Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 6
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Mrs. Jane REEVE
The Rushville Times, April 22, 1920
Mrs. Jane Reeve, widow of Simon A. Reeve, was bornin County Fermanagh, Ireland, Oct 14, 1833, and died at the home of herson, William H. Reeve, in this city April 14th, aged 86 years and six months.In 1840 her parents, Joseph and Mary Ann Orr, emigrated to America, andafter a long ocean voyage and trip up the Mississippi and Illinois rivers,landed at Erie, then a flourishing river town between Frederick and Beardstown,and from there removed to Bainbridge township, where they established ahome. Her girlhood days were spent amid pioneer surrounding, and on Jan12, 1854, she was united in marriage to Simon A. Reeve, and they beganhousekeeping in a log house on the farm where she lived for fifty years.The young couple worked together to overcome the hardships and privationsof pioneer life, and while the husband toiled in the field the young wifecarded and spun the wool that was made into garments, and treasured amongher valued possessions were many bits of handiwork her hands had fashionedin pioneer days. Mrs. Reeve was truly a noble pioneer women, and her longlife was filled with good deeds. The need of humanity in those pioneerdays made a great appeal to her generous heart, and friendship to her meantservice and many were the hearts that were lightened by the kindly ministrationof her hands in time of sickness and sorrow. From early childhood Mrs.Reeve had been a member of the Methodist church, and she lived so closeto her Master that her faith was clear and sustained her with hope andcheerfulness as the years lengthened and sorrow and suffering came intoher life. And yet her cheery nature and bouyant spirit was undaunted andit blessed all those who came in contact with her. It was in 1904 thatMr. And Mrs. Reeve removed from their pioneer home and came to Rushvilleto live, and the loving union of hearts was broken by the death of thehusband on May 26, 1908. Four children had been born to bless their home-threesons and a daughter, and of these two sons were left to minister to theiraged parents-Pulaski and Henry Reeve of this city, also one grand childand one other whom she knew as her grandchild Ruth, and two great grandchildren.Mr. Reeve [should say Mrs. Reeve] also leaves one brother and a sister-HenryOrr and Mrs. Mary Ann Vaughn. With the ending of a life so filled withgood deeds there is solace in the thought that the inspiration of her lifewill continue to live in the hearts of her family and friends. Funeralservices were held in the M. E. church on Friday at 2 p.m., conducted byRev. Adams. Interment in the Rushville cemetery.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Mary Ann ORR
The Rushville Times,Deaths of 1888
Died, at her home near Rushville, Ill., Friday morning,Aug. 17th, 1888, Mrs. Mary Ann Orr, wife of Joseph Orr. Mary Ann Burnsidewas born in Ireland, Oct. 12th, 1807; was married to Joseph Orr in 1831;came to America in the spring of 1840, and to Schuyler County in the fallof the same year, where she has since resided. She was the mother of fivechildren, three of whom are living. She was a true and faithful wife, adevoted mother, and was always giving good advice. In youth she untiedwith the Presbyterian Church, and always held to that faith. She has beena great sufferer for many years. During these years of affliction she wasnever heard to complain of the hardness of her lot; but, like a Christian,bore it, knowing that God meant her good. She often expressed her desireto be safely housed in heaven. In a visit to her brother on his death bedhe asked her to meet him in heaven. She told him she would, and felt thatshe was ready to go. Funeral services, conducted by the writer, were heldat the family residence on Saturday morning last, in the presence of alarge company of friends and neighbors, who thus testified of the highesteem in which they held our departed sister; after which the remainswere conveyed to their rest in the Gillette Cemetery. John Knowles.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Mrs. Mary VAUGHN
The Rushville Times, July 28, 1921
Mrs. Mary Vaughn, widow of S. B. Vaughn, and oneof the pioneer women of Schuyler county died at her home in this city Saturdayevening. Funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock,conducted by Rev. Fred Wilson, of Vermont; internment in the Rushvillecemetery. Mary Ann Orr was born in County Fermanaugh, Ireland, Aug. 21,1839, and quietly went to sleep on the eve of July 23, 1921; aged 81 years,11 months and two days. Coming to America at the age of six months in asailing vessel, settling in Bainbridge township, in Nov. 1840, where shegrew to womanhood. She was married to S. B. Vaughn, Nov. 24, 1867. To thisunion four children were born, of which two survive. I. A., of Monmouth,and Ida at home; one brother Henry Orr of Bainbridge township, and threegrandchildren, Mrs. L. M. Shores of Rushville, Mrs. W. W. Finke of Mission,Tex., and Miss Annetta Vaughn of Monmouth; also two great grand children,besides a host of relatives and friends. She was converted at an earlyage and ever afterwards lived a christian life. She was a loving motherand a kind neighbor and will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for James J. BURNSIDE
The Rushville Times, March, 11, 1936
James J. Burnside, a son of Thomas and Sarah J.Burnside, pioneer residents of Schuyler county, was born in Bainbridgetownship October 31, 1852, and died at his home south of Rushville, February21, 1936, aged 83 years, 3 months and 21 days. He was the fourth childof a family of seven children, all of whom have preceeded him in death,except Robert Burnside, of Sturgeon, Mo., and Mrs. Charles Tucker of Rushville.His entire life with the exception of two years in Texas was spent in thevicinity of his birth. He was a man of strict honesty and integrity andhad always held the highest respect and esteem of all who knew him. Hehad been in failing health for the past three years, following a paralyticstroke. All that kind and loving friends could do was done to relieve hissuffering, which he bore patiently, expressing only the wish not to becomea burden to others. Altho he was not affiliated with any church, he wasa believer in Christ. He was married Feb. 28, 1901, to Laura Dell Ellis.He leaves to mourn his death his wife and five children; Henry and Russelwho reside near home, Alice, wife of Norris Bartlow, residing in Buenavistatownship, Glen and Lillie at home; also eight grandchildren.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Thomas G. BURNSIDE
The Rushville Times, February 15, 1923 – PASSING OF USEFUL CITIZEN
Thomas G. Burnside, life long resident of Schuylercounty, died Sunday night at his home in this city, following an illnessthat came upon him several weeks ago, when he was stricken with paralysis.He was in his sixty-eighth year. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. J.C. Brown , were held from the First M. E. church on Wednesday afternoonat 2:30 o’clock ; Interment in the family lot in the Rushville cemeterybeside his two soldier sons. Thomas G. Burnside, son of Thomas and SarahBurnside, born Oct. 6th, 1855, was one of seven children born on the oldhomestead farm in Bainbridge township, and it was here his boyhood dayswere spent and he grew to useful manhood. It was on October 26th, 1882,that Thomas G. Burnside claimed as his bride Nancy J. Rittenhouse, a daughterof William and Nancy Rittenhouse, also pioneer residents of Schuyler county,and the young couple established their home on a farm near their childhoodhome and for forty years this worthy couple traversed life’s pathway together,sharing the joys and sorrows that came into their life with the spiritthat only exists where true love reigns. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Burnsidewas blessed with ten children, viz: Roscoe, Ralph, Lillie, Della, Thomas,Ethel, Hildreth, Charles, Mary and Leslie, all of whom grew to bright youngmanhood and womanhood in the old family home, with the exception of Ralph,who died at the age of eight years and Hildreth, who died in infancy.
During the long years of his well spent life, ThomasG. Burnside was recognized as one of the most influential and progressivecitizens in Schuyler county. He was a man of high sense of honor, and alwaysready to assist a friend who needed counsel or assitance in any worthycause. It was at the outbreak of the World war that the bravery and trueChristian spirit of Mr. Burnside was exemplified, when he and his bravewife saw their three grown sons, Roscoe, Thomas and Charles, enter militaryservice, and were glad to cheer them on their way. Then when on Nov 2nd,1918, Thomas became a victim of the influenza and died in a hospital ina foreign land, it was at this time that the brave parents smiled amidsttheir tears as they remembered the brave son who had left them such a littlewhile ago-to die alone in the foreign land. Then on Jan. 8th, 1920, theson, Roscoe, who had sustained serious injuries while overseas that resultedin a fatal illness, passed away-thus bringing double bereavement to thishome. Theirs was a common sorrow — — — — bereavement only seemed tobring them closer to the Master,” who said, “By their daily walks ye shallknow them.”
