Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 5
Robin Petersen Obituary for Ruth M. CAMPBELL HINDMAN
The Rushville Times, April 6, 1877
Died at the residence of her father, Peter L. Campbellthree miles South of Rushville, on March 28, 1877, Mrs. Ruth M. Hindman,wife of Mr. James Hindman, in the 32d year of her age. To know Ruth wasto love her. We have been firm friends from childhood and she was everthe same true and faithful, without an enemy in the world. We shall missher, but will try to console ourselves, knowing there are others that willmiss her more–her little babe, scarce a week old and little Warren cryingfor his mama, drowns all the thoughts of our own trouble, though they havethe tenderest care, we know, they are motherless. It is a great shock forher husband and aged parents and many friends, but say to all, our lossis her gain, as we have every assurance it is well with her.
Robin Petersen Obituary for Warren James HINDMAN
The Rushville Times, November 12, 1930
Funeral Services Sunday for Warren J. Hindman
Warren James Hindman, resident of Rushville wherehe had spent practically his entire life of 55 years passed away at hishome near Rushville.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. T. W. Rippywere held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the home of Mr. Hindman’sdaughter Mrs. R. O. Gray of this city.
Warren James, son of James and Ruth Campbell Hindmanwas born on a farm east of Rushville April 28, 1875. At the age of 3 hewas bereft of his mother and together with an only brother Charles wastaken into the home of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell. Herethey were cared for by their grandmother until her death which occurredwhile they were still young. Following her death the boys were seperatedand thruout the years they were never reunited until 1911 when they werepermitted to meet and enjoy a reunion. And only a few months ago Mr. Hindmanmade a trip to Louisville, Ky. to visit his brother.
On November 16, 1898 he was joined in marriage toLillie Heitz of Rushville. Four children, Margaret, Albert, Ruth and Dorothywere born to this union all of whom survive to mourn the loss of theirfather.
Warren was a man of kindly heart, when he took intohis home his 3 grandchildren, James, Marcia and Albert Ward.
Besides his wife he is survived by 1 son AlbertHindman of Chicago, 3 daughters, Margaret wife of R. O. Gray of Rushville,Dorothy wife of Craske Chadsey of Vermont and Mrs. Albert Ward and MarianChadsey and one brother Charles A. Hindman of Louisville, Ky.
Robin Petersen Obituary for Albert Warren HINDMAN
The Rushville Times, January 24, 1963
Albert W. Hindman Dies in California January 12
Albert Warren Hindman, 64, son of Mrs. Lillie Hindman,died of a heart attack at his home at 2205 West 6th Street, Los Angeles,Calif., on January 12. Funeral services were held in Los Angeles Jan. 12and a military funeral in San Diego January 21 where he was buried in FortRosencrans National cemetery.
He was born in Sebula, Iowa, February 4, 1898, theson of Warren and Lillie Heitz Hindman. He attended Schuyler county schoolsand also the Western Illinois State normal. He had been a resident of LosAngeles for the past 12 years.
He married Ann Zeller of Hammond, Ind., on Aug.16, 1930, who survives. Also surviving are: his mother, Mrs. Lillie Hindman;sister, Margaret, wife of Rolland Gray of Bloomington, Ill.; sister, Ruth,wife of Fred Doyle of Rushville; and several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his father, Warren Hindmanand sister, Dorothy Chadsey.
Albert was a veteran of World War I and had beenan automobile dealer and salesman for the last 40 years.
Robin Petersen Obituary for Lillie V. HEITZ HINDMAN
The Rushville Times, June 27, 1963
Mrs. Lillie Hindman Rites Held Here Monday Afternoon
Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie Hindman were heldMonday afternoon at the Worthington Funeral home with Rev. Neil Salleein charge. Burial was in the Rushville cemetery.
Mrs. Lillie V. Heitz-Hindman, a daughter of Johnand Margaret Oatman-Heitz, was born October 4, 1878, in Rushville, Illinois,and departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Doyle, inRushville June 22, 1963, aged 84 years, 8 months and 18 days. Her deathfollowed a long period of failing health, during which time she sufferedtwo hip fractures and recurrence of strokes in her last years, all of which,combined brought her intense suffering, which she bravely bore in her consciousmoments.
Lillie Heitz was educated in the Rushville Publicschools, and in the year 1896 she was joined in marriage to Warren JamesHindman, and they established heir home in the Rushville community. Thishappy marriage was blessed with four children, one son and three daughters,Albert, Margaret, Ruth and Dorothy.
It was after a happy wedded life of 34 years, in1930, that a neverending sorrow came to Lillie Hindman, in the death ofher companion. For the several years following the death of her husband,she continued to maintain the family home, which was located just eastof Scripps Park. Later she disposed of her rural home, and purchased ahome in Normal, Illinois, where she resided until impairment of her healthmade it necessary for her not to live alone, and her time was divided betweenher two daughters, Mrs. Rolland Gray (Margaret) in Normal, and Mrs. FredDoyle (Ruth) in Rushville.
Beside her husband Mrs. Hindman was preceded indeath by her son, Albert and her daughter, Dorothy, who was the wife ofCraske Chadsey, also by three brothers. Surviving, beside her two daughters,Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Doyle, are four grandchildren, James Ward of Kenosha,Wisconsin, Albert Ward and Mrs. Marsha Shivner of Phoenix, Arizona, andMrs. Marian Culves of Beardstown, and also nine great grandchildren.
Robin Petersen Obituary for James Rufus WARD
The Rushville Times, August 12, 1931
James R. Ward
James R. Ward, World War Veteran, died Monday atthe home of his parents Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Ward in Bainbridge township.
Funeral services conducted by Rev. H. M. Cady wereheld Wednesday at Mt. Carmel church at 2 p.m. Interment in Gillette cemetery.
Mr. Ward is survived by his wife, 3 children, JamesLaVerne, Marcia Fern & Albert, his parents, 1 brother Fred of Alpha& 2 sisters, Ruth, wife of Harry Milby of Littleton township, &Florence Ward residing at home.
James Rufus Ward was born in Bainbridge townshipAugust 10, 1898 & departed this life August 10, 1931 aged 33 years.James the 3rd son of Charles B. & Laura Ward was born & raisedon the Ward homestead farm where he resided until he married Ruth FernHindman, January 29, 1921. To this union 3 children were born, James LaVerne,Marcia Fern, & Albert Eugene. On July 29, 1918 he enlisted in the navalservice & on August 13, 1919 received his honorable discharge. At theage of 9 years he united with the M. E. church at Mt. Carmel.
He spent several months in the Woodman Sanitariumof Woodman, Colo., later entering Veterans hospital at Tucson, Ariz. after1 1/2 months there, he returned home.
Robin Petersen Obituary for Mary HINDMAN CARTER
Schuyler Citizen, October 20, 1892
The remains of Mrs. Mary Carter, of Clayton, arrivedat Rushville Monday to await the arrival of her son, William, from Nebraska.The remains are at the residence of Mr. J. A. Teel, north of town.
Mary Hindman was born in Pennsylvania, August 12,1830; moved with her parents, Elijah and Annie Hindman, when nine yearsof age, to Schuyler county; was married to Henry Carter, Nov. 11, 1847;united with the Presbyterian Church at Rushville in 1854; removed to Adamscounty in 1868, where she lived until her death, Oct. 16, 1892.
She leaves an aged husband and two children, Wm.H. Carter and Ruth A. Shore, both residents of Nebraska. The latter waspresent at her mother’s deathbed.
Procession will start to the cemetery from Mr. J.A. Teel’s one mile north of the square, to-day (Thursday) at 1 P.M. Deceasedwas well known in Rushville years ago and was a sister of the Messrs. Hindmanof this township.
Robin Petersen Death Notice for Henry CARTER
The Rushville Times, March 30, 1911
Henry CARTER, a former resident of Schuyler County,died at Cody, Nebraska on Sunday, the remains were brought to this cityfor interment. David C. Hindman, who had been in Cody on a visit, camethru with the remains. A brief service was held at the city cemetery yesterdayafternoon, conducted by Rev. C. A. Foreman.
Janeice Crosson Obituary for Emaline HUFF GRIFFITH
Mrs. Emaline Griffith died at the home of her daughterMrs. Linton in Kansas City, Sunday January 16, 1910, from lung trouble.
