Schuyler County Illinois Obits – Page 16

Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 16

Obituary for Daniel J. MARQUIS
The Rushville Times, September 19, 1928
    Daniel J. Marquis, son of Solomon and Martha WrightMarquis, was born at Plymouth, Ill., March 24, 1872, and died Sept. 13,1928, aged 56 years, 5 months and 20 days.
    On March 28, 1896, he was united in marriage toMiss Cora Crone. To this union were born four children, viz: Irene, Kenneth,Geneva and Evelyn, who, with the sorrowing wife, survive to mourn the lossof a kind husband and father. He is also survived by four brothers andfive sisters, Douglas, James, Ernest and John, Rebecca Rockwell, EvelineMiller, Jennie Fulk, Bessie Krout and Miss Mary. One sister, Miss EllenEwing, preceded him in death thirty-two years ago.
    In the passing of this husband and father has goneone of sterling qualities, a worker, provider and home lover. He was lovedand respected by all with whom he came in contact.
    Funeral services, conducted by Rev. H. W. Talley,were held from the family residence, four miles northeast of Rushville,on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. The multitude of friends in attendanceat the service was mute attest of the high esteem in which Daniel Marquiswas held in the community where the greater part of his life had been spent.Interment was made in Rushville cemetery.
    Card of Thanks – To our many friends and neighbors:Your token of love and appreciation of the loved one who has departed wasa great solace. One does not realize how much comfort is derived from suchbeautiful expressions of sympathy. — Mrs. Dan Marquis and Family.

Obituary for William GILLESPIE
The Rushville Times, September 19, 1928
William Gillespie Died Friday at County Home
    William Gillespie, a native born resident of Schuyler,died at the county home on Friday morning where he had resided for thepast five years or more.
    On Saturday interment was made in the Rushvillecemetery where the burial service was given by Rev. Talley.
    Mr. Gillespie was in his eighty-first year and thegreater part of his life had been spent in Rushville, tho in his youngerdays he had pioneered in the west and later worked at many occupationsin many cities.
    He was one of the old-time broom makers, learninghis trade in Rushville when this industry was of sizeable importance inthis city and he worked at his trade in nearby cities, even after he hadpassed the alloted age of three score and ten.
    A man of fine physique and stamina Mr. Gillespiein his youth was noted for his prowess as an athlete and was one of Rushville’sfirst base ball players and retained his bodily vigor to a remarkable degreeup to within the past five years.

Obituary for Mary Elizabeth WARD ACHESON
The Rushville Times, November 28, 1928
Last Rites Held Today For Mrs. Wm. Acheson
    Mrs. Mary E. Acheson, native of Schuyler countyand widow of the late William Acheson, died at her home on East Lafayettestreet Tuesday afternoon in her eighty-fourth year.
    Funeral services, conducted by Rev. O. T. Thomas,assisted by Rev. T. W. Rippy, were held from the Mt. Carmel church on Wednesdayafternoon at 1 o’clock. Interment was in the Rushville cemetery.
    Mary Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Apollas and JaneBramble-Ward, was born on the old Ward homestead in Bainbridge townshipAug. 27, 1845.
    Here as a member of a family of nine children shespent her youthful days and grew to young womanhood. On Sept. 26, 1864,she was united in marriage to William Acheson. Following their marriagethe young couple began housekeeping on the farm now occupied by LeslieThompson, which was the home of Mr. Acheson’s widowed sister, Mrs. MargaretHamilton. Here they resided until 1867, when they removed to a farm inBainbridge township, which for more than forty years was their home.
    To this happy union were born seven children, fourof whom survive to mourn the loss of their dear mother, namely: Mrs. AnnaCrozier, Mrs. Jennie Demaree, Rollin and Marvin Acheson, all honored residentsof this locality. Three children Grace, the wife of Fred Pelton, and twoinfants preceded the mother to the spirit world.
    In 1907 Mrs. Acheson and husband left the old homesteadand removed to her late home in Rushville. Here her husband passed awayseveral years ago and in recent years she has had the constant companionshipof her daughter, Mrs. Demaree, who resided in the home and of her otherthree children, who resided nearby.
    Mrs. Acheson was a christian woman. Early in lifeshe was converted and united with the M. E. church (South) at Mt. Carmel,the rural church where she learned to worship God as a child, and whereshe attended church as a wife and mother, and always took keen delightin the progress of the church which had been loved by her for so many years.
    Besides the four children, thirteen grandchildrenand four great-grandchildren, Mrs. Acheson is survived by one brother,Jackson Ward, of this city, who is the last surviving member of this pioneerfamily of nine members, who were the direct descendants of those hardypioneers of the Ward family who came to Schuyler county in an early dayand made their home in Bainbridge township.

Obituary for Peter FRANKLIN
The Rushville Times, October 3, 1928
Peter Franklin Found Dead in Farm Field
    Peter Franklin, employed as farm hand by H. V. Teelon his Crane creek drainage district farm, was found dead in the fieldshortly after 6 o’clock Thursday evening. He was about fifty-six yearsof age and lived alone in a tenament house on the Teel farm.
    Last Thursday afternoon Leo Sellers, teacher ofthe Bond school nearby, and Chester Thompson noted a team of horses standingin the middle of the field with no driver in sight. They went immediatelyto where the team was standing and found Mr. Franklin dead, lying in afurrow in the field where he had fallen when suddenly stricken.
    Dr. W. F. Justus, county coroner, was notified andhe gave permission for removal of the body to Rushville to be preparedfor burial. On Friday afternoon Dr. Justus issued a burial permit, afterconducting an inquiry at the Hammond undertaking parlor, stating that deathwas due to heart failure.
    It is a singular co-incident that every member ofthe immediate family of the decedent has died in exactly the same manner.
    The remains were interred in the Palm cemetery inWoodstock township Saturday morning where brief funeral service was conductedby Rev. O. T. Thomas at the grave.

Obituary for Henry EADS
The Rushville Times, September 26, 1928
Henry Eads, Civil War Veteran, Died Saturday
    Henry Eads, Civil war veteran and for many yearsa resident of Rushville, died Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Moses Hignite, near Industry, aged eight-seven years.
    Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Geo. McKee,were held from the Rushville Baptist church on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.Interment was made in the Rushville cemetery. One son, Harry Eads, camefrom Jackson, Mich., to attend the funeral.
    Henry Eads, son of George and Elvira Eads, was bornin Schuyler county, Illinois, May 5, 1841, and died at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Moses Hignight in Brooklyn township, Saturday, Sept. 22, aged87 years, 4 months and 3 days.
    He is survived by three sons, James of South Bend,Ind., Harry of Jackson, Mich., and Sam of Dresden, Ohio, and one brother,Edward of Kansas City.
    Mr. Eads was married three times, his wives allhaving preceded him in death.
    About fourteen years ago he was converted in a meetingheld at Summum, Ill., and was baptised and joined the Union Baptist churchand has lived a conscientious Christian life.
    At the time of the Civil was he answered his country’scall and joined the union army, being a private in Co. C, 119th Ill. Infantry.

  Obituary for Ruby HEATH BREHM
The Rushville Times, July 26, 2000, page 13, column 5
    Ruby Brehm, 91, of Turlock, Calif., formerly ofAstoria, died Saturday, July 22, 2000, at Turlock Nursing and RehabilitationCenter.
    She was born July 3, 1909, in Astoria, the daughterof Frank E. and Agnes M. (Serff) Heath. She married Milfred C. Brehm onMay 2, 1927. He died April
27, 1969.
    She also was preceded in death by a son, Steve;one granddaughter; two brothers, Samuel and Willis Heath; and one sister,Opal Schisler.
    Surviving are one son, Lee (wife, Deloris) Brehmof Ceres, Calif; two grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and 10 niecesand nephews.
    She was a member of First Baptist Church in Turlock,Calif.
    She was a homemaker. She was born and raised inAstoria, moving to California in 1952.
    Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday, July 28, 2000,at Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria, with Reverend Marian Stone officiating.Visitation will he one hour prior to the services at the funeral home.Burial will be at Woodland Cemetery in Astoria. Memorials may be made toWoodland Cemetery.