Having spent a long period of years at steady laboron the old farm, Mr. Burnside resolved to remove his family to Rushvillelast fall and had only been settled in their new home a few weeks whenthe fatal illness came upon him that brought to an end a well-spent, usefullife on the evening of February 11th, 1923, leaving an aching boid in thehearts of his wife and children that can never be filled. Besides the griefstricken wife he is survived by the following children,; Lillie, the wifeof Lyle Campbell; Della, the wife of Dwight Young; Mary the wife of FloydTaylor, and Ethel, the wife of Robert Vancil; Charles, who resides on thehomestead farm, and Leslie, who resides with his parents. There are alsoseveral grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Margaret Tucker of Rushville, andtwo brothers, Robert Burnside of Sturgeon, Mo., and James Burnside of Bainbridgetownship.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Thomas H. BURNSIDES
The Rushville Times, August 8, 1920 – Thomas H. Burnsides FirstSchuyler Soldier to be Brought Home From France
The first of Schuyler’s soldier boys, who died inFrance has been brought back to the old home for burial, and on Sundaythe remains of Thomas H. Burnsides, son of Mr. And Mrs. Thos. G. Burnsidesof Bainbridge township, were interred in the Rushville cemetery with fullmilitary honor. His death occurred Nov 2, 1918 at LeMans, France, wherehe was taken ill with pneumonia. The largest crowd of people ever gatheredtogether at our city cemetery to attend a funeral were present on Sunday,to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of the departed soldier who hadsacrificed his life for his country. The burial service was under auspicesof the American Legion, Schuyler Post No. 4, and at 1:30 Sunday afternoonex-soldiers of the late war fell in line on the west side of the squareand marched to R. A. Lawler’s undertaking parlor, where the body of theyoung soldier lay in state. The following young men who served overseaswere chosen as pall bearers of their deceased comrade: Wm. Hugh Young,Joseph A. Bovey, Floyd Ford, Benjamin Stroops, Fred Schramm, and CharlesSnyder. Rev. T. A. Adams offered prayer at the grave and the American Legionunder command of Lieut. Victor Wood, had charge of the burial service.The grand old flag, in the hands of Reverdy Wilmot as color bearer, wasgently lowered over the grave as final taps were sounded for the deceasedhero, and the firing squad, under command of Corporal Lawrence Waugh, firedthree volleys of salute in honor to their late comrade. Thomas H. Burnside,son of Thomas G. and Nancy Burnside was born June 22, 1891, and died inLeMarrs, France, Nov 2, 1918; aged 27 years, four months and 11 days. Heis survived by his parents, four sisters and three brothers, and his fiancee,Miss Gladys Cunningham.
He with a number of others left Rushville for CampWheeler June 24, 1918, to give their services in the great World war. OnSept 23rd he was transferred to Camp Mills, Long Island. On October 16his company went aboard the White Star Liner Olimpic and arrived at SouthHampton, England, October 24, 1918. Ten days after he was transferred toLeHarve, France, and on October 28th arrived at LeMarrs, France where hewas taken sick with pneumonia and after an illness of four days he passedaway. His remains were laid to rest in France until they were disinterredto be brought home to their final rest. We today mourn with the parentswho gave their son that we might live and be free. He was a member of theMasonic fraternity of Rushville.
Fran Phillips Obituary for Frances S. PHILLIPS
The Rushville Times, September 27, 1973
Mrs. Frances S. Phillips, 90, of Rushville, diedearly Tuesday morning at John Warner hospital in Clinton. Funeral Serviceswill be at 1:30 p.m. today (Thursday) at Worthington Funeral Home, theRev. Wesley Trendle officiating. Burial will be in Rushville cemetery.
She was born in Rushville on Jan 19, 1883, a daughterof Mathew and Sarah Anderson Speed. She married Ralph Phillips in Mt. Sterlingon Dec. 24, 1904. He died March 25, 1937. Surviving are two sons, Paulof Clinton and Jack of Rushville; one brother Herbert Speed of Rushville;four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Phillips was a member of the First Christianchurch of Rushville, Schuyler Chapter of Order of Eastern Star, RushvilleFederation of Women and Schuyler County Historical Society.
Fran Phillips Obituary for Herbert SPEED
The Rushville Times, November 8, 1973 – Rites to be Friday forHerbert Speed, 93
Herbert W. Speed, 93, a retired farmer, passed awayTuesday afternoon at Culbertson Memorial hospital. Funeral Services willbe held on Friday at 10 a.m. at Worthington Funeral Home, with the Rev.Wesley Trendle Officiating. Burial will be in Rushville City cemetery. Friends may call at the Funeral Home.
He was born on April 30.1880, in Rushville, SonOf Mathew and Sarah Anderson Speed. He was married to the former Nora Anderson,and she passed away on Oct. 1, 1963. He is survived by two nephews, JackPhillips of Rushville and Paul Phillips of Clinton. He was preceded indeath by his parents, wife, Nora, two brothers, and four sisters.
Fran Phillips Death Notice for Mary WARREN
The Rushville Times, November 17, 1920 – Death of Mrs. AugustusWarren
On Tuesday morning a telegram came to Mathias Speedof this city giving news of the death of his only sister, Mrs. Mary Warren,widow of the late Augustus Warren, at her home in Minneapolis, Minn., wherethe family has resided since removing from Rushville thirty years ago.Interment will be in Minneapolis.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Charles Henry BURNSIDE
The Rushville Times, April 19, 1973 – Charles BurnsideRites Held Here On Sunday
Charles Henry Burnside, 74, died at 10:20 p.m. Thursdayevening at Culbertson Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were held at3 p.m. Sunday in the First United Methodist church in Rushville, the Rev.Harold Hedden officiating. Burial was in Rushville cemetery. Military riteswere conducted at the graveside.
Charles Henry Burnside, son of Thomas and NancyRittenhouse Burnside, was born August 12, 1898, in Schuyler County, Illinois.He died April 12, 1973, in Culbertson Memorial hospital in Rushville. Hewas married to Lela Haynes on October 2, 1920, and to this union four daughterswere born: Lucille, Marjorie, Patsy, Nancy and a son and daughter who diedat birth. He was married on June 24, 1965, to Lucille Dawson Keeney. Charleswas a retired service station operator. He was a member of the First UnitedMethodist church of Rushville; a veteran of World War I; a member of SchuylerAmerican Legion Post 4; and a member of World War I Barracks. He also hadworked with Worthingtons thru the years, assisting in ambulance calls andfunerals.
He is survived by his wife, Lucille, of Rushville;four daughters, Mrs. Lucille Blackburn of Brooklyn, Mrs. Marjorie Tyrellof Flagstaff, Ariz., Mrs. Patsy Heaton and Mrs. Nancy Knous, both of Springfield;one brother, Leslie of San Francisco, Calif.; four sisters, Mrs. EthelVancil and Mrs. Della Young of Rushville, Mrs. Lillie Campbell of Springfield,and Mrs. Mary Taylor of Bushnell; 10 grandchildren; and one great grandchild.He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Lela; an infant son anddaughter; and two brothers. Charley was a loving, thoughtful father, husband,and grandfather. He was happiest when he had his family around him. Hisfriendly smile and cheerful ways were known to all, and he will be greatlymissed by friends and loved ones. Worthington funeral home was in chargeof arrangements.
Tammie Orr Brown Death Notice for Mrs. Emily BEASTON
The Rushville Times, May 10, 1894
BEASTON, Mrs. Emily–Sudden Death—Mrs. Emily Beaston,wife of John Beaston, of this vicinity, died suddenly Tuesday morning ofheart diesease. She had not been feeling well for several days, but gotup to do her household work that morning as usual. She was a daughter ofthe late John Henry Lawler, and was about 38 years old. Her husband andfive children have the sympathy of the enitre community in their sad bereavement.Funeral services were held at the family residence yesterday, conductedby Rev. John Knowles. Interment in the Krohe cemetery.
Tammie Orr Brown Death Notice for Mrs. Kitty SMITH
The Rushville Times, May 21, 1896
SMITH, Kitty–Mrs. Kitty Smith (nee Lawler) diedyesterday afternoon at the old homestead south of town, aged about 32 years.She had been afflicted for some time with dropsy and heart trouble.
The Rushville Times, May 28, 1896
LAWLER, Kittie Isadora–Kittie Isadora, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lawler was born July 18th, 1860 and died Wednesday,May 20, 1896, at 3 P.M. at her home, 2 1/2 miles south of Rushville. Shewas married to Truman P. Smith, of Vermont, IL, October 5th, 1876. To themwas born two children. They lived together for fifteen years and then separated.She moved back to Rushville and lived with her brothers and sisters. Mrs.Smith leaves one son, three sisters, and two brothers to mourn her loss.Before her death she confessed religion and said “I am dying happy.” Shehad been sick for several months with dropsy, heart trouble, and rheumatism.Funeral services took place at the Presbyterian church, Friday May 22,at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. E. L. Lord. The remains were laid to restin the city cemetery.