Emaline Huff was born in Illinois 77 years ago andwas united in marriage to John Griffith at Brooklyn Illinois, April 6,1849. They resided in that county for a short time, moving from there toMissouri. From Missouri they moved back to Illinois where they remaineduntil 1863, when they came to Linn County, Kansas. Her husband departedthis life June 23, 1907. They were the parents of eleven children: Marythe oldest died in childhood; James the oldest son, died after reachingmiddle life. The other children who are left to mourn the loss of theirfather and mother are; Mrs. Mercy Barber, Mound City; Mrs. Louis Foster,Albia, Mo.; John Griffith and Ida Stites of Hill City, Kansas; Ed and WillGriffith of Pittsburg, Kansas; Mrs. Eva Linton, Kansas City; C.F. Griffithof Walnut Grove district, and Mrs. Dota Smythe of Belton, Mo. There alsosurvive her 38 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.
She united with the Presbyterian Church in her girlhoodand was a faithful member of that church until she settled in Linn County.There being no church of that denomination in her community at that time,she united with the Methodist Church. Her highest ambition in life wasto lead a Christian life. During her later years she has been a great suffererbut she bore it all with a patient Christian-like spirit.
The funeral sermon was preached at the home of herdaughter in Kansas City by the pastor of the Belton M.E. church. The bodywas brought here for burial in Walnut Grove Cemetery, where a further lastceremony was conducted by N.J. Conrad, and the body was laid to rest bythe side of her aged companion.
Janeice Crosson Obituary for John GRIFFITH
Died at his home in Walnut Grove district on Sunday,June 23, 1907, from lung trouble, John Griffith, aged 79 years 2 monthsand 8 days.
John Griffith, the subject of this sketch was bornApril 15, 1828, in Ohio and lived in that state until 1840, when he movedto near Brooklyn, Schuyler County, Illinois. He was united in marriagewith Emaline Huff at Brooklyn, Illinois, on April 6, 1849. They residedin that county for a short time then moved to Missouri, but soon movedback and remained in Illinois until 1863 when they moved to Linn County,Kansas, taking the quarter section of land on which he lived at the timeof his death under the Homestead Act. Their home has been on this landcontinuously since 1863, except a few months spent in Parker.
There were born to John Griffith and wife elevenchildren, Mary the eldest daughter died in childhood and James, the oldestson died after reaching middle life leaving a wife and nine children tosurvive him, at his home in Texas. The other children, who still survivetheir father to mourn their loss are as follows: Mrs. Mercy Barber, MoundCity, Kansas, Mrs. Louise Foster, Alba Mo., John Griffith, Hill City, Kans.,Ed Griffith and Wm L. Griffith of Pittsburg, Kans., Charles Griffith andMrs. Ida B. Stites of Walnut Grove district, Mrs. Eva Linton of KansasCity, Kansas, and Dota Smythe of Parker. There also survives him 38 grandchildrenand eight great-grandchildren.
Mr. Griffith was one of the pioneers who aided inthe organization of the Walnut Grove District and has ever since takenan active interest in having a good school in the district with competentteachers. When a mere boy he united with the Cumberland Presbyterian churchin Ohio and was a consistent member of that church until he settled inLinn County, when on account of there being no church of that denominationhe united with the Methodist Church conforming to its rules. His highestambition in life was to lead a Christian life, being neighborly, kind andat peace with all around him. He was always active in the Sabbath schoolwork, and ever urged not only his own family to attend but others in theneighborhood. He was never active in politics but aligned himself withthe Republican party at its foundation, and perhaps never voted any nationalor state ticket except a Republican ticket. He was a very industrious man,who settled on a naked prairie and converted it into a home where he evermade his children feel welcome. He with other pioneers stayed and overcamethe two grasshopper years, the three chinch bug years and the drought years,also the numerous “drowning out” years. During his old age he has beena great sufferer from the effects of a severe kick by a horse and lungtrouble, but with all his suffering he with his wife took great comfortwith their children and grandchildren.
The funeral services were held at the Walnut Groveschool house. The funeral procession was over a mile long.
Janeice Crosson Obituary for William GRIFFITH
Parker Message, Friday, December 27, 1912
William Griffith of Centerville Township departedthis life December 21, 1912, age 76 years, 9 months. and 17 days. He wasborn March 3, 1836, in Schuyler County, Illinois, in Brooklyn Township.He was united in marriage with Mary Dixon on April 17 (no year shown).Eight children, five sons and three daughters were born. John Griffithof LaCygne, Zack Griffith of Parker, Perry and Lan Griffith of Parker,Mrs. Nancy Hodgson and Mrs. John Barnett, east of Parker.
The first death in this family occured December19, 1906, when death claimed their son Obe. Two years later of February13, 1908, he was followed by his sister Mrs. Eva McBride and on March 5,1909 and his companion preceded him after over 50 years of marriage. Theymoved to Linn County in 1867 and settled on their homestead. He leavesto mourn besides the above mentioned children, 24 grandchildren and 12great grandchildren.
Burial was at Walnut Grove Cemetery. [My note: Williamis the son of Obediah Griffith who moved to Schuyler County, Illinois,in 1833 and lived there until his death. The son, Obe is named after hisgrandfather. The setting of the above obit is in Linn County, Kansas.]
Janeice Crosson Obituary for John Henry GRIFFITH
John Henry Griffith was born at Schuyler County,Illinois, April 20, 1857, and died at his home in Graham County, Kansas,march 10, 1924.
Mr. Griffith moved with his parents when quite smallto Linn County, Kansas where they lived until he grew to manhood. He wasunited in marriage to Miss Rosa Stites on December 23, 1877. In 1906 Mr.Griffith brought his family to Graham County, Kansas, where they have sincemade their home. There were eight children born to this union all of whomare living and were present when the body was laid to rest. There werethree daughters and five sons as follows: Fred and Lester at home, LuraRobinson, Lillian Summers, Jason and Oran of WaKeeney, Kansas, Josie Mortof Watkins Colorado, and Clarence of Hill City, Kansas. He was a kind husbandand a loving father and a generous neighbor.
The funeral services were held at Prairie Home Churchat 2 P.M. on March 122, by Rev A.S. Hale, pastor of the Federated Churchof Hill City. The house was full of sympathising friends. The body waslaid to rest in the Prairie Home Cemetery. There are left to mourn hisdeparture his bereaved wife, his children, twenty-three grandchildren andone great grandchild with other relatives and friends. His wife and childrenhave the sympathy of all in this hour of separation.
Gert Howell Obituary for Elizabeth JONTE GROSCLAUDE
The Rushville Times, September 20, 1878
Died on the 16th inst., at the residence of herhusband Mrs. Elizabeth Grosclaude, wife of Mr. James F. Grosclaude, aged72 years, 2 months. The deceased had a severe stroke of paralysis lastwinter, from which she partly recovered, but lately relapsed. Mrs. Grosclaudewas a native of France and came to this country in 1833. She early professedher faith in Christ and united with the French Protestant Reformed Churchand during her entire life was a humble and consistent Christian. Mr. Grosclaudemust feel almost deserted, having lived happily with his wife for nearly50 years, as he anticipated the golden wedding anniversary sometime thisyear. The sympathy of the many friends are extended to the sad husband,sorrowing children and bereaved relatives.
Gert Howell Obituary for James Frederick GROSCLAUDE
The Rushville Times, October 4, 1878
An Old Citizen Gone
On Monday evening last, Mr. James F. Grosclaude,an old and respected citizen departed this life at his residence in the75th year of his age. He was down with chronic diarrhea when his wife died,which occurred two weeks previous. After her death, he became very despondent,refusing to take any medicine, and gradually grew worse until death cameto his relief. Mr. Grosclaude was born in France in 1804 and came to thiscountry 45 years ago, where he lived until the time of his death. He wasan exemplary member of the Southern Methodist Church and was held in highesteem by all who knew him. He leaves seven children and a large circleof friends and relatives to mourn his death.
Gert Howell Obituary for Charles Frederick GROSCLAUDE
The Rushville Times, January 19, 1922
Charles F. Grosclaude, who died at the home of hisniece, Mrs. D. L. Daron, near Brighton, Col., on June 2d, was one of thepioneers of Schuyler County, where he was born Oct. 30, 1833, a son ofJames F. and Catherine E. Grosclaude, who emigrated from France thatsame year. His brother, Augustus Grosclaude, of Camden is the last survivingmember of this old Woodstock family.
Mr. Grosclaude was not only a pioneer of SchuylerCounty, but was one of the early residents of Denver, Col., and at onetime he owned the site of the present Denver stockyards. His real estateinvestments in that city, made at an early date, netted him a comfortablefortune, one site for a Denver school building selling for $20,000.