  Obituary for Donald W. BREWER
The Rushville Times, August 9, 2000, page 11, column 4
    Donald W. Brewer, 81, of Beardstown, died Mondayafternoon, July 31, 2000, at his residence.
    He was born Oct. 27, 1918, in Beardstown, the sonof Albert D. and Rachel M. Ramsey Brewer.
    He is survived by two sons, Donald W. of Beardstownand Melvin J. of Rushville; two daughters, Susan Heller and Wyllia McClure,both of Beardstown; seven grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and onegreat-great-grandchild.
    He was preceded in death by one son, Michael Leo,four brothers and four sisters.
    He served in the 101st Airborne Division in theEuropean Theater during World War II.
    Graveside services for the cremains were held Thursdayat the Beardstown City Cemetery where military rites were held. The SagerFuneral Home in Beardstown was in charge of the arrangements.
    Memorials may be given to the Cass County Hospice.

  Obituary for Evelyn LUNG BRODERICK
The Rushville Times, August 9, 2000, page 11, column 2
    Evelyn Lung Broderick was born Sept. 21, 1931, theoldest child of Leonard Lung Sr. and Elvie Baumann Lung, in Verndale, Saskatchewan,Canada. She died July 30, 2000, at her home in Imperial, Mo.
    She graduated nursing school at St. Elizabeth Hospital,Humboldt, Saskatchewan, in 1953. After a short time of nursing in Wadena,she worked at the Lutheran Hospital in St. Louis, Mo., until her retirementin 1994.
    She married Jim Broderick in 1967. She was precededin death by her husband, parents, and a stepson, Terrence Broderick.
    She is survived by her remaining stepchildren, 19grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren, four brothers, Ivan (wife, Darlene)Lung, Leonard (wife, Angela) Lung, Dwayne (wife, Marilyn) Lung, and Dale(wife, Myrna) Lung, and two sisters, Karen (husband, Gib) Pfeiffer, andPenny (husband, Allan) Stuckel; numerous nieces and nephews; and her aunts,Hazel Yates of Camden, and Elva Yates of Kappa.

  Obituary for Robert L. BUTLER
The Rushville Times, June 21, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Robert L. Butler, 68, of Astoria, died Wednesday,June 14, 2000, at Graham Hospital in Canton.
    He was born Oct. 4, 1931, in Peoria, the son ofWillard L. and Ruby (Wilson) Butler.
    He married Mary Lybarger on Oct. 1, 1950, in Astoria.She survives.
    Also surviving are two sons, Steven R. (wife Pam)Butler of Astoria and Stanley (wife Cathy) Butler of Peoria; four grandchildren;his mothor and one brother, Ronald C. Butler of Capetown, South Africa.
    He was preceded in death by his father and a nephew.
    He was a member of American Legion Post #25 in Astoria,Professional Sales Guild, and the Creve Coeur Community Church.
    He was owner and operator of Butler 66 Service inAstoria, co-owner of Locks, Inc.. in Canton, and was a retired salesmanfrom B & B Motors in Havana.
He was an army veteran.
    Services were Saturday, June 17, 2000, at the UnitedMethodist Church in Astoria with Rev. Marian Stone and Rev. Brian Culverofficiating. Burial was in the Astoria Cemetery. Shawgo Memorial Home inAstoria was in charge of the services.
    Memorials may be made to the Astoria Rescue Squad.

  Obituary for Alice ACKER CHIPMAN
The Rushville Times, June 28, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Alice A. Chipman, 71, of Jacksonville, died Saturday,June 24, 2000, at St. John’s Hospice Center in Springfield.
    She was born Sept. 13, 1928, in Rushville, the daughterof Earl and Mamie Armstrong Acker. She married William E. Chipman on Nov.30, 1947, in Rushville. He survives.
    Also surviving are two sons, Bob (wife Janet) Chipmanof Jacksonville and Jim (wife Stephanie) Chipman of Springfield; four grandsons;three sisters, Naydene Cummings of Chicago, Norma (husband Jim) Edwardsof Rushville, and Ellen (husband Al) Krasuski of Burlington, Iowa; andtwo brothers, Vic (wife Pat) Acker and Larry (wife Jan) Acker both of Rushville.
    She was preceded in death by two sisters, DorcasNew and Margaret Spates, and one brother, Thomas Acker.
    Mrs. Chipman graduated from Rushville High School.In 1952, she and her husband moved to Jacksonville, where she has servedin many community, school, and church activities. She served as directorof the Illinois College bookstore for 24 years, where she was always afavorite friend of the students. In 1997 she was honored with the IllinoisCollege “Friend of the College” award.
    Mrs. Chipman was an avid gardener, with a keen eyefor interior design. She loved spending time with her family and friends.She was known for her hearty laugh and zest for life.
    A memorial service was held on Monday, June 26,at First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville. Private graveside serviceswill be held at a later date.

Obituary for Dora Ruth JACKSON
The Rushville Times, July 5, 1917
    Many hearts were saddened Sunday evening when thenews went out that the death angel had entered the home of Mrs. PhoebeJackson and the beautiful spirit of her youngest daughter, Ruth, had returnedto God who gave it.
    Ruth’s childhood days were spent in Rushville, whereshe grew to young womanhood, possessed with a beautiful Christian characterthat endeared her to everyone who was permitted to know her.
    Funeral services, conducted by her pastor, Rev.D. V. Gowdy, were held from her late home on Tuesday afternoon, after whichthe remains of this dear girl were laid to rest in the city cemetery.
    Dora Ruth, daughter of Horatio O. and Phoebe NobleJackson, was born May 19, 1881, and for 36 years was a comfort and blessingto her family and friends.
    Early in life she gave herself to her Savior andunited with the Methodist Church. For many years she sang in the choirand was helpful in all good works so far as her strength would allow. Shewas always frail and three years ago became an invalid, but proved thatthe blessed religion of Christ can bring courage and cheerfulness eventhru pain and the wasting of disease.
    She endeared herself to all who knew her and becamemore and more precious to her family, until July 1, 1917, her Lord siad,”It is enough! Come!” and our Ruth left all pain, all weakness for eternaljoy, eternal life and strength. For her we can only rejoice, but alas!she leaves her mother, two brothers, Charles at home and Robert, of Canton;a sister, Mrs. Nellie Applegate; an aunt, Mrs. Dora Ruth Tetrick, and othernear and dear relatives and friends. May their hearts be comforted!

Obituary for William ACHESON
The Rushville Times, July 1917
    William Acheson, for many years an honored residentof this locality, died Wednesday morning at his home on East Lafayettestreet following an illness of two weeks duration. Mr. Acheson was bornin County Tyrone, Ireland, Dec. 25, 1835, locating on a farm in Bainbridgetownship, where for many years he was one of the trusted citizens of thecommunity. Later he removed to a farm in Rushville township, where he resideduntil seven years ago, when he retired from active farming and became aresident of Rushville.
    In early manhood he took as his life companion MissMary Ward, who, with five children–Marvin and Rollin Acheson, Mrs. R.H. Crozier, Mrs. Jennie Demaree and Mrs. Grace Pelton–are left to mournthe death of a kind husband and father.
    Funeral services, conducted by Rev. T. H. Ballarby,will be held from the family home on Friday at 2 o’clock p.m. Intermentin the Rushville cemetery.

Death Notice for Martin McGINNIS
The Rushville Times, July 12, 1917
Drowned in Crooked Creek – Martin McGinnis, Aged Nineteen, DrownedNear Birmingham
    Martin McGinnis, a young man nineteen years of age,who lived with his uncle, Thos. Milby, between Augusta and Bowen, losthis life in the treacherous pools of Crooked creek below the dam at Birminghamlast Saturday afternoon.
    Young McGinnis, with a party of young men and womenhad gone to the creek for an afternoon’s holiday and outing. Not beingable to swim McGinnis kept close to shore and was wading about on a sandbar, 200 years below the dam and about 20 feet from the south bank, whenhe got beyond his depth and sank to
his death.
    Lewis R. Tobie, a Plymouth jeweler, was on the bankwhen he noticed him struggling in the water and started to his rescue.He waded in and plunged into deep water, which caused him to seek his ownsafety as he was not a strong swimmer. Returning to the bank he ran downthe creek and entered again where he could grasp a willow, but was unableto reach the drowning man.
    Edward Phelps of Augusta was seventy-five yardsup the creek when he heard the cry for help, and as his boat was an equaldistance farther up stream he swam across the creek as the quickest wayof making rescue. Young McGinnis was struggling in the water and when Mr.Phelps was within thirty feet of him he sank for the last time.
    Efforts to locate the body by diving proved fruitlessand grappling hooks were improvised. After forty or fifty minutes of frenziedefforts the body was located in eight feet of water by Alfred Jones andRoland Stoner. An effort was made to restore life, but without success.
    Coroner Dr. Flemming of this city was notified lateSaturday evening and went to Birmingham where an inquest was held Sundaymorning.
    The following jury was empaneled: W. E. Stoner,foreman; Vilroy Cox, Albert Cox, Alfred Jones, Fred Markee, Herman Green.
    The verdict of the jury was that Martin McGinniscame to his death by accidental drowning.