Tammie Orr Brown Death Notice for Mrs. Jas W. LAWLER
The Rushville Times, June 27, 1895
LAWLER, Mrs. Jas W.–Mrs. Jas. W. Lawler, of Bainbridgetownship, died yesterday morning of consumption. She has been ill for sometime. A husband and several children are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Lawlerwas a daughter of our townsman Issac Black. The funeral services will beheld at the family residence today at 2 o’clock, Elder Hughes conductingthe services.
Tammie Orr Brown Death Notice for Mrs. Nancy CAMPBELL
The Rushville Times, April 2, 1896
CAMPBELL, Mrs. Nancy, wife of Lewis C. Campbell,died Monday evening at 8 P.M., after a protracted illness. She was a daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lawler. She was 32 years of age. For two years shehas been sick with spinal disease and paralysis. She leaves a husband andthree children. Funeral services were held at the residence at 11 a.m.Wednesday, internment in Sugar Grove cemetery.
Fran Phillips Obituary for Nellie Virginia SPEED
The Rushville Times, October 3, 1928 – Miss Nellie Speed’s DeathFollowed Long Illness
Early Thursday morning of last week death came toMiss Nellie Virginia Speed at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ira Garrison,six miles north of Rushville. Her illness had been a prolonged one, dueto cancer, but with fortitude she bravely faced the situation that gaveno hope for recovery and during her illness was cheered by the companionshipof her family and friends, who visited her at the country home of her sister.
Funeral services were held at the home Saturdaymorning at 10 o’clock by her pastor, Rev. Alexander McFerran and the intermentwas in the Rushville
Nellie Virginia Speed, daughter of Mathias and SarahJ. Speed, was born August 1, 1869 near Rushville and departed this lifeat the home of her sister, Katherine Speed Garrison, Sept 27,1928. In herchildhood she professed faith in Jesus and was converted during the pastorateof Rev. S. C. Palmer and became a member of the Presbyterian church.
She made many and everlasting friends during thealmost sixty years of her life. A pleasing personality, a character ofhighest ideals, a friendly and helpful spirit towards all people and allthings, endeared her to the hearts of many people. Those friends will notforget. Their memory of her will linger with them and they will behelped by the goodness of her life. Her’s was a self-sacrificing nature,for she gave almost four years of her life to the care of her mother inher last illness.
She was deeply religious and through all her sufferinguntil the very last she bore her cross with the bearing and quiet acceptanceof one who had prepared herself and was ready and willing to meet her maker.She was generous, kind and thougtful. As she had lived, so has she lefther influence upon those who knew and loved her best.
Besides her aged father, Miss Speed is survivedby three sisters and three brothers to mourn her death, namely: Mrs. C.B. Griffith, Azusa, Calif.; Mrs. Ira Garrison and Mrs. Ralph Phillips andHarry H., Walter and Herbert Speed of Rushville and vicinity.
Fran Phillips Death Notice for Elizabeth C. SPEED
The Rushville Times, April 9, 1891
SPEED, Elizabeth C. – Elizabeth C. Speed, wife of Wm. Speed, died in Buena Vista, Col. last Sunday at the residence of herson-in-law, Aug. Warren, in the 81st year of her age. The remainsarrived here yesterday accompanied by her aged husband and grandson, SpeedWarren. Funeral services will take place here today at 2:30 from the residenceof her son, Dr. J. N. Speed.
Cindy Foster Death Notice for Newton FOSTER
The Schuyler Citizen the week following Saturday August 28,1858 – Suicide – On last Saturday morning, about 9 o’clock, Mr. NewtonFoster, a farmer living some six miles north of this place committed suicideby shooting himself.
The circumstances connected with this distressingaffair are related to us, as follows. For some time past, owing to illhealth, joined with pecuniary embarassments, so common to all for the pastyear or two, Mr. Foster has been subject to fits of despondency, and hason several occasions during this reason of depression, remarked to hiswife that she wo’d probably succeed better without him than with him. Onthe morning in question he arose as usual and made the fire; it was observedhowever that he was in so unusual state of mind, and tears were seen uponhis face. At breakfast he ate but little, and as he went about the house,his tears frequently stood in his eyes.
After a while he took his gun down and went outinto the woods near by, apparently with the intention of shooting game.In a short time the report of his gun was heard, and directly after, itwas heard the second time. Mrs. Foster, from all the circumstances feelingalarmed, sent her little son out to where his father had gone. On reachingthe spot he found his dead body lying in a thicket. The alarm was immediatleygiven and the neighbors came in to render assistance.
It appears that he had laid down upon his back,placed the muzzle of the gun under his chin and with a little forked stickwhich he had prepared for the occasion, sprung the trigger. The bulletlodged in the back part of his skull. The indications are that he neverstruggled in the least. The gun was lying across his body, nearly as hehad placed it, and the stick with which he had sprung the trigger, waslying by his side, one end of it still inside the guard of the gun as hehad placed it. Death was instantaneous.
An inquest was held over the body by Thomas Bronaugh,Esq., and the verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts. Mr.Foster was about forty years of age, and leaves a wife and five childrento mourn his sad loss. His body was buried on Sunday afternoon, attendedby a large concourse of sympathizing friends and neighbors.”
[The little boy mentioned in the news story wasundoubtedly John F. Foster, who was only 8 years old at the time.]
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Lue James HILES
The Rushville Times, December 28, 1972 – Rites Are Today forLue James Hiles, 80
Lue James Hiles, 80, passed away Tuesday night atVaughn Haven Nursing Home. Funeral services are being held today (Thursday)at 1 p.m. at Worthington funeral Home, with the Rev. Wayne Sill officiating.Burial is to be in Rushville cemetery. Military rites are to be conductedby American Legion Post No. 4.
Mr. Hiles was born in Beardstown on March 31, 1892,son of Charles and Anna Brown Hiles. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs.Dorothy Phillips of rural Rushville; two sons, Clark Hiles of rural Rushvilleand Maurice Hiles of Denver, Colo.; two sisters, Mrs. Lydia Gust and Mrs.Bernice Icenogle, both of Rushville; 12 grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren;and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents,wife, Marguerite, four brothers and one sister. He was a veteran of WorldWar I.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Florence Marguerite LAWLER HILES
The Rushville Times, November 23, 1927 – Mrs. Lue Hiles
The entire community was saddened when the messagewent out early Tuesday morning that a young wife and mother had suddenlybeen called from earth to her Heavenly home.
Florence Marguerite, eldest daughter of S. Alvinand Charity Harrison Lawler, was born in Rushville, April 4th, 1895.
She was married to Lue J. Hiles, May 28, 1918. Tothis union three children were born: Clark Eugene, Dorothy Ruth and MauriceLaVerne. These children are left at this early age to mourn the loss ofa devoted Christian mother. Other relatives are the husband, Lue J. Hiles,the parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Alvin Lawler; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Heatonof Rushville and Mrs. Lorena McKee of Sand Springs, Okla., and many otherrelatives and friends.
Marguerite, as she was familiarly known, was lovedby all who knew her. Her ever present smile and many acts of kindness wonthe hearts of all with whom she came in contact.
At the age of fourteen she gave her heart to God.She united with the First Christian church of Rushville during a meetingheld by Rev. Haynes and ever after was a regular attendant and an earnestworker in her church. She was a member of the Philathia class in Sundayschool, and whenever she was able, she, with her three small children,was always present. She graduated from the Rushville high school in 1914.
Her illness was of short duration. She had beenafflicted with asthma and bronchial trouble and contracted a cold fromwhich bronchial pneumonia developed. She bore her suffering with the patiencewhich characterized her life. She was conscious of her surrounds to theend. When she realized that the time was near, she summoned her motherto her bedside and gave final instructions, asking her to take care ofthe children and then quietly and peacefully went into her last sleep at5 a.m., Nov. 15, 1927.
She was a devoted daughter, sister, wife and mother,and in the home where she presided, the strong and fine qualities of herChristian character were tested and proven.
The keynote of her life was harmony, love and happiness.And tho never very strong her affliction never dispelled this atmosphere.
