturday, Feb. 19, 2000in the Cooperstown Christian Church with Pastor Bill Towns officiating.Burial was in the Mt. Sterling City Cemetery. Hendricker Funeral Home inMt. Sterling was in charge of services.
    Memorials are suggested to the Cooperstown ChristianChurch Missions Fund.

  Obituary for Leslie J. DONALDSON
The Rushville Times, Feb 23, 2000, page 15, column 1
    Leslie J. Donaldson, 82, of Rushville, died Tuesday,Feb. 15, 2000, at his home.
    He was born March 16, 1917, in Knox County, theson of the late Timothy and Mae (Tharp) Donaldson. He married VirginiaMitchell on July 31, 1940, in Monticello, Mo., and she preceded him indeath on March 2, 1994. He later married Gerry Kitch on Dec. 23, 1994,in Rushville. She survives.
    Also surviving are one son, Denny Donaldson (wifeDee) of Marion; two granddaughters; one brother, Robert Donaldson (wifeAnnis) of Beardstown; three sisters, Wilma Higgins and Dorothy Schnake,both of Beardstown, and Juanita Corrie of Littleton.
    He was preceded in death by a grandson.
    An Army Air Corps veteran of W.W II, he had workedon the CB & Q Railroad and operated the Dairy Bar in Rushville. Hehad farmed and owned Donaldson Gravel Company in Rushville.
    He was a member of the First Christian Church (Disciplesof Christ) in Rushville, Rushville Masonic Lodge A.F. & A.M. #9, ScottishRite, Ansar Shrine, Schuyler County Shrine Club, Schuyler American LegionPost 4 and the Beardstown Elks Club.
    Funeral services were Saturday at the First ChristianChurch (Disciples of Christ) in Rushville with Rev. Robert Belew officiating.Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery. Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel inRushville was in charge of arrangements.
    Memorials may be given to the Cass-Schuyler AreaHospice or the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

  Obituary for Marietta R. ROHN ACKMAN
The Rushville Times, Feb. 23, 2000, page 15, column 4
    Marietta R. Ackman, 74, of Rushville, died Wednesday,Feb. 16, 2000, at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield.
    She was born July 8, 1925, in Schuyler County, thedaughter of Frank and Minnie Knous Rohn. She married Robert Ackman April11, 1944, in Rushville. He died Jan. 1, 1998. She was also preceded indeath by her parents.
    Surviving are three sons, Don and Jon, both of Rushville,and Tom of Lincoln; 11 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and onesister, Clarine Fulks of Rushville.
    She was preceded in death by three brothers, DonRohn, James Rohn and Amos Rohn; and one sister, Olive Langeland.
    She was a member of the First United Methodist Churchof Rushville and Schuyler American Legion Auxiliary Unit 4. She also wasa member and past president of the Rushville Business and ProfessionalWomen’s Club and was named the Rushville Area Chamber of Commerce Secretaryof the Year in 1984. She and her husband were active in the Rushville LittleLeague and the Schuyler Athletic Association. She worked at Jerry’s Townand Country Furniture in Rushville from 1968 until retiring in 1990.
    Funeral services were Saturday at the WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henley officiating. Burial wasin the Rushville City Cemetery.
    Memorials may be given to the First United MethodistChurch of Rushville.

  Obituary for Wilma B. DONALDSON HIGGINS
The Rushville Times, Feb. 23, 2000, page 15, column 5
    Wilma B. Higgins, 88, of Beardstown, died Thursdayevening. Feb. 17, 2000, at the Heritage Manor South in Beardstown.
    She was born July 16, 1911, in Schuyler County nearRushville, the daughter of Timothy W. and Iva Mae Tharp Donaldson. Shemarried Frank P. Higgins on June 21, 1952, in Chicago. He preceded herin death on Dec. 4, 1998.
    Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Jim (Juanita) Corrieof Littleton and Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Schnake of Beardstown; one brother,Robert W. Donaldson of Beardstown, and several nieces and nephews.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, her husbandand one brother, Leslie J. Donaldson.
    Mrs. Higgins attended school in Rushville. She earneda bachelor of arts degree from Roosevelt College of Chicago on Sept. 8,1951, and received a master of arts degree in social work from the Universityof Illinois on June 15, 1957. From 1966 until 1978, she was employed bythe Sangamon County Superintendent of Schools as a certified social workerin the school system. Mrs. Higgins was formerly a member of Christ theKing Parish in Springfield and more recently was a member of the St. AlexiusCatholic Church in Beardstown.
    A funeral mass for Wilma S. Higgins was held Sunday,Feb. 20, at the Sager Funeral Home in Beardstown with Father Eugene Weitzelofficiating. Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery.
    Memorials have been suggested to the St. AlexiusCatholic Church in Beardstown or the Cass-Schuyler Area Hospice.

