Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 20
Obituary for Andrew Lashbrook
Rushville Times, Nov. 1950
Andrew Lashbrook, 73 died of a heart attach at his home in Littleton last Wednesday afternoon. He had been ill for two weeks.Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Littleton Baptist church with the Rev. Garfield Rodgers, officiating assisted by the Rev. Elmer Swart, of Murrayville. Burial was near Andrew Lashbrook’s son. Andrew was the son of Samuel and Nancy Jane Wilson Lashbrook. He was born January 10, 1872 at French Lick, Indiana and departed this life on November 8, 1950 at his home in Littleton, at the age of 78 years, 9 months and 28 days. When he was a small child, he came with his parents and settle near Rushville. In 1892 he was united in marriage to Addie Boogs who passed away in 1896. To this union was born three children. Mrs. Meda Sayer and Samuel Lashbrook of California and Vernon, deceased.On July 21, 1898, he was untied in marriage to Nancy Jane Cooper who with the following children survive to mourn his loss. Mrs. Grace Lindsey of Sciota, Elza and Merle Lashbrook of Visalia, Calif., Mrs. Erma Sharp of Camp Point, Edward Lashbrook of Arenzville, Mrs. Dorothy Wells of Rushville, Mrs. Ethel Gibbons, deceased. He also leaves a number Grand children and great grand children, two great great grand children, two brothers, Fred and Earl, and he also leaves a number of other relatives and friends.He was a member of the Grand Avenue church, later moving his membership to the Littleton Baptist church, where he served as a deacon until his death.
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The Rushville Times,
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The Rushville Times usedby permission.
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