Card of Thanks–We desire to thank our friends andneighbors for their kindly assistance and words of sympathy in the lastillness and death of our dear one, Mrs. Marguerite Lawler-Hiles.
Lue J. Hiles and Children
Mrs. S. A. Lawler and Daughters
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Anna C. BROWN HILES
The Rushville Times, January 25, 1939 and Feb. 8, 1939
Anna C. HILES-Mrs. Anna C. Hiles, widow of CharlesHiles and a daughter of William and Mary Brown, was born near BeardstownSept. 26, 1858 and departed this life at her home in Rushville, Jan. 24,1939, in her 71st year.
During her residence in Cass county, at the ageof 15 years, she united with the Beardstown M. E. church and in later yearsjoined the Christian church of Rushville.
In 1878, she was united in marriage to Charles A.Hiles, who preceded her in death, Jan. 19, 1932. She was also precededin death by an infant daughter, her parents, 4 sisters and 2 brothers.
Mrs. Hiles is survived by 3 daughters; Mrs. EdithTerril of Pleasant Hill, Mo., Mrs. Lydia Gust and Mrs. Bernice Icenogleof Rushville; 5 sons; Frank A. and Lue of Rushville; Edward C. and WilliamH. of Beardstown; David C. of Penn Yan, New York. Also surviving is a sister,Mrs. Emma Beaston of Kewanee, 26 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Charles A. HILES
The Rushville Times, January 20, 1932- Charles A. Hiles DiedTuesday, Aged 78 Years
Charles A. Hiles, aged seventy-eight years, formore than thirty years an honored resident of the vicinity of Rushville,died Tuesday afternoon at Schmitt Memorial Hospital in Beardstown, followinga surgical operation performed Wedensday of last week for cancer of thestomach.
Brief services, conducted by Rev. E. K. Towle, pastorof the Rushville Methodist church , will be held Thursday at 1:30 the Lawler Funeral Home on South Franklin street, after which the funeralparty will proceed to the First M. E. church at Beardstown, where Rev.Towle will officiate at 2:30 o’clock at the funeral services of the departed.Internment will be in the Beardstown city cemetery.
Charles A. Hiles, youngest son of James and SarahHiles, was born in Salem county, New Jersey, October 27th, 1853 , and departedthis life last Tuesday, January 19th, at the hospital in Beardstown. Deathcame as a result of a cancerous growth of the stomach.
In the year of 1856 the Hiles family, with a colonyof thirty-five others, left Philadelphia by rail and came to Pittsburg,Pa. From there they took a teamboat down the Ohio river and up the Mississippiriver to St Louis, Mo., where the Hiles family settled on a farm near Brighton,Ill., in Macoupin county. After residing there about two years they movedto Greenfield, Ill., and from there to Beardstown, Ill., the year the Civilwar broke out. While residing at Beardstown, Mr. Hiles grew to manhood,and in his twenty-second year he was converted and joined the Methodistchurch under the leadership of Rev. D.W. English.
Mr. Hiles was one of eight children, four dyingin infancy, and four growing to manhood and womanhood. In the year of 1878he was married to Anna C. Brown, who has been a constant companion andhelp thru his whole life.
Mr. Hiles leaves to mourn his passing, his wife,Mrs. Anna Hiles; his three daughters, Mrs. S. S. Terrill, of Pleasant Hill,Mo; Mrs. Lydia Smith and Mrs. Bernice Icenogle, of Rushville, Ill., onedaughter dying in infancy; five sons, Frank and Lew Hiles of Rushville;Willie and Ed., of Beardstown, and David of Canandaigua, New York. GroverIcenogle, a son-in-law, was unable to attend the funeral services, beingill in the veterans’ hospital in Great Lakes, Ill.
Mr. Hiles was a loving and kind father. He was verypatient during his suffering and sickness. Up until the last few weeksof his sickness he was ever hopeful of his recovery, but was quite resignedand ready to go when the end was inevitable. Grandpa Hiles will be greatlymissed by his grandchildren and his many friends.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Lillie THARP HILES
The Rushville Times, June 6, 1963 – IN MEMORIAM-Mrs. LillieHiles
Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie Hiles of Mt. Sterling,who died May 26 at Culbertson Memorial hospital, were held May 28 at 2o’clock in the Hufnagel funeral home in Mt. Sterling with burial in thecity cemetery there.
A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tharp, she wasborn in Woodstock township and in early life was joined in marriage toJames Hodgson, who preceded her in death many years ago. Later she wasmarried to Frank Hiles, who survives. Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs.Harry Campbell of Galesburg; two step children, Francis Hiles of Industryand Mrs. Lyle Simmons of East Peoria; one grandchild; one great grandchild;four sister, Mrs. Lloyd McCormick, Mrs. Everett Knous of Rushville, Mrs.Roy Hodgson, of Galesburg and Mrs. James Wardell of Plymouth.
She was preceded in death by a brother, Jesse; twosisters, Mrs. Mabel Phillips and Mrs. Cora Dace, three half sisters, Mrs.Anna Lawler, Mrs. Nora Kelly and Mrs. Lydia Gaddis Moore and three halfbrothers, William and Sheridan Tharpe and Roy Goodwin.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for W. E. GRIST
The Rushville Times, January 2, 1929 – W. E. GRIST Died SaturdayAt Bainbridge Twp. Home
W. E. Grist, native born resident of Bainbridgetownship, where the seventy-one years of his life were spent, died Saturdaynight at 11:30 o’clock.
His illness dated back two years when he contractedwhooping cough during the time when one of his grandchildren was ill withthe disease. This illness, unusual to a man of his age, affected his heartand his condition had been such as to give no hope for relief. Up to withina few days of his death he was up and about, however, and came to Rushvilleon Monday preceding his death. He took worse on Tuesday and from then onhis strength failed gradually.
Mr. Grist was one of a family of early Schuylerpioneers, who settled in Bainbridge township, and he lived on the homesteadfarm for about sixty years, later removing to the farm which he purchased.
Thruout his life Mr. Grist took an active part inthe social and political life of the community, and held township officeas road commissioner and assessor, and was a man who enjoyed the esteemand respect of his associates and neighbors. He is survived by his widowand two sons, Ray, who lived on an adjoining farm and attended his fatherduring his last illness, and Harry, who makes his home in Montana and whocame Wedensday to attend the funeral.
Funeral services were held at the home in Bainbridgetownship Wedensday afternoon at 1 o’clock, conducted by Rev . F. D. Boling,pastor of the Antioch Free Methodist church. Interment was made in theRushville Cemetery.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Burton GOODWIN
The Rushville Times, April 17, 1976 – Rites for Burton Goodwinto Be Held Today
Burton Goodwin, 83, died Monday afternoon at MemorialMedical Center in Springfield.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. today (Thursday)at the First United Methodist Church in Rushville, the Rev. Gary BASS andthe Rev. Marvin Chalfant officiating. Burial will be in the Rushville Cemetery.Worthington Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
He was born April 13, 1897, in Schuyler county,the son of Leroy and Anna Klein Goodwin. He married Sarah Orr on Sept.21, 1922. She died Dec. 3, 1971. He was a retired farmer. He was a memberof the First United Methodist church in Rushville, Booster Sunday Schoolclass and Schuyler County Senior Citizens.
Surviving are one brother, Jesse of Rushville; eightnieces; and seven nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers,Glenn, Carl and Robert, his twin, and one sister, Gracie.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Mildred A. PHILLIPS
July 7, 1937 – Rushvilleites Attend Funeral Of Mildred Phillips Sunday
Mrs. Delilah Avery, Mrs. J. C. Unger and Mr. andMrs. Albert Lynn were in Vermont Sunday to attend the funeral servicesof Mildred A. Phillips, fifteen-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mollie Gibson,whose death occurred July 2, at the home of her mother in Vermont.
The death of this young girl, just on the thresholdof what promised to be a useful life, followed a several weeks’ illnessfrom a disease which baffled medical authorities at the Illinois Researchhospital in Chicago, where she underwent a surgical operation last February.
Mildred was a daughter of Thomas Asahel and MolliePhillips, and her mother was reared in the home of Mrs. Delilah Avery,of this city.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for Anna M. GARRISON JUSTUS
The Rushville Times, July 7, 1937 – Last Rites In BirthplaceHome For Mrs. W. F. Justus
Mrs. Anna M. Justus, wife of Dr. W. F. Justus, diedFriday evening at her home on South Jackson street, after an illness dueto paralysis which extended over a five-year period.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2o’clock at the Henry Garrison homestead in Littleton township, her birthplace,now occupied by her son, Ansel, and family, conducted by Rev. W. L. Hurttof Littleton, and Rev. Albertson of Pennington Point. Interment was madein Bethany cemetery, north of Rushville.