The following sketch of his life is taken from aDenver, Col. paper:
Charles F. Grosclaude was born Oct. 30, 1833 inSchuyler County, Ill., of French parentage, and died at the home of Mr.and Mrs. D. L. Daron, south of Brighton, well known residents of AdamsCounty, Jan. 2, 1922. He had made his home with Mrs. Daron, who was hisniece, ever since the death of his wife in 1903. He is survived by onebrother who lives in Camden, Ill and several nieces and nephews.
Mr. Grosclaude married Susan Decker, sister of awoman who, with her husband and five children, were killed by Indians nearSand Creek, east of Denver, previous to Chivington’s famous Indian raid.This marriage took place November 9, 1871, and afterwards, Mr. Grosclaudehad the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Hungate and their children disinterred andburied at Fairmont beside a beautiful monument. He, with other relatives,came by ox team to Denver in 1864. Mr. Grosclaude, and his brothers engagedin mining and stock raising. The brothers mined near Breckenridge at atime when prices were far above those prevailing today in the mountains.They bought flour in Denver at $50 a sack, and hauled it to Breckenridge.Thinking they had plenty, they sold some, but to their regret, found theywere short when spring came, and they paid $75 for half a sack. After miningat Breckenridge, he came back to Denver and took up homesteads on landsoccupied by the present Union stockyards and the towns of Elyria and Swansea,including the Union Pacific shops.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson returned Monday fromColorado where they attended the funeral of C. F. Grosclaude. On theirway home they visited with Edward and Henry Lawler of Sheridan, Mo., andMrs. Thompson’s sister, Mrs. Mary Angle, of Hiawatha, Kan.
Gert Howell Death Notice for Louis GROSCLAUDE
The Rushville Times, January 18, 1866
The relatives of Mr. Louis Grosclaude, who formerlyresided here, but more recently in Denver City, received intelligence afew days ago of the death of that young man. He is spoken of as a veryexemplary young man and was much loved and respected by those who knewhim. He was in his 28th year.
Gert Howell Obituary for Louise GROSCLAUDE ROBERTS
The Rushville Times, February 20, 1919
Louise Grosclaude, daughter of James and ElizabethGrosclaude, born February 19, 1839 at Rushville, Ill., died January 9,1919 at Greeley, Colorado. She was married to William J. Roberts, April12, 1860. To this union were born ten children, two of whom died in infancy.The oldest daughter, Mrs. P. E. Mann, died in Denver three years ago. Sheleaves to mourn her loss, Alfred and Harry of Ault, Colo., Louis of Akron,Colo., and Mrs. Harriet Madison of Greeley, Colo.; Charles of Findley,S. D., Frank, who is in Y.M.C.A. work in France and Emery of Mt. Sterling,Ill. Two brothers survive her – Charles F. Grosclaude of Denver andAugust Grosclaude of Camden, Ill. Also many relatives and friendsin Illinois and Colorado.
Mrs. Roberts had the misfortune to fall and breakher hip two years ago, from which she never recovered. Her sufferingwas great, yet she bore it with christian fortitude and was cheerful untilthe end. She often expressed her willingness to join her Savior, whom sheso faithfully served. During the past several years she made her home withher youngest daughter, Mrs. Madison. For several days before she died shewas comforted and cared for by her children who reside in Colorado. Funeral services were held in Denver from Horan’s parlors. Interment atFairmont Cemetery, Denver.
Gert Howell Obituary for Emily PARKER
The Rushville Times, June 19, 1902
Mrs. Emily Parker, the oldest resident of Schuyler County, died at the home of her grandson, William Dowler of BainbridgeTownship, last Friday. She was 90 years of age and resided in the Countysince 1829. Mrs. Parker was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, April 21,1812, and was married to John Parker in 1829, and the same year they removedto Schuyler where Mr. Parker died in 1888. Mrs. Parker was the mother ofsix children and leaves three surviving daughters, thirty one grandchildrenand seventeen great grandchildren.
When fourteen years of age she united with the, and ever remained a faithful member, participating and enjoyingthe services as long as her bodily health would permit, and at last herdeclining days were days of peace in the knowledge of a life well spent.
On Sunday afternoon Rev. F.P. Bonnefon conductedfuneral services at the home of Wm. Dowler and the remains were interredin the Gillette Cemetery.
Gert Howell Obituary for Rachel Ann PARKER HOWELL
The Rushville Times, April 1, 1909
Mrs. Rachel A. Howell, daughter of John and EmilyParker, was born Feb. 12, 1837 in Schuyler County and died at her homein Bainbridge Township March 27, 1909. She was united in marriage to JacobHowell March 11, 1860, Mr. Howell dying Aug. 26, 1901. There wasborn to this union ten children, six of whom died in infancy. One daughter,Mrs. Addie Herche of Macomb died May 2, 1908. The other three childrenwho are left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother are Mrs. EmmaNewell of Macomb, John and Fred of Schuyler County. Two sisters survive,Mrs. Henrietta Burnham of Missouri and Mrs. Emma Dowler of Beardstown,Ill.
Mrs. Howell united with the M.E. church during arevival at Sugar Grove, conducted by Rev. Huckstep during the winter of1861 and 1862. She lived her entire life in the community where she died,and was highly respected by her neighbors and many friends.
Gert Howell Obituary for Emma PARKER DOWLER
The Rushville Times, June 26, 1913
Mrs. Emma Dowler, a former resident of Bainbridge,died in Beardstown.
We take the following account of her death fromthe Beardstown Enterprise: Died Saturday evening at 2:30 o’clock,at her late home, 813 S. Clay Street, Mrs. Emma Dowler at the age of 73years, 6 months and 1 day. Deceased was born in Schuyler County, Illinois,and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and was married to JohnL. Dowler at Jacksonville, March 22, 1864. Her husband preceeded her tothe grave. Three children survive her. They are: Mrs. W. A. Eunisson, NewYork City, Chas. M. Dowler and Wm. L. Dowler of Beardstown. One sisteralso survives her, Mrs. Henrietta J. Burnham of Dripping Springs, BooneCounty, Missouri.
She was a member of the M.E. Church of Beardstown,and a graduate of Illinois Woman’s College of Jacksonville in the classof 1860.
Funeral services were held Monday, June 23 at 2p.m. at the M. E. Church, Rev. N. M. Rigg officiating. Interment in theCity Cemetery.
Gert Howell Obituary for Elsie May GROSCLAUDE
Mrs. Elsie May Grosclaude was born May 28, 1874;died March 24, 1909; aged 34 years, 8 months and 25 days.
Deceased was the eldest daughter of Dewittand Alice Hetrick and was raised in Ripley Township. On August 19, 1902,she was married to Chris Grosclaude of Schuyler County. Her married lifewas a happy one, marked by her devotion to her husband and child.
During her illness of four weeks her sister PearlHetrick, a trained nurse of Peoria, cared for her, but that dreaded disease,consumption, had developed. She was possessed of a beautiful Christiancharacter and endeared herself to acquaintances, and her friends were many.Day by day her sorrowing husband and relatives watched the slender chordsof life weaken and waste until at last the end came and the weary motherlaid down to her eternal rest, cheered by a hope of glorious immortality.
About sixteen years ago she became a member of theChristian Church at Hazel Dell and faithfully adhered to its teachings.Besides a sorrowing husband and a little daughter, Wilhelmina, in her sixthyear, she leaves a father, three sisters and four brothers: Cora, Williamand Lewis of Tonkawa, Oklahoma, Charles of Sacramento, Neb., Pearl of Peoria,Illinois, Guy and Mrs. Logsdon of Brown County.
Funeral services were held from the Christian Churchat Mt. Sterling at one o’clock Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev. Stoverof Rushville. The remains were laid to rest in Mt. Sterling CityCemetery. (Note: Elsie and Chris Grosclaude lived in Woodstock Twp. throughouttheir marriage, This obit is from the Mt. Sterling paper. Reference isn’tgiven.)
Gert Howell Obituary for Charles Christian GROSCLAUDE
The Rushville Times, May 8, 1947
Charles Chris Grosclaude, for many years a prominentfarmer in the Sugar Grove community, passed away last Thursday in a Jacksonvillehospital, following a long period of failing health. Funeral services wereheld at 2:30 p. m. Saturday at the Lawler Funeral home. Rev. Harry S. Credeofficiated, and burial was in the Mt. Sterling Cemetery.
C. C. Grosclaude, lifetime resident of South Schuyler,died Wednesday evening, April 30, having lived to the age of 76 years,3 months and 8 days. He had been in failing health for the past six years,being a patient in several hospitals and nursing homes in this sectionof the country.