Death Notice for James MERRITT
The Rushville Times, July, 1917
    James Merritt died very suddenly Saturday eveningat thehome of Lawrence Buss, three miles south of here. He shocked oatsall day and had gone to the house for supper when he was stricken and ina few minutes life was extinct. He has worked for the farmers in this vicinityfor a number of years. Funeral services were conducted Monday by Rev. Lathropat the Buss home, after which the remains were taken to Pulaski for burial.

Death Notices for James MERRITT and Jonnie BOYD
The Rushville Times, July 19, 1917
James Merritt Dies of Apoplexy – Boy Drowns in Illinois River
    Dr. Flemming, county coroner, held three inquestswithin seven days which is an unusual record in this office.
    On Tuesday of last week, Jonnie Boyd, the 4-yearold son of Mrs. Wm. Boyd of Sharp’s Landing, Hickory township, was drownedin the Illinois river.
    Saturday evening James Merritt, aged fifty-fouryears, dropped dead at the home of Lawrence Buss, where he was employedas laborer on the farm.
Boats Colide in River
    The Boyd boy lost his life when a row boat, in whichhe was riding, collided with Lane Bros. launch of Browning in the Illinoisriver. The accident happened near Sharp’s Landing on Tuesday morning oflast week. John Groves, Jonnie Boyd and his sister, aged seven years, werein the row boat and when it struck the launch the Boyd boy was thrown out.An attempt was made at rescue, but he sank before he could be reached.The Groves boy, who was rowing the boat, was nine or ten years old.
    Search for the body was begun at once and a largeforce of men were engaged dragging the river. On Thursday morning the littlebody was found floating in the river about three miles below where theaccident happened.
    Dr. Flemming was notified and went to Hickory township,where an inquest was held Thursday evening. Those on the coroner’s jurywere: Cline Horton, Albert Sackman, David Painter, Henry Lane, Frank Groves,Theo. Hodges. A verdict of accidental drowning was rendered.
James Merritt Died Suddenly
    James Merritt, aged fifty-four years, died suddenlySaturday evening about 7 o’clock at the home of Lawrence Buss in Camdentownship, where he was employed as farm laborer.
    Evidence given at the coroner’s inquest indicateddeath was due to apoplexy and a verdict was so rendered.
    On the evening of his death Mr. Merritt accompaniedMr. Buss to the farm of his brother, Patrick Buss, and drove some hogshome. Soon after he returned he was taken suddenly ill and fell in a faint.He was taken to the house by Mr. and Mrs. Buss and a physician summoned,but died before medical aid could be given.
    The following coroner’s jury was impaneled: JesseJacobs, W. H. Fahnestock, M. G. Tipton, R. L. Ingles, John Twiddell, M.H. Twiddell. Their verdict was that James Merritt came to his death fromapoplexy.

  Obituary for Violet Z. LAMBERT CLAYTON
The Rushville Times, June 28, 2000, page 13, column 5
    Violet Z. Clayton, 94, of Rushville, died TuesdayJune 27, 2000, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    She was born Nov. 25,1905, in Oakland Township,Schuyler County, the daughter of the late Frank and Pearl (Skiles) Lambert.
    Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Lloyd (Le Isle) Millerof Beardstown, five nieces and two nephews. She was preceded in death byher parents, one brother,
Harold Lambert, and one sister, Nina Lambert.
    She was a housekeeper, working many years with RuthGlass of Rushville. She attended the Rushville Free Methodist Church.
    Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at theRushville City Cemetery with Rev. Robert Kirkham officiating. Visitationwill be from 10-11 a.m. Thursday at the Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville.Memorials may be made to the Rushville Free Methodist Church.

  Obituary for Marguerite B. ROHN CRUM
The Rushville Times, July 26, 2000, page 13, column 3
    Marguerite B. Crum, 78, of Rushville, died Sunday,July 23, 2000, at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield.
    She was born July 23, 1922, in Schuyler County,the daughter of the late Charles and Bertha (Downs) Rohn. She married CarlCrum at the Free Methodist Parsonage in Rushville on June 16, 1941.
    She was a secretary and receptionist for the SchuylerExtension Unit office of the University of Illinois for more than 15 years,retiring in 1981. She was a
member of the Rushville Free Methodist Church and its Women MissionaryInternational. She was also a member of the Explorer’s Bible Study Groupand the Home Extension of the University of Illinois.
    Surviving are her husband, Carl, of Rushville; twosons, Wayne (wife Kay) of Rushville and Jim (wife Linda) of Beardstown;one daughter, Colleen Keithley (husband Ken) of Jacksonville; nine grandchildren;seven great-grandchildren; one brother, Dwight Rohn of Birmingham, Ala.;and one sister, Vera Langdon, of Galesburg.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, her step-mother,Faye Root Rohn, and a sister, Alice Gabbert.
    Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdayat the Rushville Free Methodist Church with Revs. Rob Kirkham and WayneBonser officiating. Burial will follow in the Rushville City Cemetery.Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville is in charge of services.
    Memorials may be given to the Rushville Free MethodistChurch.

  Obituary for Ollivine V. FOSTER DAVIS
The Rushville Times, June 14, 2000, page 13, column 2
    Ollivine V. Davis, 86, of Beardstown, died lateTuesday evening, June 6, 2000, at Heritage Manor South in Beardstown.
    She was born Aug. 31, 1913, in Beardstown, the daughterof Harry and Margaret Ryan Foster. She married Albert “Al” Davis in 1943.He preceded her in death on Aug. 16, 1974.
    Surviving are one sister, Rozalla Wessel of Beardstown;three nephews; six nieces, including Mrs. Richard (Kathy) Crum of Rushville;and numerous great-nieces, great-nephews, and cousins.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband,one brother, W. E. “Doug” Foster, and two sisters, Margaret Newingham andMary Foster.
    Mrs. Davis was a member of the St. Alexius CatholicChurch in Beardstown and many years ago she assisted the nuns in teachingcatechism at the church. She was a former member and served as past presidentin many community organizations in Beardstown, including Business and ProfessionalWomen, Beardstown Emblem Club, 474, St. Alexius Altar and Rosary Society,and the Virginia Country Club Women’s Golf League. Mrs. Davis and her husbandowned and operated the Arrow Restaurant in Beardstown from 1945 until 1963.She also was formerly a cook at the Myers Nursing Home in Beardstown formany years. Mrs. Davis [w]as an avid golfer and fisherman. She loved Irelandand everything that was Irish.
    A funeral mass of Ollivine V. Davis was held Saturday,June 10, at the St. Alexius Catholic Church in Beardstown. A rosary servicewas held Friday at the Sager Funeral Home in Beardstown. Burial was inthe St. Alexius Catholic Cemetery.
    Memorials have been suggested to the St. AlexiusCatholic Church or the Beardstown Library.

  Death Notice for Margaret DEAN
The Rushville Times, August 9, 2000, page 11, column 4
    A memorial service will be held for Margaret Deanon Thursday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. at the Woodland Church of the Brethren inAstoria. She died on July 31, 2000, in Havana. Pastor Kevin Kessler willofficiate.

  Obituary for Annis A. SMITH DONALDSON
The Rushville Times, June 28, 2000, page 13, column 3
    Annis A. Donaldson, 74, of Beardstown, died Monday,June 26, 2000, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    She was born Sept. 25, 1925, in Beardstown, thedaughter of Warren F. and AuVerne Rule Smith. She married Robert W. Donaldsonon Aug. 31, 1947, at the First Congregational United Church of Christ inBeardstown. He survives.
    Also surviving are one daughter, Debbie (husbandJohn A.) Prief of Beardstown; and two grandchildren.
    She was preceded in death by her parents.
    Mrs. Donaldson graduated from Beardstown High Schoolin 1943. She attended Monticello Junior College in Godfrey from 1944 until1945, and then graduated from MacMurray College in Jacksonville in 1947.She was a member of the First Congregational United Church of Christ inBeardstown, where she served as chairman of the Memorial Fund since 1967.Mrs. Donaldson was a charter member of the Beardstown Emblem Club #474.She was an active member of Chapter GU of the P.E.O. Sisterhood in Beardstown,where she had served as president from 1965 until 1967.
    Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday,June 28, at the Sager Funeral Home in Beardstown. Burial will be in theOak Grove Cemetery in Beardstown.
    Memorials have been suggested to the Cass CountyVisiting Nurses or Culbertson Memorial Hospital.