The following obituary was read at the funeral:
Anna M. Garrison, daughter of the late Henry andAnna Justus Garrison, was born Feb 12, 1872, on the homestead farm in Littletontownship.
On April 7, 1894, she was joined in marriage toDr. Wm. F. Justus. To this union was born one son, Howard Ansel, who, withthe husband and father, her daughter-in-law, Frances, and an only granddaughter,Shirley Justus, are left to mourn the loss of their devoted loved one.
Mrs. Justus was a devout Christian and an activemember of the Methodist church at Littleton as long as her health permitted.She was a patient sufferer, and thruout the five years of her illness wastenderly cared for by her loved ones.
Mrs. Justus was one of a large family of children,all of whom preceded her death except one brother, Chas. M. Garrison, ofRushville. Those deceased are: John C., Christopher, William, Bert andClarence Garrison and Mrs. Lillie Lawler; also a sister who died in infancy.
HERE TO ATTEND FUNERAL: The following relativesand friends from a distance were in attendance at the funeral services:Mr. and Mrs. William Justus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Justus and Mr. and Mrs.Robert Farrar of Astoria; Mrs. Perry Robinson of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs.John Downs and Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Downs of Peoria; Mrs. Luna Garrisonof Toulon; Mrs. Lyda Scudder, Mrs. Laura Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willeyand son, John, of Macomb.
Tammie Orr Brown Obituary for William RITTENHOUSE
The Rushville Times, July 7, 1937 – Wm. Rittenhouse, SchuylerPioneer, Died on Sunday
William Rittenhouse, a resident of Schuyler countyduring his entire lifetime of fourscore years, died Sunday at the homeof his son, Otis, near Rushville. His death was the result of a hip fracturesustained in a fall six months ago.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at2 o’clock at the Fairfield Free Methodist church, south of Rushville. Rev.CecilCovey, pastor of the Antioch church, conducted the services. Intermentwas in the Ebenzer cemetery.
The following obituary was read at the service:
William Rittenhouse was born in Schuyler county,Illinois, Feb. 11, 1857, and fell asleep in Jesus on Sunday, July 4, 1937.His last day on earth was like his life, a beautiful day, with a few darkclouds at the end, and his life went out as the sun sank behind the fewdrifting clouds in the evening tide.
He was the son of William and Nancy Kelly Rittenhouse,pioneer residents of Bainbridge township, and was born on the homesteadfarm which was purchased by his father at an early date. There, togetherwith a large family of brothers and sisters, he spent his happy boyhooddays and received his education in the district school.
He was married to Rachel Stoneking on Feb. 10, 1876,and for fifty years they were permitted to travel life’s pathway together.Their life was one of happiness and pleasure, not a death or much sorrowcame to them until September 1916 when the good wife was stricken withparalysis and for almost ten years was invalid and constant sufferer ashe gave her every care that was possible. Her passing on July 8, 1926,caused a great sorrow which he never was able to overcome.
He spent his entire life near the home of his birth,except a few years spent in Norton county, Kansas.
He was converted at an early age and received theexperience of holiness more than fifty years ago. He helped to build thelittle Free Methodist church at Fairfield, and is the last one of the chartermembers.
His home was a home of prayer and his children wereraised in a truly Christian atmosphere. He was most happy when he was inthe service of his Master and his greatest delight was to entertain theministers and their wives. He was superintendent of the Fairfield Sundayschool for many years, until his wife’s health failed and he was deniedthe privilege of attending church. He was a great temperance man, and hispolitics were prohibition. After his wife’s death he went to make his homewith his children and a sister, Nancy Burnside, where he was tenderly caredfor by Leo and Adra Vancil.
On January 7 of this year he fell and broke hiship and was taken to the Culbertson hospital where he received the bestof medical care.
After it became apparent that he might never walkhe was taken to the home of his son, Otis, where he was given every careand devotion that a son and daughter-in-law could possibly give, and therein their happy little home among the trees and flowers, of which he lovedso much, he spent his last days.
He leaves to mourn his passing his five children,namely: Otis Rittenhouse, Mrs. S. B. Orr, Mrs. Frank Illman, Mrs. HughLogsdon, and Robert Rittenhouse, all of Rushville, Illinois. Also eighteengrandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren , and one sister, Mrs. NancyBurnside, two brothers, Marion of Browning, Illinois, and Hiram of Browncounty, besides a host of relatives and friends.
Tim Schroeder Obituary for Lena E. POOLE HOWELL
Moline Dispatch, Hampton, Illinois
Services for Lena Elizabeth Howell, 83, of Geneseoand formerly of Hampton and Port Byron, will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at EastMoline. Burial will be in Pleasant Point Cemetery, Port Byron. Mrs. Howelldied Sunday, Dec. 6, 1998, at Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo.
Lena Poole was born Aug. 3, 1915 in Rushville, thedaughter of Ethel (Peterman) and Charles Poole. She married Charles Howellin 1934 in East Moline.
Survivors include Charles Howell, Hampton; daughters,Rita Schroeder, Wanda Kerner and Diane Polenske, all of Port Byron, andSharon Anderson, Hampton; 12 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; anda brother, Leland VonAch, Akron, Ohio.
Obituary for Donovan B. INGLES
The Rushville Times, October 20, 1999 – Donovan B. Ingles, 87,of Downers Grove, died Oct. 15, 1999, at Hinsdale.
He was born Jan. 16, 1912, in Industry.
He married Marguerite Pelton. She is deceased.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. James (Courtney)Bruhl of Downers Grove; two sisters, Maxine Goldburg of Marion, Ind., andEarline Campbell of Macomb; and several nephews.
He taught at Downers Grove North High School until1976 and also worked at Thompsons Store for Men, the Gentry Shop of DownersGrove and Horsleys Men Store of Glen Ellyn. He was an avid golfer anda member of the Downers Grove Golf Club.
Funeral Services were Monday at the Toon FuneralHome in Downers Grove. Private burial will be in Rushville. In lieu offlowers, memorial contributions may be made to Special Olympics.
Tim Schroeder Obituary for Charles F. POOLE
The Rushville Times, October 10, 1918 – War claims its victims- Four Schuyler County soldier boys die of Spanish influenza.
Charles F. Poole, who was one of the 50 recruitswho left Rushville September 5, 1918 for Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois,died on Saturday of Spanish influenza. The epidemic is violent atthis camp and 500 deaths have already been reported. Mr. Charles Poole’sdeath is a particularly sad one as he left a widow and two small children.On Tuesday evening the remains arrived in Rushville. The local companyof honor guards were at the station under the command of Captain Henderson,and acted as military escort. On Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock funeralservices were held at the cemetery, conducted by Rev. Stillman. The honorguards acted as pall bearers and military escorts, and there was a largeattendance of sympathizing friends. Charles F. Poole was the son of Mr.and Mrs. Benjamin Poole, and was born in Rushville, Illinois, October 26,1891 and departed this life at Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois, October5th 1918, age 26 years and 11 months. He was married November 23, 1914,to Miss Ethel Peterman. To this union 3 children were born, Mary, diedFebruary 5, 1918, Lena and Donald, together with the bereaved mother areleft to morn the loss of a loving husband and father. He also leaves agrief-stricken father and mother and 2 sisters, Mrs. Wm. Rebman of Moline,Eunice, also 2 brothers Joseph, Yates City, Illinois, and Thomas E. ofCamp Grant.
Obituary for C. Constance PIERSON WELLS
The Rushville Times
C. Constance Connie Wells, 92, of Rushville,died Monday, Sept. 20, 1999, at the Heritage Manor South Nursing Home inBeardstown.
She was born Dec. 4, 1906, in Altamont, to the lateAlbert and Mary Poorman Pierson. She married Harold L. Wells, Oct. 1, 1945,in Rushville. He died Nov. 4, 1983.
Surviving are a sister-in-law, Millicent Sayersof Macomb; three brothers-in-law, Russell Wells of Augusta, Keith Wellsof Macomb, James Wells of Winston, Calif., numerous nieces, nephews andcousins.