His parents, Peter F. Grosclaude and WilhelminaFey Grosclaude, were pioneer residents in Woodstock Township where thefamily home on which he spent his entire life is located. In August, 1902,he brought to this home his bride, the former Elsie May Hetrick, and tothis union was born one daughter, Wilhelmina Alice. Mr. Grosclaude wassoon to lose the loving kindness and helpfulness of his first wife, anda few years after her death in 1909 he married Mrs. Julia Howell, who helpedin the care of their young daughter. He was a man of sterling character,firm in his convictions, and true to his many friends. Mr. Grosclaude leavesto mourn his passing his daughter, Wilhelmina, her husband, Dwight K. Howell,and two grandchildren, Charles Frederick and Donna Jean Howell, a sister,Mrs. David Daron, of Pasadena, California, two nieces and many friendsand neighbors.
Gert Howell Obituary for Margaret Catherine NARDIN HOFFMAN
The Rushville Times, December 28, 1911
Margaret Catherine Nardin, youngest child of Georgeand Frances Louise Nardin, was born at Champey, France, October 26, 1822,and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Brown, at Rushville,Ill., Dec. 20, 1911, aged 89 years, 1 month and 24 days.
The Nardin family saw many hardships in France,the grandfather being imprisoned in the Bastille during the “Reign of Terror,”and other members of the family having followed Napoleon to his defeatat Waterloo. To avoid further military duty her father started for Cincinnati,Ohio when Margaret was six months old, arriving at their home on her firstbirthday. The next fifteen years of her life were spent in Cincinnati,Ohio and Louisville, Ky., when the family emigrated to Schuyler County,Illinois, and settled at Sugar Grove, later moving to the old Nardin homesteadin the western part of Woodstock Township.
On October 16, 1844, deceased was married to SamuelHoffman, to which union were born two children, Mary Margaret Smith Hoffmanand George Walter Brown Hoffman. The husband enlisted in the Mexican Warand died at Santa Fe, New Mexico, Oct. 14, 1847. The son died in 1881 atGirard, Kan., and at that time was editor of the Girard Herald. In 1866,the daughter was married to Robert Brown with whom Mrs. Hoffman has sincemade her home. There are surviving one daughter, Mrs. Robert Brown, eightgrandchildren and six great grandchildren.
Left a widow at age twenty four, with two children,the eldest two years old, and in a country that was a wilderness, it ispleasing to know the hardships she endured changed not in the least hersunny disposition or robbed her of that rare privilege of loving life andbeing in full sympathy with all humanity. She was true, tender and sympathetic;her ideals were well defined and of the purest type, and her whole lifewas always lived in exact accord therewith. She was not only a great loverof her church but of its people, and her absolute faith in “the tomorrow”was simply sublime.
Gert Howell Death Notice for Charles F. NARDIN
The Rushville Times, March, 1943
Charles F. NARDIN, 89, a native of Schuyler countyand the father of Paul Nardin of Industry, died at the home of his daughter,Mrs. Frank Waddell, in Billings, Montana. Funeral services were held atMemorial Chapel with burial in the Palm cemetery.
Gert Howell Obituary for James D. THOMPSON
The Rushville Times, August 5, 1897
An old and honored resident of Woodstock township,died at his home last Saturday at 10:30 a. m. For a year or more Mr. Thompsonhas been in failing health and for several months his death was expectedat any time. His ailment was chronic stomach trouble. On Monday at 2:30Rev. John Hughes of Table Grove, Ill., conducted the funeral service andthe remains were interred in the Jonte cemetery which is located on Mr.Thompson’s farm.
Mr. Thompson was born in Crawford county, Pennsyslvania,March 30, 1823. He came to Illinois with his parents in 1837, and for atime resided in Brown County. On April 3, 1856, he was married to MissMargaret Grosclaude. To this union were born six children, all of whomare living. The daughters are Mesdames Charles Myers, R. T. Briggleand Abner Rowland. His three sons – William J., Jefferson E. and CharlesW. – are all residents of Woodstock township.
Gert Howell Obituary for Isaac BLACK
The Rushville Times, October 10, 1907
With the death of Isaac Black, which occurred onWednesday of last week, Schuyler county’s oldest pioneer settler has goneto his reward.
He came here when a babe in 1825, and with the exceptionof four years spent in McDonough county, Schuyler has ever since been hishome. Mr. Black was in many ways typical of the hardy pioneers who developedthis country. Robust of body, keen of intellect and scrupulously honest,he lived a life that will always bear honor to his name. He was broughtup amid the surroundings of a pioneer home, and shared the trials and privationsof those early days, but it developed and strengthened that sturdy manhoodwhich characterized the old-time pioneers. Few men there are who have witnessedthe development of our country and participated in its activities to agreater extent than Mr. Black.
Up to within a few years ago, he was in active managementof his large landed interests, even though he had retired from actual workon the farm. He saw the possibilities for profitable investment in farmland, and at the time of his death owned several hundred acres of goodland in this county.
Isaac Black was born in Dubois county, Indiana,February 24, 1824. His father, Richard Black, was a native of North Carolina,and removed from there to Kentucky and then onto Indiana, and again in1825 pushed forward to Illinois and settled in Schuyler county. On hisarrival in this county, Mr. Black purchased the squatter’s claim of WillisO’Neal, who had a log cabin about where Mrs. Leach’s house now stands.The following year the county commissioners decided upon this locationfor the county seat and Mr. Black was entered out of his claim.
On April 6, 1848, Mr. Black was united in marriageto Miss Cynthia A. Edmonston, daughter of Enoch Edmonston, one of the earlySchuyler citizens. Their married life was a singularily happy one and theywere spared to enjoy it for almost sixty years. On Jan. 2, 1907, the unionof hearts was broken by the death of Mrs. Black, and her husband, who wasat that time ill and confined to his bed, never again took the same interestin life, and after weary months of illness passed over the border to jointhe loved one who had gone before.
Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Black,but of these only three survive, viz. Enoch Black of Huntsville township,Mrs. E. W. Dace and Mrs. J. Y. McFeeters of this city.
On Friday morning at 10 o’clock funeral serviceswere held at the family residence on East Jefferson street, conducted byRev. A. P. Stover, and the remains were intered in the Rushville cemetery.
Gert Howell Obituary for Enoch EDMONSTON
The Rushville Times, July 27, 1872
Another Old Citizen Gone.
Enoch Edmonston, an old and well-known citizen ofthis county died at his residence in Bainbridge Township on Wednesday morninglast, aged 71 years and 4 days. He was taken ill Friday afternoon previousto his death, while stacking hay, doubtless occasioned by overexertinghimself. Mr. Edmonston was a man of extraordinary activity for one of hisage and not withstanding he had accumulated a large property it was naturalfor him to be hard at work. The deceased was a native of North Carolina;emigrated to this county from Indiana in 1834 and settled in the vicinityof his late residence. He was a life-long member of the Democratic partywhich honored him several times with prominent official positions in thecounty. His second wife and seven children survive him, the youngest beingabout two years old.
Jaspar (Indiana) Courier, August 2, 1872
Died, Mr. Enoch Edmonston, brother of our presentcounty clerk and for many years a citizen of this county died at his lateresidence in Schuyler County, Illinois, on the 24th of July. He was bornin North Carolina in 1801 and emigrated with his father to this county,traveling all the way on foot and carrying his rifle on his shoulder, arrivingin this county, which was then a portion of Knox County, on the 4th dayof March 1818. He and his father and brothers settled in Columbia Township,where they lived for many years, until the family scattered; Enoch movingto Illinois where he owned a large farm which he lived on until his death,much respected by a large circle of friends and regarded as a pioneer ofthat now wealthy and populous county.
Gert Howell Obituary for August GROSCLAUDE
The Rushville Times, May 3, 1923
Aug. Grosclaude, Schuyler Pioneer, Died Sunday.
The death of August Grosclaude, which occurred athis home in Camden, on Sunday, removed another of Schuyler’s old pioneerswhose entire life of almost eighty-four years had been spent in this county.
He is survived by the wife of his youth, to whomhe was married in Woodstock township, Oct. 31, 1861. August Grosclaudewas a son of James F. and Elizabeth Grosclaude, who emigrated from Francein the early thirties. He was born in Woodstock township July 16, 1840,and it was here he was married to Martha Edmonston, and up to the timethey removed to Camden twelve years ago, they lived in Woodstock townshipor in the vicinity of Rushville. To this union were born five children: Emery Harrison, Louise C., who died in infancy, Emma L. Sponamore, of Golden,Allen A., of Wales, North Dakota, and Holly E. Lashbrook of Industry. Besideshis aged wife and four children, he leaves sixteen grandchildren and fourgreat-grandchildren. Mr. Grosclaude is the last of a family of nine children.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Borton, of Camden,were held from the late residence, Tuesday afternoon: interment in theHuntsville cemetery.