  Obituary for Ollie Mae DRINKWATER WILLIAMS
The Rushville Times, March 1, 2000, page 11, column 3
    Ollie Mae Williams, 98, of Beardstown, died Thursday,Feb. 24, 2000, at Heritage Manor South in Beardstown.
    Mrs. Williams was born on Sept. 18, 1901, in HagenerTownship near Beardstown, the daughter of Henry Drinkwater and Mary AnnBolijack-Drinkwater. She married Harry B. Williams in Cass County on June20, 1921.
    She was the last surviving child of 12 children.She was preceded in death by her husband, daughter, Rosemary Winner, onegrandson; her parents, and her 11 siblings, Walter, Beuhla, Elsie, Lydia,Rachel, Lizzie, Charles, Sarah, Ed and Frankie
    Mrs. Williams is survived by five grandchildren,Peggy (husband Elmer) Scheer, of Beardstown, Kay (husband Larry) Lawsonof Springfield, Reta Winner of Anaheim, Calif., Cindy (husband Pete) Goshornof Des Moines, Iowa, and Kevin Winner of San Antonio, Texas.
    She attended several years of school with perfectattendance and near perfect grades. After the death of her husband, shedid housekeeping for William DeSollar Sr., and the DeSollar Insurance Companyfor more than 47 years; and several other homes. She also worked at thePark House and Bowling Alley. She dedicated her life to hard work and toher family. Mrs. Williams did not fully retire until 1995.
    Funeral services were held Tuesday, Feb. 29, 2000,at the Cline-Goodwin Funeral Home in Beardstown. Burial was at Virginiain the Walnut Ridge Cemetery.
The family has requested memorials be made to the Cass-Schuyler Hospice.

  Obituary for Hildreth G. FEY WEBER
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 4
    Hildreth G. Weber, 93, of Macomb, died Thursday,March 2, 2000, at the Elms Nursing Home in Macomb.
    She was born Feb. 18, 1907, in Schuyler County,the daughter of William and Myrtle Cooper Fey.  She was married toClarence Maddock, Frank Worley and Virgil Weber, and all are deceased.
    She is survived by two sons, Darrell (wife Enid)Maddock of Plymouth, Ind., and Richard (wife Katy) Worley of Gatesville,Texas; four granddaughters; nine great-grandchildren; and one sister, HelenLewis of Ripley.
    She was preceded in death by two sisters, E. LucilleLewis and Mildred Hetrick.
    She was a charter member of the Church of God AbrahamicFaith.  She was an organist, pianist and teacher for more than 50years, and was a member of Macomb Raritan Bridge Club for 50+ years. She was very active in YWCA and Senior Citizens and drove many years toget people to vote.  She attended music college in Quincy.  Shewas the organist at Sargent-Worthington Funeral Home for over 45 years.
    Funeral services were Monday at the Church of GodAbrahamic Faith with Rev. Michael Brown officiating. Burial was in theRipley Cemetery. Sargent Worthington Funeral Home in Macomb was in chargeof services. Memorials may be made to Church of God Abrahamic Faith orMcDonough District Hospital’s Hospice Program.