She attended Southern Illinois State Teachers Collegein Carbondale from 1924-1926, and received her bachelors of education degreefrom Illinois State Teachers College, Bloomington in 1931. She then receivedher masters of arts degree from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbanain 1939. She taught school in Beecher City, for one year, Mendora for threeyears, Pawnee for 2 1/2 years, Altamont for 5 1/2 years, Sullivan for twoyears and Rushville for 26 years, retiring in 1966. She was a member ofthe First United Methodist Church of Rushville; Be-kik-a–nin-ee Chapterof the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution; Schuyler-BrownRetired Teachers Association; Delta-Kappa-Gamma National Teachers Sorority.
Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursdayat the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henley officiating.Burial will be in the Brooklyn Cemetery in Brooklyn. Visitation will befrom noon until 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Memorials may begiven to the First United Methodist Church in Rushville.
Obituary for Elgin B. WOODDELL, Jr.
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 6, 1999, page 15, column5
Elgin B. Wooddell, Jr., 74, of Ipava, died Thesday,Sept.28, 1999, at his home.
He was born June 27, 1925, at Cuba, the son of Elginand Mable (Cramblett) Wooddell. He married Clarice Burrows.
He was preceded in death by two brothers, Milburnand Ross Wooddell, one sister, Lois Wells, and a friend, Yvonne Campbell.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Phyllis (Chuck)Burlingame of Ipava and Mrs. Sheila (Steve) Robertson of Ipava; four granddaughters;two sisters, Mrs. Doris (Hank) Jensen of Lamar, Colo. and Ruby Tuttle ofCanton.
He was a member of Ipava American Legion Post #17where he was a 53-year member. He was also a member of the Lewistown VFWPost #5001 and a Navy veteran of World War II. He was a famer and was PleasantTownship Road Commissioner. He was a welder at MSD in Canton.
Services were Friday, Oct. 1, 1999, at Shawgo MemorialHome in Ipava with the Rev. Darnien Spikereit officiating. Burial was atCuba Cemetery with military rites by Ipava American Legion Post #17.
Memorials may be made to Lutheran Social Servicesof Canton, McDonough District Hospital Hospice Program, or the YWCA Lunchwith Friends, 111 North Avenue A, Canton, IL 61520.
Obituary for Carolyn VAN ANTWERP
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 6, 1999, page 15, column3
Carolyn Van Antwerp, 79, of Vermont, died Tuesday,Sept. 28, 1999, at McDonough District Hospital in Macomb.
She was born July 25, 1920, in Vermont, the daughterof Paul J. and Rena Marie Haney Cox. She married Thomas Van Antwerp onOct. 1, 1994, in Vermont. He preceded her in death on Sept.20, 1998.
She is survived by two stepsons, Thomas Van Antwerp,Jr., of Rockville, Va., and William Van Antwerp of Herndon, Va.; two stepdaughters, Mrs. William (Vida) Winkler of Silver Spring, Md., and ClaireVan Antwerp of Manassas, Va.; 10 step-grand children; six step-great-grandchildren.;and one sister, Mrs. Jack (Doris Jean) Armstrong of Beverton, Ore.
She was preceded in death by two brothers, Pauland Norman Cox.
She worked as a beautician in Canton for 50 years,and was member and past president of American Legion Auxiliary #16, FultonCounty 40 et 8, Women of the Moose Chapter 369, Rebekah Lodge #245, Orderof Eastern Star Chapter 46, and member and past president of Epsilon SigmaAlpha Sorority.
Funeral services were Friday at Kost Memorial Homein Vermont with Rev. Jerry Sawyer officiating. Burial was in the VermontCemetery. Memorials may be made to the Vermont Cemetery or to a charityof the donors choice.
Obituary for Francis “Frank” APPLEGATE
The Rushville Times, October 6, 1999, page 15, column5
Lt. Colonel Francis Frank Applegate, 79, of Bradenton,Fla., formerly of Rushville, died Sept. 24, 1999, at Manatee Memorial Hospitalin Bradenton. He was born in Littleton on Jan.30, 1920. His wife, Anna,survives.
He also is survived by two sons, James of Ft. Myers,Fla., and Richard of Anchorage, Ala.; and one daughter, Carol Joliat ofNorth Canton, Ohio.
He served in World War II and was a retired Lt.Colonel from the United States Air Force. He was a member of the MethodistChurch, the Masonic Lodge and was an avid golfer.
Graveside services were held Tuesday, Sept.28, 1999,at Ft. Myers Mernorial Gardens in Ft. Myers, Fla., with the Rev. RobertGreen officiating. The Griffith-Cline Funeral Home was in charge of services.
Obituary for Laura Catherine BAUER
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 20, 1999, page 15, column5
Laura Catherine Bauer, 89, of rural Rushville, died Saturday, Oct. 16, 1999, at the Culbertson Memorial Hospitalin Rushville.
She was born Jan.14, 1910, in Oakland Township,to the late Samuel and Ethel Acheson Deane.
She married Israel Bauer on Aug. 18, 1929, at herparents home in Rushville Township. He died Dec. 19, 1982.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. James O. (Helen)Peterman of Rushville; three sons, Francis Bauer of Rushville, Dr. RaymondBauer of Clayton, Calif., and Lewis Bauer of Rushville; nine grandchildren;eight great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Ruth Busby of Rushville.
She and her husband farmed all their married lifein Oakland Township. She was a member of the Houston United Methodist Churchnorth of Rushville and the Schuyler Jail Museum & Genealogical Center.She also volunteered with the Meals-On-Wheels program and was good to callon shut-ins.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at the WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville with Rev. Joe Tomich officiating. Burial wasin the Rushville City Cemetery. Memorials may he given to the Houston UnitedMethodist Church.
Obituary for Melvin Ezra CHENOWETH
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, November 10, 1999, page 17,column 1
Melvin Ezra Chenoweth, 81, of Table Grove, diedThursday, Nov. 4, 1999, at the Heartland Healtbcare Center in Canton.
He was born Nov. 8, 1917, in New Salem Township,of McDonough County, the son of Ezra William and Flora Edith Ruby Chenoweth.He married Virginia Claudia Griffith on Feb.21, 1940, in Keokuk, Iowa.She survives.
Also surviving are one son, Dale (wife Martha) ofMorton; two daughters, Marsha Jean Chenoweth of Naperville and Mrs. Richard(Rita Jean) Lear of Riverside, Iowa; eight grandchildren; and 11 great-grand-children.
He was preceded in death by seven sisters and fourbrothers.
He was salutatorian of the 1936 class of Adair HighSchool. He worked at Camp Ellis in Table Grove during WW II. He was employedat M & H Auto Supply in Macomb, for 15 1/2 years. He was acting postmasterat Table Grove for three years and manager and part owner of Farr FarmService Inc., for 18 years, retiring in 1981. He was a long standing memberof the Table Grove Community Church, where he held many church offices.He was a 50-year member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Table Grove,an associate member of Table Grove American Legion Post 413 and treasurerof the Table Grove Investors Club. He served two consecutive terms on theFulton County Planning Commission and was an election judge for FarmersTownship in Fulton County. He was a village trustee of Table Grove for15 years. He took an active role in various committees and developed theRouse numbering system for Table Grove. He also was a lifetirne farmerand had lived in Table Grove since his marriage.
Obituary for Katie C. COLEMAN
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1999, page 9A, column7
Katie C. Coleman, 102, of Lewistown, died Monday,Oct. 11, 1999, at Clayberg Nursing Home in Cuba.
She was born March 27, 1897 in Ipava, the daughterof Thomas and Chloe P. (Lacey) Clanin. She married Rupert Raymond Colemanin Lewistown on Dec. 23, 1922. He died Ju1y 23, 1960.
She was also preceded in death by one son, J. R.(Dick) Coleman, an infant daughter, Barbara Coleman, and one grandson,Shawn Coleman.
Survivors include a daughter-in-law, Edith Colemanof Lewistown; two grandsons; one granddaughter; and two great granddaughters.
She was a member of the Lewistown United MethodistChurch, Ruth Circle, and a former member of the Rebekah Lodge of Lewistown.She was a homemaker.
Funeral services wil1 be at 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct,14, 1999, at Shawgo Memorial Home in Ipava, with visitation from 6-8 p.m,Wednesday, Oct. 13 at Shawgo Memorial Home. Burial will be in the IpavaCemetery. Memorial may be made to Clayberg Nursing Home in Cuba, Illinois.
Obituary for Marjorie B. CONNER
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, November 10, 1999, page 17,column 3
Marjorie B. Conner, 78, of Astoria, died Friday,Nov. 5, 1999, at Snyders Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
She was born Aug. 6, 1921, in Astoria, the daughterof Ralph and Zelma (Danner) Danner.