Gert Howell Obituary for Martha EDMONSTON GROSCLAUDE
The Rushville Times, June 5, 1924
Martha Edmonston Grosclaude was born October 18,1843 in Woodstock township, Schuyler county, Ill. and died at the homeof her son, E. H. Grosclaude, near Huntsville, May 28, 1924; aged 80 years,7 months and 10 days.
Her early years were spent in Woodstock townshipand here she was married to Augustus Grosclaude, October 31, 1861. To thisunion were born three sons and two daughters, all growing to maturity saveone, Louise Clinton, who died in infancy. She also leaves sixteen grandchildrenand six great-grandchildren, and an aged sister, Mrs. Sarah Jane Ingles,to mourn her departure.
She was a patient sufferer for about thirty years,and she was so frail that after the death of her husband she was takeninto the homes of her children, where each tried to make her decliningdays comfortable and cheer her as best they could, which was little inreturn for the times she looked after them; the day or night never beingtoo cold or too hot for her to minister unto them. And going home to eatwith her, she couldn’t take a bite until father and children were all waitedupon. Even the last day before she took her bed, she wanted to assist withthe housework.While she never joined a church, she said many times that”All that holds me up is my faith in God.” And the last year shehas said many times, “I am ready to go.”
Obituary for Gartha Maxine BAUM ROYER
The Rushville Times, January 20, 1999
Mrs. Gartha Maxine Royer, 81 of Macomb, died Friday,Jan. 15, 1999, at the Heartland Health Care Center in Macomb.
She was born April 7, 1917, in Astoria, the daughterof John and Mary Burgard Baum. She married Norman L. Royer on Aug. 22,1936 in Virginia. He survives. Also surviving are two sons, Lyle D. Royerof Gamaliel, Ark., and Harold Royer of Moline; two daughters, Mrs. MaryDuncan of Spokane, Wash., and Betty Behymer of Altona; 12 grandchildren;21 great-grandchildren, 1 great-great-grandchild; five brothers, RonaldBaum of East Moline, Russell Baum of Colombus, Ind., Raymond Baum of Colombia,S.C.; Richard Baum of Quincy; Robert Baum of Ipava; and five sisters, LeonaSkiles of Astoria, Margaret Wells of Muscatine, Iowa; Rosalie Harvey ofColombus, Texas; Lola Mae Huff of Coal Valley, and Judy Kellogg of Elmwood.She was preceded in death by one brother, John Rodney Baum, and one sister,Francis Heller.
She was a sorority house mother at Western IllinoisUniversity and a member of the Table Grove Community church and was a pastdistrict president of the Rebekah’s Lodge.
Funeral services were Tuesday at Sargent-WorthingtonFuneral Home in Macomb with Rev. Charles Hughes officiating. Burial wasin Forest Lawn Memory Gardens in Macomb. Memorials may be made to the AmericanCancer Society, Diabetes Foundation or to the charity of the donor’s choice.
Obituary for Florence ELLIOTT
The Rushville Times, January 20, 1999
Mrs. Florence Audrey Elliott, 82, of Vermont diedTuesday, Jan 12, 1999, at McDonough District Hospital.
She was born Aug. 13, 1910 in Montclair, NJ, thedaughter of John J. and Elizabeth Graham Harris. She married Sidney W.Elliott March 25, 1939, in Chicago. He died Jan. 20, 1998. She is survivedby three sons, Dennis Martin Elliott of Carpentersville, Daniel Phillip(wife Peggy) Elliott of Collinsville, and John David (wife Jill) Elliottof Chicago, two daughters, Mrs. Ken (Nancy Elizabeth) Thomas and SharonMargaret Dodd, both of Vermont; 16 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren;14 great-great-grandchildren; and three brothers, Donald of Bollingbrook,James of Tempe, Ariz. and Michael of Georgia. She was preceded in deathby one son, Kenneth M. Elliott.
She was retired from the Ken-Ray Foundry in Vermontand was a member of St. Paul’s Church in Macomb.
Funeral services were Saturday at the Kost MemorialHome in Vermont, with Fr Richard Pricco officiating. Burial was in theVermont Cemetery.
Memoirals may be made to the Vermont Rescue Squad.
Obituary for Nellie ENGLES
The Rushville Times, February 12, 1992
Nellie R. Engles, 67, of Rushville died at 8 a.m.Monday, Feb 10, 1992, at her residence. Born March 10, 1924, in Lonoke,Ark., to Walter and Nora Smith Henderson, she married Glen Engles in 1943in Medord, Ore. He died Dec. 30, 1965. One daughter, Brenda Lee Engles,also preceded her in death. Surviving are her mother, Nora Sailor of Lonoke;two sons, Glen of south Roxana and Michael J. of Marion; one daughter,Mary Dianne Larson of Rushville; two brothers, Walter Henderson of Lonokeand Roy Henderson of Conway, Ark., two sisters, Alva Lee Choate of DeVallsBluff, Ark., and Ruby Young of Carlisle, Ark; seven grandchildren; andfive great-grandchildren.
She was a nurse in the obstetrics department atCulbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville for 11 years. She was presidentof the Schulyer women’s Auxiliary American Legion Post 4.
Graveside services will be at 11:30 a.m. Thursdayat Versailles West Side Cemetery, Versailles. The Rev. Dean West will officiate.Visitationwill be from 10 to 11 a.m. Thursday at Roby Funeral Chapel, Rushville.Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Jimmie L. THOMPSON
The Rushville Times, February 2, 1992
Jimmie L. Thompson, 54, of Rushville died at 8:55a.m. Sunday, Feb 2, 1992, at his residence. Born May 1, 1937, in McDonoughcounty to Forrest and Orthalene Bates Thompson, he married Mary JeanetteRebman on July 16, 1960, in Jacksonville, Ill. She survives. Alsosurviving are his mother, Orthalene Phelps of Marietta; his father andstep-mother, Forrest and Joyce Thompson, one son, James Craig Thompson,two daughters, Mrs. Ramona Tolles and Rebecca Thompson, all of Rushville;seven granchildren; two brothers, Bill Thompson of Smithfiled and RickPhelps of Ellisville; and three sisters, Mrs. Jane Billingsley of Jacksonville,Fla., Karen Fitzjarrald and Mrs. Lisa Roberts, both of Rushville. He waspreceded in death by his step father, Joseph Phelps. He worked at BohnHeat Transfer in Beardstown for 17 years.
Obituary for Carl Edward DOYLE
The Rushville Times, January 29, 1992
Carl Edward Doyle, 78, of Warsaw, died Fridday,Jan. 24 at his home. He was born May 14, 1913, at Mendon, the son of Fredand Etta Neaterour Doyle. He married Marie A. Worster, Nov 9, 1945, atCarthage. She survives in Warsaw. Also surviving are four daughters, Mrs.Frank (Clara) Lung of Rushville, Mrs. John (Marjorie) Armstrong, Mrs. Jerry(Connie) Keller, both of Warsaw, and Mrs. Earl (Patricia) Gutting of Macomb;two sons, Carl Robert and John Frederick, both of Warsaw; 12 grandchildrenand one great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brotherand three sisters.
He was a member of the V.F.W. and the American LegionPosts of Warsaw and Warsaw Boat Club. He served in the U.S. Army duringW.W.II. He had been employed with the Electric Storage Battery Co. in Warsawfor 22 years.
Funeral services were Monday, Jan. 27 in the Assemblyof God Church in Warsaw with the Rev. Robert H. Cowan officiating. Burialwas in the Oakland Cemetery at Warsaw. A military service was held at thegraveside by V.F.W. Post #9802 and the Ralph Parker American Legion Post#682 of Warsaw. The Lamporte Funeral Home of Warsaw was in charge of theservices. Memorials have been established in his memory.
Funeral for Clinton ESSLINGER
The Rushville Times,February 5, 1992
Laura Bauer attended graveside services for ClintonEsslinger of Bowen in the Rushville Cemetery.