Tammie Orr Brown  Obituary for Albert Brown LAWLER
The Rushville Times, February 20, 1913
    A. B. LAWLER, the last surviving member of the oldergeneration of a family that has been prominent in Schuyler county frompioneer times, died at his home south of Rushville on Thursday of lastweek. Born in Schuyler in 1840, Mr. Lawler made his home in Bainbridgethe greater part of the time since then, and was a man prominent in localand county affairs.
    On Saturday morning at 11 o’clock funeral serviceswere held at the family home, conducted by Rev. Fred Wilson, and the intermentwas in the Lawler cemetery. The following obituary has been furnished theTIMES:
    Albert Brown Lawler was born on a farm seven milessoutheast of Rushville, June 10, 1840, and died at his late residence inBainbridge township, two and one-half miles south of Rushville, Feb. 13,1913, aged 72 years, 8 months and 3 days.
    Among the scenes and hardships of early pioneerdays he grew to manhood on the farm settled upon by his parents, Jamesand Nancy Lawler, who immigrated from Fauquir county, Virginia, in 1835.He was the youngest and last survivor of a family of six children.
    Deceased was well educated, having received hisearly training in the common schools of Schuyler county. He studied lawfor a time under the instruction of Judge Johnston, after which he attendedDavis and Tipton’s Commercial college in Peoria, from which he graduated.On his return in 1860 he again studied law with Judge Johnston, remainingwith him about a year and a half. He finished his law reading with Mr.Morgan of Macomb, and was admitted to the bar in 1863.
    In 1865 he went to Brownville, Neb., and there enteredinto a law partnership with E. W. Thomas, formerly of Charleston, S.C.He later returned to Schuyler county, and was married March 4, 1869, toMiss Josephine Lawler, who survives him, together with eight children–Hugh,Howard and Lizzie, at home; Eppa of Gooby, S.D.; Claude of Amarillo, Texas;Mrs. Myrtle Howell and Mrs. Eloise Grimwood of Rushville and Patrick ofMenahga, Minn. Two children, Winifred and Clinton, died in infancy. Allof his surviving children excepting Eppa were at his bedside at the timeof his death. He also leaves twelve grandchildren, together with a hostof relatives and friends to mourn their loss.
    Altho Mr. Lawler had not been very rugged for anumber of years he had been enjoying fairly good health until the timewhen taken with the sudden illness a few days prior to his death. All thata loving wife, children, kind relatives and friends could do was done invain.
    Mr. Lawler was not affiliated with any church organization,but believed in God and thruout his life, by many deeds of kindness, testifiedto his belief in the teachings of Christ, and it can truthfully be saidthat his life on this earth has caused no one to suffer or feel the pinchof want. These and the many generous acts testify to the “Fatherhood ofGod” and the “Brotherhood of Man.” Always believing in the existence ofa soul and a life beyond the grave, he never expressed a fear of death,passing to that great beyond as peacefully and calmly as men do whose liveshave been guided by the principles of right and justice to their fellowmen,and their love and respect for a supreme being.

Tammie Orr Brown  Obituary for Minnie KENNEDY LAWLER
The Rushville Times, February 14, 1957
Mrs. Minnie Lawler, 73, Dies Here Wednesday
    Mrs. Minnie Lawler, 73, died at the Culbertson Memorialhospital Wednesday afternoon and funeral services will be held Friday morningat 9 o’clock at St. Rose Catholic church with Rev. Fr. Van Raes of Bushnellofficiating. Rosary will be recited at Voorhees funeral home tonight on(Thursday) at 7 o’clock.
    Mrs. Lawler was born on Feb. 20, 1883, in Cass county,the daughter of Robert and Florence Kennedy. She was married to PatrickLawler who survives with a daughter, Mrs. Florence Roberson of Houston,Tex., and two sons, James of Madera, Calif., and Vernon at home. Also survivingis a sister, Mrs. Ruth Brazell of Arenzville and a brother, Lawrence Kennedyof Mt. Lake, Wash. And seven grandchildren.
    Mrs. Lawler was a teacher in Schuyler county schoolsfor many years.

Tammie Orr Brown  Obituary for Robert Eppa LAWLER
The Rushville Times, May 31, 1973
    Robert Eppa LAWLER, the last member of an earlypioneer family in Schuyler county, passed away about noon on May 19, 1973,at his home in Bainbridge township, near the place of his birth on January18, 1880.
    Robert was the youngest son of John Hugh Lawler,who came from Fauquier County, Virginia, in 1835, and Mary O’Connor Lawler,formerly of Lyons, France.
    After graduating from Rushville Normal school in1900, Robert taught school for two years. The remainder of his life wasspent as a farmer seven miles southeast of Rushville.
    From his marriage to Grace Almeda Hood, who passedaway on January 12, 1956, eight children survive: Mary Lucille Milby, JessieAlmeda Willard, Kathryn Imogene Pepple, Helen Maurine Hyde, Robert Edward,David Woodrow, Grace Geraldine Kirk, and Richard Douglas. Preceding theirfather in death were an infant daughter, Violet Genevieve and John Hugh,the eldest child and son. Also surviving are many fond daughters-in-law,sons-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins.
    Funeral services were held on Wednesday, May 23,at Worthington Funeral Home, with the Rev. Dan Duerksen officiating. Burialwas in Rushville cemetery.