Obituary for Laura LANGNER ASHWOOD
The Rushville Times, January 4, 1923
    Laura Langner, daughter of Frederick Christian andCassin Dane Langner, was born near Pleasant View, Ill., February 24, 1865.In her early childhood her parents moved to Rushville, when 13 years ofage her parents moved to a farm in Browning township.
    On June 17, 1885 she was married to Charles L. Ashwood.To them were born two children, Ralph, who lived only 7 months and LulaEmma, wife of Paul Demaree remaining at home.
    In the fall of 1887 she became a member of the M.E. church. She passed away December 28.
    Those who remain to mourn her departure are: thehusband, and daughter, a half sister Mrs. Eva Angle and sisters Mrs. LettieAshwood, Mrs. Agnes Parks, Miss Minnie Langner, Mrs. Nora Fulks, Mrs. EmmaStrong and brother John.
    Funeral services were held at the home Saturdaymorning at 10 o’clock conducted by Rev. J. W. Watts. Interment was in theRushville cemetery.

Obituary for William H. FORD
The Rushville Times, January 4, 1923
    William H. Ford of Woodstock township died at hishome in his eighty-sixth year.
    On December 5, 1836 he was born in Jefferson county,Ind., a son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ford. He was one of a family of sixchildren, three brothers and two sisters, all of whom are now deceased.When a young man he came to Schuyler county where he has lived except fora short time spent in Indiana.
    On December 28, 1856, he was united in marriageto Druscilla Nall. To them were born nine children: Mary, Dora, Francis,Marith and Janet, deceased, and Walter Ford of Pontiac, Ill., Matilda Frayand Kate Ralston of near Rushville and Frank who resides on the farm withhis father. The wife and mother died November, 1910. Mr. Ford was unitedwith the M. E. church.
    He leaves to cherish his memory, four children,fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren besides a great numberof relatives and friends.
    On Sunday at 2 p.m. funeral services were held atMemorial Chapel, conducted by Rev. George P. Snyder. Interment was in thePalm cemetery.

  Obituary for Jane GRIFFITH EATON
The Rushville Times, June 28, 2000, page 13, column 3
    Jane Eaton, 84, of Augusta, died Sunday, June 25,2000, in Blessing Hospital in Quincy.
    She was born March 24, 1916, in Carbon Cliff, thedaughter of Benjamin and Flora (McHenry) Griffith. She married Wayne A.Eaton on May 18, 1940, in Silvis. He died June 9, 1982.
    She is survived by one son, Gary A. (wife Karen)Eaton of Augusta; two daughters, Bonnie (husband Robert) Bogenphol of Coultervilleand Judy (husband Todd) Thompson of Plymouth; one brother, David Griffith,of East Moline; one sister, Jean Neely of Silvis; eight grandchildren,including Danielle Lung of Rushville; and 10 great-grandchildren.
    She was preceded in death by one grandson.
    She was a homemaker.
    She graduated from United Township High School inEast Moline and attended Western Illinois University in Macornb.
    She was an active member of the Huntsville UnitedMethodist Church, where she served as organist and Sunday School teacher.
    Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday,June 28, 2000, in the Hamilton Funeral Home in Augusta, with Rev. KathleenHughes officiating. Burial will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Augusta.
    Memorials may be made to the Huntsville United MethodistChurch.

  Obituary for Cecil Charles EMERICK
The Rushville Times, August 2, 2000, page 11, column 3
    Cecil Charles Emerick, 80, of Arenzville, died Monday,July 24, 2000, at Passavant Area Hospital in Jacksonville.
    He was born Nov. 20, 1919, in the Black Oak Communityof rural Beardstown in Cass County to Minor and Belle Stanley Emerick.
    He attended Black Oak School as a young boy. Hemarried Miss Dorothy Adeline Ater in New London, Mo., on May 11,1940.
    He is survived by his daughter, Ruth Ann (husbandFred) VanCleve of Winchester, two sons, Cecil Roy Emerick of McCalla, Ala.,and Roger Dale (wife Diane) Emerick of Sacramento, Calif., his caretakers,Sharon and Larry Gabbert of Beardstown; nine grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren;and numerous nieces and nephews.
    He was preceded in death by his wife, his parents,three brothers Arthur, Harold, and Robert; three sisters, Alice, Edithand Edna; and a son, Ronald Lee Emerick.
    He retired from driving truck from the SchnitkerTruck Line after 30 years. He then spent three years as a mason for ElmerSchnepper. During his retirement, he enjoyed refinishing antique furniture.He attended the Baptist Church of Beardstown.
    Funeral services were held Thursday, July 27, 2000,at the Cline-Goodwin Funeral Home in Beardstown, with burial at BeardstownCity Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to the Cass-Schuyler CountyHospice.

  Obituary for Caryl L. WHEELER FLYNN
The Rushville Times, June 7, 2000, page 13, column 6
    Caryl L. Flynn, 83, of Mt. Carmel, formerly of Vermont,died Tuesday, May 30, 2000, at Wabash General Hospital in Mt. Carmel.
    She was born Aug. 31, 1916, in Bushnell, the daughterof Lewis and Mary Ann (Hood) Wheeler. She married Leonard M. Flynn on June5, 1934, in Macomb.  He died Oct. 16, 1995.
    She also was preceded in death by one son, Charles,one grandson, one great-grandson, three brothers and one sister.
    Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Eugene (Shirley)Keithley of Fairview, Mrs. Robert (Jane) Wright of Mt. Carmel, Mrs. Eugene(Linda) McCarty of Chester, and Joyce Cook of Canton; 14 grandchildren;32 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandson; and two sisters, ZelphaOaks of Geneseo and Ruthie Kitch of Brunswick, Ga.
    She was a member of Parkview Christian Church ofMt. Carmel and was a homemaker.
    Funeral services were Saturday, June 3, at ShawgoMemorial Home in Ipava with burial in Vermont Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to the charity of the donor’schoice.

  Obituary for Richard L. FUGUA
The Rushville Times, June 21, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Richard L. “Dick” Fuqua, 74, of Mt. Sterling, diedThursday, June 15, 2000, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    He was born March 5, 1926, in Brown County, theson of Charles William and Lillian Grace Sherrer Fuqua. He married MaryE. Pigg Kinnamon on March 17, 1955, in Schuyler County. She preceded himin death on May 23, 1966. He later married Norma Randall Smith on March14, 1975, in Rushville. She survives.
    He was a retired farmer. He attended Brown and SchuylerCounty schools and was of the Protestant faith.
    He was a veteran of the Korean War, having servedhis country in the United States Army from 1949-1952,
    He was a member of the Schuyler American LegionPost No. 4 in Rushville. He always enjoyed traveling and fishing and wasknown to many as an animal lover.
    Survivors include four step-children, Norman “Butch”Kinnamon (wife Ruth Ann) of Carthage, Jane Ann Martin (husband Marion)of Versailles, Cindy
Behrends (husband Bob) of Timewell, and Steve Smith (wife Deb) of Beardstown;two brothers, Lozelle Fuqua (wife June) of Rushville and Bill Fuqua (wifeShirley) of Mt. Sterling; two sisters, Vivian Trone (husband Glen) of Walnutand Marian Anderson (husband Glen) of Rushville; seven step-grandchildren;and several nieces and nephews.
    He was preceded in death by his parents, one step-grandson;one niece and one nephew.
    Funeral services were Saturday, June 17, in theHendricker Funeral Home in Mt. Sterling with Rev. Dan Edwards officiating.Burial was in the Hersman
Cemetery with military services conducted at the graveside by SchuylerAmerican Legion Post 4.
    Memorials are suggested to the Cass-Schuyler Hospice,Culbertson Memorial Hospital or to the charity of the donor’s choice.