Obituary for Metro POLTAWSKY
The Rushville Times, February 5, 1992
Metro Poltawsky, 85, of Rushville died at 8:55 p.m.Friday, Jan. 31, 1992, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital. He was born Nov24, 1906 in Burakova, Ukraine, to Joseph and Anastasia Mynka Poltawsky.He is survived by one son, Iwan “John” of Rushville; one daughter, YavdokiaPoltawsky of Ukraine; and three grandchildren. He was preceded indeath by one son, Alexie, two sisters and two grandchildren.
He was employed for 20 years as a butcher at BartlowBrothers Inc. in Rushville before retiring in 1971. He was a member ofFirst United Methodist Church in Rushville.
Services were 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Roby FuneralChapel in Rushville, the Rev. Jerry Watkins officiating. Burial was inRushville City Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Cass-Schuyler Home HealthCare or to his church.
Obituary for Lois E. YOUNG
The Rushville Times, February 12, 1992
Lois E. Young, 82 of 812 N. 5th Ave., Galon, Ill,died at 4:28 p.m. Thursday, Feb 6 at Cottage Hospital in Galesburg. Shewas born Oct. 19, 1909, in Schuyler County to Herschel and Elsie ArmourYoung. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother. She is survivedby a brother, H. Ray Young; two nephews; one niece; two grand nephews;and three grand nieces.
She was a graduate of Colchester High School, WesternIllinois State Teacher’s College, earned a msaters degree from ColumbiaUniversity in New York and teaching certificate. She was a school teacherfor 41 years, 25 years in Springfield school district, and retired in 1971.She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Galva, Sundayschool teacher of married folds, Galva Women’s Club, Galva Senior Citizens,Henry Stark Retired Teacher’s Association and Illinois Retired TeachersAssociation.
Burial was in Rushville City Cemetery Saturday,Feb 8 with Rux-Schuster Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Memorialsmay be made to American Heart Association or charity of donor’s choice.
MargaretBucholtz Obituary for Minerva GARRET MACE
St. Francis Herald, St Francis, Kansas
Mrs. A. Mace Gone
Mrs. A. Mace, one of the early pioneer women ofthis community answered the final summons at an early hour last Wednesdaymorning and passed into the great beyond.
Several years ago Mrs. Mace suffered a stroke anda second one overtook her while just leaving church after the morning servicelast Sunday. She was taken home and shortly became unconscious and remainedso until the end.
The funeral services are being held this afternoonfrom the Methodist church, conducted by the Rev. Robert Parker. Burialin the St. Francis cemetery.
Minerva Garret was born at Rushville, Schuyler county,Ill., February 14, 1851 and departed from this life May, 26, 1920, at herhome in St. Francis. In 1868 she was married to Arelious Mace and thesetwo were companions for nearly 52 years, being permitted to celebrate theirgolden wedding two years ago. To them were born six children, Maggie, whodied when she was nine years of age, Mrs. Blanch Kanel, Mrs. Pearl Kanel,John Mace, Arthur Mace, and Morley Mace, all of St. Francis.
In 1874 they moved to Franklin county, NE., andin 1886 to Cheyenne county, where they have since made their home. On theday that she was sixteen years of age, she was converted and for the longperiod of fifty three years she, like Enoch has walked with God. When firstcoming to this county they lived south of Wheeler where she was superintendentand teacher in the Valley Sunday school. In 1897 they moved to their farmnorth of Wheeler and there twenty years ago she organized what is now theRiverside Sunday school, out of which has come an organized church. Thesetwo organizations with many converted souls stand as a monument to herChristian life in this county and many shall rise up and call her blessed.To them who know her best, no eulogy need be given. Her ministry to thesick has brought comfort and relief to many who have had her help and careduring a time of illness.
Besides her husband and children, she leaves heronly living sister, Mrs. O. Linder, of Hastings, NE., fifteen grand childrenand one great grand child with other relatives and a great number of friendswho mourn her death.
MargaretBucholtz Obituary for Marcus Aurelius MACE
St. Francis Herald, St Francis, Kansas
Funeral Services For A. Mace Held
Funeral services for Civil War veteran, A. Macewere held at the Saint Francis Methodist Episcopal Church on last Thursdayafternoon. Rev. B.W. Thomas, pastor of the St. Francis Christian churchdelivered the sermon and eulogy and was assisted in the services by ReverendW. E. Saville, pastor of the Methodist church. The casket was draped withthe American flag and there were many beautiful floral pieces, emblemsof love and respect. There was a large attendance. Every seat inthe spacious main auditorium being occupied by the mans relatives and friends,which included members of the American legion and their Auxiliary, Spanish-Americanwar veterans, and the last surviving member of the Union Army of the CivilWar residing in Cheyenne county, Josephus Spaun, of St. Francis. He at the age of 87, shaking as with palsy, and faltering step, was accompaniedand assisted by James H. Egan veteran of the Spanish -American war. A quartetcomposed of Messer W. O. Fallis, Ben G. Harrison, J. G. Upton, and A. C.Hancock sang three numbers, “Rock of Ages,”, “Going Down the Valley,One by One” and “Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground.” The pall bearerswere four grandsons, Troy and Rodney Mace, Lynn and Guy Kanel, and twograndsons-in-law, Ray E. Clark and Dr. Glenn Wellons. Members of the Americanlegion were color bearers, Hugh Mithcell and Lawrence Sturm; and as colorguard, Dr. G.A. Benkelman and Foster Smith, and as firing squad in chargeof Ray R. Slyhoff, E.L. Boardman, Edwin M. Scoby, John B. Zeller, MartSmith, Merle Jones, Quay Carrol, Chester Carmichael and CommanderWalter S. Brewer, of Harry E. Stephenson Post, of St. Francis. Taps weresounded by Winston Churchill. Burial was in the St. Francis cemetery.
The following obituary was read at the church service:
Marcus Aurelius Mace was born December 14,1846,just 87 years ago at Rushville, Schuyler county, Illinois and departedthis life December 12, 1933 at the home of his daughter Mrs. Blanch Kanel,near St. Francis, Kansas.
At the age of fifteen he enlisted in Company B ofthe 119th Illinois volunteer infantry and served for the duration of theCivil War. Most of his service was in Louisiana, although he participatedin the siege and capture of Nashville, Tennessee and Mobile and Montgomery,Alabama. He was mustered out at Mobile four months after the close of thewar. Mr. Mace was one of the charter member of Sam Webber post, Grand Armyof the Republic of St. Francis.
In 1868, he was united in marriage to Minerva Garret,at Rushville, Illinois and for nearly fifty-two years they were companionstogether sharing the rigorous life of the pioneer west. Mrs. Mace passedon before– 13 years ago last May. To this union were born six children,two of them proceeded their father in death; Maggie at the age of nineyears and John at 59. Those who remain to mourn his departure are Mrs.Blanch Kanel, Mrs. Pearl Kanel, Arthur and Morley Mace, all of this vicinity.There are also twenty-two grandchildren and six great grand children. Thegreat grand children are Joy Rae Clark, Wynona Bowers, Stanley Mace, DonaJean Heselius, Robert Lee and Donnie Dwayne Kyle.
In 1874 he moved to Cheyenne county, Kansas andsettled on a homestead in Cheyenne valley south of Wheeler, some yearslater moving to Calhoun township on the Republican river, northeast ofSt. Francis where he lived until his wife passed away. Since that timehe has made his home with one or the other of his children. He has longbeen identified with the Methodist church of this city. Served as one ofthe first jurors in Cheyenne county and has always stood as one of thestalwart, generous spirited citizens who claim the respect and honor ofall men in his day and the days to come.
Sam Taylor Obituary for Creed S. TAYLOR
Lucas Sentinel, Lucas, Kansas, March 27, 1903
Creed S. Taylor born in Texas, December 14, 1830,died at his home five miles west of Lucas, March 20, 1903, age 72 years3 months and 6 days. When seven years of age he went to Schuyler County,Illinois. April 13, 1850 he was married to Mary A. Clark daughter of Georgeand Sally Clark of Ripley, Brown County, Illinois. To this union was born10 children, five of which survive him; namely; Theodore, Pardee, Fremont,Addie Sage and Iona Kimball. The other five passed on before to the gloryworld to which he has entered with a bright hope of immortal bliss. Thedeceased was a soldier in the civil war, serving his country 1 year and6 months in the 50th Illinois Infantry Company H. He came to Kansas fromSchuyler County, Illinois in 1878 in which state he has lived ever since.His aged wife and five children are left to mourn his departure. The funeralservice was held March 21, in the M. E. church at Lucas, conducted by Rev.Kerr. The remains were laid to rest in the Lucas cemetery.
Tammy Matthews Death Notice for Alex LENOVER
The Rushville Times, September 4, 1913
Alex LENOVER, an old resident of Pleasant View diedTuesday morning. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon.