She was preceded in death by one sister and onebrother.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Donald (Carolyn)Bair of Vermont and Mrs. Jerry (Sharon) Trone of Pekin; four grandchildren;three great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Merlin (Wanda) Myers ofIpava.
She was a member of the Astoria Church of Christand had been employed as a book-keeper at Culligan Soft Water Service andlater at Price Oil Company, both of Astoria.
Funeral services were Monday, Nov. 8, 1999, at theAstoria Church of Christ with Collis Trone officiating. Burial was in theAstoria Cemetery. Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria was in charge of services.Memorials may be made to Schuyler County Hospice or her church.
Obituary for Paul M. DAY
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 27, 1999, Page 15, column3
Paul M. Day, 80, of Rushville, died Oct. 20, 1999,at Culbertson MemoriaI Hospital in Rushville.
He was born Jan. 25, 1919, in Ray, to the late LloydL. and Elizabeth Thompson Day.
He married Lucille Van Cleave Aug. 24, 1940, inFestus, Mo.
She survives, along with one son, Mike, of Eustis,Fla.; two daughters, Marilyn Cahill of Oak Lawn, and Gerrie Telander ofValrico, Fla.; seven grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and one sister,Marjorie Browning of Omaha, Neb.
He was preceded in death by a daughter, Marsha Day;and a brother, Leslie Day.
He was a member of the former Ray Christian Churchand the Scripps Park Golf Course. He had been maintenance manager for GressingeBrothers Produce Growers and Packers in Belle Glade, Fla., retiring in1984. He then drove a school bus for Schuyler District No.1 in Rushvilleuntil 1994.
Graveside memorial services were held Monday atthe Rushville City Cemetery with Rev. Stacy Tomich officiating. WorthingtonFuneral Home of Rushville was in charge of the services. Memorials maybe given to Florida Hospital Diabetes Center Foundation, 2520 N. OrangeAve., Suite 102, Orlando, FL 32804 ATTN. Barbara Joswick or the ScrippsPark Golf Course.
Obituary for Louis J. ELAS
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1999, page 9A, column4
Louis J. Elas, 87 of Timewell, and formerly of Viola,died Monday evening, Oct. 4, 1999, at Blessing Hospital in Quincy.
He was born Nov.16, 1911, in Wonlock, the son ofAnton and Anna Yackish Elas. He first married Anna Laktas. He later marriedBarbara Yakle Marshall on Feb. 1, 1974, in Las Vegas, Nev., and she survives.
He is also survived by one son, George of Aledo;one daughter, Elizabeth Plunkett of South Pasadena, Calif.; one stepdaughter,Carol Collins of Mt. Sterling; five grandchildren; six great-grandchildren;six step-grandchildren; 12 step-great-grandchildren; two brothers, Ab ofViola and John of Rushville; and several nieces and nephews. He was precededin death by one sister, Rose Guthrie; and one brother, Tony.
Mr. Elas was originally a farmer in Mercer County.He was then a partner along with his brothers, John and Tony, in the ViolaAuction Co., a livestock auction. He was a partner with his son inthe Viola Independent Materials Rock Quarry, and was a partner in the SouthernIllinois Stone Co. in Marion. He was also a partner along with his sonin the Oakview Nursing Center in Aledo. He was a member of the AdvisoryBoard of the Aledo Air Marine. He attended Timewell Christian Church andwas a member of the Rolling Greens Golf Club in Mt. Sterling, the AmericanTrapshooting Association and the Meredosia Duck Club. He always enjoyedhunting, fishing and golfing.
Funeral services were held Thursday, Oct. 7 at theHendricker Funeral Home in Mt. Sterling with burial at Mounds Cemeterynear Timewell. Memorials are suggested to the Timewell Christian Church.
Obituary for Chuck FARMER
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1999, page9A, column 1
Graveside services for Chuck Farmer, 20, of Beardstown,who was pronounced dead at 8 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 10, 1999, at Memorial MedicalCenter in Springfield, will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Beardstown CityCemetery. The Rev. Sue Bailey will officiate. Sager Funeral Home is incharge of services.
He died from injuries sustained in a single carcrash Saturday morning on Illinois Route 125 near Virginia.
He was born Nov.16, 1978, in Beardstown to WilliamC. and Cynthia E. Green Farmer.
Surviving are his parents of Beardstown; paternalgrandmother, Maxine Privia of Beardstown; one brother, Robert (wife BobbiJo) Hill of Athens; two sisters, Leasa (husband Steve) Summey of TwentyninePalms, Calif, and Debbie (husband Mark) Spears of Beardstown; one nieceand one nephew. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandfather andhis maternal grandparents.
He was a 1997 graduate of Beardstown High School.He worked for Heritage Enterprises in Beardstown. He was a member of DucksUnlimited. Memorials may be made to the Illinois Conservation Foundation.
Obituary for Franklin D. GARRISON
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, September 29, 1990, page 13,column 2
Franklin D. Gabby Garrison Jr., 66, of Rushville,died Saturday, Sept.25, 1999, at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield.
He was born June 22; 1933, in Denver, Colo., theson of Franklin Davis and Louise (Brown) Garrison Sr.
Mr. Garrison graduated from Brown County High Schoolin Mt. Sterling and received a bachelor of science degree in commerce andlaw at the University of Illinois in Champaign. He served in the U.S. Armystationed in Korea and was honorably discharged as a PFC on April 21, 1955.He retired in 1983 as a litigated claims examiner with Country Mutual Insurance Company in Bloomington after 23 years. He was a member of theElks Club in Bloomington.
Surviving are his mother, Louise Garrison, of Rushville,two sisters, Joan Lewis (husband, George) of Quincy, and Cynthia Johns(husband, Tom) of De Leon Springs, Fla.; four nieces; one nephew; fourgreat nieces; four great nephews; and his former wife, Kathleen Garrison,of Urbana.
He was preceded in death by his father, one brother,Harry Garrison, a nephews, and a niece.
Private graveside services were held Tuesday atthe Bethany Cemetery north of Rushville with Rev. Bill Brown officiating.Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville was in charge of’ the arrangements.Memorials may be given to Culbertson Memorial Hospital or the First ChristianChurch (Disciples of’ Christ) in Rushville.
Obituary for Ralph R. GINDER
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1999, page 9A, column2
Ralph R. Ginder, 87, of rural Jacksonville, diedearly Sunday morning, Oct.10, 1999, at Passavant Area Hospital in Jacksonville.
He was born Feb.15, 1912, at home, west of Arcadia,the son of John C. and Clara Goodpasture Ginder. He married Viola A. Brunkon March 13, 1939. She preceded him in death on Sept.27, 1998.
He is survived by one son, John (wife Cynthia) Ginderof Metamora; two daughters, Betty (husband Larry) Roberts of Rushvilleand Prudy (husband Norman) Chumley of Hillsboro; six grandchildren; fivebrothers, Alvin (wife Gladys) Ginder, Wayne Ginder, and Dale (wife Linda)Ginder, both of Arenzville; and five sisters, Blanche Henderson of Jacksonville,Ruth (husband Elmer) Reichert of Virginia, Helen (husband Leo) Finn ofChandlerville, Mildred Lewis of Murrayville, and Marie (husband Richard)Hembrough of Winchester. He was preceded in death by one brother, PaulE. (surviving wife Thelma of Arenzville).
Mr. Ginder had farmed in the Arcadia area since1949. He received his bachelors degree in 1935 from Illinois College, wherehe was a member of the Pi Pi Rho Literary Society, and later received hismasters degree from the University of Illinois. He served in the UnitedStates Army as a corporal during World War II. After the war, he taughtschool at Arcadia and worked as an inspector for Caterpillar.
He was a member of the Illinois College AliminiAssociation, Morgan County Farm Bureau, Triopia School Board, where hewas a past president; the V.F.W., American Legion Post 604 of Arenzville,and the A.T.A. He attended the Liter Baptist Church.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday,Oct. 13, 1999, at the Williamson Funeral Home with burial at Arcadia Cemetery.Memorials are suggested to the Morgan County Cancer Transportation Fundor the Liter Baptist Church.
Obituary for Willis M. HENDEE
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 6, 1999, page 15, column2
Willis M. Hendee, 92, of Astoria died Wednesday;Sept. 29, 1999, at Astoria Healthcare Center.