  Obituary for Gerald B. GORDON
The Rushville Times, June 21, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Gerald B. Gordon, 52, of rural Browning, died Monday,June 19, 2000, at St. John’s Medical Center in Springfield.
    He was born July 29, 1947, in Pekin, to Robert andJune Rebman Gordon. He married Georgeann Lancaster Trone May 9, 1982, atthe United Methodist Church in Browning.
    She survives, along with his parents of Pekin; threesons, Ryan Gordon at home, Scott Trone (wife, Angie) of Frederick, andSteven Trone (wife, Sally) of Rushvi1le; four granddaughters; and one brother;Robert C. Gordon. He was preceded in death by one sister.
    A Navy veteran of the Vietnam Conflict, he was amember of Schuyler American Legion Post 4. He was an electrician at Caterpillarin East Peoria, working from August 1965 until April 1999. He also wasa member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
    Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursdayat the First United Methodist Church in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henleyand Rev. Mike Courson officiating.      Burialwill be in the Messerer Cemetery near Frederick where military serviceswill be conducted by Schuyler American Legion Post 4. Visitation will befrom 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville. Memorialsmay be given to the Ryan Gordon Education Fund, c/o Rushville State Bank.

  Obituary for Allen Douglas GUSTAFSON
The Rushville Times, June 7, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Allen Douglas Gustafson,82, of Rushville, died Saturday,June 3, 2000, at Culbertson Long Term Care Facility.
    He was born Aug. 17, 1917,  in Rock Island,the son of the late Charles William and Catherine Marguerite (Rode) Gustafson.He married Esther Elizabeth Alexander on July 18, 1941. She preceded himin death on August 29, 1967.
    Surviving are four sons, Robert (wife Georgia) ofRipley, Steven (wife Janell) of Beardstown, Michael (wife Jessie of Rushville,and James (wife Sheila) of Alton; four daughters, Ellen Brooks of Baylis,Judith Lisenbee (husband Bill) and Grace James (husband Carl), all of Rushville.and Margaret Dearing (husband Norman) of Chandlerville; one daughter-in-law,Barbara Gustafson of Beardstown; 38 grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren;one brother, Don Gustafson of Rock Island; and three sisters, FlorenceTravis of Ripley, Dorothy Stewart of Indiana, and Esther McWhinnie of Michigan.
    He was preceded in death by two sons, Allen Gustafson,Jr., and Charlie Gustafson; two grandsons, Reed Allen Lisenbee and RobertCharles Brooks; one granddaughter, Donna Meharg; one great-grandson, KalebBrown; two brothers, Carl and Leslie; and two sisters, Mildred Murray andGrace Gilland
    He was a machinist at N.T.N, Bower in Macomb for21 years, retiring Jan. 25. 1985. He was a life member of the RushvilleMoose Lodge 506.
    Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, June7, at the Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville with Pastor Richard Youngofficiating. Burial will follow in the Rushville City Cemetery.
    Memorials may be given to the Ripley Cemetery.

  Obituary for Dale Eugene HALL
The Rushville Times, July 12, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Dale Eugene Hall, 68, of Easton, formerly of Mapletonand Beardstown, died Monday, July 3, 2000, at St. John’s Hospice in Springfield.
    He was born Nov. 20, 1931, in Beardstown to CharlesCalvin Hall and Dorothy Marie Allen-Hall. He married Marcella Davies-Smithin 1956, in Beardstown and later married Conda Shores-Jockisch on Jan.29, 1983, in Easton.
    He is survived by his wife; two sons, Kenneth (wifeCarol) Hall of Peoria and David Jockisch of San Jose; two daughters, JudyHall (husband Alan) Graden of Pekin and Mary (husband Rod) Yetter of Havana;two brothers, Larry (wife Virginia) Hall of Bluff Springs, and Jerry (wifeShirley) Hall of Wascom, Texas; three sisters, JoAnn (husband Paul) Manuel,Mary Lou Lawson, and Carolyn (husband Kenny) Knous, all of Beardstown,and six grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Robert Allen Hall;and a sister, Marilyn Charlene Hall.
    He was a member of the Easton United Methodist Church,American Legion (Jackson-King) Post 496, and UAW while working for CaterpillarTractor Company. Mr. Hall enlisted in the U.S. Army in St. Louis, Mo.,on Aug. 27, 1952. He was involved in the Korean Conflict during his enlistment,and he earned the Korean Service Ribbon with two bronze service stars,United Nations Service Medal, Merit Unit Commendation, National DefenseService Medal, and received a Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation.He was honorably discharged as a corporal on Dec. 23, 1953. He donateda lot of his time as a volunteer fire fighter for the Timber-Hollis FireDepartment.
    Funeral services were held Friday, July 7, at theCline-Goodwin Funeral Home in Beardstown, with burial at Beardstown CityCemetery.
    Memorials may be made to the United Methodist Churchof Easton or the American Legion Post 496.

  Obituary for Mary L. CARMAN HENDRICKSON
The Rushville Times, August 9, 2000, page 11, column 2
    Mary L. Hendrickson, 88, of Springfield, died Tuesday,Aug. 2, 2000, at her home.
    She was born in Rushville to Robert and Etta (Asbell)Carman.
    She is survived by two sons, Fred Hendrickson ofSpringfield and Jack Hendrickson of Waco, Texas; one daughter, Carmen Mingeof Paris; eight grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
    She was preceded in death by her husband, the Rev.Fred Hendrickson; one son, Thomas; and one daughter Carol.
    She was a member of the First Assembly of God Church.
    Services were held Tuesday at the First Assemblyof God Church in Spingfield, with Rev. Robert Needham officiating.
    Graveside services were Tuesday at Oakwood Cemeteryin Macomb.

  Obituary for Helen M. BUSHMIRE INGLES
The Rushville Times, June 21, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Helen M. Ingles, 87, of Wyoming, Ill., died Thursday,June 5, 2000, at Heritage Manor in Chillicothe.
    Born Feb. 23, 1913, in Colchester, the daughterof Anthony and Pearl M. Scudder Bushmire, she married Glen Livingston Dec.16, 1939, in Colchester. He died Feb. 11, 1934, in Prairie du Chien, Wisc.She later married Thomas M. Ingles, Dec. 29, 1945, in LaHarpe. He diedAug. 27, 1974, in Peoria.
    Surviving are one daughter, Ethel “Jay” Klepferof Wyoming; one step-daughter, Iris (husband Robert) Lang of Rushville;five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild;and three sisters, Barbara (husband Kent) Brown of Peoria, Alice (husbandGeorge) Jarvis of Galesburg, and Evelyn Bushmire of Lincoln.
    Her parents, three sisters, and one brother precededher in death.
    She worked as an inspector for Caterpillar for 35years and at the Bartonville Food Pantry for 10 years. She was a memberof the VFW Auxiliary No. 8662 of Peoria, Eagles Auxiliary No. 265 of Peoria,and the Wyoming American Legion Auxiliary No. 91. She also was a memberof the Caterpillar Retirees Association, AARP, Busy Bells Home Extensionof Peoria County, and was a life-time member of Nursing Home Volunteersin Lincoln. She was a member of the Bartonville Christian Church.
    Graveside services were Monday, June 19, at RushvilleCity Cemetery. Wyoming Funeral Home was in charge of services.
    Memorial contributions may be made to the WyomingAmbulance Service.

  Obituary for Archie J. KESSLER
The Rushville Times, July 12, 2000, page 13, column 3
    Archie J. Kessler, 83, of Macomb, died WednesdayJuly 5, 2000, at the Heartland Healthcare Center in Macomb.
    He was born Jan. 29, 1917, in Astoria, the son ofJohn and Elizabeth Etter Kessler. He married Maxine Hinds in Astoria anFeb. 1, 1938. She preceded him in death on Aug. 11, 1999.
    He is survived by two sons, Max (wife Deb) Kesslerof Little York, and Kenneth (wife Donna) Kessler of Bushnell; five grandchildren;four great-grandchildren; and one sister, Ferne Bucher of Astoria.
    He also was preceded in death by his parents, onesister, Mary Kessler, and one brother, Orville Kessler.
    Mr. Kessler had lived most of his married life inMcDonough County. He was a farmer and also drove a grain truck, haulinggrain to local elevators, and to the river elevator. He was a member ofthe Camp Creek Presbyterian Church.
    Funeral services were held Saturday, July 8 at theClugston-Tibbitts Funeral Home in Macomb.  Marshall Litchfield officiated. Burial was in Forest Lawn Memory Gardens in Macomb.
    Memorials may be made to the Heartland HealthcareCenter in Macomb.