Tammie Orr Brown  Obituary for Elizabeth Virginia LAWLER
The Rushville Times, June 29, 1972
Rites Held Tuesday For Miss Elizabeth Lawler, 98
    Miss Elizabeth Virginia Lawler, 98, of Rushville,died Saturday in Hills Convalescent home.
    Funeral services were held on Tuesday in Roby Funeralchapel, the Rev. Wayne Sill officiating. Burial was in Lawler cemetery.
    She was born in Bainbridge township, Schuyler county,Jan. 4, 1874, to Albert and Josephine Lawler.
    She was the last of a family of 10. During the yearsof her life, “Lizzie”, as she was affectionately known to her friends andrelatives, served her family and community in many ways. She was a teacherfor more than 20 years. She was helpful to any who needed her. “Lizzie”took care of her mother, brothers and sisters in their later years, andeven though she never traveled far beyond her birthplace, her influencewas far-reaching and she brightened the lives of all those she
    She is survived by a cousin, Mrs. Harold Bonserof Rushville, other cousins, nieces and nephews

Tammie Orr Brown  Obituary for J. Thomas LAWLER
The Rushville Times, February 15, 1900
    J. Thomas Lawler, a prominent farmer of Woodstocktownship, died last Saturday morning at 9 o’clock after an illness of severalweeks’ duration. On Monday funeral services were held at his late residence,conducted by Rev. H. A. Hoffer, and the remains were interred in the Serrottcemetery.
    Mr. Lawler was one of the early residents of thiscounty, coming here with his parents in 1839. He was born in Fauquier county,Virginia, May 7, 1824. Of a family of fourteen children he was the lastremaining son, all of whom were respected and honored citizens of thiscommunity. Three of his sisters survive him; Mrs. Amanda Scott, Mrs. MargaretBoice and Mrs. Elizabeth Zimmerman of Texas.
    Soon after Mr. Lawler reached the age of manhoodthe Mexican war broke out and he went to the front as a private soldier.Returning from war he was married May 7, 1848, to Miss Sarah E. Pinkerton,and the union of love so solemnized was not broken until death called hometo the world beyond. Eleven children were born to this union, nine of whomare still living.
    Soon after he was married Mr. Lawler settled onthe farm which he owned at the time of his death and resided there continuously.He was a thrifty, intelligent farmer and left his family well providedfor.
    Mr. Lawler had long been a member of the Methodistchurch, was a true to its teaching and died a firm believer in the faith.

Tammie Orr Brown  Obituary for William H. ORR
The Rushville Times, August 3, 1967
    William H. Orr was born January 25, 1903 at thefamily residence in Bainbridge township, Schuyler county, Illinois nearwhere he lived all his life. He passed to his heavenly home on July 26,1967, at Sarah D. Culbertson Memorial hospital in Rushville, Illinois atthe age of 64 years, 6 months and 1 day. He was the only son of SylvanusB. Orr and Leonora Rittenhouse Orr, both of whom have preceded him in death.
    He received his early education in the Schuylercounty schools. He was united in marriage to Hildreth Dean on June 26,1926 at the Methodist parsonage in Rushville. Two children blessed thishome, Marva Kay and William Dean. He is survived by his wife, Hildreth;one daughter, Marva Kay and her son, Duane Alan; one son William Dean;his wife Elizabeth and their son, Thomas William. He is also survived bytwo aunts.
    Bill, as he was known to all, was engaged in farmingin Bainbridge township all of his life. His prime interest in life washis family in whom he took great joy in serving. He was interested in allchurch and civic activities of the community and participated in many ofthem.
    He was a member of the First Methodist church ofRushville, president of the Schuyler County Tuberculosis association anda member of the board of directors of the Rushville Farmers Elevator Co.
    No finer eulogy can be said than here was a manwhose deep concern and devotion to all who knew him remained first andforemost in his life.
    Funeral services were held Friday at 2 p.m. at theFirst Methodist church with Rev. Ronald C. Colton officiating. Burial wasin Rushville cemetery.