Tammy Matthews Obituary for Joseph LENOVER
The Rushville Times, July 27, 1923
Funeral services for Joseph LENOVER were held inDecatur Thursday. Mr. Lenover was once a resident of Bainbridge township.He was a brother of the late Alexander Lenover, a civil war veteran andpast ninty years of age. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smedley attended the funeral.
Tammy Matthews Obituary for James Allen BIGHAM
The Rushville Times
James Allen Bigham, 25, River Oaks Village, Springfield,formerly of Rushville died at 7:20 p.m. Sunday, March 8, 1992 at MemorialMedical Center in Springfield as a result of a headon collision that occuredabout 4:30 p.m. Sunday, about two mile north of Mt. Sterling on Route #99.
He was born April 15, 1966 in Rushville, the sonof Robert Campbell and Gearline Lenover Bigham. Surviving are two sons,Bryan Paul Bigham and Willis Michael Bigham, both of Beardstown; fiance,Stephanie Hamm of Springfield; his mother, Gearling Bigham of Harrisonburg,VA; father Robert Campbell of Springfield; adoptive father, Terry Bighamof Macomb; grandparents, Gerald and Doris Lenover of Rushville, MargaretCampbell of Macomb, Marian Bigham of Rushville; two brothers, Robert Campbellof Grottoes, VA, and Steve Bigham of Rushville; one sister, Cindy Bighamof Rushville; two half sisters, Lori Jernigan of Horn Lake, MS and SherylBanks of Springfield, MO; several aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews.
He graduated from Rushville High School in 1984and was an assistant manager of Harper Oil Co. in Springfield.
Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Thursdayat Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with the Rev. Robert Kirkham officiating.Burial will be in the Rushville City Cemetery. Visitation will be from6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.
Memorials may be given to his children’s educationfund C/O First State Bank of Macomb.
Tammy Matthews Obituary for Lillie M. ORR
The Rushville Times
Lillie M. Orr Dies At Age 71
Lillie M. Orr, 71, of Rushville died Sunday, April30, at Culbertson Long Term Care Center in Rushville. Services were heldTuesday at Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville. The Rev. Roy Adams officiated.Burial was in Rushville City Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the CulbertsonMemorial Hopital.
She was born Aug. 25, 1917, in Bainbridge Township,Schuyler County, to Delvan and Lillie White Lawler Orr. Surviving are onebrother, Tommy Orr of Rushville; and numerous nieces and nephews. She waspreceded in death by three brothers and two sisters.
Tammy Matthews Obituary for Milton KEOWN
The Rushville Times
Milton B. Keown, 92, of Siloam Springs, Ark., diedJune 19, 1994, at the Siloam Springs Memorial Hospital.
Born Jan. 16, 1902, in Barry, Ill., the sonof John W. and Josephine (Mercer) Keown, he married Bessie Geneva Van Sandtin Pheonix Ariz., in 1931. He studied theology at A.T. College and wasawarded a divinity degree in 1926. He served the area as a independentitinerant minister for over 30 years. In 1965, he retired from the engineeringdepartment, space division, of Lionel Pacific at Gardena, Calif. He thenmoved to the Rushville area and farmed until 1971. At that time he movedto the Siloam Springs area and worked as a cabinet maker for several years.He was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church of Siloam Springs, Ark.He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers and four sisters.Survivors include his wife; one sister Clarine Jacobus of Cuba; and severalnieces, nephews and friends. Services were Tuesday, June 21 at the Backstrom-PyeatteFuneral Home Chapel, the Rev. Lonnie Nelson officiated. Burial was in OakHill Cemetery in Siloam Springs.
Tammy Matthews Obituary for Henry LENOVER
The Rushville Times, July 27, 1950
Henry Lenover, 27 passed Away Saturday Morning
Henry Lenover, Jr., 27, died Saturday morning atthe home of his sister, Mrs. Anita Hale in this city. Funeral servies wereheld Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Perry-Voorhees funeral home withthe Rev. Lottie Morrow of Beardstown, officiating. Burial was in the RushvilleCemetery.
Henry Junior, oldest son of Henry and Hazel CarrollLenover was born August 27, 1923 near Rushville and passed away at thehome of his sister, Anita Hale, on July 22, 1950. On June 20, 1949 he wasjoined in marriage to Delorse Knous at Rushville. This happy young couplebecame the parents of a son on June 28, 1950, and their life and home seemedcomplete. Early this past spring, Junior as he was known to everyone, wastaken ill and spent a week in the hospital and after two weeks when hisdoctor and family knew his condition was worse and wishing to return homehe was moved to the home of his sister where everything was done by lovinghands to ease his last days, and where he passed away at 5:50 Saturdaymorning at the age of 27 years, 10 months and 25 days. He bore this sufferingwith the greatest of patience and always had a smile and thanks for eachand everyone who helped to comfort him.
During his illness he expressed his belief in Godand asked his family to pray for him as he was ready to meet his Masterand loved ones who had passed on before. He was preceded in death by grandparents,nephews and his mother on February 26, 1936 when he was a small boy whichbrought him a never ending sorrow.
He leaves to mourn his untimely death his wife andsmall son, Stanley Leroy, his father, grandfather and the following brothersand sisters: Anita Hale of Rushville, Margarite Cole of Monmouth, RubySipes of Ray, Erma Newingham of Mt. Sterling, Rosella Bland of Pana, CarrollEugene and Donald of Mt. Sterling, also a half-brother, Benny, of Clayton.Also several nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, many cousins and a hostof other relatives and friends.
Tammy Matthews Obituary for Elias Leander WARD
The Rushville Times
Hogs Attack Leander Ward In Farm Field
Bainbridge Farmer, Aged Sixty-five Years Past, Found Dead In PastureLot On His Home Farm. Bady Badly Mutilated
Leander Ward, native resident of Bainbridge township,suffered a horrible death Thursday evening between the hours of 6 and 9o’clock, when he was killed and almost completely devoured by ravenoushogs at his farm home.
Mr. Ward left the house about 6 o’clock p.m. todo his evening chores and when he failed to return to the house, as darknesscame on, his wife became alarmed. She called neighbors by telephoneand Arthur Illman first responded and came at once to the farm home. AfterMrs. Ward had told of her husband’s long absence he went to the pasturelot where he was horrified to find a bunch of hogs surrounding the bodyof the aged man, who only a short time before had left his home in apparentgood health. Mr. Illman experienced some trouble in driving the hogs away,and it was only when other neighbors came to assist him was this accomplished,as the taste of blood had crazed the beasts.
Identified By Circumstances
The body was terribly mutilated and had it not beenknown that Mr. Ward had gone into the field and have not returned identificationwould have been impossible other than from the fragments of blood stainedclothing that he wore. His face, arms and legs had been attacked by thehogs and almost completely devoured and the trunk of his body was badlymutilated. After the hogs had been driven from the field by the neighborsassembled the body was brought to the C.H. Hammond undertaking parlorsand prepared for burial. Dr. W. F. Justus, county coronor, was notifiedand after an examination of the body and an interview with some of thosewho drove the infuriated swine away, he decided to forego holding an inquest,but instead held an inquiry and signed the death certificate on the factsas brought out in substance as stated above. Whether Mr. Ward, who wasin his sixty-sixth year, was suddenly stricken by paralysis and fell deadin the hog lot, or had stumbled and fell prone on the ground while stillalive, will never be known, as there was no outery and no eye wittnessesto his tragic death.
Funeral Held Sunday
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. C. W. Monson,were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the First M.E. Church. Intermentwas made in Resthaven Mausoleum.
The following obituary, written by a life-long friendand neighbor, was read at the service:
Elias Leander, second child of Henry M. and MaryAnn Ward, was born in Bainbridge township, Schuyler county, March10, 1862, and passed out of this earthly life at his farm home three milesfrom Rushville, on July 21, 1927, aged 65 years, 4months and 11 days. Hewas united in marriage to Carrie C. Lenover March 21, 1886. To this unionwere born four children: Everett, Leander H., Abbie Lilly King of Schuylercounty and Ollie Pearl Whitson of Cuba, Mo., all of whom with the wifeare left to mourn the loss of a husband and father.
Some time after forty years ago he with his wifeunited with the Southern M. E. Church at Mt. Carmel, under the ministrationof H. H. Jones. Altho not of a very strong or robust constitution yet hewas noted for his energy and perseverance and for his remarkable habitsof industry.