Born July 31, 1907, in Lewistown to Melvin and BessieSmith Hendee, he married Emaline Johnson in 1940 in Canton. She died in1957. He married Edith Ford in 1959 in Smithfield. She died in 1979. Helater married Velma Rouse in 1980 in Pennville, Mo. She died in 1992.
He also was preceded in death by one great-grandson,two sisters and two brothers.
Surviving are two sons, Lee (wife Bonnie) of HagerCity, Wisc., and Lyle (wife Diane) of Lemons, Mo.,10 grandchildren; eightgreat-grandchildren; three step grandchildren; seven step-great-grantichildren;and two sisters, Leladel Davis of Canton and Luwella Millard of Morton.
A farmer, he also was employed at Vaughan and BushnellManufacturing Co. in Bushnell, retiring in 1972. He was a member of BereanChristian Church in Ipava.
Graveside services were held Friday, Oct. 1, 1999,at Point Pleasant Cemetery near Marietta. Gary Sheets officiated. ShawgoMemorial Home in Astoria was in charge of arrangements. Memorials may bemade to Astoria Healthcare Center.
Obituary for Christine D. HIBBS
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 27, 1999, page 15, column1
Christine D. Hibbs, 44, of Camden, died Sunday,Oct. 24, 1999, in her home.
She was born Sept.16, 1955, in Herkimer County,New York. She was a daughter of Floyd and Dorothy Parmer. She married DavidLee Hibbs Feb. 27, 1984, at Mt. Sterling. He survives.
Mrs. Hibbs was a very active member of the CamdenUnited Methodist Church. She attended schools in Springfield. She was ahomemaker and took much pride in caring for her home and family. She wasalways there to help others.
Survivors include her husband, David; her parents;foster mother, Mary Lane; three sons, Kevin Lee (wife Colleen) Marshallof Canton, David Lee Marshall of Camden and John Allen Hibbs at home; twodaughters, Mrs. Shawn (Tonya) Fitzjarrald of Rushville and Sherry LynnHibbs at home; two grandchildren, Austin Lee and Kimberly Marie Fitzjarraldof Rushville; three sisters, Debbie Covy, Shirley ODell and Virginia ODell,all of Springfield.
She was preceded in death by her grandparents andfoster father.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursdayat the Camden United Methodist Church. The Rev. Dixie Croxton will officiate.Burial will be at the Camden West Cemetery. Visitation will be Wednesdayfrom 6 to 8 p.m. at the Hufnagel Funeral Home of Mt. Sterling and at thechurch from 9 a.m. Thursday until time of services. Memorials are suggestedto the family.
Obituary for Earl W. HOSFORD
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 27, 1999, page 15, column2
Earl W Hosford, 83, of Salinas, Calif., a nativeof Versailles, died in his home after a lengthy illness.
He was born May 3, 1916, in Versailles, a son ofP. G. and Ethel Hosford. He had lived in Salinas for 57 years and was aretired truck driver, formerly with I.C.X. Trucking.
Survivors include his wife Violet Sally Hosfordof Salinas, formerly of Rushville; one son, Larry Hosford of Salinas; twodaughters, Norma Goyen of Cherokee, Calif. and Mary Shervey of Chico, Calif.;one brother, Martin T. Hosford of North Highlands, Calif; six grandchildren;six great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was precededin death by one brother Kenneth Hosford; and two sisters, Alma Lyles andEdna Brougher.
He was a memher of the Santa Clara Valley FiddlersAssociation and participated in many old time fiddlers competitions. Hewas a member of the Antique Automobile Club of America and took great pridein restoring his 1926 Model T. Roadster. He was also a member of the NationalAntique Watch and Clock Collectors. He was an avid outdoorsman and sportsmanand a life member of the National Rifle Association. He also instructedfirearm safety.
A memorial service was held Tuesday, June 22, 1999,at the Healey Mortuary Chapel. Cremation was under the direction of theHealey Mortuary. Interment was recently held in the family plot in theVersailles West Side Cernetery.
Robin Petersen Obituary for Lee ROUDEBUSH
The Rushville Times, February, 1931
Lee Roudebush Died in Grafton, N.D., Last Week
Rushville friends of Lee Roudebush, a former residentof Rushville township, were grieved to learn of his death, which occurredMonday of last week at his home at Grafton, North Dakota, following anillness of several months’ duration of Bright’s Disease and heart trouble.Mr. Roudebush was in the fifty-eighth year. In 1902 he was joined in marriageto Miss June Hindman of this locality, and the young couple resided ona farm northeast of Rushville for several years, removing to South Dakotain 1916. For the past nine years they have resided in Grafton, N.D., where,at the time when his health failed, he was attendant at the Grafton citypark. Mr. Roudebush was the father of five children, four sons, EugeneW., Robert H., George D., and Eldon L., and one daughter, Miss DorothyRoudebush, all of whom reside in Grafton. Funeral services were held fromthe Methodist church in Grafton on Wednesday, Jan 28, Rev. Bee S. Locherofficiating. Interment was in the Grafton cemetery. Besides his wife andfive children, Mr. Roudebush is survived by seven brothers and two sisters,and a sister of his wife, Lemona Mathews, who has made her home with Mr.and Mrs. Roudebush since their marriage.
Obituary for Pat WEBEL
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, September 29, 1990, page 13,column 3
Pat Webel, 64, of Pittsfield formerly of Fishhook,died Wednesday, Sept.22, 1999, at her residence.
She was born Nov.19, 1935, in Fishhook, the daughterof Clifford and Yvonne Whitaker Mullins. She married Donald D. Webel onJune 22, 1956, in Perry. He survives.
She also is survived by two sons, Mick and Dave,both of Pittsfield; two grandchildren; and one sister Marilyn (husbandJohn) Bauer of Pittsfield. She was preceded in death by her parents.
Mrs. Webel was a 1953 graduate of Perry High Schooland attended Western Illinois Teachers College in Macimb. Her past employmentincluded Likes Jewelry Store in Quincy, Mt. Sterling Democrat Message newspaper,and the Western Express newspaper. She was co-founder and a member of thePat, Linda and Company Song and Dance Troop, which later became the ZebulonTrio. She also sang with Sounds of’ Us throughout the area. She was amember of the Fishhook United Methodist Church in Fishhook.
Funeral services were held Sunday, Sept. 27,1999,at the Skinner-Airsman-Hires Funeral Home in Griggsville with burial atWilson Cemetery in Perry.
Memorials are suggested to the Blessing Hospice/Pike County Unit.
Obituary for Darlene VOGLER
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1999, Page 9, column4
Darlene Vogler, 84, of Macomb, died Monday, Oct.11,1999, at her residence.
She was born Nov.19, 1914, in Sciota Township, McDonoughCounty, the daughter of Olin and Elma Ruth Baker Foster.
She married Roy Shorty Vogler on June 10, 37,in Dixon. He died March 23,1979.
She is survived by one sister, of Grace FlorineRiggins of Vermont, and numerous nieces.
Funeral services will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. atSargent-Worthington Funeral Home in Macomb with Rev. Gred Ford officiating.Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery, in Macomb. Visitation is one hour priorto services on Wednesday. Memorials may be made to a charity of the donorschoice.
Obituary for Herbert Ora Tommy THOMPSON
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, October 20, 1999, page 15, column2
Herbert Ora Tommy Thompson, 75, of Ferris, diedMonday, Oct. 18, 1999, at Memorial Hospital in Carthage.
He was born June 13, 1924, in Rushville, the sonof Otto and Cora L. Moore Thompson. He married Hilda Greenplate on Jan.20,1945, in Rushville. She survives.
He had lived in Ferris since moving there from Carthagein 1951. He served in the United States Navy during World War II. He wasan ASC certified mechanic and was self-employed and later was a mechanicfor W.I.E.C. He attended Ferris Christian Church and was a member of theV.F.W. and American Legion in Carthage. He enjoyed camping, fishing, readingand card games.
He is also survived by one son, Michael Thompson(wife Donna) of Springfield, Ohio; a niece whom he thought of as a daughter,Mrs. Tom (Jennie) Snodgrass of Ferris; one sister, Dorothy Lawler of Galveston,Texas; Norma Brockley of Vermont, whom he thought of as a sister; 11 grandchildren;10 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents, two sisters,one brother, and a son, Robert Thompson.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday atDeJong-Neiser Funeral Home in Carthage with Rev. David McKay officiating.Burial with military rites will be in Moss Ridge Cemetery. Memorials maybe made to Ferris Christian Church or the charity of the donors choice.
The Rushville Timesused by permission.
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