Obituary for Lewis COWDERY
The Rushville Times, January 9, 1913
    Lewis Cowdery was born at the present home nearBrooklyn, Ill., Feb. 8, 1846, and departed this life Dec. 20th, 1912; aged66 years, 10 months and 12 days.
    He was the youngest son of Roswell and Mercy Cowdery.Four brothers and two sisters preceded him to the better land.
    He was united in marriage April 3d, 1972 [1872],to Mary Meacham. To them were born four children. Lymen the eldest diedat the age of two years, Homer dying in infancy. One daughter, Mrs. SloanHorney, and one son, Arthur, are left with their mother to mourn the lossof a kind and loving husband and a most affectionate father.
    His love for little children was a marked charateristic,making him many friends among the little folks, besides the eight grandchildren to whom he was so dear.
    He was a member of the Baptist church, living atrue and upright christian life. He was widely known and loved by all whoknew him; his kindly cheerful dispostion making many friends, for whomhe always had a smile and cheerful word.
    The loved ones who grieve today have the knowledgethat their loss is his eternal gain, and to the broken heart there comesthe Savior’s words of comfort, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions;if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there yemay be also.”
    Funeral services were held in the M. E. church inHuntsville on Sunday, Dec. 22d, conducted by Rev. H. R. Kasiske of Loraine,Ill. Interment in the Huntsville cemetery.

Death Notice for Vernie May JOHNSON
The Rushville Times, January 2, 1913
    Miss Vernie May Johnson, eldest daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Johnson of Littleton, died Dec. 24th, aged 19 years, 11months, and 26 days. Funeral services were conducted Friday at the Baptistchurch, by Rev. Dalton of Kinderhook, interment in Littleton cemetery.

Death Notice for M. M. CLEEK
The Rushville Times, January 9, 1913
    M. M. Cleek, whom we spoke of as being criticallyill, passed away at noon Monday. Funeral services Wednesday. Obituary nextweek.

Death Notice for Miss HOTT
The Rushville Times, January 9, 1913
    Mrs. Wm. Gorsage received word Monday of the deathof her cousin, a daughter of Mrs. Mary Hott, a former resident of thisvicinity. Funeral services were held in Astoria Wednesday.

Death Notice for Mrs. Fanny NEFF
The Rushville Times, January 9, 1913
    It was a severe shock to the community when themessage was received announcing the death of Mrs. Fanny Neff of this place.She had not been well for several days and on Thursday of last week shewas taken to the home of her daughter in Beardstown, where she passed awayat 5 o’clock Monday morning. She has been a resident of this place formany years, and had won many friends who will greatly miss her. Obituarywill be given later.

  Obituary for Thomas E. REBMAN
The Rushville Times, February 23, 2000, page 15, column 5
    Thomas E. Rebman, 75, of Rushville, died Thursday,Feb. 17, 2000, at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield.
    He was born June 24, 1924, in Rushville, to thelate George and Caroline Bradbury Rebman. He married Wilma F. Farrar onApril 18, 1943, in Palmyra, Mo.  She died Feb. 25, 1986.
    Surviving are two sisters, Harriet J. Enloe of Salem,Mo., and Mildred Irene Wilson of Havana; and numerous nieces, nephews andcousins.
    He was preceded in death by one son, Dennis FarrarRebman, and one daughter, Cheryl Marie Rebman; two brothers, George H.Rebman and James L. Rebman; two sisters, Zelma Aline Logan and Mary JeanetteThompson.
    A navy veteran of WW. II, he was a member of SchuylerAmerican Legion Post No. 4 and was a life member of Beardstown V.F.W. PostNo. 1239.  He also was a member of the former Pleasant View MethodistChurch. He worked for Bartlow Brothers, Inc. in Rushville for 22 1/2 years;was administrator of the Schuyler County Ambulance Service for four years;and worked for the C & IM Railroad for five years, retiring in 1986.
    Funeral services were held Sunday at WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville with Rev. Stacy Tomich officiating. Burial wasin the Messerer Cemetery near Frederick, where military services were conductedby Schuyler American Legion Post No. 4.
    Memorials may be given to the Messerer Cemetery.