He is also survived by one half-brother, John A.,and three half-sisters, Mrs. Dora Dodds, Mrs. Rosannah Lenover and AdalineBowman, also thirteen grand children.
On the day of his death he assisted in putting hayin the barn and after eating supper went to drive some hogs to the pasture,and to bring up the cows, but not returning as soon as his wife thoughthe should, and being bodily crippled with rheumatism herself, she calledsome neighbors over the telephone to look for him, which resulted in findinghis lifeless body in the pasture not far from the public highway, and thuswas the sudden and unexpected passing away of this father, husband, friend,neighbor, and good citizen. We are again reminded of the uncertainty oflife and the certainty of death.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Delevan ORR aka Joseph ORR
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1937
Joseph Orr Of Bainbridge Died Suddenly On Thursday
Joseph Orr, prominent Bainbridge township farmer,died suddenly Thursday, forenoon at his home following a heart attack.Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Fred Wilson of Vermont, were held atthe Christian church , in Rushville Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Intermentwas in the Rushville cemetery.
The following obituary was read at the service:
Delevan L. Orr, son of Henry and Margaret BowlinOrr, was born Aug 21, 1871, on a farm in Bainbridge township, Schuylercounty, Ill. He passed away Dec. 23, 1937, at his home in Bainbridge inhis sixty-seventh year as the result of a sudden heart attack. He had beenenjoying his usual good health, being out about the place that morning.He went to the house about 9 o’clock and while talking with his familycomplained of a pain in his chest, but did not think it serious, refusingto have a doctor called at that time. About 10:30 o’clock, he started towalk across the room, he fell with the attack, and Dr. Munson, who arriveda short time later, said death had come instantly.
Mr. Orr grew to manhood on his father’s farm wherehe became an industrious young farmer. On Aug. 11, 1898, he was unitedin marriage with Lillie Lawler, daughter of John Henry and Sarah (Kelly)Lawler of Woodstock township, Schuyler County. To them were born sevenchildren: John Henry, Sarah Margaret, wife of Bert Goodwin, Harvey Delevan,Thomas B., Warren Alfred, Laura Katherine and Lillie May, all of Schuylercounty, and all living except Harvey, who preceded his father in deathFeb. 9, 1929. He is also survived by his wife and two brothers, ErnestM. and Sylvanus B. Orr, of this vicinity and four grandchildren. Two sisters,Dora , wife of Charles Aacker and Cora, wife of Emery Payne, have preceededhim. After marriage, Mr. Orr continued farming and by thrift and industrywas able to provide well for his large family and acquire a splendid farmof his own. He was one of the substantial dependable citizens of the township,a good neighbor and always ready to help in trouble, sickness or death.He possessed a kind nature and jovial disposition and will be greatly missedby his many relatives and friends.
Life and death are unsolved mysteries, yet deathmay be a blessing, as it takes the darkness to bring out the stars, itperhaps takes the shadows of death to bring out our better natures, makeus overlook the trivial faults and see the fine qualites of our neighborsand friends which they always possessed but which we failed to see before.Then, in this spirit, let us hold in memory the kind deeds of our departedneighbor and friend.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Henry ORR
The Rushville Times, May 26, 1926
Henry Orr, Bainbridge Pioneer Died, May 20th
Henry Orr, pioneer resident of Bainbridge township,died at his home Thursday, following a brief illness. Funeral serviceswere held at the home Saturday conducted by Rev. Fred Wilson. Intermentin Rushville Cemetery. Henry Orr, was born in Bainbridge township, May15, 1844 and died May 20, 1926, being 82 years on Saturday prior to hisdeath. He was the son of Joseph and Mary Ann Burnside Orr, natives of CountyTyrone, Ireland, where they were reared and married and came to this countrysettling in Bainbridge Township about 1837. Jane, the wife of Simon Reeveand Mary, wife of S. B. Vaughn were sisters born in Ireland and both precededhim in death. Mr. Orr lived his entire life in Bainbridge township whereon November 24, 1867 he married Margaret Bowlin, daughter of John and LouisaBowlin, natives of Kentucky and to them were born 5 children, Ernest M.Orr, IsaDora Ackers, Delaven Orr, Sylvanus Orr and Cora Payne, all livingexcept IsaDora, who preceeded her father, May 12, 1905. His wife, 18 grandchildrenand 21 great – grandchildren survive him.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Joseph ORR
The Rushville Times, September 3, 1896
Orr, Joseph–An Old Pioneer Gone.
Joseph Orr was born in Fermanaugh county, Ireland,March 31, 1805; died at his home in Bainbridge township, this county, Aug.29, 1896; aged 91 years, 4 months and 29 days. He was married to Mary AnnBurnsides, Oct. 12, 1831. To them were born five children, three of whom–Mrs.Jane Reeves, Mrs. Mary A. Vaughn and Henry Orr–still live.
They came to America in November, 1840; moved toBainbridge township and lived there ever since. On the voyage, in a storm,Mr. Orr received a blow that fractured his skull. A silver plate was foundnecessary. He was not fully recovered when Mr. John Beatty, of this city,an old neighbor and schoolmate of his in Ireland 73 years ago, went tosee him in Pittsburg, where he stopped for a time with old acquaintances.His son thinks that he never fully recovered from that injury, as he washardly right in his mind at times since then. The immense vitality andvigor of Mr. Orr is indicated by the fact that but a few weeks ago he walkedinto Rushville alone. A man of strong passions and great will power, henever forgot a favor nor an injury. He never tired of telling how EzraJackson, of Rushville, went down one cold day and taught him houw to usean ax and how to “make on” a fire of wood! There was only a path then toRushville, It was a village of log houses, with two three frame building.But the old log court house had been replaced by the new brick in the squareand business was looking up. The old times are gone and the early pioneersare nearly all departed. The old settlers around him then have been buriedaway these years. His death was sudden-gave away all at once; and in hisdeath gave no assurance of hope beyond. The funeral was conducted at thehome place last Sunday at 11 o’clock, in the presence of a great companyof people, by Rev. O. T. Rogers, and the remains laid away in the Gillettegraveyard.-O. T. Rogers.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Margaret ORR
The Rushville Times, February 16, 1927
Died Monday From Burns
Clothing Caught Fire From Live Coals In A Smoke House At Her Home InBainbridge Township On Monday Afternoon.
Mrs. Margaret Orr, widow of the late Henry Orr ofBainbridge township, aged eighty-three years, died on Monday night at 10o’clock from burns received five hours earlier at her home five miles southeastof Rushville, where she resided with her son, Ernest Orr. Mrs. Orr hadgone to the smoke house, closely adjacent to the dwelling , and while thereher clothing caught fire by coming in contact with a kettle of live coals.Her daughter-in-law did not know she had left the residence until she heardher scream and on going to the smoke house found her enveloped in flames.Using rugs and heavy clothing, the younger Mrs. Orr made a futile attemptto smother out the flames, but in this was unsuccessful and all of theclothing was burned from the body of the elderly woman with the exceptionof one shoe as she stood upright grasping the back of a chair. Realizingher helplessness in the situation, Mrs. Ernest Orr telephoned to neighborsfor aid and when they arrived Mrs. Orr to speak, but seemed to recognizeher children gathered about her bedside. Dr. C. M. Fleming was summonedand taken to the home by her son, S. B. Orr with his team and wagon, theroads being impassable for an automobile. He administered treatment toalleviate her suffering and death came to relieve her at 10 o’clock Mondaynight. Mrs. Orr was a native resident of Bainbridge township and her entirelife of eighty-three years had been spent in the neighborhood where shewas born. She was a woman who ever held the love and affection of her friendsand neighbors and her long life was marked by kindly deeds of mercy thatendear her memory in the hearts of those who knew her thruout the longlapse of years.
Of Kentucky, was born in Bainbridge township, March1, 1844. Here she grew to young womanhood and in 1867 she became the brideof Henry Orr, also a native of Bainbridge township, and for more than fifty-eightyears, they spent life happily together on the old homestead in Bainbridgetownship, the union of hearts being broken by the death of Mr. Orr in May,1926. To this union were born five children, one of whom, Dora, the wifeof Charles Acker, is deceased. The following children survive to mournthe death of a kind and loving mother: Cora, the wife of Emery Payne ofLittleton township; Ernest, S. B. and Delevan Orr, all residents of Bainbridgetownship. There are also fifteen grand-children. Funeral services wereheld this (Wedensday) morning at the Christian church in Rushville, conductedby Rev. Fred Wilson. Interment in the Rushville cemetery.
The Rushville Timesused by permission.
Copyright 2006 Judi Gilker; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercial use of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with the information.