  Obituary for Martha Ruth YOUNG LASHBROOK
The Rushville Times, July 19, 2000, page 11, column 3
    Martha Ruth Lashbrook, 72, of Rushville, died Monday,July 17, 2000, at her residence.
    She was born Feb. 9, 1928, in Schuyler County tothe late Ben H. and Goldie Evans Young. She married Erle Wayne LashbrookFeb. 24, 1946 in Rushville.
He died Sept. 1, 1962.
    Surviving are three sons, Lewis Lashbrook of TableGrove, Phillip Lashbrook of Springfield, and Michael Lashbrook of Rushville;five daughters, Betty Richey (husband Willard) of Vermont, Ruby Bryant(husband David) of Rushville, Kay Bowman of Springfield, Sheila Lashbrookof Rushville, and Becky Lewis of Rushville; numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildrenand great-great-grandchildren; one brother, John Young of Ripley; and twosisters, Lois Gossage of Rushville and Frances Faxon of Palmyra, Mo.
    She was preceded in death by one grandson, two brothers,Bennie Jr., and David Young; three sisters, Mary Ellen Zeisler, Anna BelleYoung and Louise Zeisler.
    She was a member of the American Legion AuxiliaryUnit 4, First Southern Baptist Church, and the National Audubon Society.
    Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday atthe Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Rev. Mike Cooper officiating.Burial will be in the Rushville City Cemetery. Visitation will be from6-8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.
    Memorials may be given to the Cass-Schuyler AreaHospice.

  Obituary for Vernon LICKEY
The Rushville Times, June 7, 2000, page 13, column 5
    Vernon Lickey, 70, of Brooklyn, died Friday, June2, 2000, at his home.
    He was born March 30, 1930, in Industry, the sonof Wilson and Ruth (Loring) Lickey. He married Penolia (Peggy) Ellen Goodridgeon Oct. 13, 1954, in Macomb. She survives,
    Also surviving are his mother of Littleton; oneson, Lyle Lickey (wife Wanda) of Albia, Iowa; two daughters, Mrs. Gary(Janis) Finley of Centralia and Anita Heinz of Peoria; six grandchildren;two step-grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; four step-great-grandchildren;and one sister, Mary Cox, of Mapleton.
    He was preceded in death by his father.
    An Army veteran of the Korean Conflict, he was retiredfrom construction, where he worked as a laborer and foreman on variousroad and building projects in the area. He also worked at the Black BeautyCoal Mine in Camden, last working in 1992. He served as the president ofthe Schuyler Jail Museum and Genealogical Center in Rushviile. He was amember of the AFL-CIO Laborers Union in Macomb, the American Legion Postin Macomb before transferring his membership to the Schuyler American LegionPost #4, VFW Post, and 40 et 8.
    Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Wood-RobyFuneral Chapel in Rushville with Rev. Joe Tomich officiating. Burial wasin the Brooklyn Cemetery. Military graveside rites were conducted by SchuylerAmerican Legion Post #4.
    Memorials may be made to the Schuyler Youth Centeror the McDonough County Hospice.

  Obituary for Frances M. HUMES MESICK
The Rushville Times, July 26, 2000, page 13, column 2
    Frances M. Mesick, 68, of Colchester died Wednesday,July 19, 2000, at her home.
    She was born Oct. 28, 1931, in Colchester, the daughterof Merle and Mabel Bennett Humes. She married William S. Mesick on Jan.27, 1962, in Colchester. He died Feb. 8, 1999.
    She is survived by two sons, William Charles Mesickand David Alan Mesick, both of Colchester; one step-daughter, Mrs. Darwin(Belinda) Utter of Rushville; 14 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren;one brother, Gerald Humes of Colchester; two sisters, Donna Coghill ofColchester and Rachel Creasy of Macomb.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, one sister, BettySatore, and one brother, Zanel Humas.
    She had worked at Ford Hopkins Drug Store in Macomb,The Colchester Maid- Rite, Denny Red Fox Grocery in Colchester, and wasa telephone switchboard operator for the Farmers Telephone Co. of Colchester.
    She was a member of the Colchester United MethodistChurch.
    Services were Friday, July 21, 2000, at Jones Mortuaryin Colchester with Rev. Mark Wolford officiating. Burial was at Mt. AuburnCemetery in Colchester.
    Memorials may be made to McDonough District HospitalHospice or Colchester High School boys baseball and basketball.

  Obituary for Roberta LADD MILEY
The Rushville Times, August 2, 2000, page 11, column 2
    Roberta Ladd Miley, 82, of Annadale, Va., died Wednesday,July 26, 2000 at Burke Healthcare Center in Burke, Va.
    She was born Feb. 19, 1918, in Ipava, the daughterof J. Karr and Maude G. (Warner) Ladd. She married Charles Douglas Mileyon Dec. 8, 1944, in Quincy.  He survives.
    Also surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Paul (April)Marcot of Fairfax Station, Va.; one son, Alan (wife Kathy) Miley of Reston,Va.; two grandchildren; three brothers, Joe (wife Freida) Ladd of Macomb,Frank (wife Linda) Ladd of John Day, Ore., and Jim (wife Linda) Ladd ofLombard.
    She was preceded in death by a brother, Paul.
    She was a member of Atlantic United Methodist Churchin Ocean City; Md., and Ocean City Lioness Club. She spent her life asa school teacher, administrator, and principal in Virginia.
    Graveside services were Monday, July 31, at theIpava Cemetery in Ipava, Ill.  Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria wasin charge of services.
    Memorials may be made to the charity of the donor’schoice.

  Obituary for Hazel C. DERRY MITCHELL
The Rushville Times, July 19, 2000, page 11, column 3
    Hazel C. Mitchell, 95, of Mt. Sterling, died Sundaymorning, July 9, 2000, at the Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    She was born June 7, 1905, in Astoria, the daughterof James and Mabel Foster Derry. She married Loa E. Mitchell and he precededher in death Dec. 6, 1943.
    She is survived by three daughters, Clara (husbandEd) Kunkel of Mt. Sterling, Betty Root of Sacramento, Calif., and WandaBusen of Mt. Sterling; 22 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; threegreat-great-grandchildren; two sisters, Hildreth Powell of Astoria andHelen Snowden of Astoria; several nieces and nephews; and several cousins.
    She was preceded in death by one daughter, ErmaLogsdon; three grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and two brothers,Herman and Herschel Derry.
    Mrs. Mitchell was a homemaker. She was a formermember of the Methodist Church in Astoria. She enjoyed her grandchildren,flowers, birds, reading and crocheting.
    Graveside services were held July 11 at AstoriaCemetery in Astoria. Hufnagel-Graham Funeral Home in Mt. Sterling was incharge of services.
    Memorials are suggested to the Brown County PublicLibrary in Mt. Sterling.

  Obituary for Marilyn J. WORT MITCHELL
The Rushville Times, June 21, 2000, page 13, column 2
    Marilyn J. Mitchell, 67, of Mt. Sterling died Sunday,June 18, 2000, at the Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Mt. Sterling.
    She was born Aug. 20, 1932, in Brown County, thedaughter of Harry F. and Marie Volk Wort. She married Jack R. Mitchellon Nov. 15, 1952 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Mt Sterling. He survives.
    Mrs. Mitchell worked as an office manager for bothCountry Companies and Yingling and Nuessen Insuranee Agency in Mt. Sterlingfor over 17 years. She earlier had worked as a secretary for Ralston Purinain Mt. Sterling for more than 10 years. She attended Ferndale School inBrown County and graduated from St. Mary’s Academy in Mt. Sterling withthe Class of 1950. Mrs. Mitchell was a member of the Holy Family CatholicChurch in Mt. Sterling, the Mt. Sterling American Legion Post 374 Auxiliaryand was also a member of the Mt. Sterling Lake Committee.
    Survivors include her husband of Mt. Sterling, herfather of Mt. Sterling, six sons, Dale Mitchell (wife Laura), Carl Mitchell(wife Nancy), Greg Mitchell (wife Kathy), Keith Mitchell (girlfriend Pam),Kent Mitchell (girlfriend Jackie) all of Mt. Sterling and Clay Mitchell(wife Sheryl) of Rushville, two brothers, James G. Wort (wife Norma) andRobert L. Wort (wife Jane) all of Mt. Sterling and one sister Shirley Venvertloh(husband Bill) of Quincy ten grandchildren, two step-grandchildren andnumerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.
    She was preceded in death by her mother and twograndchildren.
    A funeral mass will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, June23, 2000, at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Mt. Sterling with FatherThomas Henseler officiating. Burial will be in the Mt. Sterling CatholicCemetery. Friends may call anytime after 2 p.m. on Thursday at the HendrickerFuneral Home in Mt. Sterling with the family meeting friends from 5 p.m.until 8 p.m. Thursday evening at the funeral home. A prayer service willbe held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday evening. Memorials are suggested to the Cass-SchuylerArea Hospice, Heritage Manor Nursing Home Activity Fund or to the St. Mary’sSchool. The Hendricker Funeral Home in Mt. Sterling is in charge of thearrangements.