  Obituary for Charles Calvin HALL
The Rushville Times, March 1, 2000, page 11, column 2
    Charles Calvin “Springer” Hall, 91, of Beardstown,died Thesday, Feb. 22, 2000, at Heritage Manor East in Beardstown.
    He was born Jan.18, 1909, in Springfield, the sonof Calvin Hall and Alice Marie McMann-Hall. He married Dorothy Allen inBeardstown on Aug.11, 1928.  She preceded him in death.
    He was also preceded in death by both parents, ason, Robert Allen Hall; a daughter, Marylin Charlene Hall; and two brothers,George Hall and Bill Hall.
    He is survived by three sons, Dale E. (wife Conda)Hall of Easton,  Larry  Lee  (wife Virginia) Hall of BluffSprings, and Jerry Wayne (wife Shirley) Hall of Wascom, Texas; three daughters,JoAnn (husband Paul) Manuel,  Mary Lou Lawson and Carolyn June (husbandKenny) Knous, all of Beardstown; one sister Freeda Mae Ruppel of Mounds,Okla.; 16 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren.
    He served the United States of America in the army.He was a self-employed painter in the Beardstown area until his retirement.
    Funeral services were held Thursday, Feb.24, 2000,at the Cline-Goodwin Funeral Home in Beardstown. Burial was in the BeardstownCity Cemetery.
    The family has requested memorials to be made tothe Cass-Schuyler Hospice.

  Obituary for Vera P. PAISLEY COX
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 5
    Vera P. Cox, 97, of Rushville, formerly of Mt. Sterling,died March 2, 2000, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville. She wasborn Aug. 25, 1902, in     Schuyler County, the daughterof Fred and Emma Lewis Paisley. She married Roland F. Cox on Nov. 25, 1926in Chicago. He died Aug. 20, 1976.
    She was a school teacher, retiring in 1962. Shewas a member of Ripley Church of God and belonged to the Retired TeachersOrganization in Schuyler and Brown counties. She taught grades 1-4 in Cooperstown,and first grade at North and South Elementary Schools in Mt. Sterling.She attended Brown County Elementary Schools and Rushville High School.She graduated from Western Illinois University in Macomb.
    She also was preceded in death by a brother, JamesL. Paisley, and a sister, Merle Vann.
    She is survived by one son, John F. Cox of Prospect,Ky.; three grandsons; five great-granddaughters; and several nieces andnephews.
    Services were Saturday, March 4 at the Hufnagel-GrahamFuneral Home in Mt. Sterling with Rev. Richard Young and Rev. Tom Schmittofficiating. Burial was in the Mt. Sterling City Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to the Ripley Church of Godor the American Cancer Society.

  Obituary for Mary A. LALICKER GROFF
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 5
    Mary A. Groff, 89, of Astoria, died Saturday, March4, 2000, at Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    She was born June 3, 1910, at Ipava, the daughterof Chancey and Annie (Forsythe) Lalicker. She married George C. Groff Dec.24, 1929, in Peoria. He died Aug. 21, 1982.
    She also was preceded in death by one son, RobertDale, five brothers and one sister.
    Surviving are one son, Phillips (wife Marilyn) Groffof Astoria; one daughter, Judy (husband Robert) Cleavinger of Astoria;five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two half-brothers, Raymond(wife Ruby) Lalicker of Florida, Eugene (wife Nelda) Lalicker of Dunlap;two half-sisters, Margie (husband Gerald) Gerard of Cuba and Beverly Lalickerof East Peoria.
    She was a member of Ipava Christian Church.
    She was employed at Astoria Fiber Steel Plant, workedfor Dr. Bernard Campbell D.V.M., and last worked for the Astoria Coin Wash,retiring in 1992.
    Services were Tuesday, March 7, at Shawgo MemorialHome in Astoria. The Rev. Collis Trone officiated. Burial was in the IpavaCemetery.
    Memorials may be made to Schuyler-Cass Hospice Associationor the Astoria Rescue Squad.

  Obituary for Dorothy E. ROSE SCHUMAN
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 6
    Dorothy E. Schuman 89, of Astoria, died Saturday,March 4, 2000, at Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    She was born Nov. 24, 1910, in Woodland Township,Fulton County, the daughter of Quinn and Mary Charlotte (Smith) Rose.
    She married Miner M. Schuman Oct. 27, 1927, in Macomb.He died March 6, 1984.
    She also was preceded in death by one daughter,Nellie Schuman, two brothers and one sister.
    Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Max (Betty) Dannerof Astoria, and one sister, Nelda Schuman of Lodi, Calif.
    She was a member of the Astoria Church of the Brethren,where she was active in the Clothes Closet Ministry and the Women’s Fellowshipgroup. She was a homemaker.
    Services were held Tuesday, March 7, at the ShawgoMemorial Home in Astoria with Pastor Gary Schultz officiating. Burial wasin the Astoria Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven NursingHome in Rushville.

  Obituary for Robert L. ADKISON
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 3
    Robert L. Adkison, 76, of East Peoria, died Sunday,Jan. 30, 2000, at his daughter’s home in Peoria Heights.
    He was born Sept. 1, 1923, in Littleton to Melvinand Bertha Matheny Adkison.
    Surviving are two sons, Robert Keith (wife Betty)of Marquette Heights and Douglas (wife Pat) of Germantown Hills; two daughters,Terry (husband Bob) Shepherd of Peoria Heights and Janet Robbearts of Camden,Tenn.; 15 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; one sister, Melvina (husbandGeorge) Cravens of Owensboro, Ky.; and several nieces and nephews.
    He retired from Keystone Steel & Wire Co. in1987 and also worked as a meat cutter for Kroger. He last worked for J& L 66 in East Peoria.
    A World War II Army veteran, he served in the 38thDivision, which was known as the Bataan Avengers. He was awarded the PurpleHeart. He was a lifetime member of Creve Coeur Veterans of Foreign WarsPost 1234.
    Cremation has been accorded and memorial serviceswere held at Glendale Memorial Gardens Chapel of Dreams. The CremationSociety of Mid-Illinois Co. in Peoria was in charge of arrangements.
    Memorials may be made to Methodist Hospice.

  Obituary for Viola Margaret GREENPLATE PRATHER
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 4
    Viola Margaret Prather, 82, of Rushville, died Wednesday,March 1, 2000, at her residence.
    She was born March 4, 1917, in Schuyler County,to the late Clayton and Elva Vaughn Greenplate.
    She married Vern E. Prather June 4, 1938, in Palmyra,Mo. He died Aug. 17, 1965.
    Surviving are two sons, Gary Prather and Jerry Prather,both of Rushville; one daughter, Deborah Howard of Rushville; seven grandchildren;10 great-grandchildren; four sisters, Annalee Shores of Avon, Mildred Steadmanof Bryant, and Hilda Thompson and Wilda Rosenboom, both of Ferris.
    She was preceded in death by two brothers, Lloydand Marvin Greenplate, and two sisters, Erma Harvey and Ada Hopping.
    She was a seamstress, working out of her home.
    Funeral services were held Saturday, March 4, 2000,at the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henley officiating.Burial was in Rushville City Cemetery.
    Memorials may be given to the Cass-Schuyler Area.

  Obituary for Cleo Beatrice CAMPBELL NORVELL
The Rushville Times, January 12, 2000, page 11, column 6
    Cleo Beatrice Norvell, 92, of Paducah, Ky., formerlyof Mt. Sterling, died Friday, Jan. 7, 2000, at Lourdes Hospital in Paducah.
    Born June 29, 1907, in Adams County to Thomas andSarah Peddicord Campbell, she married H. H. “Bud” Norvell.  He precededher in death.
    One grandchild, five sisters and two brothers alsopreceded her in death.
    Surviving are four sons, Richard of Galesburg, Robertof Calvert City, Ky., William (wife Laura) of Mt. Sterling and Steve (wifeJanet) of Versailles; two daughters Maryana Huebschmann and Phyllis Lappin,both of Calvert City; one brother, Jared Campbell of Warsaw; 23 grandchildren;17 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.
    She was assistant manager at the Sears Catalog SalesCenter in Mt. Sterling for several years. She was a member of St. Pilusthe Tenth Catholic Church in Calvert City.
    Mass was Tuesday at the Holy Family Catholic Churchin Mt. Sterling. The Rev. Roger Simpson officiated. Hufnagel-Graham FuneralHome in Mt. Sterling was in charge of services. Burial was in the Mt. SterlingCity Cemetery.

  Obituary for Mylo S. GALE
The Rushville Times, February 23, 2000, page 15, column 1
    Mylo S. Gale, 91, of Astoria, died Saturday, Feb.19, 2000, at Astoria Healthcare Center.
    He was born Nov. 19, 1908, in Browning, the sonof Henry and Gertrude (Stockwell) Gale.
    He married Wanda L. Prather Sept. 9, 1929 in Keokuk,Iowa. She died April 20, 1999.
    Surviving are one son, Wilmer (wife Linda) Galeof Astoria; one daughter, Bette (husband Ghlee) Calhoun of Ipava; fourgrandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and one brother, Truman (wife Louise)Gale of Vermont.
    He was a farmer and an employee of the IllinoisDepartment of Transportation, retiring in 1970.
    Funeral services were Monday, Feb. 21 at the AstoriaCemetery with Rev. Clifford Parry officiating. Shawgo Memorial Home inAstoria was in charge of services.
    Memorials may be made to the charity of the donor’schoice.