  Obituary for James E. NELL
The Rushville Times, July 19, 2000, page 11, column 1
    James E. Nell, 72, of Rushville, died Sunday, July16, 2000, at the Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    He was born Jan. 23, 1928, in Rushville to the lateLaurence Wesley Nell and Edna L. Agans Nell Phillips. He married MildredL. Vogler Curtis on June 16, 1967, in Clark Co., Nev.
    She survives, along with four daughters, ReginaStephenson of Kalamath, Ore., Penny Beckstead of Mesa, Ariz., Janet Heatonof Colchester, and Dixie Hierman of Mapleton; one brother, Eugene Nell(wife Betty) of Canton; one half-brother, Samuel Roger Phillips of St.David; one sister, Hilma Rakestraw of Cuba; one half-sister, CatherineSusie Kettering of Rushville; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by his step-father, GeorgeF. Phillips; one son, Larry Curtis; and two sisters, Jimina Shaw and HelenHierman.
    He was a Navy veteran of W.W. II, and an army veteranof the Korean War.
    He worked for the Mickelberry Packing Company inRushville, Magma Copper Mine in Superior, Ariz., Calcium Carbonate in Quincy,and farmed and worked for Schuyler School District No. 1 in Rushville,retiring in 1998. He was a member of Schuyler American Legion Post 4 andwas a former member of the Rushville First Presbyterian Church.
    Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday atWorthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Rev. Marvin Chockley officiating.Burial will be in the Rushville City Cemetery where military rites willbe conducted by Schuyler American Legion Post 4. Family visitation willbe from 9 a.m. until time of services on Wednesday at the funeral home.
    Memorials may be given to the American Lung Association.

  Obituary for Mary L. LANGDON NIESTRADT
The Rushville Times, July 12, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Mary L. Niestradt, 92, of Beardstown, died Monday,July 3, 2000, at Heritage Manor South in Beardstown.
    She was born Feb. 12, 1908, in Beardstown, to Williamand Elizabeth Tucker Langdon. She married Richard G. Niestradt on Feb.6, 1932, in the Beardstown parsonage.
    Mrs. Niestradt is survived by two sisters, Ana Louise(husband Pat) McLain of Beardstown and Doris (husband Harold – deceased)Andre of Springfield; two sisters-in-law, Vera Langdon of Galesburg andRose Mary Langdon of Beardstown; and 22 nieces and nephews.
    She was preceded in death by her husband in 1980,both parents, a daughter, Kay Ann (husband Jim) Dick, three grandchildren,four brothers and two sisters.
    She was a graduate of Beardstown High School anda homemaker in the Arenzville area. She was a member of the St. AlexiusCatholic Church of Beardstown, Beardstown Senior Citizens Bread of Loveand Home Extension.
    Funeral services were held Wednesday, July 5, atSt. Alexius Catholic Church of Beardstown, with burial in the BeardstownCity Cemetery. Cline-Goodwin Funeral Home in Beardstown was in charge ofarrangements.
    Memorials may be made to the Cass-Schuyler Hospiceor St. Alexius Catholic Church.

  Death Notice for Odell OWENS
The Rushville Times, June 28, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Odell “Olie” Owens, 76, of Garland, Texas, diedFeb. 18, 2000, in Garland.
    Graveside memorial services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday,July 1, at the Ripley Cemetery in Ripley, with Rev. Scott Henley officiating.Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel of Rushville is in charge of the arrangements.

  Death Notice and Obituary for Frieda H. JONES PARKS
The Rushville Times, July 19, 2000, page 11, column 3
    Frieda Parks, 82, of Astoria, died Tuesday, July18, 2000, at Astoria Healthcare Center.
    Services are pending at Shawgo Memorial Home inAstoria.
The Rushville Times, July 26, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Frieda H. Parks, 82, of Astoria, died Tuesday, July18, 2000, at Astoria Healthcare Center.
    She was born Oct. 9, 1917, in Pleasant View, thedaughter of Harry and Edith (Taylor) Jones. She married Grover W. Parkson Aug. 16, 1952, in Fulton County. He died Jan. 21, 1996. She also waspreceded in death by her parents and one brother, Kenneth.
    Surviving are two daughters, Beverly Knowles ofCanton and Carol Greenhalgh of Cimarron, Kans.; one son, Grover E. Parksof Havana; three grandchildren; one great-grandson; one brother, Paul Jonesof Farmington; one sister, Pauline Reedy of Lewistown; one half-sister,Deloris French of Lewistown; one half-brother, Richard Jones of California;her step-mother, Alberta Jones of Beardstown; and two step-sisters, FlorenceWoodruff of Rushville and Norma Roth of Beardstown.
    She was a homemaker.
    Graveside services were Friday, July 21, 2000, atthe Vermont Cemetery with Collis Trone officiating. Shawgo Memorial Homein Astoria was in charge of services.
    Memorials may be made to the Astoria HealthcareCenter.

  Obituary for Dorothy R. HILES PHILLIPS
The Rushville Times, July 19, 2000, page 11, column 1
    Dorothy R. Phillips, 81, of R.R. 4, Rushville, diedSaturday July 15, 2000, at Wencor Hospital in St. Louis, Mo.
    She was born Nov. 16, 1918, in Beardstown, to thelate Lou and Margarite Lawler Hiles. She married Emery Phillips on Feb.4, 1935, in Oquawka. He died May 6, 1992.
    Surviving are five daughters, Shirley Baker of GoldenValley; Ariz., Norma Jones of Severna Park, Md., Sara Conlin of Astoria,Rose Mary Root of Pawnee, and Lynn Kokenes of Berwyn; two sons, RobertPhillips and Terry Phillips, both of Rushville; 15 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren;and one brother, Maurice Hiles.
    She was preceded in death by one brother, ClarkHiles.
    Funeral services will be held at 1p.m. Thursday,July 20, at the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Rev. Wayne Bonserofficiating. Burial will be in the Hughes Cemetery west of Rushville.
    Visitation will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesdayat the funeral home.
    Memorials may be given to the charity of the donor’schoice.

  Obituary for Max PRATHER
The Rushville Times, June 14, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Max Prather, 74, of Rushville, died Sunday, June11, 2000, at the Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    He was born Jan. 30, 1926, in Oakland Township,Schuyler County, to Clifford and Elvere Lancaster Prather. He married EleanorTrimpe on Jan 19, 1957, in Havana.
    She survives, along with one daughter, Nancy LeMaster(husband Steve) of Littleton; one son, Mark Prather (wife Patty) of Rushville;three grandchildren; four brothers, Gene Prather of Huntsville, Don Pratherof Rushville, Howard Prather of Littleton and Jim Prather of Rushville.
    He was preceded in death by his parents; step-mother,Florence; one brother, Virgil Prather; and two sisters, Emma Lee and RuthAnn Prather.
    He was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church ofRushville and the Schnyler County Farm Bureau. He was a life-long SchuylerCounty farmer.
    Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursdayat the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Pastor Joseph Eckmanofficiating. Burial will be in the Rushville City Cemetery. Visitationwill be from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.
    Memorials may be given to St. John’s Lutheran Churchor the Astoria Assembly of God Church.

  Obituary for Lois L. ETTER PRICE
The Rushville Times, June 7, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Lois L. Price, 79, of Astoria, died Thursday, June1, 2000, at her residence.
    She was born Aug. 7, 1920, in Astoria, the daughterof Abraham H. and Louise (Gardner) Etter. She married Evan W. Price onMarch 27, 1939, in Astoria. He survives.
    Also surviving are one son, Rodney (wife Beth) Priceof Astoria; one daughter, Mrs. Michael (Rhonda) Barfield of St. Charles,Mo.; six grandchildren; and one sister, Goldie Brown of Astoria.
    She was preceded in death by one sister, MyrtleGruel, and one brother, Ralph Etter.
    She was a member of the Astoria Christian Churchand had been co-owner of Price Oil Company for 30 years, retiring in 1980.
    Services were held Monday, June 5, at the AstoriaChristian Church with Rev. Gary Sheets and James Comstock officiating.Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria was in charge of services. Burial was inthe Astoria Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to Astoria Fire and RescueSquad or Astoria Christian Church.