  Obituary for Odell OWENS
The Rushville Times, February 23, 2000, page 15, column 2
    Odell “Ollie” Owens, 76, of Garland, Texas, diedFeb. 19, in Garland.
    He was born Sept. 28, 1923, in Camden Township inSchuyler County, the son of Gonnie and Mary Jones Owens.
    He married Darline on May 6, 1945. She survives.
    Also surviving are two sons, Danny O. (wife, Dianne)of Lenexa, Kans., and Todd M. (wife, Amy) of Garland; one sister, DarleneCaputo of Rushville; two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
    He was a navy pilot during World War II.  Hewas employed by Farm King of Macomb for 34 years and served several yearsas manager. He was a member of the National Bowling League for 50 years.He attended two years of college at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo.
    Funeral services for Mr. Owens were held Tuesday,Feb. 22, 2000, at Eastgate Funeral Chapel in Garland. Chaplain Grady Hintonofficiated. Memorials may be made to: Darline Owens, 334 Nickens Rd., Garland,Texas, 75043.

  Obituary for Dorothy R. BEDDOW MILLER
The Rushville Times, March 1, 2000, page 11, column 4
    Dorothy R. Miller, 84, of Astoria, died Saturday,Feb. 26, 2000, at Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    She was born July 80, 1915, in Chicago, the daughterof John and Lena (Roth) Beddow. She married Ralph C. Miller on March 28,1940, in Chicago. He survives.
    She was preceded in death by a son, John.
    Also surviving are three grandsons; four great-grandchildren;and one sister, Evelyn Dougherty, of Eureka.
    She was an executive secretary at Carson Pirie Scottin Chicago for 15 years and at Montgomery Ward in Macomb for several years.
    Services were Tuesday, Feb. 29, at Shawgo MemorialHome in Astoria with Rev. Pastor Gary Schultz officiating. Cremation riteshave been accorded and burial of cremains will be at a later date at theVermont Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to The Baby Fold, 108 EastWillow Street, Box 327, Normal, IL 61761-0327.

  Obituary for Chester J. ILLMAN
The Rushville Times, March 1, 2000, page 11, column 1
    Chester J. “Chet” Illman, 60, of Rushville, diedSaturday, Feb. 26, 2000, at his home.
    He was born Aug. 1, 1939, in Macomb, the son ofthe late Chester O. and Lois V. (Bartlett) Illman.
    Surviving are one son, Mitchel Lee Illman of Oceanside,Calif.; one daughter, Denise Carol Fleck of Chatham; two grandchildren;and his friend with whom he made his home, Virginia Leach.
    He was a meat cutter for Rexroat Grocery in Rushvillefrom 1958 until he retired in 1986. He later worked at the Video Vaultin Rushville.
    Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday atthe Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henley officiating.Burial will follow in the Rushville City Cemetery at a later date, followingcremation.
    Memorials may be given to the Cass-Schuyler AreaHospice.

  Obituary for Pauline A. MYERS BRESSLER
The Rushville Times, March 8, 2000, page 15, column 3
    Pauline A. Bressler, 73, of Astoria, died Thursday,March 2, 2000 at Blessing Hospital in Quincy.
    She was born Jan. 12, 1927, in Pottstown, the daughterof Walter W. and Stella (Largent) Myers.
    She married Dale E. Bressler, Sr., on March 25,1952.
    She was preceded in death by one brother and onesister.
    Survivors include three daughters, Pauline A. Skilesof Astoria, Carol A. DeLathouwer of Astoria and Judy A. Bressler of Astoria;two sons, Dale E. Bressler, Jr. of Astoria and Earl W. Bressler of Westmont;six grandchildren; and one sister, Caroline A. DeWester of Farmington.
    She was a homemaker.
    Services were Saturday, March 5, 2000, at ShawgoMemorial Home in Astoria with Pastor Marian Stone officiating. Burial wasin Woodland Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to Astoria Rescue Squad.

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