  Death Notice and Obituary for Phyllis Jean RENNER
The Rushville Times, July 19, 2000, page 11, column 4
    A memorial service will be held Saturday, July 22at Fourth Street Lutheran Church in Beardstown at 10 a.m. for Phyllis Rennerof Longview, Texas, formerly of Rushville and Beardstown.
    Surviving are her husband Gh1ee Renner, and twodaughters, Debbie Renner at home and Cindy Sailor (husband Carl) of PleasantPlains.
The Rushville Times, June 28, 2000, page 13, column 2
    Phyllis Jean Renner, 67, of Long View, Texas, diedSaturday, June 24, 2000, at her residence after a long illness.
    She was born Feb. 9, 1933, in Beardstown, the daughterof Ann Morrell and step-daughter of Loren Morrell. They preceded her indeath.
    She married Ghlee Renner in 1952 in Beardstown.
    Mrs. Renner was a former resident of Beardstownand Rushville.
    Survivors indude two daughters, Debbie Renner ofLong View, Texas, and Cindy (husband Carl) Saylor of Pleasant Plains.
    Remains were cremated. Services were held in LongView, Texas, on June 25 at Lutheran Church.
    Memorial services are planned for July 22, 2000,at 10 a.m. at the Beardstown 4th Street Lutheran Church.

The Rushville Times, June 7, 2000, page 13, column 5
    Bessie Marie Lauder–Rolfhing, 82, of Beardstowndied Tuesday, May 30, 2000, at Heritage Manor South in Beardstown.
    She was born in Beardstown to Otis and Ethel Gabbert-Hillon Feb. 11, 1918. She was raised by her maternal grandparents, Thomas andElizabeth Gabbert. She married Elmer Edward Loeffler on May 2, 1933, inRushville. He preceded her in death. She later married Cecil Lauder onMarch 25, 1938, in Beardstown. They had two daughters, Mrs. Sam (Ethel)Sparkman of Line Oak, Fla., and Iris “Bobbi” Vincent of Beardstown. Cecilpreceded her in death in 1972. She then married Ernest James Rohlfing onJune 11, 1973. He also preceded her in death in 1994.
    Mrs. Lauder-Rolfhing also is survived by six grandchildren;one great-grandson; one great-great-granddaughter; a brother, ClarenceHill of Alexia; and two sisters, Ruth Brown of Kempton and Margaret (husbandVern) Plate of Manito.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, grandparents,a brother, Roy Hill, one grandson and one great-granddaughter.
    She worked as a cook in the local restaurants andwas a homemaker all of her life.
    Funeral services were Saturday, June 3, in Beardstownwith Irene DeSollar presiding over the service at the Cline-Goodwin FuneralHome. Burial followed at the Beardstown City Cemetery
    The family has requested memorials be made to theCass-Schuyler County Hospice.

  Obituary for Pauline WHITE ROLLO
The Rushville Times, August 9, 2000, page 11, column 3
    Pauline Rollo, 77, of Rushville, died Thursday,Aug. 3, 2000, at St. John’s Memorial Hospital in Springfield.
    She was born July 19, 1923, in Montgomery Countyto the late William Henry and Mary Etta Varner White. She married JamesRollo Aug. 17, 1949, in Hillsboro.
    He survives along with two daughters, Debbie Rolloof Marseilles and Penny Rollo MacKenzie (husband Donald) of Aurora; onegranddaughter and three sisters, Irma Spinner of Pana, Elfreda Ozanic ofLitchfield, and Darlene Wall of Columbus, Ohio.
    She was preceded in death by one sister, Ila Simburgerand four brothers, Ralph, Carl, Varner and Kenny White.
    She was a menber of the Rushville Women of the MooseLodge #506.
    Funeral services were held Monday at the WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henley officiating. Burial wasin the Rushville City Cemetery.
    Memorials may be given to the American Heart Association.

  Obituary for  Martha Elizabeth DORSETT COX ROYER
The Rushville Times, June 7, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Martha Elizabeth Dorsett Cox Royer, 96, died June1, 2000, at the Elms Nursing Center in Macomb.
    The daughter of William Elsworth and Lillie EllenHedgcock Dorsett, she was born Nov. 20, 1903, in Brooklyn Township, SchuylerCounty.
    For many years, Mrs. Royer was a teacher in nearbycounty schools. She began her education in a one-room country school inthe neighborhood between Brooklyn and Huntsville and graduated from AugustaHigh School in 1922. She was a graduate of Western Illinois State Teacher’sCollege, now Western Illinois University, with a bachelor of educationdegree, majoring in English and history. While at Western, she was a memberof Alpha Epsilon chapter of Kappa Delta P1.
    She married Willis L. Cox on Oct. 24, 1930, andthey lived in Table Grove. He died Sept. 6, 1951. On Nov. 20, 1958, shemarried Cecil Royer. The Royers lived on a farm near Astoria until theymoved to Rushville, where they had an antique business. He died July 5,1994. During the last few years, she has lived at Everly House and at TheElms Nursing Home in Macomb.
    Mrs. Royer also was preceded in death by her parents,an infant sister, Ellen, and a sister, Mary Dorsett Camp.
    Martha Dorsett Royer was an energetic and enthusiasticteacher, tireless in encouraging the love of learning in her students.She began her teaching career the year following graduation from high schoolwhen she taught at Union, the rural eight-grade school in her home neighborhood.The next year she enrolled in college and after receiving her degree, taughthigh school in Adair, Smithfield, and Littleton and junior high schoolin Astoria. She especially loved directing plays, coaching dramatic competitionsand related activities. She was an avid reader and traveler, always searchingfor new ways to bring the excitement of what she had learned to her students.
    She began traveling in 1929, having purchased abright blue Model A Ford coupe and after asking two friends to share heradventure, drove 3,200 miles over primitive roads through the Rocky Mountains,Yellowstone and the Black Hills. She never lost her interest in seeingnew places and kept traveling until recent years.
After retirement, she spent several years helping senior citizens throughthe Agency for Aging’s Outreach program in the central Illinois area.
    Mrs. Royer was a member of the Woodland Church ofthe Brethren at Astoria. While she lived in Rushville, she taught the BeaconLight Sunday School class at the Rushville United Methodist Church. Shewas a Past Worthy Matron of the Laurel Star Chapter of the Order of EasternStar at Table Grove.
    She leaves a son, David L. Cox (wife Karen) of Atlanta,Ga., a daughter, Marian Cox Kindhart (husband Wilbur) of Rushville; twostep-sons, Gordon Royer (wife Betty) of Astoria and Ramon Royer (wife Nancy)of St. Louis, Mo.; a grandson; two granddaughters; two great-grandsons;a great-granddaughter; two step-granddaughters; four step-grandsons; anda niece.
    Funeral services were held Monday at WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville with Mr. David Haney and Rev. Scott Henley officiating.Burial was in the Harris Cemetery in Table Grove.
    Memorials may be given to Bridgeway of Macomb orthe Woodland Church of the Brethren in Astoria.

  Obituary for Merle F. SAUFLEY
The Rushville Times, June 28, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Merle F. Saufley, 67, of Ipava, died Wednesday,June 21, 2000, at Graham Hospital in Canton.
    He was born Nov. 29, 1932, in New Salem Township,McDonough County, the son of Perry and Reatha (Baughman) Saufley.
    He married Norma Crick June 15, 1957, in Ipava.She survives.
    Also surviving are three sons, Victor (wife Diana)Saufley of Houston, Texas, Vance (wife Ethel) Saufley of Cuba, and Von(wife Tracy) Saufley of Hudson; five grandchildren; two step-grandchildren;and one sister, Rosalie Saufley of Macomb.
    He was preceded in death by his parents.
    He was a member of the Methodist Church.
    He was an auto mechanic for Ulmer’s Ford for 35years in Table Grove and Lewistown.
    Services were Monday, June 26, at Shawgo MemorialHome in Ipava, with Pastor Kevin Kessler officiating. Burial was in IpavaCemetery.
    Memorials may be made to Graham Hospital ExtendedCare or Ipava Fire and Rescue Squad.

The Rushville Times usedby permission.

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